Sobering thoughts on the Pakistani convert case

DiamondHearts said:
This is the law of the Islamic state and I agree fully with its implication because it prevents destruction of the Islamic state and undemrining Islamic propagation inside the state. What is the point of an Islamic state if it adopts policies which will defeat the very purpose of its existence?

Why does it need to be an islamic state? Shouldn't the people decide that one way or another?

Ofcourse, zionists (by the way, you dont have to be jewish or israeli to be a zionist) like yourself who propagate every day against Muslims in Palestine, and invent lies of the worst kind against the holy scholars and Prophet (s) of Islam would enjoy every opportunity to demean Islam. Almost all your posts in the religion forum are meant to defile Islam's image and promote hostility toward Muslims.

Firstly, I am not a zionist, and I take rightful offense at your highly inappropriate terminology. Clearly, any unislamic view must be characterized as "zionist" or even "Jewish" by you. I am pointing out legitimate and reasoned doubt about islam, which I am sure is fine for some (assuming one is - as you admit - not adverse to murdering apostates and homosexuals) but does not seem like a very fair system to me.

Those who insult Islam will get the rightful punishment from Allah swt in this life and the next. I need only prove you to be a liar, the rest Allah swt will do.

If he exists.

I have no problem with those who disagree with Islam, but my problem is with people like who who invent falsehoods against Islam.

Like ME, I think you meant to write. Point out these falsehoods. For once. Otherwise it is you who is the liar, and not I.

The great writer once asked of the oppression of minorities and other religions "If you prick me, do I not bleed?" You would do well to heed this advice.

Your problem is you invent lies and false charges to make your points. You also have a bad habit of twisting of words of others, and adding your own meanings to their words. This has been proven many times in this forum.

It has not. You are a liar, yourself, then.

I never said I would kill you, this is a perfect example of attributing things to me which I never said. This is deceptive and immoral.

Then speak, o immoral one: what would you do to someone who you say "defames" islam, as you say I do: never once have you accepted that my commentary is free and as worthy of respect as your own, never once accepted that I have the right to speak as I do, and should, everywhere. In fact, your view is quite apparently that you do not believe in this and so I demand of you what you would do to someone who speaks as I do.

I imagine I can guess.

Examples of your lies:

You have said Muslims want to enslave the rest of humanity.


You have said Imam Khomeini permitted sex with infants and animals.

He did.

You have claimed that jizya is twice of zakat value.

I said it often has been. Perhaps quite frequently.

You have said zakat has not been consistently practiced by Muslims.

It has not. Google it, if you dare.

You have claimed that the wife of the Holy Prophet (s) poisoned him.

A "Zainab" poisoned him. I thought - and still am not sure - that it might be his third wife. I do believe I saw that somewhere. There are of course many Zainabs in the old world. I do believe she was a very brave person: her father and brothers and husband had been killed on the orders of this man. Why should she not seek her revenge? A woman to be emulated, truly.

You claimed that blacks are treated differently in Islam, and have implied Islam teaches racism.

This is your lie. I have said that Mohammed made some questionable, probably racist remarks. If you disagree, you have the right to say so. I do not call it "lying", although I say you are incorrect. However, when you call me a liar, you are in fact lying.

Because idiots will believe anything which is written, even if it false, this proves it is true?

Do you assume these people can't read? They seem in little doubt about the writings there. And there are several of them, more than there are of you. Who should I believe: the majority, writing without knowing I'm viewing, or you, who seem blinded by your faith in the Ayatollah and seething with rage, desperate to convince me or argue me down? Who is the more believable?

You have made this claim, provide proof. I shouldn't have to do your work for you.

It's not necessary that you look for it. It's sufficient that other people look for it. They will find it, quite easily.

I do not have the authority to issue fatwa, I am not an Islamic scholar. Fatwa is an Islamic order, its not an edict for punishment.

And it can be an order for punishment, which also describes the extent of my concern for it. Of course, others might choose to act with or without any fatwa at all.

He said he has a sentence of death in his country. I am not referring to his family.

He said he avoids his extended family and his friends from mosque. I am not referring to his country.

Give me a few examples of those people killed in [the West] for apostasy. Please provide articles, and their names.

