Some facts about guns in the US

More people die cause their is more interaction given the rate if contact far more people die due to guns

The bottom line is that the total number of people that die from motor vehicle accidents far exceeds that of the number of people that die from firearm accidents.

Do you dispute that?

Do you dispute that if saving lives is the name of the game, that we should get rid of the things that kill the most people first, ie motor vehicles?

If saving the most lives is important to you, why do you try to get rid of guns before cars? It just doesn't make sense to me. Unless of course you're just a selfish dickhead that only cares about himself? That you don't have a need for a gun, so nobody should need one, right? Because you have fear of guns everyone needs to get rid of them? Is that how it works?

BTW, Did ya hear about the two hundred and some people that are missing, that were on an airplane that's missing? Dangerous stuff right there. When was the last time you heard of two hundred some people getting killed in one swoop with a gun??? No? I'll borrow your gun ban logic for this one, we need to ban airplanes, they kill too many people!
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What about people who live in isolated farms and houses?
Would people opposed to gun ownership accept that those people have a justification for owning a gun?
Even in the UK, many people living in such areas would include self protection as a reason for owning a shotgun.
And if you have an intruder on your property, you are quite within your rights to shoot them so long as you fear for your life.
What about people who live in isolated farms and houses?
Would people opposed to gun ownership accept that those people have a justification for owning a gun?
Even in the UK, many people living in such areas would include self protection as a reason for owning a shotgun.
And if you have an intruder on your property, you are quite within your rights to shoot them so long as you fear for your life.

That's an interesting point. There was the case in UK of Tony Martin who shot and killed a man on just such an isolated property and went to jail for, I think, 6 years. There was a big outcry about it.

The trouble is that you have a 'where do you stop' problem. How isolated do you have to be? What other measures could you take? What is the police response? You still have the suicide issue as well as accidents, and then someone might flip and go on a shooting spree. The overall best solution is a ban, really, although I suppose shotguns can be kept for potting birds.
In the Tony Martin case, he was a bit of a fanatic I think.
Or a martyr, depending on your viewpoint.
He wouldn't say that he thought his life was in danger.
If he had, he probably would not have been imprisoned.
His view was that he had a right to shoot someone who had trespassed on his property, even if they were running away from it.
He didn't, and he went to jail for it.
And still would now.

The law changed in the UK after that case to make it plain that if you believe your life to be in danger, you can use appropriate force,
and that includes shotguns.
If you find a frightened 15 year old cowering in your woodshed, you can't go and get your shotgun and pop off a couple of barrels at him.
Would that be OK in the USA?

This is the situation in a country with some of the most strict gun laws in the world.
I wonder whether the anti gun people would like US laws to be even stricter.

Of course, you can't say when applying for the permit that the shotgun is for self protection.
It has to be for sport, or shooting vermin or rabbits etc.
In the Tony Martin case, he was a bit of a fanatic I think.
Or a martyr, depending on tour viewpoint.
He wouldn't say that he thought his life was in danger.
If he had, he probably would not have been imprisoned.
His view was that he had a right to shoot someone who had trespassed on his property, even if they were running away from it.
He didn't, and he went to jail for it.
And still would now.

The law changed in the UK after that case to make it plain that if you believe your life to be in danger, you can use appropriate force,
and that includes shotguns.
If you find a 15 year old cowering in your woodshed, you can't go and get your shotgun and pop off a couple of barrels at him.

I think you're right about the Martin case.

I think there are the other factors to consider too, that I mentioned.

But this is not clear cut. It would probably be at night so how could you tell someone's age, you would have just woken up and would be startled and scared, so you grab the gun and shoot someone who might be a 15 yro. It might be your son coming home late and drunk from a party - that happened in the States, I think. I hear what you're saying, but I think a blanket ban would be best.
The Oscar Pretorius defence is that he thought his wife was an intruder.
They must have a similar law in South Africa.

Something which should be taken into consideration is the size of a country like the UK when you compare it with the USA.
Outside conurbations people must protect themselves to some extent.

How did the law change in Australia?
If you live in a remote farm and shoot an intruder with a shotgun could that be justified?
It's not something I am paying much attention to either.
Sounds like a good defence though.
How do you disprove it?
It's not something I am paying much attention to either.
Sounds like a good defence though.
How do you disprove it?

