Some facts about guns in the US

How do you figure that? Perhaps you are a woman who thinks your gun is an extension or like a penis. It is not something that ever really entered my mind until you brought it up with such detail.

It was you who mentioned my supposed penis, in spite of me never stating my gender, which lends credibility to my hypothesis about feminists suffering penis envy. If you want to dispute Freud's theory of penis envy, then fine, go ahead. However, my sexual organs have no bearing on feminists' propensity to interpret inanimate objects as phallic objects.

Thank you so much for pointing this out tali89. I would never have even bothered to consider that the NRA and its members view the gun as being what makes a man 'a man' and that they view gun control measures as emasculating men. You just opened up a whole new side and veritable gold mine of gun nuts and their bizarre obsessions about guns. I am really grateful that you pointed me in that direction.:D

Oh, I'm sure there are gun owners out there with their own little complexes. What's more disturbing is feminists' propensity to disarm men, while then applauding women who shoot their unarmed spouse. And you want me to believe that that's the behaviour of someone who wants to protect and preserve life? Do you think the audience is stupid?
It was you who mentioned my supposed penis, in spite of me never stating my gender, which lends credibility to my hypothesis about feminists suffering penis envy. If you want to dispute Freud's theory of penis envy, then fine, go ahead. However, my sexual organs have no bearing on feminists' propensity to interpret inanimate objects as phallic objects.
And it was you who brought up the gun is the extension of the gun analogy, coupled with Freud's penis envy, it basically means that your sex is irrelevant. What matters is the gun in your hand.

Oh, I'm sure there are gun owners out there with their own little complexes. What's more disturbing is feminists' propensity to disarm men, while then applauding women who shoot their unarmed spouse. And you want me to believe that that's the behaviour of someone who wants to protect and preserve life? Do you think the audience is stupid?
It is this inherent dishonesty that makes your post and your reasoning pathetic.

In labeling women and men who shoot their abusive partners as being people who simply killed unarmed spouses, you completely make the years of abuse irrelevant, as though it never even happened. You also completely ignore the psychological damage that occurs in such abusive relationships, not to mention the desperation that leads them to that final and unspeakable act. The "unarmed spouse", as you describe the abusive partner or spouse, is not innocent and it is their actions which has ultimately driven the other to commit such acts. You leave out how these men, women and their children fear for their safety in a system that is not designed to protect them before the fact, and instead, often leaves them at the hands of their abusers, who stalk, threaten them and their families if they leave or try to leave. Often these victims are pushed to the brink and the only way out they see where they will be free from violence is to kill the abuser.

And it is because of what led up to the victim taking a gun and ending their abuse in shooting their spouse, that you will often see the police not charge these victims and why they are often found not guilty.

In your zeal to attack feminists, you completely disregard those facts and that is what makes your arguments in general so ridiculous.

So no, it isn't always just the woman killing the "unarmed spouse" as he or she sleeps. Next time you want to use that kind of argument, go and google what happens to men and women who suffer a lifetime of abuse in a relationship. In short, get a bit of a clue first.
Are we actually still on it?

In truth, man, I hear that bit from firearms owners a lot, and most days they're the only ones actually saying anything about abolishing guns.

But I will make this point, because it needs to be made: That way doesn't work, either. Remember that this is so important to people that there are gun owners out there demanding that stalkers' gun-owning rights are protected.

And if you happen to think that maybe some of the most dangerous criminals on record shouldn't be legally allowed to own firearms, you're a foul authoritarian git. A gun owner told me so. And, you know, he's a gun owner, so he's right.

Which is sort of my point - right now, people... influential people, are so convinced that allowing ANY legislation to pass regarding firearms safety is "but the first step on a slippery slope to total disarmament" that they will block it at every turn, no matter how effective it may be, no matter the intention.

Caution is required, all I'm saying.
Cut to the End Credits; We'll Skip the Climax

Iceaura said:
Anyone who brings in suicide stats, domestic violence stats, the public health perspective, accidents involving children, and the like, is talking about making guns unavailable in private homes.