A murder in Germany:

'How many more women have to die before this society wakes up?'
By Tony Paterson

"...Last week, Mrs Sürücü's three brothers, aged 18 to 25, who were arrested six days after the attack, were formally charged with the murder..."

"...Asked by teachers what they thought of the murder, several 13-year-old pupils are said to have implied that they thought Mrs Sürücü had "earned" her death. "Well, she lived like a German, didn't she?" remarked one..."

"...Police records show that 45 "honour killings" have been committed within Germany's two million-plus Muslim community in the past eight years..."

Here's another good article on the subject:

There's also a book, which I recommend strongly, by Ayaan Ali Hirsi, an apostate from Islam living in the Netherlands under threat of death from her ex-coreligionists ("The fact that Hirsi Ali’s declaration elicited murderous threats in the Netherlands—in the heart of Western Europe"):

and this one by Ibn Warraq:

Then of course, I might ask why it should really particularly matter if an apostate is killed in the West, or the East or anywhere else. And does such a person necessarily have to be in a muslim state?

Two words on that issue spring to mind: Salman. Rushdie.

Yet you support killing of Muslim civilians by Israeli army and support genocide against Palestinian people. Geoff, defender of apostates

This is mere insult. I most certainly do NOT support the killing of anyone by anyone. I do approve of their right to self-defense, which is most islamic.

By turns, should I title you "Murderer of apostates"? Would that then be fair?

Considering your logic so far, I would not be suprised that if clear proof of the validity of Islam come to you, you would not embrace due to your lies and false image you have built of Islam in your mind.

I have examined the evidence and I find it of dubious value. Islam does not appear to have any validity, or certainly no more than any religion. If I ever saw it's 'truth', you may be certain that I would act on it. But then, of course, it would be too late, wouldn't it? The point of faith is believing without evidence. It's up to us to choose prior to the "point of no return". I must select according to the gifts that - you say - god gave me. If I choose against him, then it is the designer, and not the builder, that is at fault.

By contrast, I would not be surprised that if clear validation of the untruth of islam came to you, that you would embrace it - or that your life would not be in peril, if you did. I advise caution if and when it occurs.

If Islam shall ever enter your heart

It shall not, have no fear. Verily I shed it as the dog shed mud, or the duck empty water. It has no power to command, nor inspire.

I offer this by way of the respect I indeed do extend apostates:,1518,408781,00.html

DiamondHearts said:
I would bring him to the Islamic court and if he did not agree with rejecting his new faith, I would allow the Islamic court to dealwith him and perform his execution in a swift and unpainful manner.


You dare write "peace" after such an admission?

Perhaps - and your faith - has been given too much credit after all.

You support the establishment of Israel, you are a zionist. Go look it up. Zionism does not equal Judaism. This is lying.

Imam Khomeini never said such a thing. It is interesting to what extend you lie to prove your points. If you will continue with propagation of your view, please find the text in farsi, only then will I give your argument weight.

You have said constantly in this forum that Muslims want to make all Non-Muslims as dhimmi which you have defined as slavery. You have issued this lie many times.

You lied when you implied that I would issue an edict for your punishment. I never ever said anyhting to that degree, infact I said the very opposite. I said Allah swt will deal with those who malign His faith.

I said: Give me a few examples of those people killed in England for apostasy. Please provide articles, and their names.

Also the link you provided for the death was not an apostate but a women in Germany who had a dispute with her family and still remained Muslim. This proves nothing and is pure deception.

Using your argument for self-defense, I could kill any Palestinian as long as I was Israeli claimed self-defense. Like the hundreds of Palestinian children killed and gunned down by Israeli soldiers in self-defense. You are a lying Zionist.

I did not kill anyone, so calling me a murderer is another example of lying hypocrisy.

I would encourage you to stop with your lies before you ruin your credibility any more. This is for your own safety.

DiamondHearts said:
You support the establishment of Israel, you are a zionist. Go look it up. Zionism does not equal Judaism. This is lying.

I don't know that I support Israel's establishment, but I do support it now. It exists now, and the people there are not likely to leave without force. Given the nature of the enemy likely to provide such force...I would sooner the people of Israel were safe in North America. I have also never said that Zionism equals Judaism. That is another deception - and a seemingly deliberate one - on your part.

Imam Khomeini never said such a thing. It is interesting to what extend you lie to prove your points. If you will continue with propagation of your view, please find the text in farsi, only then will I give your argument weight.

