Sobering thoughts on the Pakistani convert case

I fear Geezer that you are unlikely to get a straight answer (however nice a chap Diamond Hearts is personally) because he will either have to admit the truth (proving that Islam is a violent religion which prohibits the religious freedom of otehrs by force) or he will have to lie. I am sure that he does not wish to lie and therefore he will simply evade the issues. Muslims have become very good at this as they have moved out of Islamic countries and have had to debate issues in non - Islamic lands where freedom of thought, debate and religion are practised. No such freedom exists in Islamic states (even the 'milder' ones which would not be considered fundamentalist or as the new politically correct word has it 'Islamist').

The following quote is from the web site of 'Open Doors', a charity which works for persecuted Christians across the world. It concerns the ten worst countries for such persecution. Note Islam is not alone. North Korea (atheist communist) is at the top and some other atheistic communist states as well as is the always regarded (wrongly) peaceful and tolerant religion of Buddhism.

If readers wish to read more the web site is

'For the fourth straight year, the isolated communist nation of North Korea remains atop the Open Doors World Watch List of 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

The annual list ranks countries according to the intensity of persecution Christians face for actively pursuing their faith in Jesus Christ. The list is based on evaluations and testimonies obtained by Open Doors' indigenous contacts, field workers and members of the Persecuted Church.

It is believed that tens of thousands of Christians are currently suffering in North Korean prison camps where they face cruel abuses. Some think the hermit regime has detained more political and religious prisoners than any other country in the world.

On occasion, North Koreans become Christians after crossing the border with China and entering into contact with local Christians. But many are exposed as believers when they return to North Korea and are targeted to be caught. Many face torture and death.

Though no exact figures can be given, Open Doors estimates that hundreds of Christians were killed by the regime in 2005.

Saudi Arabia again holds the second spot on the list for the fourth year in a row.

Rounding out the top 10 are Iran, Somalia, Maldives, Bhutan, Yemen, Vietnam, Laos and China.

In addition to North Korea, countries with communist governments include Vietnam, Laos and China. Islamic-dominated countries are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Somalia, Maldives and Yemen.

Buddhism is the state religion of Bhutan.

Religious freedom does not exist in Saudi Arabia where citizens are only allowed to adhere to one religion: Islam. No legal protection is provided for freedom of religion neither does this protection exist in practice.

The Saudi legal system is based on Islamic law (sharia) and 'apostasy' (conversion from Islam to another religion) is punishable by death.

Open Doors recorded more than 70 expatriate Christians who were arrested in 2005 during worship in private homes in what has been called Saudi Arabia's largest crackdown on Christians in a decade.

Most of the arrested Christians were released over a period of time.

In Iran, where the deterioration of religious freedom for Christians started with the victory of conservative parties at the beginning of 2004, a new wave of persecution of Christians followed the election of a hard-line conservative president in June 2005, bringing Iran to the Nr 3 position on the World Watch List. Last year Iran ranked Nr 5.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hailed his election triumph as a new Islamic revolution that could spread throughout the world and pledged to restore an 'Islamic government' in Iran, implying that the previous administrations were not sufficiently Islamic.

Since the 2005 election, many Christians have been rounded up for harassment, and many have been arrested and beaten. One house church pastor was killed last November.'
Wow - and Iran is the model for Diamond's realization of "real islam, real sharia".

I suspect her belief in the "peace" of islam there is founded on the supremacy of islam.

That is not peace.

usp8riot said:
Oh, and by the way Diamond, I used to believe Islam could also be the word of God but i am kind of doubting it now after reading your posts Diamond. It sounds like a cruel and unjust God. If I saw this Allah of yours that allows pedophilia, I'd punch him in the face for letting me down by not being a REAL God and for creating people and killing them for testing who is the true God, the REAL God would have no problem with this since He is the TRUE God.

It is of no consequence what you believe, we don't have to make ourselves acceptable to you or anyone else, only to our own people. The laws that govern us need only be approved by our people. The problem with the rulers of the Islamic world today is that they are mostly servants of the West and sell out their people to please the West.