Crikey, I'm no prosecution lawyer!

I suppose you could try and find out if they'd had some disagreements, or if Pistorius had a history of mis-using guns (I think he has), or if anyone else saw an intruder, or if there was video evidence. Probably there are other lines, I wouldn't know. Listen, I write crime stories but don't ask me to solve the real life stuff!
Do you think that pools, and cars, and ladders, are just as dangerous as guns?
An individual car is definitely more likely to kill one of the neighbors than an individual gun. I'm not sure individual pools are more dangerous to the neighbors, rather than to the family, but they are definitely more dangerous to children than individual guns.

The big US numbers for guns are from a world awash in firearms, pretty much. Pools are far less common. It would be interesting to get some solid stats on ladders, at least the tall ones used to reach roofs; they are famous for sending people to the emergency room, and they are nowhere near as commonly owned and used as firearms. Thing is, they mostly inflict harm on the adult men using them - that doesn't seem to bother people so much.
The bottom line is that the total number of people that die from motor vehicle accidents far exceeds that of the number of people that die from firearm accidents.

Do you dispute that?
well no but its dishonest as all hell to compare the way you are. their are billions of people to motor vehicle interactions a day in the united states alone( a specific person and specific vehicle near each other. their are only a maybe a couple tens of million gun interactions a day and I'm being very liberal in my estimate in that regard. so even though the absolute number may be greater. the rate of injury is less. the deaths are roughlly equal even though more people deal with cars.

Do you dispute that if saving lives is the name of the game, that we should get rid of the things that kill the most people first, ie motor vehicles?
yes because guns kill more people

If saving the most lives is important to you, why do you try to get rid of guns before cars? It just doesn't make sense to me.
I'm pretty sure their is alot of stuff that doesn't make sense to you.
Unless of course you're just a selfish dickhead that only cares about himself?
you mean like people like you that demand unfettered access to lethal weapons for no reason?
That you don't have a need for a gun, so nobody should need one, right? Because you have fear of guns everyone needs to get rid of them? Is that how it works?
next to nobody needs one. and I'm not afraid of guns just irresponsible people with guns. and people like you who treat weapons as toys.

BTW, Did ya hear about the two hundred and some people that are missing, that were on an airplane that's missing? Dangerous stuff right there. When was the last time you heard of two hundred some people getting killed in one swoop with a gun??? No? I'll borrow your gun ban logic for this one, we need to ban airplanes, they kill too many people!
thats idiotic. your not borrowing my logic your making stuff up to suit your need for a gun. probably to make yourself feel manly
No, I think they are more dangerous than guns.

Then you are foolish enough that you should not be allowed to own a gun. People like you result in kids being shot and killed because they let them play with their guns. Why not? They are safer than cars!

So any moron can see that the priority for saving lives should be to get rid of motor vehicles and pools/lakes/rivers/ order to save lives!

That's why you should not be allowed to own a gun. Because you can't even see what any moron can see.
An individual car is definitely more likely to kill one of the neighbors than an individual gun. I'm not sure individual pools are more dangerous to the neighbors, rather than to the family, but they are definitely more dangerous to children than individual guns.

The big US numbers for guns are from a world awash in firearms, pretty much. Pools are far less common. It would be interesting to get some solid stats on ladders, at least the tall ones used to reach roofs; they are famous for sending people to the emergency room, and they are nowhere near as commonly owned and used as firearms. Thing is, they mostly inflict harm on the adult men using them - that doesn't seem to bother people so much.

A ladder is a portable scaffold for doing things high off the ground. If used incorrectly, yes there will be casualties, but it is always accidental. Have you looked at the labels on ladders? They warn specifically about proper use of ladders. And I have never heard of anyone beating someone to death with a ladder.
OTOH, guns are specifically made for killing living things and it requires loading the gun, removing the safety, aiming, and pulling the trigger. It is people who kill other people (or themselves) with guns. Oddly there is not a single safety label on a gun.