I have already indicated that the translations may be found. Googling them would be a very simple matter indeed; but I do not expect those of such fragile faith to take such a risk.

You have said constantly in this forum that Muslims want to make all Non-Muslims as dhimmi which you have defined as slavery. You have issued this lie many times.

Show me where I have said that, liar. Show it, if you have the nerve. I certainly will say this now: I would not want to see islam imposed on the world if it means non-muslims would be treated as those in muslim countries. A man leaves islam in Afghanistan, and you think he should be killed. With such sympathetic "protectors", I don't think anyone would want for oppressors.

You lied when you implied that I would issue an edict for your punishment. I never ever said anyhting to that degree, infact I said the very opposite. I said Allah swt will deal with those who malign His faith.

My comment was a supposition. If you do not know what a supposition is, I suggest you look it up: and I ask again what you would do with someone whom you claim is "insulting" islam. Since you use the word "insult" so freely to represent "debate", I think I need not get an answer. Indeed, I imagine 'two goats would not butt their heads together over it', as the saying goes.

I said: Give me a few examples of those people killed in England for apostasy. Please provide articles, and their names.

Oh, silly me:,5478,17146062%5E1702+,00.html

That last one is interesting: it says it also happens in Christian and Sihk families, yet mentions no such families. Curious.

Also the link you provided for the death was not an apostate but a women in Germany who had a dispute with her family and still remained Muslim. This proves nothing and is pure deception.

Oh - of course, the country makes a vast amount of difference. It's like saying a sixteen year old girl was hung under sharia in Iraq when she was really hung in Iran; it doesn't really help your case. Are mere technicalities to be the basis for your entire argument? Very dishonest.

Moreover, prove she remained muslim. The accusation is that she became German; i.e. Christian or secular. Read between the lines. Talk about pure deception.

Using your argument for self-defense, I could kill any Palestinian as long as I was Israeli claimed self-defense. Like the hundreds of Palestinian children killed and gunned down by Israeli soldiers in self-defense. You are a lying Zionist.

Of course you could claim that - if you actually were acting in self-defense. I suppose that might be the difference here: the Israelis have to account for their actions, both to other Israelis and the world. The terrorists - and the parents who send their children to instigate attacks on Israelis and get turned into shaheeds - never have to.

Why not just call me a lying Jew and get it over with, Diamond? Come on - you know you want to.

I did not kill anyone, so calling me a murderer is another example of lying hypocrisy.

No, it would be false alliteration, for which I apologize. In fact, you would only be a "Supporter of the murder of apostates" or "Oppressor of innocent, peace-loving apostates". I imagine you'd prefer others do the dirty work for you. In fact, it disgusts me a little more when I think what you'd do to the three women I helped get out of islam. It makes my blood boil just a bit to think of you urging on men with knives to do violence on them.

However, anger against even someone like you is not a good thing, and so I try my best to shake it off.

I would encourage you to stop with your lies before you ruin your credibility any more. This is for your own safety.

And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen: the threat. Is this what dialogue with islamicists comes down to, in the end? Certainly seems like it.

So what are you going to do if I don't stop, Diamond?

Diamond, I think you've earned this, too:

`Honour killing' backlash
Toronto Star ^ | 5/16/2004 | JOHN GODDARD

Turkey reforming laws pertaining to murder of females Even rape victims subject to killing by family's males

"It [Turkish law] defines rape as a crime against society instead of against a woman, for example. It allows for virginity tests at the request of a teacher or dorm manager, a demeaning and unacceptable practice."

You're welcome.

GeoffP said:

A FATHER and his two teenage sons were found guilty overnight of killing a university student, who had made his daughter pregnant, "to vindicate the family's honour".

Is this about apostates or honor killings? I thought I asked for a proof of killing of apostates in England. So he killed some kid who made his daughter pregnant. What does this have to do with Islam?

GeoffP said:

A Muslim man is beginning a life sentence for murdering his daughter because he disapproved of her Christian boyfriend.

Where does it say apostasy from Islam? or does it IMPLY it. The girl ran away from her father to get married to a stranger. It was a family thing, don't blame Islam.

GeoffP said:

This only repeats the last article.