You general lack of knowledge of Islam becomes evident as you say Islam allows pedophilia. Islam punishes those who engage in pedophilia and sexual perversion, it is a capital offense in our law. In our culture, when a women reaches the age of puberty, she is allowed to be married. Many Muslim women get married around 15 to 16 years of age, the same for men.

usp8riot said:
I would also kick his face in if he ever touched my daughter. Got it? Keep him away from me or anyone with my temper or sensitivity to injustice. This God should be done away with as easily as he does away with others. That is, if this God is not being slandered or misunderstand. If so, my apologies to him, but to you for making others see this god as cruel and unjust and drawing them away from him, you will have to tell it to THE judge when you see him.

Allah swt is the judge and you are misunderstanding immensely, I pray for Allah swt to have mercy on you anf guide you to Him. Allah swt needs neither your daughter nor you, if you choose to disobey and disbelieve, it is of no consequence to Him. This belief in Allah swt is for your own good to obtain a good afterlife and the pleasure of Allah swt, the Master of All.

usp8riot said:
My view is more than likely the latter. From what I've read of the Quran, it can be misconstrued by ignorant, extremist Muslims just as the Bible can by ignorant, extremist Christians.

What have you read of the Quran? Phrases and parts of verses or the actual verses in order? The Quran is clear and easy to understand, you should try reading it verse by verse starting from the first verse to the last in each chapter.

usp8riot said:
When the Quran says to "fight your enemies", would any man in his right mind say that is the word of God?

Quran: 'Fight your enemies if they fight you, however if they incline towards peace, you to incline towards peace.' It's the right of every people to defend themselves and their people from oppression. Allah swt blesses justice and honor.

usp8riot said:
Unless it's mistranslated or misunderstood to mean to fight sin in your mind, as in, a mental battle to keep yourself from being tempted by your enemies, which is what I think.

The devil Shaytaan is the greatest of our enemies and the battle of the mind is a constant battle. Islamic purification is solely devoted of freeing the mind from destructive selfish desires which hinder man from peace and justice. As the Quran says: 'The Shaytaan to you is a clear enemy.'

usp8riot said:
If I am viewing Islam wrongly and it really is a violent religion, then please tell me before I tell anyone else I believe it can be the word of God. And if I really am viewing your religion wrongly, as a violent religion, then tell your god to shove it.

You are completely wrong, Islam is not violence. Islam is justice and honor, and sometimes violence is necessary, however only in the circumstances laid out in the Quran of self-defense, invasion by foreignors, alleviating oppression, and bringing justice to tyrants. The Islamic ideals of living and welfare promote the Islamic propagation in the Islamic state being the primary motive for establish of the government, as well as commanding and encouraging good and forbidding evil. Any actions or laws which are contrary to the ideals of the Islamic State and the will of the people should be abolished and laws should be placed to conform to the will of the populous.

usp8riot said:
I know, my God doesn't believe in violence or insulting anyone but just hearing of you justify cruel acts makes me want to be the same way to you so maybe you will see that someone being cruel or unmerciful to you really sucks to say the least. You get what you give. You want to give violence or condone it, so shall you recieve it also.

Once the Westerners leave Afghanistan and Iraq, we can then discuss justice with the West.

usp8riot said:
So Diamond, suppose I'm an atheist, as we all are at birth since we can't conceive of God, and say anyone that converts from atheism should be killed. Does that mean you should be shot? If so, with that kind of attitude, watch out if you come to a country with atheists.

People are not born athiest, they are born in the natural state of Islam which is the laws of Allah swt that govern the universe. Allah swt takes an oath from every life form of belief in Him, if they choose to later reject this it will only effect them.

In an Islamic State, the law states that any individual who proclaims himself as a Muslim after the age of puberty or upon acceptance of Islam has no right to reverse his decision and make a public display of it to dissuade others from the state religion.

Gordon said:
I fear Geezer that you are unlikely to get a straight answer (however nice a chap Diamond Hearts is personally) because he will either have to admit the truth (proving that Islam is a violent religion which prohibits the religious freedom of otehrs by force) or he will have to lie.

Did I not make the position of this issue clear enough? I don't need to hide my religious and political beliefs, I believe Islam is the ultimate truth and the highest guidance to humanity in the world. I believe Muslims must adhere to Islamic law as is the wish of the enlightened masses of the blessed Islamic world. We have the compelte favor and blessings of Allah swt in our laws and our beliefs. Allah swt bless those who adhere to justice and believe in Him sincerely.

