Some facts about guns in the US

@Motor Daddy
Would you mind someone inspecting your gun cabinet?

Are you out of your mind? I don't care if it's the cookie jar, nobody has the right to come into my house and do routine inspections. That's F'n bullsh!t! That's why we, the people, started our own country. We don't want to live like prisoners in our own house, do you? We like our privacy, do you?
It's a pity that the same measures can't be put in place as were for tobacco, so that people could sue the gun manufacturers/dealers for each and every homicide carried out using their weapons.

I don't know what country you're talking about, but we can't really do that with tobacco either.

I recalled that some people sued the tobacco companies a while ago, but I didn't realise they were largely unsuccessful. I've never smoked so I didn't follow the story. It would be nice to be able to sue the arms companies though....
Are you out of your mind? I don't care if it's the cookie jar, nobody has the right to come into my house and do routine inspections. That's F'n bullsh!t! That's why we, the people, started our own country. We don't want to live like prisoners in our own house, do you? We like our privacy, do you?

Heh Heh.:)
We don't have any rights like that here in the UK.
In fact, we have no inalienable rights at all, because we have no constitution.
Our rights, or lack of them, are granted by law and precedent.
There are hundreds of people who can enter our homes.
An Englishman's home is his castle apart from every petty official that demands access.

If you allow them to start chipping away at your constitution, pretty soon you can tear it into little pieces.
Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to be like us, and be safe?
What is the purpose of owning a gun?
People can own them for sport and killing vermin.
They can own them for self protection, and to deter criminals from invading their homes.
Or they can own them for illegal purposes, for crime and to kill people.

Would you like to ban possession of guns for all these purposes?
Fraggle... no offense mate, but that whole spiel about suicide is... a bit nutty.

Trust me... I should know. I attempted suicide about half a dozen times in my life, all within about a 2 year span (was a... very dark time for me). I attempted suicide by poison twice (first time I didn't even get sick, second time I threw it up and had no other effects), threw myself out in front of a semi truck once (which went from about 45mph to 0 in the span of maybe five meters? granted it didn't have a trailer), attempted foolishly to freeze myself to death once (went outside around 1am in a sleet/snow storm at around 15 degrees F, ended up coming in at about 7am because I didn't want to get yelled at when my parents woke up and found me outside and I hadn't even stopped shivering yet), attempted to hang myself once (rope broke, d'oh), and the final time I tried to shoot myself (.357 revolve, six shots... put it to my head, pulled the trigger six times, damn thing wouldn't fire. Threw it at the ground and it went off... ended up firing the other five shots down range).

After that last attempt I concluded that apparently God and/or the Universe at Large didn't want me dead just yet, and I also ended up meeting someone who became very near and dear to me (and eventually ended up becoming my wife :) ) but... yeah. Is it "easy" to shoot yourself for suicide as opposed to the rest? Sure it is! Is blaming guns for suicide an option? Of course. Does it make sense? No, not really.

Instead of blaming guns for that, we should REALLY look at WHY people are so depressed they are attempting suicide in the first place... such as the fact that parents/friends/family dont' even seem capable of recognizing such symptoms (very few of my friends and none of my family even know that any of that happened to this day... go figure)

But... you know, that's just the opinion of someone who survived attempting it multiple times.
Fraggle... no offense mate, but that whole spiel about suicide is... a bit nutty.

Trust me... I should know. I attempted suicide about half a dozen times in my life, all within about a 2 year span (was a... very dark time for me). I attempted suicide by poison twice (first time I didn't even get sick, second time I threw it up and had no other effects), threw myself out in front of a semi truck once (which went from about 45mph to 0 in the span of maybe five meters? granted it didn't have a trailer), attempted foolishly to freeze myself to death once (went outside around 1am in a sleet/snow storm at around 15 degrees F, ended up coming in at about 7am because I didn't want to get yelled at when my parents woke up and found me outside and I hadn't even stopped shivering yet), attempted to hang myself once (rope broke, d'oh), and the final time I tried to shoot myself (.357 revolve, six shots... put it to my head, pulled the trigger six times, damn thing wouldn't fire. Threw it at the ground and it went off... ended up firing the other five shots down range).