GeoffP said:
Oh - of course, the country makes a vast amount of difference. It's like saying a sixteen year old girl was hung under sharia in Iraq when she was really hung in Iran; it doesn't really help your case. Are mere technicalities to be the basis for your entire argument? Very dishonest.

You said apostates are killed in England all the time. So I asked you to back up your claim. Are you ready to admit you are wrong?

GeoffP said:
Moreover, prove she remained muslim. The accusation is that she became German; i.e. Christian or secular. Read between the lines. Talk about pure deception.

So you can't become German and still be Muslim? If I apply for citizenship in Germany and am considered German and adopt German values, I can no longer be Muslim?

GeoffP, if you wanted you could IMPLY ANYTHING no matter how ridiculous. This is not a good way to prove your point.

GeoffP said:
Of course you could claim that - if you actually were acting in self-defense. I suppose that might be the difference here: the Israelis have to account for their actions, both to other Israelis and the world. The terrorists - and the parents who send their children to instigate attacks on Israelis and get turned into shaheeds - never have to.

The terrorists don't have to account for it, because people like you IMPLY why they did it (pure hatred, Islamo Arabi Fascism, Racist culture, etc...).

And also you make people like me somehow responsible for their actions, because somehow any who is Muslim bears all the sins of all the Muslims in the world.

GeoffP said:
Why not just call me a lying Jew and get it over with, Diamond? Come on - you know you want to.

Because you agree with Israel's right to exist makes you a Zionist, not a Jew.

GeoffP said:
No, it would be false alliteration, for which I apologize. In fact, you would only be a "Supporter of the murder of apostates" or "Oppressor of innocent, peace-loving apostates". I imagine you'd prefer others do the dirty work for you. In fact, it disgusts me a little more when I think what you'd do to the three women I helped get out of islam. It makes my blood boil just a bit to think of you urging on men with knives to do violence on them.

Your apology is accepted.

Allah swt will deal with us how He chooses.

GeoffP said:
However, anger against even someone like you is not a good thing, and so I try my best to shake it off.

Now if only you put that into practice.

I might disagree with you on Islam, however I don't hate you so don't take it the wrong way.

GeoffP said:
And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen: the threat. Is this what dialogue with islamicists comes down to, in the end? Certainly seems like it.

So what are you going to do if I don't stop, Diamond?


You have to imply a threat again.

I was referring to the safety of your credibility on this forum and people's opinions of you.

If you want to IMPLY I threatened you, I swear I didn't and as you know I am forbidden to lie in my religion.

Geoff, it isn't right to spread false notions and lies about religion and history.

The fact that I as a Muslim am telling you that we don't want to enslave Non-Muslims or rule the world should be enough.

DiamondHearts said:
A FATHER and his two teenage sons were found guilty overnight of killing a university student, who had made his daughter pregnant, "to vindicate the family's honour".

Is this about apostates or honor killings? I thought I asked for a proof of killing of apostates in England. So he killed some kid who made his daughter pregnant. What does this have to do with Islam?

Because it's all part of the same trend - the families prefer that the women get murdered rather than exercise any independence. Independence of religion is the final, intolerable act. And who or what made the families like this? Did they all come from some backwater in Pakistan or rural Iranian tribe? Really? This seems to be the general excuse and strikes me as a bit unlikely.

Where does it say apostasy from Islam? or does it IMPLY it. The girl ran away from her father to get married to a stranger. It was a family thing, don't blame Islam.

Again, independence = death for muslim families, it would seem.

You said apostates are killed in England all the time. So I asked you to back up your claim. Are you ready to admit you are wrong?

All the time? Don't recall that. Would that be another of your lies? Why, yes it would

So, sorry. You lost this one, as all the rest:


The Times February 05, 2005

Muslim apostates cast out and at risk from faith and family
By Anthony Browne

While Christians who turn to Islam are feted, the 200,000 Muslims who turn away are faced with abuse, violence and even murder

THE first brick was thrown through the sitting room window at one in the morning, waking Nissar Hussein, his wife and five children with a terrifying start. The second brick went through his car window.

It was a shock, but hardly a surprise. The week before, another brick had been thrown through the window as the family were preparing for bed in their Bradford home. The victim of a three-year campaign of religious hatred, Mr Hussein’s car has also been rammed and torched, and the steps to his home have been strewn with rubbish.