Gordon said:
I am sure that he does not wish to lie and therefore he will simply evade the issues. Muslims have become very good at this as they have moved out of Islamic countries and have had to debate issues in non - Islamic lands where freedom of thought, debate and religion are practised. No such freedom exists in Islamic states (even the 'milder' ones which would not be considered fundamentalist or as the new politically correct word has it 'Islamist').

Have you ever lived in Islamic world, and since when do you know so much about Muslims?

Gordon said:
The following quote is from the web site of 'Open Doors', a charity which works for persecuted Christians across the world.

Christians would be less persecuted if they didnt use deception and necessities like food, water, and shelter to convert scores of people to their religion. This practice, especially from American evangelists, angers many people of the world.

DiamondHearts said:
It is of no consequence what you believe, we don't have to make ourselves acceptable to you or anyone else, only to our own people. The laws that govern us need only be approved by our people. The problem with the rulers of the Islamic world today is that they are mostly servants of the West and sell out their people to please the West.

And this is why apostates and homosexuals must die? To please the West? :rolleyes:

You general lack of knowledge of Islam becomes evident as you say Islam allows pedophilia. Islam punishes those who engage in pedophilia and sexual perversion, it is a capital offense in our law. In our culture, when a women reaches the age of puberty, she is allowed to be married. Many Muslim women get married around 15 to 16 years of age, the same for men.

That's fine, but maybe you should talk to the Ayatollah about it. I'm sure islam punishes paedophilia - but the actions of Mohammed and the writings of the Ayatollah also condone it.

Allah swt is the judge and you are misunderstanding immensely, I pray for Allah swt to have mercy on you anf guide you to Him. Allah swt needs neither your daughter nor you, if you choose to disobey and disbelieve, it is of no consequence to Him.

Or more accurately, they don't need him. If they wished to worship in one of the Abrahamic faiths, they could do so through Christianity.

What have you read of the Quran? Phrases and parts of verses or the actual verses in order? The Quran is clear and easy to understand, you should try reading it verse by verse starting from the first verse to the last in each chapter.

I've read it in exactly the way you've described; not only that, but in the order that Mohammed invented the Sura. It gets progressively more aggressive and violent.

Quran: 'Fight your enemies if they fight you, however if they incline towards peace, you to incline towards peace.' It's the right of every people to defend themselves and their people from oppression. Allah swt blesses justice and honor.

So kufr have the right to resist islamic aggression? How about oppression? If an islamic country oppresses its kufr, do they have the right to rise up? Or would you be earnestly on the side of the majority population in such a case, gleefully oppressing the dhimmis which your religion compares to urine?

The devil Shaytaan is the greatest of our enemies and the battle of the mind is a constant battle. Islamic purification is solely devoted of freeing the mind from destructive selfish desires which hinder man from peace and justice. As the Quran says: 'The Shaytaan to you is a clear enemy.'

I submit that it is Allah and islam that is a 'clear enemy'. It is certainly the clearest enemy I can see of wisdom, knowledge and freedom.

You are completely wrong, Islam is not violence. Islam is justice and honor, and sometimes violence is necessary, however only in the circumstances laid out in the Quran of self-defense, invasion by foreignors, alleviating oppression, and bringing justice to tyrants.

And conquering non-islamic neighbours, and massacring them if they resist, and forcibly converting them, and stealing their possessions - oh, yes. "Justice and honour", indeed. Then of course there's the apparently islamic right to bitch endlessly about the temerity of infidels to want to take their own territories back, as in Spain, or even Sicily. Maybe we could add Israel to that list, too.

The Islamic ideals of living and welfare promote the Islamic propagation in the Islamic state being the primary motive for establish of the government, as well as commanding and encouraging good and forbidding evil. Any actions or laws which are contrary to the ideals of the Islamic State and the will of the people should be abolished and laws should be placed to conform to the will of the populous.

That's "populace". And if the populace decides they want more of islam? If they decide to abolish the islamic state and replace it with a free secular one: what then? What should be done them? What would you do? You know, I've asked this question of you many, many times and you've never answered it. Why not?

Once the Westerners leave Afghanistan and Iraq, we can then discuss justice with the West.

And when the evil, evil Westerners (who are like piss, inshallah) leave Iraq and Afghanistan, and the sectarian violence in Iraq has Sunnis and Shias turning on each other to settle once and for all that particular feud, and when women are again oppressed in Afghanistan and beaten into submission - then you wish to talk about justice?