To compare USING a gun to using a ladder or travelling a plane is ludicrous. But like driving a car (a projectile), I am in favor of gun licenses. A 30 minute hands-on instruction would probably cut a significant number of gun "accidents".
A ladder is a portable scaffold for doing things high off the ground. If used incorrectly, yes there will be casualties, but it is always accidental. Have you looked at the labels on ladders? They warn specifically about proper use of ladders. And I have never heard of anyone beating someone to death with a ladder.
OTOH, guns are specifically made for killing living things and it requires loading the gun, removing the safety, aiming, and pulling the trigger. It is people who kill other people (or themselves) with guns. Oddly there is not a single safety label on a gun.

To compare USING a gun to using a ladder or travelling a plane is ludicrous. But like driving a car (a projectile), I am in favor of gun licenses. A 30 minute hands-on instruction would probably cut a significant number of gun "accidents".

I'm not sure he was being serious.....
A Note on the Absurd: Not Quite What Camus Had in Mind

Sorcerer said:

I'm not sure he was being serious.....

I would agree; this entire line of the discussion is somewhat absurd.

So, this one time, my brother was home from college with a female friend who has never really been a girlfriend; it's a Satanic drug thing you wouldn't understand, or something like that. Well, it's a stoner thing. Anyway ....

She was, of course, weird enough to begin with, as my mother might have seen her all those years ago. And for whatever reason, our friend refused the courtesy of breakfast service, since my mother still maintains the habit of feeding everyone under her roof.

So after our friend gets herself thrown together for the day—and, of course, tokes up—she proceeds to make herself some breakfast. Skillet, glasstop range, egg ... crack! ... and then the egg misfires. Doesn't just miss the skillet, but the entire rangetop as well, landing on our her shoe.

Eggs. The worst part is that such senseless tragedies are entirely preventable. Don't fry while high. Irresponsible egg handling results in countless self-inflicted wounds treated at emergency rooms across the nation.
What is the situation in the US when a person keeps a firearm in an insecure place,
and that firearm is then taken by a child who accidentally kills himself or another?
Could the gun owner be prosecuted?

If not, then that is a point where the legislation could be tightened.

Eggs are dangerous because of the risk of Salmonella.
But your post reminds me of an even bigger threat.
Frying pans. Major cause of burns and household fires.
Ban the Pan!
What is the situation in the US when a person keeps a firearm in an insecure place,
and that firearm is then taken by a child who accidentally kills himself or another?
Could the gun owner be prosecuted?

If not, then that is a point where the legislation could be tightened.

Eggs are dangerous because of the risk of Salmonella.
But your post reminds me of an even bigger threat.
Frying pans. Major cause of burns and household fires.
Ban the Pan!

I thought that any laws tightening up the use of guns was off-limits? You could get some real benefit by banning assault weapons or having electronic locks etc, but it's not going to happen.

It's a pity that the same measures can't be put in place as were for tobacco, so that people could sue the gun manufacturers/dealers for each and every homicide carried out using their weapons.

I agree about the pans, damn dangerous things!
That is a problem.
The pro-gun side is so entrenched that they see any change as an attack on their rights.
In British law, guns have to be kept in locked steel cabinets when not in use.
These are inspected by the police when the license is granted, and can be repeated at any time, usually with short notice.
This seems a very reasonable requirement to us, but then we aren't mentally living in the Wild West.

Re Pans.
In 1999, an estimated 5,000 deaths, 325,000 hospitalizations and 76 million illnesses were caused by foodborne illnesses within the US.
I don't know if 1999 was a particularly bad year, but food is very dangerous.

@Motor Daddy
Would you mind someone inspecting your gun cabinet?
The bottom line is that the total number of people that die from motor vehicle accidents far exceeds that of the number of people that die from firearm accidents. Do you dispute that?
Yes, depending on your definition of "accident." The number of Americans killed by guns is approximately the same as the number who are killed in road accidents.

As I've noted before (probably on this thread, but who's going to scroll back through 22 pages?), slightly more than 50% of gun deaths are suicides. So what this comes down to is: is suicide by gun an "accident?"

You're deeply in debt due to medical bills, your girlfriend just dumped you, your car is making a bad noise, and for the third month in a row you can't pay your mortgage. The phone rings and it's your boss telling you you're fired because your depressed attitude is creating a hostile work environment for the rest of the company.

