Some facts about guns in the US

The main reason we can't get decent background checks on gun sales, magazine/ammo regulations, and some kind of curb on irresponsible storage or handling of firearms, is that the advocates of such measures are publicly represented and characterized by a chorus of shortsighted authoritarians who see no problem with having government agents walk into people's houses to inspect their storage and handling, firearms they see no use for confiscated from their owners and the rest made bureaucratically as inconvenient as possible, and a Constitution they can't seem to read straight interpreted as allowing governmental power to impose anything some authoritarians think will be of net public benefit in their eyes.

We have people actually advocating that guns be confiscated from their owners to slightly lower the risk that other people will commit suicide - "public health".

These are the people who have the police pulling us over and fining us hundreds of dollars at their convenience for not wearing a visible seat belt, arresting and fining people who attempt to float in inner tubes or swim in places or times without government approved lifeguards watching them, restricting pain medication for injured walkins in case they are faking it to feed a disapproved addiction, requiring helmets on bicyclists and lifejackets on canoeists and airbags in dashboards at personal expense and hassle, and so forth.

I don't want people who think like that given power over any aspect of my life. When they get the cops backing their latest efforts to improve my health, I'm afraid of them.

And that's why so many of the great majority of US voters who favor background checks and similar common sense gun regulation nevertheless oppose so rigidly the actual political efforts to establish them. The well has been poisoned.
a butcher knife, an open container of Draino, or the neighbor's Pitbull, which has been raised to kill. Which would you prefer him to play with?

None. If I had to make one choice amongst the three - the knife. Because he is likely to hurt himself before he kills himself, and at that point he will learn to not play with the knife. That's not true with a gun. Your first mistake is often your last.

Which is one reason that people who claim guns are no more dangerous than anything else are idiots.
None. If I had to make one choice amongst the three - the knife. Because he is likely to hurt himself before he kills himself, and at that point he will learn to not play with the knife. That's not true with a gun. Your first mistake is often your last.

Which is one reason that people who claim guns are no more dangerous than anything else are idiots.

Except you need (at least, I believe you do) a license to buy a gun... if you dont', well, fuck it all you really SHOULD need a license (and training, and such)... there are no such precautions with knives.

A gun is no more dangerous than anything else, be it a pillow (smother someone to death) chair (beat someone to death), nuclear warhead (well, maybe), or a horseshoe (again, beat someone to death). It's what you DO with it that matters. Leaving such an object where little, untrained hands can get them... well, there is a name for that - natural selection. Sorry to seem ice-cold with that, but its true.
None. If I had to make one choice amongst the three - the knife. Because he is likely to hurt himself before he kills himself, and at that point he will learn to not play with the knife. That's not true with a gun. Your first mistake is often your last.

Which is one reason that people who claim guns are no more dangerous than anything else are idiots.

They are not toys. You made up some BS scenario giving a choice of a loaded hand gun with the safety off, as a TOY. Do you often consider a loaded hand gun a toy? Maybe that's your problem, you have massive ignorance of guns. Get educated, ASAP! You're making statements in which you have no education. In other words, you're just talking sh!t! You don't know what you're talking about if you think a loaded hand gun is a toy. Period!
Consider the following:

Let's say you have a three year old son (as opposed to having a 3 year old star?) He has three toys he can choose to play with - a butcher knife, an open container of Draino, or the neighbor's Pitbull, which has been raised to kill. Which would you prefer him to play with?

Out of those three, the knife.
Or perhaps the Draino.
Then I could shout "No, don't drink it. Throw it on the dog"

What's that got to do with anything?
Out of those three, the knife.
Or perhaps the Draino.
Then I could shout "No, don't drink it. Throw it on the dog"

What's that got to do with anything?

I've had a really bad day today... Then, I read this post. Holy hell, " throw it on the dog " Don't get me wrong, I would never hurt a pet... But, wow... That cracked me up... Thanks CK, I owe you for that. Lol.
None of the useless analogies, none of the cop out excuses can ever remove the fact that firearms were invented to kill, and they do that with some regularity.
None of the useless analogies, none of the cop out excuses can ever remove the fact that firearms were invented to kill, and they do that with some regularity.
Of course they were invented to kill... I don't think that's even up for debate. But, they don't kill on their own... Guns aren't dangerous, people are.
None of the useless analogies, none of the cop out excuses can ever remove the fact that firearms were invented to kill, and they do that with some regularity.