He and his family have been regularly jostled, abused, attacked, shouted at to move out of the area, and given death threats in the street. His wife has been held hostage inside their home for two hours by a mob. His car, walls and windows have been daubed in graffiti: “Christian bastard”.


Yasmin, who was raised in the North of England, has been forced out of her town once, and is now trying to resist being chased out again. Brought up in a Muslim family, she converted after having a vision of Jesus when she gave birth to her youngest son, and was baptised in her thirties.. “My family completely disowned me. They thought I had committed the biggest sin — I was born a Muslim, and so I must die a Muslim. When my husband found out, he totally disowned my sons. One friend tried to strangle me when I told him I was converting,” she said.


Some 3,000 Christians in the UK are in danger because they have chosen to convert from Islam. Some are being actively harassed and persecuted, but many church leaders seem more interested in defending their attackers than in standing up for the rights of the converts.

Nissar Hussain, a Christian from Bradford, has suffered three years of harassment, amounting effectively to persecution, from the local Muslims in his neighbourhood. His car has been torched and rammed, bricks have been thrown through his window on many occasions, there have been threats to burn his house down, and other threats. Mr Hussain and his wife were originally Muslims, and this is the reason for the treatment they are getting.

Though this may seem shocking, it should not be a surprise. From its inception, Islam has rigorously sought to prevent its adherents from choosing any other faith. Such apostates are regarded as traitors and - according to shari'a (Islamic law) - should be executed....

These converts face not only the possibility of hostility and aggression from individuals within the Muslim community in Britain, but also some are asylum-seekers who have fled much graver dangers in their countries of origin. If such individuals are refused asylum and sent home, they could face imprisonment, torture or death.

A number of senior British Muslims have recently acknowledged the injustice of the Islamic apostasy law and the serious breach of human rights and religious liberty which it entails, both in theory and in practice in the modern world.

Christian Leaders Must Speak Out

It is essential that Christian leaders in the UK should affirm the rights of those who have converted to Christianity from Islam. Sadly such converts can often be marginalized by those to whom they turn for help. Having been rejected by their own community, they find that the Christian community fails to take their situation seriously. Three years ago, when Mr Hussain was first attacked, most church leaders who heard of his situation did nothing. As further attacks occurred, they still seemed barely interested. Now that the plight of the Hussain family has hit the national press, church leaders seem to be chiefly concerned to absolve from blame the perpetrators of these crimes. Even some in Bradford itself have sought to deny the link with Islam and have attributed this sustained and vicious campaign to the pranks of youngsters.

For Christian leadership to downplay the sufferings of converts is a betrayal of those who have risked everything for Christ. But if British Christian leaders were to stand up for converts, it could even bring about change within Islam itself.


In the Islamic world, there is a broad consensus, both popular and scholarly, that apostates deserve to be killed. A rich theological and intellectual tradition, stretching as far back as Muhammad and his companions, supports this position. Though official proceedings against those who reject Islam are fairly rare—in part, no doubt, because most keep their conversion a closely held secret—apostasy is punishable by death in Afghanistan, Comoros, Iran, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Yemen. It is also illegal in Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, the Maldives, Oman, and Qatar.

The greatest threat to apostates in the Muslim world derives not from the state, however, but from private individuals who take punishment into their own hands. In Bangladesh, for example, a native-born Muslim-turned-Christian evangelist was stabbed to death in the spring of 2003 while returning home from a film version of the Gospel of Luke. As another Bangladeshi apostate told the U.S. Newswire, “If a Muslim converts to Christianity, now he cannot live in this country. It is not safe. The fundamentalism is increasing more and more.”

Because of this ideological environment, every apostate in the Muslim world must live in constant fear of death. And unfortunately, as harsh recent experience has taught us, Islamist ideology is hardly confined to the Muslim world alone. Advocates of jihad, to say nothing of actual terrorists, can be found in every corner of the West. More disturbing, because of what it says about our own ideological self-defenses, is the respectability that has been granted to spokesmen for Islamic fundamentalism who have learned to promote their agenda in our own idiom, even as they argue that mere conversion out of Islam should be considered a crime.

