Some atheists are just like religious fundamentalists

How was that a challenge? I've displayed the ability to debate you with half my brain tied behind my back time and again. Quite frankly your constant and poor attempts at apologetics are boring, I have better uses of my time. Like masturbating or pounding nails into my face.

@LG --

I call it like I see it. Seems like you, Wynn, and JDawg are merely having one giant penis measuring contest. Of course, since your and Wynn's posts seem to be little more than trolling, I think that JDawg can be forgiven for participating, we all like to feed trolls once in a while.

It's tough being enlightened, isn't it? All those stupid people around you that you have to put up with!

It's true. They have a dogma, and they always want to "win", either by converting theists to their dogma, or by ridiculing them if they won't comply. The call it "debating" but really it's preaching. You can spot them a mile off.

How many atheists have you meet in your life-time? A precise number please
How many of those that you meet where “dogmatic" or "aggressive" A precise number please
Do you always generalize a group of people or developed a stereotype of a group of people?
Have i been dogmatic towards you?
The thread title implies that only a " portion" of the Atheist population have mannerisms typical of religious fundamentalist, strangely in your first post you generalize and say that "all" atheist behave this way.
Is love and tolerance not a teaching from your messiah and or god?
I enjoy the company of 5 religious friends Tyler Weldon, Race: W: Catholic, John Roman, Race: Hispanic: Methodist, Chris Bordis, Race: White Satanist, Dorian Bevel, Race: African-American: Methodist: Adam Felix, Race: Vietnamese: Buddhist. In that group I’m the hardcore atheist...if I can befriend all these diverse people, and not harshly label them...Why can't you?