After that last attempt I concluded that apparently God and/or the Universe at Large didn't want me dead just yet, and I also ended up meeting someone who became very near and dear to me (and eventually ended up becoming my wife :) ) but... yeah. Is it "easy" to shoot yourself for suicide as opposed to the rest? Sure it is! Is blaming guns for suicide an option? Of course. Does it make sense? No, not really.

Instead of blaming guns for that, we should REALLY look at WHY people are so depressed they are attempting suicide in the first place... such as the fact that parents/friends/family dont' even seem capable of recognizing such symptoms (very few of my friends and none of my family even know that any of that happened to this day... go figure)

But... you know, that's just the opinion of someone who survived attempting it multiple times.

You're not very good at stuff, are you?

Ok, the point is this, that if the gun had fired you'd be dead, whereas you've highlighted how dodgy the other means are. By all means fix the underlying problems BUT DON'T HAVE GUNS AROUND. This has been said so many times before....
The purpose of a gun is not for committing suicide.
You can't blame the gun any more than you can blame a high building used for the same purpose.
You're not very good at stuff, are you?

Ok, the point is this, that if the gun had fired you'd be dead, whereas you've highlighted how dodgy the other means are. By all means fix the underlying problems BUT DON'T HAVE GUNS AROUND. This has been said so many times before....

The gun isn't the fault, any more than spoons give people diabetes or short skirts rape women... hell, if you want to follow the logic of "it's the fault of the item", then you SHOULD be blaming the bullet... after all, it is what commits the act! Can't really shoot yourself with a gun and no bullet now can ya!

THe point is that the gun is immediate whereas the other methods are not.....

Wholly untrue. I could plunge a metal rod into a power transformer, down a bottle of chlorine bleach with a chaser of ammonia, jump off a hundred foot highway overpass, and a host of other things that would make saving my life incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

Again, you are attempting to blame a TOOL for how PEOPLE use it. The tool isn't the problem, it's the mentality of the people and what they do with it.

Seriously, go put a loaded handgun on your windowsill facing a heavily-walked roadway for a day or two... I promise you that, unless you or someone else picks it up, it is NOT going to kill someone.
The gun isn't the fault, any more than spoons give people diabetes or short skirts rape women... hell, if you want to follow the logic of "it's the fault of the item", then you SHOULD be blaming the bullet... after all, it is what commits the act! Can't really shoot yourself with a gun and no bullet now can ya!

Read the post above....
Already did, and replied to it :) Read the entire post ;)

Do you know, I 'replied with quote' to your post and didn't delete anything, so why is the second part missing? That's strange, unless you edited it?

Anyway, what did you say then?

OK, to kill yourself with a gun you just need to pick it up take off the safety and pull the trigger, and bang you're dead (unless the gun jams, which is unlikely.)

Going through your other methods, you would have to find the right metal rod, drive to a power transformer, break in and then figure out where to plunge the rod in.....
I can't be bothered with the rest, my life is too short.

Do you get the point: the gun is immediate and the others are not. Listen, that's my last word on that point; if you are unable to understand it you need to take lessons in English language.
And my point is simpler still - the gun isn't the issue. If someone is depressed to the point of suicide, they will find a way to try it. We should be focused on the issue of depression/suicide, not gun control.

Now, I'm not going to lie - I think gun sales need a serious revamp... it IS very easy to get a gun, and I think it should probably be made a little bit harder (a psych evaluation, background check, things like that I'd be fine with even) but blaming the tool itself is just folly.

As to why the entire post didn't show up... I did edit it, probably within 30 seconds or so, to add your other post and my reply :) Sorry if that caused confusion - I tried to be quick about getting it in there so as to avoid a double post.
Do you know, I 'replied with quote' to your post and didn't delete anything, so why is the second part missing? That's strange, unless you edited it?