Perhaps you would require more breathing room while you work out what else the West could be blamed for?

People are not born athiest, they are born in the natural state of Islam which is the laws of Allah swt that govern the universe. Allah swt takes an oath from every life form of belief in Him, if they choose to later reject this it will only effect them.

Proof? I was born without ever hearing of this idiot god of yours, who proclaims and contradicts. Pygmies in Africa never heard of him either, nor Aborigines in Australia. Save the propaganda.

In an Islamic State, the law states that any individual who proclaims himself as a Muslim after the age of puberty or upon acceptance of Islam has no right to reverse his decision and make a public display of it to dissuade others from the state religion.

And why in the hell not? You have no proof of this idiot god of yours, yet you demand adherence. This is precisely why islam must not be allowed to expand and should be treated the same as Nazism, capitalism and Soviet communism.

Allah swt bless those who adhere to justice and believe in Him sincerely.

But not non-believers.

Have you ever lived in Islamic world, and since when do you know so much about Muslims?

Have you ever met allah, that you know so much about him?

And here's the admission:

Christians would be less persecuted if they didnt use deception and necessities like food, water, and shelter to convert scores of people to their religion. This practice, especially from American evangelists, angers many people of the world.

Yeah, it's all the fault of the filthy kufr. That's right. We wouldn't persecute you so much if we couldn't accuse you of using deception and rewards to convert people. Never mind that the help isn't tied to any requirement to convert. Never mind that islam's laws are that apostates everywhere in the islamic world should be put to death. Never mind that they want - demonstrably - the entire world to be this way. And what's "deception"? Well, we don't know, but it seems to be any criticism of islam, no matter how well founded - for Diamond's position is that islam can never be wrong, in anything. And she tries to present herself as reasonable! Islam is perfect, but islam oppresses.

You know, I'm not an evangelist, but if this is what they do in the ME, then I find myself more and more supportive of their work.

People seek religious liberation from a 7th-century tyranny. And they must die.

What a cult.

usp8riot: To me, when one is sinned agains heinously and punishment is death, why not let them live? If you let him live, he will tell of your good deed and do good in the name of your God and view your God as merciful and kind. And you will also be blessed with his goodness and thanks for forgiving him. You in turn will feel better about yourself. If you kill him, that could be a good deed undone. But if you let him live, that will be a good deed giving birth to more good deeds and the good deeds will spread and so will the loving of your God. So a good deed undone can equal two bad deeds. You will have to answer to God as to why you killed the man and if it was just and you will feel bad or in doubt your whole life and the man you killed is no more and cannot bless you or anyone else in your name or spread good words of your God either. I believe in never giving up hope for your fellow human being. I just had to let you know how and why I feel that way so you understand me and take no offense at my view.

That is part of a pm I sent to Diamond and she couldn't come up with anything to justify her religion's 'quick to kill' ideals. I think a lot of Islams are taking God's words and using them to commit wrong as with happens in lots of religions. It is pretty immature and ignorant to be quick to draw the sword. I used to be the same way in my younger days but I've grown, not why don't your ideals grow up, Diamond. So can you give a logical explanation why your ideals are more just than mine?

And sorry if I misunderstood on the age of marriage. If 15 or 16 is the age and pedophilia is a capital offense, that sounds more just. As God did say, be fruitful and multiply. Maybe the sooner the better but 15 or 16 is just kind of pushing the boundary to me. I don't consider my own self mature until I was atleast 21. But I guess whatever age the general public assumes is mature enough to make the decision, sounds fair.

Christians would be less persecuted if they didnt use deception and necessities like food, water, and shelter to convert scores of people to their religion.

Hypocrisy. So Islam expects the people of it's affiliated countries to give in to Islam because the country shelters them or defends them? And yet when Christians give your people needy food, water, and shelter, you think they can't tell others what they believe? I am neither a full fledged Christian/Islamist/Jew whatever but I do have my own moral system. So take this not from a christian wanting to stir things up but an enquiring mind looking and lurking.

But as I read the tyrades you post Diamond, about everything is a blur and all I see it "force it on them, force it on them, force it on them", in my mind. Like 'shove it in their faces, if they oppose, kill them'. Seems to be the whole philosophy. I appreciate all your time and effort to reply to these posts against a lot of people opposing you but until you can debate with reason and morals instead of quoting and giving the same drab info, don't even reply then.
Well, is there any religious injunction in the Quran or the hadiths to justify killing apostates?