Get off your straw man. Or at least buy it dinner, first.
tali89 said:
What's more disturbing is feminists' propensity to disarm men, while then applauding women who shoot their unarmed spouse.
It's common for one's personal fantasy life to be disturbing at times. When the distinction between the events outside one's head and the events inside blurs, the normal next step is called a "reality check".

One of the realities here is that penis envy afflicts far more men than women, and is sublimated by men unto firearms as well as other weapons quite obviously, very frequently, with occasional ugly and damaging consequences to go with its comic aspects.

Another is that domestic violence involving guns is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men against women and children - anyone focusing on the welfare of women and children would be struck by the improvements in outcome possible through disarming the men in their lives.

And a third is the obvious circumstance that the gun banning folks here are trying to disarm everyone, not just men (in fact their common advocacy of restricting guns to trained police, military, and other overwhelmingly male occupational categories, is on its face an attempt to disarm women).

tiassa said:
Get off your straw man.
The problem is it isn't one. The extremist's position that any gun regulation is intended to launch a slide to gun banishment is supported by the fact that it is, visibly, so intended by vocal and dominant advocates of gun regulation.
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Iceaura said:
And a third is the obvious circumstance that the gun banning folks here are trying to disarm everyone, not just men (in fact their common advocacy of restricting guns to trained police, military, and other overwhelmingly male occupational categories, is on its face an attempt to disarm women).

Again, get off your straw man.
tiassa said:
Again, get off your straw man.
Again, you are wrong.
The problem is it isn't one. The extremist's position that any gun regulation is intended to launch a slide to gun banishment is supported by the fact that it is, visibly, so intended by vocal and dominant advocates of gun regulation.
Again, you are wrong.
ice repeating a lie doesn't make it true. like all people against any sort of gun law that isn't do what ever you like. you rely on misinformation, strawmen, and flat out lies. I'm sorry you lack the ability to deal with the information that guns accelerate violence but your pathological inability to deal with it doesn't make your lies and refusal to deal with anything less than they are. again the only people talking about gun confiscation are the irresponsible gun owners like your self.
pjdude said:
again the only people talking about gun confiscation are the irresponsible gun owners like your self.
As long as you maintain that level of obliviousness to the nature of the rhetoric being slung around by the gun control folks currently dominating the public discourse, you will continue to be mystified by the intransigent opposition you meet from people who by all ordinary measures - polling, conversation, analysis of stance, etc - agree with your basic stance on governing private firearm possession.

They don't trust you guys. It's as simple as that. And they are basically correct in that assessment - you are oblivious to their concerns, contemptuous of their persons and knowledge, ignorant of their circumstances, and extraordinarily gullible when presented with spurious reasoning and incompetent analysis in this particular matter.
One of the realities here is that penis envy afflicts far more men than women

Envy is defined as wanting what someone else has. Given that men already possess a penis, I'd say that they can't envy others for what they themselves already have. You ought to look up the definition of a word *before* you start using it.
rifle facts:
With a 180 grain bullet, a 300 winchester magnum can drop a moose at 400 yards.
A 338 lapua with a 225 grain bullet can do it easily at 500 yards. (but, she kicks like a mule)
If you hit it in the leg? ;)
leg huh?
Wow that would be a lucky hit(and a bad idea).
One shot-one kill.
Aim just behind the shoulder and high up. Let the impact work for you. At 400 yards the bullet is still traveling at 2160 fps, and has 1865 foot pounds of energy. Aim high, though, figure on at least an 11 inch drop at that range.
Envy is defined as wanting what someone else has. Given that men already possess a penis, I'd say that they can't envy others for what they themselves already have. You ought to look up the definition of a word *before* you start using it.
ok let me put it to you this way. if i got pinto does that mean i can't have car envy of some dudes lambo?
As long as you maintain that level of obliviousness to the nature of the rhetoric being slung around by the gun control folks currently dominating the public discourse, you will continue to be mystified by the intransigent opposition you meet from people who by all ordinary measures - polling, conversation, analysis of stance, etc - agree with your basic stance on governing private firearm possession.
what level of obliviousness? I'm sorry you have yet to shown anyone wants to confiscate and ban guns in totality. its a straw man arguement.