A prime example in this connection is Syed Mumtaz Ali, the president of the Canadian Society of Muslims. The Indian-born Mumtaz Ali was the first South Asian lawyer in Ontario when he set up practice more than 40 years ago, and has been the intellectual force behind the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice, a group dedicated to applying shari’a (Islamic law) to certain civil disputes in the province. Ontario’s Arbitration Act, passed in 1991, paved the way for this campaign—and for Mumtaz Ali’s emergence as a respected public figure—by granting religious authorities the power to arbitrate in family and property matters so long as the parties involved gave their consent (and with the proviso that the decisions can be appealed to Canadian courts).

Instituting even so restricted a version of shari’a has been controversial in Canada, especially among feminists rightly worried about its effects on Muslim women. But for Mumtaz Ali, this first, modest concession to the claims of Islam has been just the beginning. As he declared in defending the shari’a tribunal, “freedom of religion as guaranteed under Canada’s constitution means not only freedom to practice and propagate religion but also to be able to be governed by one’s religious laws in all aspects of one’s life—spiritual as well as temporal.”

What Mumtaz Ali meant by this portentous remark is made clear in an astonishing essay under his name that can be found on the website of the Canadian Society of Muslims.2 Not only does he affirm there the traditional proposition that apostates must “choose between Islam and the sword,” but he argues that, if Canada is to be true to its own Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it must allow the country’s Muslim community to punish those of its members who renounce or traduce their faith.

[W]hat such a large segment of the Canadian minority believes as a precept of their faith/religion ought to be fully recognized if the Charter’s provision respecting freedom of religion are [sic] to have any real meaning. . . . Failing [to incorporate Islamic law concerning apostasy and blasphemy into the laws of Canada] will be a flagrant breach of equality rights. . . . Failing to interpret the guaranteed rights and freedoms of Muslims in accordance with the true spirit of multiculturalism results in the effective denial of this fundamental philosophy of the Canadian constitution. This is a tragic departure from that cherished “tolerance” (the real tolerance) which is the distinguishing quality of a cultured people.

Mumtaz Ali allows that recognizing Islamic law in this context “does not necessarily entail any obligation to enforce the Islamic punishment for blasphemy/apostasy within the Canadian jurisdiction” (emphasis added). Apostates, that is, will not have to be stoned or beheaded. But plainly some punishment by the community itself is in order, and Canada, as Mumtaz Ali would have it, has no right to stand in the way.

A still more original apologist for the harsh treatment of apostates who reside in the West is Ali Khan, a law professor at Washburn University in Kansas. In a recent issue of the Cumberland Law Review, Khan suggested that Islam can be seen as a form of intellectual property, and Muslims as “trustees” who have vowed to protect their faith’s “knowledge-based assets.”

These assertions, on their face, seem innocuous enough, if a bit absurd. But Khan’s argument quickly takes an ominous turn. If Islam is understood as intellectual property, he contends, the faith should enjoy what he calls “the right to integrity”—that is, its trustees should be able to safeguard “the protected knowledge from innovations, repudiation, internal disrespect, and external assaults.” Thus, Khan continues, apostasy should be punished because it is aimed at dishonoring the protected knowledge of Islam. The murtad (apostate) is akin to a corporate insider who discloses the secrets he has undertaken to protect; he is akin to a state official who turns traitor and joins the ranks of the enemy; he is akin to a custodian who destroys the very monument he was safeguarding on behalf of the community. All legal systems punish insiders who breach their trusts; Islam punishes murtaddun [apostasy] too, sometimes severely.

Khan does not specify what punishment should be meted out to those Muslims in the West who compromise the “intellectual property” of Islam, and perhaps he has something in mind for them that falls short of capital punishment. After all, as he surely knows, American law generally does not countenance the execution of corporate spies and inside traders. The key point, however, is not the outlandish substance of Khan’s argument. Rather, it is the fact that he was able to use an American law review as a soapbox from which to advocate the licensed punishment of apostates—and that his grossly illiberal views were never rebutted in its pages.


One wonders.

So you can't become German and still be Muslim? If I apply for citizenship in Germany and am considered German and adopt German values, I can no longer be Muslim?

My guess is you'd have to ask other muslims - like the students in the article - what they think about that. It might be best not to be too bold. For, you see, the opinions expressed therein reflect those of local muslims. They seemed to have reasoned out the cause of her death - and rationalized it, too.

The terrorists don't have to account for it, because people like you IMPLY why they did it (pure hatred, Islamo Arabi Fascism, Racist culture, etc...).

