Some facts about guns in the US

I missed the part where cops use unjacketed rounds . Little help, please.

The jacket on a bullet is a hard metal covering over a soft core. It may be full or partial.

The rounds referred to in post 1433 were all partially jacketed hollow points
short list; we have
unjacketed lead rounds(which some call dumdums)
unjacketed lead hollow points
partially jacketed(as above) rounds
Full metal jacketed rounds
(there are many more variations)

When you post "unjacketed rounds":
You may be being imprecise.

No choice of round nor weapon can make up for poor marksmanship.

Which brings us to police issued weapons.(one size fits all?)
Some people can hit damned near anything with any weapon.
Some people cannot hit anything regardless of choice of weapon.
And, then, there are the rest of us who are quite proficient with some weapons, and not with others.
eg I could not miss with the M14, and was worthless as tits on a boar with the M1 carbine.
and some weapons are more or less accurate with different ammunition---it gets confusing before it gets sorted out.
It seems that it would be prudent to match the weapon to the shooter.
damage done by 2 different rounds.
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The link was to an article on the bullets cops use (or at least buy and load into their weapons), the bullets listed are examples (some matched with specific police departments as examples), and I chose one to illustrate by linking to a complete description.
So people who happen to be cops buy hollow-points. My question stands, "do cops use them". If you want to go Clinton on "use" then we're done here.
So people who happen to be cops buy hollow-points. My question stands, "do cops use them".
Not "people who happen to be cops" - law enforcement agencies who employ cops.
(some matched with specific police departments as examples)
The link names examples of police departments, law enforcement agencies, and the like, who buy or prescribe the ammunition listed, for use by their employees - the cops.

Why is this an issue?
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So people who happen to be cops buy hollow-points. My question stands, "do cops use them". If you want to go Clinton on "use" then we're done here.
yes, they do use them

Local LEO's here carry and are issued .45/9mm or 40 cal hollow-points and have a choice of ball or lead rounds for monthly shooting range practice requirements (they're also allowed to use their own ammo as long as they can show proficiency when tested, timing dependent, and usually determined by the admin, manning, staffing requirements and the state DOJ)

You can see where state DOJ's will issue Calibre and weapons issue statements ( ) but usually the local agency determines the round type (hollow point, FMJ, etc) for issue. They will also typically have a list of accepted ammunition to be used by the individual LEO on and off duty.
I disagree:
Fraser Cain
Mineral fuels including oil -
Machinery including computers
Gems, precious metals
Electrical Machinery, equipment
Oil seeds
energy products
You left out Justin Bieber!

In short, but taking the long way to the point,
Maybe, you should have stopped after your first sentence:

I am not completely sure.
And you know what?

No one would have said anything. No one would have judged you. Everyone would just shrug and move on. It would show a breath of honesty.. We would all be like 'hey, he's honest!'..

And we would be none the wiser that you are actually:

I spent some time in North Dakota. Canadians come down quite often. I had, in the past, spoken to a few. From what I gather a Canadian can own a pistol but cannot be permitted to walk around with it. Hunting rifles and shotguns are a plenty. People in Canada DO get gunned down in crimes. I do not have the answers. Yes, we have a problem in America. One of the biggest problems we have is our government. Too many special interest groups drive the agendas here. The government in America has often times created situations in order to get something done. First case in point being Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941. Once our government saw the potential of mass earnings to feed the appetite of the corporate pig it has all been business as usual since. The war between the Union and Confederacy is another example. I dare never call it the civil war; no war is civil. In this situation you had a United States with no real major export cash crop. The CSA had cotton and them boys were raking in the dough. But they were too dumb to realize they needed infrastructure. Another example is Korea. The MIC had already gotten rich off of WWII. They needed more money. Viet Nam netted Lyndon Johnson and his wife a treasure trove with Brown and Root. This is why Kennedy was knocked off. Panama in 1989 justified the MICs development of the stealth fighter/ attack plane known as F117. Afghanistan has netted billions upon billions for the pharmaceutical corporations along with Halliburton, formerly known as Brown and Root.
In short, but taking the long way to the point, the government in America is the number one leading cause of the people killing each other. Sandy Hook? Government hit job to push an agenda. Happened on Obama's watch. The Parkland,Florida shooting; government hit job. Las Vegas; government hit job. Right now, in Canada, the Islamic extremists are stockpiling masses of fully automatic weapons. They are doing so in America. Of all that I have ever seen of Canada I can see nothing that leads me to think Canadians are my enemy. America is collapsing from within because nobody can successfully invade America; everybody is armed. Canada has nothing anybody wants. Mexico is a corrupt drug distributor along with most of Central America. The problem is not us; it is our government. We cannot trust them. Too many times they have proven to us that they cannot be trusted. Democrats or Republicans, neither are trustworthy. But our roots start in England and they have plenty of blood on their hands.
Batshit crazy.
just saw this sculptor
Why do cops not use fmjs?
because they tend to go through bodies mostly