This is precisely why islam must not be allowed to expand and should be treated the same as Nazism, capitalism and Soviet communism.


You defenetly can't include capitalism in that same charategory, basically it's capitalism which brought freedom from religious oppression in the west, and it would had done the same thing by now in M.E. Had it been adopted after the first WW.

Hell I don't want to change the subject matter, however you included Capitalism as such if it were in the samde diabolical mentality of nazism, communism, Islamic rhetoric, when this nothing of the kind. It's because of Capitalim that we are!! were we are today.

usp8riot said:
That is part of a pm I sent to Diamond and she couldn't come up with anything to justify her religion's 'quick to kill' ideals. I think a lot of Islams are taking God's words and using them to commit wrong as with happens in lots of religions. It is pretty immature and ignorant to be quick to draw the sword. I used to be the same way in my younger days but I've grown, not why don't your ideals grow up, Diamond. So can you give a logical explanation why your ideals are more just than mine?

Registered User (144 posts)

Yesterday, 01:20 AM
forward reply

Pleast take no offense in my post I made regarding Islam. I am learning of it but confused on how the life of an individual seems to not be valued as much as in Christianity. To me, when one is sinned agains heinously and punishment is death, why not let them live? If you let him live, he will tell of your good deed and do good in the name of your God and view your God as merciful and kind. And you will also be blessed with his goodness and thanks for forgiving him. You in turn will feel better about yourself. If you kill him, that could be a good deed undone. But if you let him live, that will be a good deed giving birth to more good deeds and the good deeds will spread and so will the loving of your God. So a good deed undone can equal two bad deeds. You will have to answer to God as to why you killed the man and if it was just and you will feel bad or in doubt your whole life and the man you killed is no more and cannot bless you or anyone else in your name or spread good words of your God either. I believe in never giving up hope for your fellow human being. I just had to let you know how and why I feel that way so you understand me and take no offense at my view.


Why didn't you wait for my response?

It's very hypocritical to publicize the pm and say I didn't respond to it, while you only sent it yesterday. I can't help but think this is all a ploy to lower people's opinions of Muslims while presenting yourself as a reasonable person.

If this is not, please message me and tell me why you did this?

usp8riot said:
And sorry if I misunderstood on the age of marriage. If 15 or 16 is the age and pedophilia is a capital offense, that sounds more just. As God did say, be fruitful and multiply. Maybe the sooner the better but 15 or 16 is just kind of pushing the boundary to me. I don't consider my own self mature until I was atleast 21. But I guess whatever age the general public assumes is mature enough to make the decision, sounds fair.

The Semitic law states that marriage can be made at the age of puberty, this law applies to all three monotheistic religions. Many muslim countries have a minimum age of 15 to 16 for marriage as law, however beduions and many tribal people marry their sons and daughters at young ages.

usp8riot said:
Hypocrisy. So Islam expects the people of it's affiliated countries to give in to Islam because the country shelters them or defends them? And yet when Christians give your people needy food, water, and shelter, you think they can't tell others what they believe? I am neither a full fledged Christian/Islamist/Jew whatever but I do have my own moral system. So take this not from a christian wanting to stir things up but an enquiring mind looking and lurking.

It's deception to come in the guise of aid workers and try to force poor native people to convert using food, water, and money. This is a reason why Christian Evangelists, mostly Americans, are hated in the world and particularly poor Non-Christian nations.

Also, its ok to give aid to Non-Muslims in a Muslim country, however the government should be made aware of this. Many people come to convert poor people using food and this is wrong.

usp8riot said:
But as I read the tyrades you post Diamond, about everything is a blur and all I see it "force it on them, force it on them, force it on them", in my mind. Like 'shove it in their faces, if they oppose, kill them'. Seems to be the whole philosophy. I appreciate all your time and effort to reply to these posts against a lot of people opposing you but until you can debate with reason and morals instead of quoting and giving the same drab info, don't even reply then.

My posts are clear and reasonable, its just you are indoctinated to see everything I say as incorrect. I never promoted the killing of anyone. I don't believe anyone has the right to convert people by force. The Quran says, 'No compulsion in religion.'

You used deception to further your views and this is not very reasonable. I suggest you look at the pm I sent you.

Next time be careful before you jump to conclusions so quickly, it might take a while for me to respond because I don't always have access to a computer.