No amount of fear and ignorance spewed from between your lips gives you the right to interfere with my individual rights. I don't care if you are afraid of guns or not. I really don't. That's your problem. Maybe if you quit drinking the Kool-Aid and start investigating automobile traffic accidents you'd change your efforts to banning automobiles, because they kill too many people! Airplanes kill too many people. Swimming pools kill too many people. You better take them all away before you try to take my gun rights away.
No amount of fear and ignorance spewed from between your lips gives you the right to interfere with my individual rights. I don't care if you are afraid of guns or not. I really don't. That's your problem. Maybe if you quit drinking the Kool-Aid and start investigating automobile traffic accidents you'd change your efforts to banning automobiles, because they kill too many people! Airplanes kill too many people. Swimming pools kill too many people. You better take them all away before you try to take my gun rights away.

Maybe if you weren't such an arrogant, gun toting macho pig, you would see the reality of the situation. Instead of manufacturing excuses to keep your toys.
And I won't be taking your guns away matey...I'm in a country that has reasonable sensible fire arm laws.
I'll let your fellow Americans do that, when eventually they wake up to you and the rest of the hardnose bunch.
Maybe if you weren't such an arrogant, gun toting macho pig, you would see the reality of the situation. Instead of manufacturing excuses to keep your toys.

Typical gun hater. Their fear and ignorance soon turns to fearful and ignorant name calling. Yawn.

...and not even good name calling, just boring unimaginative name calling. Yawn.
Typical gun hater. Their fear and ignorance soon turns to fearful and ignorant name calling. Yawn.

...and not even good name calling, just boring unimaginative name calling. Yawn.

You started the insults and derision, now you are whinging..... :)
Maybe if you weren't such an arrogant, gun toting macho pig, you would see the reality of the situation. Instead of manufacturing excuses to keep your toys.

Mod Hat
Paddoboy has been given a two week vacation for his decision to insult the person making the argument instead of debating the argument himself (he has two active infraction points)
The main reason we can't get decent background checks on gun sales, magazine/ammo regulations, and some kind of curb on irresponsible storage or handling of firearms, is that the advocates of such measures are publicly represented and characterized by a chorus of shortsighted authoritarians who see no problem with having government agents walk into people's houses to inspect their storage and handling, firearms they see no use for confiscated from their owners and the rest made bureaucratically as inconvenient as possible, and a Constitution they can't seem to read straight interpreted as allowing governmental power to impose anything some authoritarians think will be of net public benefit in their eyes.
this is a load of bung. No one that i have seen has said anything at all close to this. this is a typical strawman argument against gun control

We have people actually advocating that guns be confiscated from their owners to slightly lower the risk that other people will commit suicide - "public health".
again the only people talking about confiscation are the pro gun people for the most part. its a strawman argument. and it isn't slight. and it isn't others.

These are the people who have the police pulling us over and fining us hundreds of dollars at their convenience for not wearing a visible seat belt, arresting and fining people who attempt to float in inner tubes or swim in places or times without government approved lifeguards watching them, restricting pain medication for injured walkins in case they are faking it to feed a disapproved addiction, requiring helmets on bicyclists and lifejackets on canoeists and airbags in dashboards at personal expense and hassle, and so forth.
this is pure libertarianism at its finest the argument for the right to be stupid.

I don't want people who think like that given power over any aspect of my life. When they get the cops backing their latest efforts to improve my health, I'm afraid of them.
You live in fear of made up fantasies?

And that's why so many of the great majority of US voters who favor background checks and similar common sense gun regulation nevertheless oppose so rigidly the actual political efforts to establish them. The well has been poisoned.

thats crap. the well hasn't been poisoned. the party of obstruction is behind it.
They are not toys. You made up some BS scenario giving a choice of a loaded hand gun with the safety off, as a TOY. Do you often consider a loaded hand gun a toy? Maybe that's your problem, you have massive ignorance of guns. Get educated, ASAP! You're making statements in which you have no education. In other words, you're just talking sh!t! You don't know what you're talking about if you think a loaded hand gun is a toy. Period!

they are marketed very similiarly to toys.
Admittedly, I'm tired of seeing our country try to make everything "idiot safe"... if you are an idiot, and too stupid to protect yourself, then when you hurt yourself, it should be on you...
Again, how one does it isn't the real issue... the real issue is the fact that they are at that point where they feel Suicide is the option in the first place.

again how they do it is the point. being able to kill ones self easily makes it far more likely you will. look at jumpers most when stopped don't try again.