it's all about stopping power and transferring the energy of the round to the target
the FMJ tends to go through whereas the engineered expanding round imparts more energy onto the body

Cops have to consider that civilians may well be behind a criminal so it's prudent not to shoot ammo that tends to carry through objects easily and imparts as much force as it can to the target

many cops that I know use FMJ's to practice because they're cheap but carry hollowpoints on duty for stopping power

here's a good article on FMJ vs hollow points
when hunting, I use soft points
and they do go through the deer(leaving a big bloody exit wound)

fmj nato rounds are less expensive and have a bit less power
(I had considered cutting off the tips of the nato rounds thereby turning them into homemade soft points---but ain't done it[yet])
(I had considered cutting off the tips of the nato rounds thereby turning them into homemade soft points---but ain't done it[yet])
offered as feedback from friends to a friend
I know a few folks who did this

the feedback they gave me:
if you're used to and more experienced with reloading then you can make a decent round for hunting, according to some who did it
But, there are far more people who screwed it up than made a good round

Personally, I've not done loading in a long while (for modern cartridges - I shoot a .50 TC Hawken most of the time) so I wouldn't do it. But in all honesty, I might consider doing it in the future as I's a be a mite po' & I's needs ta consider my options
My youthful exuberance and care free days are catching up to me making it harder to stalk ... I can still bring it down if it's within 200 meters, but that also depends on my glasses not fogging

when hunting, I use soft points
and they do go through the deer(leaving a big bloody exit wound)
what are you using, if I may ask?

are you sitting in a stand?

mostly curious...

what are you using, if I may ask?

are you sitting in a stand?

mostly curious...

That kinda depends on where and when
I tend to try to shoot what is legal at the time and place that I shoot
(bow, shotgun, .50 muzzleloader, and the scoped long rifle).

My current long rifle is a
.308 using 150 gr. soft point ammo (I used a 300 win mag for many years---but haven't taken a shot over 200 yards in several years, and the recoil was beating up my shoulder and I was beginning to flinch----so I looked for an alternate means-including a muzzle break --and settled on the .308----old memories of the precision I had with the m14) (I tried my cousin's .30-06. and

I would much prefer to just use one weapon all the time, but tend to not want to fracture any regulations too badly.
I cut my finger while butchering the recent doe. I was trying to wipe the tallow off of the knife and slipped (it's a good thing that I like the taste of my own blood=== small cut, lots of blood which flushed out the wound quite nicely)---Today, I'll cook her loin "medallions" wrapped in bacon for the guests at my younger grand daughter's 1st birthday. Weather permitting: (it's supposed to get up to 32 degrees F) I'll start a fire in the outside fire pit and cook the venison over a cherrywood fire. (we also have some fresh mulberry wood----hmmm?)
.50 muzzleloader
Nice! What kind?
I have a Thompson Center Hawken, a self-built Hawken and a Pedersoli Tennesee Long, all in .50!

Do you hunt with round or minne ball?

I usually swap between recurve, Hawken and .223 (& occasionally a pistol)

I used a 300 win mag for many years---but haven't taken a shot over 200 yards in several years, and the recoil was beating up my shoulder and I was beginning to flinch
Mountains and woods here. shots over 200m are rare... I like the AK but settled on the more familiar AR because I've used it for decades (familiarity and low recoil)

Today, I'll cook her loin "medallions" wrapped in bacon for the guests at my younger grand daughter's 1st birthday.
man, that sounds tasty!

tell her I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY

(it's supposed to get up to 32 degrees F)
bloody heat wave! LMFAO

it's 31 here and iced with snow/sleet falling

EDIT: decided to crock ours. it's a tenderloin from a hog, taken with a bow