This is a very dishonorable thing you did.

Allah swt have mercy.
It's deception to come in the guise of aid workers and try to force poor native people to convert using food, water, and money. This is a reason why Christian Evangelists, mostly Americans, are hated in the world and particularly poor Non-Christian nations.

I think I've made it clear of my position on this, and while I defenetly disagree with Diamond in most issues, this one she nailed it to the wall. I do however disagree that islam is not a forced, this is nothing but a joke! We all know how Islam forces their belief Diamond.

click and read this time!

click here too

care to read this?

I doubt this dim wit ever reads any of my links.

DiamondHearts said:
It's deception to come in the guise of aid workers and try to force poor native people to convert using food, water, and money. This is a reason why Christian Evangelists, mostly Americans, are hated in the world and particularly poor Non-Christian nations.

Also, its ok to give aid to Non-Muslims in a Muslim country, however the government should be made aware of this. Many people come to convert poor people using food and this is wrong.

These workers are not threatening or forcing anyone to convert as the price of aid, and I highly doubt you can prove otherwise. This 'forcing of native people' is a myth; it's not force to hand out Bibles with blankets.

Your real issue - as your posts reveal - is that there are converts at all. As you indicate, you would kill such people. I imagine the response of the vast majority of your coreligionists is the same. This is part and parcel of the ingrained concept of islamic supremacy running throught the ummah; any retaking of conquered islamic land, any conversion from islam to any other religion, any questioning of islam is seen as a loss, a backward movement in a vast war in the name of Mohammed.

My posts are clear and reasonable, its just you are indoctinated to see everything I say as incorrect. I never promoted the killing of anyone. I don't believe anyone has the right to convert people by force. The Quran says, 'No compulsion in religion.'

That's a lie. You promote the killing of apostates and homosexuals. You thus also would force people to stay in islam.

Now that is dishonourable.

I will answer this question of what I would do or what I would believe.

It is not your right to expand on my views, and to say I think this or I would do this because you simply do not know what I would think or do.

As I have stated many times, I do not need commentary on what I say because my beliefs and my statements are clear as they are.

I personally would not engage in the killing of any person, unless in self-defense.

My beliefs of the banning of homosexuality and public apostasy is reserved for the Islamic State, I personally would not kill an individual if they were a homosexual or apostate.

Your beliefs of what I think and would do are far from fact, you clearly demonstrate a bias when speaking of Muslims and Islam. Your opinions and theories are meaningless.

So DiamondHearts, you personally would not kill an individual, but would you swing the sword to behead an apostate if you were ordered to by your "Islamic state"?
DiamondHearts said:
I will answer this question of what I would do or what I would believe.

It is not your right to expand on my views, and to say I think this or I would do this because you simply do not know what I would think or do.

As I have stated many times, I do not need commentary on what I say because my beliefs and my statements are clear as they are.

I personally would not engage in the killing of any person, unless in self-defense.

I have every right to represent your views as you have expressed them here. I know exactly and precisely what they are, as you have presented them yourself.

You would turn apostates and homosexuals over to the islamic state for their sanctioned murder. Even your own son would not receive any consideration for his safety. I know this because you have admitted to precisely that.

Thus, your hands are as filthy as those who swing the sword or pull the trigger. But since you're unwilling to do the job you so passionately believe in yourself, we might also add personal cowardice to your attributes in this regard.


Geoff has now become a mind reader. He thinks that I am not capable of making my own views so he needs to offer commentary on whatever I say.
DiamondHearts said:
Geoff has now become a mind reader. He thinks that I am not capable of making my own views so he needs to offer commentary on whatever I say.

He has in fact been commenting on what you have posted as your views.
Sock puppet path said:
He has in fact been commenting on what you have posted as your views.

And he is presenting it with his own spin. I don't need people to correct my own views for myself. What I said is clear.

Racists will defend other racists.
Godless said:
I think I've made it clear of my position on this, and while I defenetly disagree with Diamond in most issues, this one she nailed it to the wall. I do however disagree that islam is not a forced, this is nothing but a joke! We all know how Islam forces their belief Diamond.

click and read this time!

click here too

care to read this?

I doubt this dim wit ever reads any of my links.


this might be because you are inflammatory every single time you type.
not that i disagree with you, but i wouldnt read them either...considering the attitude they come packaged with. :p