You decide that suicide is the only way out of this pain, so you start researching the various ways of doing it.
  • Overdose on medication? You've read too many news stories of people who tried that, only to have their roommate or spouse come home unexpectedly and call 911. You end up in the hospital, racking up even more medical bills, and when they let you out you've got permanent brain damage. Nope.
  • Hang yourself? You've read too many news stories of people who tried that, without a hangman's professional knowledge and skill. You could hang there, gasping for breath, for twenty minutes until you finally lose consciousness, but your brain is getting just enough oxygen to keep your body running. You end up as a vegetable with an extraordinarily high IQ--for a vegetable. Oh yeah, and if you make the rope too long, when it snaps it will simply decapitate you. Nice scene for your family to walk in on. Nope.
  • Fill the bathtub with hot water and slit your wrists? You're not a surgeon so you might do it wrong, or the wounds might heal, once again leaving your brain with just enough oxygen to keep your body running--as a zombie. Nope!
  • Carbon monoxide? What if your wife comes home early, opens the garage door, and discovers you still alive but with permanent brain damage? What if your wife's beloved cat sneaked into the garage, does she deserve to lose him too? Nope.
  • Take a lethal overdose of drugs? The PDR isn't very clear on what a lethal overdose of any particular drug is, because it varies tremendously from one person to another, and it's dependent on what else is in your stomach. You might just sleep for 48 hours, or (once again) you might "only" suffer permanent brain damage. Nope.
  • Jump off a building? Although 50% of falls from merely ten feet (three meters) are fatal, it has to be a pretty tall building before there's a zero percent probability that you won't, once again, wake up as a zombie--and a quadriplegic too! And it's not easy to get on the roof of those buildings. Nope!
  • Drowining? You're an excellent swimmer. You'd have to paddle out into the ocean for two hours before you'd become too weak to continue. Even so, your swimmer's training would lean you back and keep your nose above water for another couple of hours unless the ocean was particularly rough that day. Besides, drowning is a dreadful, panic-stricken way to die. Nope!
  • Oh wait, this is America! There's a loaded gun right here in your desk drawer! In literally less than one minute from the moment you decide to kill yourself, you can pull it out, cock it, put it to your temple, and pull the trigger.
If it weren't for that fucking gun, the odds are 99% that you'd still be alive, diligently researching ways to overcome your financial and emotional misery. But because you have a fucking gun, you're dead.

Is that an accident, or just the risk you have to take because you chose to live in America, a country that is governed by the National Rifle Association?

In any case, even if gun accidents kill only half as many Americans as auto accidents, why should that mean that we should ignore them? Look at what we do to reduce road accident deaths: Training, licensing, seat belts, antilock brakes, air bags, speed limits, calendared safety inspections, Botts' Dots (yeah, Mr. Botts was a real guy;)) to keep us from meandering into the next lane or onto the shoulder, limited access highways with no cross traffic, police cars just about everywhere, and special emphasis on drunk driving. The rate of road accident deaths per mile has been falling steadily since the late 1950s, when seat belts came into vogue.

What do we do to reduce gun deaths? Mandatory training, licensing, safety technology... what? NOTHING! The National Gun Nut Association is even fighting the new technology that makes it impossible for anyone except the registered owner to fire the goddamned thing!

Even more bewildering, cars provide a very important service in our lives. What "service" do guns provide? Self defense? Occasionally, but more often they simply change a fistfight into a gunfight. (This is what's wrong with the "Stand Your Ground" laws. What the hell is wrong with walking away from a fight?) A sense of security? Not for the people who live next door to the goddamned gun owner! A few miles from here in Virginia, a teenager was shot dead a mere two doors down from his own house, because all the houses in that tract look alike and he was sneaking in late through a window--into the wrong one.

Who wants to live anywhere near the paranoid motherfucker who shot him???

Do you dispute that if saving lives is the name of the game, that we should get rid of the things that kill the most people first, ie motor vehicles?
You're out of your mind. Everything in life comes with a risk. What counts is the risk/reward ratio. DUH? Motor vehicles have a very high utility so they're worth the risk, especially since we have been diligently using technology to lower that risks. Guns have a very low utility, so they are simply NOT WORTH THE FUCKING RISK!