They don't trust you guys. It's as simple as that. And they are basically correct in that assessment - you are oblivious to their concerns, contemptuous of their persons and knowledge, ignorant of their circumstances, and extraordinarily gullible when presented with spurious reasoning and incompetent analysis in this particular matter.
yes they don't trust us and we don't trust them. unlike their and yours paranoid delusions we have real reasons not to trust them. you know like the fact its a matter of rountine for a pro gun person to threaten some who disagrees with them? like this very thread when sculptor threatened me. again more lies because all your side has ice lies and personal attacks. they are incorrect. so lets deal with your bullshit one at a time

were not oblivious to their concerns but rational people have zero obligation to cave to extremists, real extremists not the fake ones you make up to protect the irresponsible and criminal action of others. I'm sorry but what are people who are tired of all the death supposed to do? just ignore the death toll and the blood on your hands?. contemptuous of their persons. why yes we show contempt toward bullies. and what knowledge do you speak of? is the "2.5 million" DGU's study that is universally panned as flawed. is lotts study that may not have ever taken place? you speak of knowledge they bring to the table but its all the same ancedotal evidence based on their emotional attachment to their guns. its not based on anything factual. ignorant of their circumstances? many gun owners are on my side so i think they understand the circumstances just fine. though i find someone whose side has shown its woefully ignorance on the amendment they rely most on talking about ignorance very amusing so thank you for that. and gullible with "spurious" reasoning and "incompetent" reasoning? you mean facts? that you don't the that the facts are against the holy gun doesn't mean were gullible. it means you can't handle the truth. but than again that's what you and yours hate most isn't it the idea you may actualy have to be responsible for your actions? you may be find with the thousands of lives on your hands personally if i were you i'd prefer to have mine clean.
tali'89 said:
Envy is defined as wanting what someone else has. Given that men already possess a penis, I'd say that they can't envy others for what they themselves already have
Well, they do.

pjdude said:
yes they don't trust us and we don't trust them. unlike their and yours paranoid delusions we have real reasons not to trust them
They have real reasons not to trust you.

Like this:
pjdude said:
I'm sorry you have yet to shown anyone wants to confiscate and ban guns in totality.
If you think your reasons for moving the goalposts with that "in totality" schtick are invisible to gun owning folks, you are mistaken. They aren't.
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And Then There Was One

"We express our thanks for the amazing support from the community, as well as from everyone around the world that have been praying for us all through this tragic event.

"We also want to say a special thank you to all the amazing staff that have cared for our son and brother here in the pediatric intensive care unit at Harborview.

"Our family is overwhelmed with the love and care that has been provided to our loved one during this time and you all will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

"But we also ask that you respect our privacy at this time of our deep loss."

Andrew Fryberg, 15, died Friday, November 7, 2014, of injuries sustained in the Marysville-Pilchuck High School shooting.

In our grief we should also remember that Nate Hatch, 15, survived the shooting. And on Thursday, the day before his friend and cousin finally succumbed to injuries, Nate Hatch came home.

This story will remain unfinished forever. There is no happy ending.


Javier, Lisa. "Marysville shooting victim Andrew Fryberg, 15, dies". KING 5. November 7, 2014. November 11, 2014.

Associated Press and Jennifer Sullivan. "Marysville-Pilchuck shooting victim Nate Hatch returns home". The Seattle Times. November 6, 2014. November 11, 2014.
=They have real reasons not to trust you.
no they don't and eventualy your going to have to be honest and admit it.

Like this: If you think your reasons for moving the goalposts with that "in totality" schtick are invisible to gun owning folks, you are mistaken. They aren't.
i didn't move the goal poasts. its your own delusion claim. that you lack the integrity to even attempt to prove doesn't change the fact it your goalpost not mine. i haven't touched it. but its nice to know being called on your lies your still more intrested in attacking me rather than even attempting to defend your lies. so again why don't you try and prove your lies.