Some atheists are just like religious fundamentalists

Flawed and arbitrary concepts of good and truth only cause the contrary to be labeled as evil.

Ah, thought Galileo, as he wandered past the deserted and flower-grown ruins of Rome, one night, this looks to be the same now as it will and was a thousand years before and after me. Would that there could be a day when science was free, when the once great Roman glory would pale beside that brightest light of day!

Galileo looked about and around and behind; no one was following him to his ultra secret lair, where other scientists would join him again on this starry night, safe therein to congregate and discuss the topics forbidden by the Vatican.
Spoken like a true militant. Yeah, you go, little soldier! Don't forget to ask mummy to pack you off with a nice packed lunch for the great battle, and let me know how it goes.
Looks like someone needs to take a good look at themselves in the mirror, man.
Are you trying to make people angry so they fit your stereotype? I just think theism doesn't fit observed facts, call me crazy. I think the founding fathers were right in forming a secular nation, I think science is the best method yet discovered for finding out objective facts about the universe, and I think superstition has been responsible for some of the worst atrocities of mankind. Should I show you the video of people getting burned alive in Africa recently for witchcraft? And it wasn't any great bonfire, either, they started with a few sticks and shrubs. One man was fully conscious and forced to sit there while his legs were being slowly consumed by the intermittent flames. This is our future if we don't stand up for reason.

I'm sure the world will be a utopia once your regime is up and running, and woe betide anyone who disagrees with it.
Still (making attempts at) using ridicule,rather than addressing the point.
Are hypocrisy and blind ignorance your sole resources?