Anyway, what did you say then?

OK, to kill yourself with a gun you just need to pick it up take off the safety and pull the trigger, and bang you're dead (unless the gun jams, which is unlikely.)

Going through your other methods, you would have to find the right metal rod, drive to a power transformer, break in and then figure out where to plunge the rod in.....
I can't be bothered with the rest, my life is too short.

Do you get the point: the gun is immediate and the others are not. Listen, that's my last word on that point; if you are unable to understand it you need to take lessons in English language.
which is the point. the quicker it is to kill ones self the higher sucide rates go. most sucides are snap decisions
Heh Heh.:)
We don't have any rights like that here in the UK.
In fact, we have no inalienable rights at all, because we have no constitution.
Our rights, or lack of them, are granted by law and precedent.
There are hundreds of people who can enter our homes.
An Englishman's home is his castle apart from every petty official that demands access.

If you allow them to start chipping away at your constitution, pretty soon you can tear it into little pieces.
Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to be like us, and be safe?

That's why American Soldiers are so awesome (if I do say so myself :)), they support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic! ;)

I'm sorry to hear about your imprisonment. That must really suck.
which is the point. the quicker it is to kill ones self the higher sucide rates go. most sucides are snap decisions

Again, how one does it isn't the real issue... the real issue is the fact that they are at that point where they feel Suicide is the option in the first place.
Wholly untrue. I could plunge a metal rod into a power transformer

. . . and most likely it would ground, cause a very large arc, then blow the transformer's breaker.

down a bottle of chlorine bleach with a chaser of ammonia

Much, much easier said than done. We have built-in protections that keep you from doing this.

jump off a hundred foot highway overpass

Also much easier said than done. Even people intentionally jumping from such heights (bungee jumpers, BASE jumpers) have trouble doing this. Most people can't. Again, built in protections.

Again, you are attempting to blame a TOOL for how PEOPLE use it. The tool isn't the problem, it's the mentality of the people and what they do with it.

Definitely agreed there.

Seriously, go put a loaded handgun on your windowsill facing a heavily-walked roadway for a day or two... I promise you that, unless you or someone else picks it up, it is NOT going to kill someone.

Consider the following:

Let's say you have a three year old sun. He has three toys he can choose to play with - a spoon, a metal rod or a loaded handgun with the safety off. Which would you prefer him to play with?
Consider the following:

Let's say you have a three year old sun. He has three toys he can choose to play with - a spoon, a metal rod or a loaded handgun with the safety off. Which would you prefer him to play with?

Consider the following:

Let's say you have a three year old son (as opposed to having a 3 year old star?) He has three toys he can choose to play with - a butcher knife, an open container of Draino, or the neighbor's Pitbull, which has been raised to kill. Which would you prefer him to play with?
. . . and most likely it would ground, cause a very large arc, then blow the transformer's breaker.

Much, much easier said than done. We have built-in protections that keep you from doing this.

Also much easier said than done. Even people intentionally jumping from such heights (bungee jumpers, BASE jumpers) have trouble doing this. Most people can't. Again, built in protections.

Definitely agreed there.

Consider the following:

Let's say you have a three year old sun. He has three toys he can choose to play with - a spoon, a metal rod or a loaded handgun with the safety off. Which would you prefer him to play with?

Fair enough rebuttal. As for the situation with the child - honestly, I'd prefer he not have any of the three as a toy... and obviously guns should be kept in a safe with a trigger lock when not in use.

Consider the following:

Let's say you have a three year old son (as opposed to having a 3 year old star?) He has three toys he can choose to play with - a butcher knife, an open container of Draino, or the neighbor's Pitbull, which has been raised to kill. Which would you prefer him to play with?

Again, none of the above lol. If anyone gave their son, daughter, or sun those three objects as toys well... I think child protective services needs called.