And spare me the Second Amendment bullshit. For starters, a bunch of Redneck trolls with handguns is not a "well-regulated militia." Second, if you're worried about having to defend against your own government, have you SEEN the shit they've got? Their drones can locate your infrared signature in bed at night, and kill you in your sleep. If it's the Chinese and Russians you're worried about, apparently you haven't been keeping up with the news. The next war will be fought in cyberspace. Oh wait, make that the "current war."

Projectile weapons are anachronisms. The only place where people find them useful is the planet's backwaters like Afghanistan--and the American South.

If saving the most lives is important to you, why do you try to get rid of guns before cars? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Sure it does. You're just pretending to be dense. We NEED cars. Nobody needs a fucking goddamned GUN.

BTW, Did ya hear about the two hundred and some people that are missing, that were on an airplane that's missing? Dangerous stuff right there. When was the last time you heard of two hundred some people getting killed in one swoop with a gun??? No? I'll borrow your gun ban logic for this one, we need to ban airplanes, they kill too many people!
When you started writing this post, was your intention to be a raving lunatic, or did it just happen naturally? You had fifteen minutes to come to your senses and delete it, and you didn't do it!

What about people who live in isolated farms and houses? Would people opposed to gun ownership accept that those people have a justification for owning a gun?
There are people who need guns. Listen to their reasons and decide if they should be granted the license--as well as the psychological profile and the safety training. Oh yeah, and the insurance. You have to have insurance before you can drive a car. At least $50,000 worth in case you kill somebody or destroy a Jaguar.

Even in the UK, many people living in such areas would include self protection as a reason for owning a shotgun.
A shotgun is a very poor offensive weapon, so I don't concentrate on those. Sure, a couple of weeks ago a kid used one to shoot up a mall that I shop in every week (Columbia, MD), but he only managed to kill two people. I can't even find a reference to the previous shotgun "mass murder."

And if you have an intruder on your property, you are quite within your rights to shoot them so long as you fear for your life.
In a depressing percentage of cases, the "intruder" turns out to be a member of the family coming home from work or school unexpectedly, a drunk or confused neighbor walking into the wrong house (review the sad story of the teenager above--that asshole was not prosecuted and he is still legally permitted to own a gun), or a stranger looking for help.

In any case, the cold statistics tell us that for every gun death that is a legitimate case of self-defense, there are two gun deaths that are the result of confusion, carelessness (people simply have no idea how resourceful young children are), robbery (a burglar sells your gun to a miscreant who kills an innocent citizen) or overpowering (the intruder wrestles your own gun away from you and shoots you). In addition, there are three suicide gun deaths for every case of self-defense. I covered that earlier: most of those people would be alive if they had to take the time to plan a different kind of death.

If you find a frightened 15 year old cowering in your woodshed, you can't go and get your shotgun and pop off a couple of barrels at him. Would that be OK in the USA?
In the South, yes... especially if he's Afro-American. And unfortunately, due to a horrible mistake made by Presidents Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, the South is, indeed, part of the USA. If we'd just let them go their own way, their slave-based economy would have collapsed, Queen Victoria would have made them an offer they could not refuse, and they would have been a British colony--where even then slavery was illegal, and where now so (very nearly) are guns.

This is the situation in a country with some of the most strict gun laws in the world. I wonder whether the anti gun people would like US laws to be even stricter.
I think I can speak for all of us: yes.

What is the situation in the US when a person keeps a firearm in an insecure place, and that firearm is then taken by a child who accidentally kills himself or another? Could the gun owner be prosecuted?
Depending on the jurisdiction. But it would probably not be a felony.

I thought that any laws tightening up the use of guns was off-limits? You could get some real benefit by banning assault weapons or having electronic locks etc, but it's not going to happen.
Yes. The first president of the National Rifle Association said in a speech that guns should not be made available without good reason, and that he did not want very many of them in the country. Unfortunately his successors have changed the organization's policy. They now want every American to own at least one gun... two if you're mentally incompetent.

It's a pity that the same measures can't be put in place as were for tobacco, so that people could sue the gun manufacturers/dealers for each and every homicide carried out using their weapons.
I don't know what country you're talking about, but we can't really do that with tobacco either.
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