Didn't someone say you were a legalist of some kind? You are comparing oranges with bricks. Israelis who break their laws and kill civilians must answer to higher authority for their actions. Islamic terrorists who kill civilians are in fact rewarded for so doing, because their goal is to kill innocent civilians. I'm surprised I need make this point clearer to you.

And also you make people like me somehow responsible for their actions, because somehow any who is Muslim bears all the sins of all the Muslims in the world.

You support murder in the name of 'morality' and religious domination. What more damning commentary could I make of your opinions? If you had wholeheartedly damned the same opinions that you possess, I could say we have solid ground. Regrettably, that is not your view, and so yes: you and people who possess opinions like yours are guilty of a great deal.

Because you agree with Israel's right to exist makes you a Zionist, not a Jew.

As you prefer. I cannot say that I agree or disagree with any certainty to Israel's right to exist; it is clear that your own biases blind you to the possibility that they might have reason or right to do so.

Your apology is accepted.

It is nothing.

Now if only you put that into practice.

And yet I am not the hater here, now am I?

You have to imply a threat again.

Again? Where did I imply a threat to me to begin with? You warned me about my safety. That's a threat.

I was referring to the safety of your credibility on this forum and people's opinions of you.

LMAO...the "safety of your credibility on this forum"! That is indeed a new one, and a ridiculous-sounding excuse it is, too. Please, don't trouble yourself to threaten me again on my behalf. Pathetic.

If you want to IMPLY I threatened you, I swear I didn't and as you know I am forbidden to lie in my religion.

Tell you what; apologize for the threat and I'll think about it.

Geoff, it isn't right to spread false notions and lies about religion and history.

It certainly isn't, so please stop doing it.

The fact that I as a Muslim am telling you that we don't want to enslave Non-Muslims or rule the world should be enough.

Spare me, Pinnochio. I have no confidence, given the content of your debate with me, of the veracity of anything you've said or that you have any concept whatever of fair debate. For I swear that all I've said is true and justified, too. See how that works?

By the by, isn't taqquiya permitted in some Shi'ite sects?

geoff: the muslim man/womans an idiot, anybody who could follow such an evil regime, needs to see a doctor.

I'm regretfully coming around to the same conclusion; I don't want to cast aspersions but there seems to be a lot of anger there.

Peace be upon you.

First, none of the posts you provided have proved that anyone has been killed in England for apostasy from Islam. You said many people are murdered by Muslims for apostasy in England. Now you refuse to bring proof.

You bring me articles of verbal abuse and threats against apostates in England, but never have you provided a single case where an apostate has been killed in England. Let alone many apostates.

If you want to continue to imply that I threatened you, then I swear by Allah swt that I did not.

As a religious person, I am forbidden by my religion to lie.

Also, there is no reason why I should apologize for something I didn't mean. You simply wish to twist my words by implying that I meant something I did not.

If you want to continue with your lie, I really don't care. Allah swt knows that I am truthful and correct.

Mustaf, you said you are on death sentence from some Muslim country. What country is that, Turkey?

DiamondHearts said:
First, none of the posts you provided have proved that anyone has been killed in England for apostasy from Islam. You said many people are murdered by Muslims for apostasy in England. Now you refuse to bring proof.

No, I said that some people have, not many - and the examples of young women killed for stepping outside the bounds of family illustrates my case, as do the people killed in Germany and the abuse and oppression against apostates of conscience in England and elsewhere. Now you falsely attribute comments to me. You are a liar.

If you want to continue to imply that I threatened you, then I swear by Allah swt that I did not.

Finally, some consideration for other human beings, including those who disagree with you. Too little too late to my mind. Where's the apology?

As a religious person, I am forbidden by my religion to lie.

And taqquiya means...?

Also, there is no reason why I should apologize for something I didn't mean. You simply wish to twist my words by implying that I meant something I did not.

And if I had interpreted it as a threat from you - you who are so gentle, so meek! that you would kill apostates and homosexuals, even your own son - and never posted here again, you would have merely assumed that was my mistake, and profited thereby?

You deliberately left the meaning loose so that you could threaten me with seeming impunity and also claim personal outrage later when I called you on it. If I had told you that "You had best be careful for your safety, for liars often have bad accidents" then you would have shrilled to the high heavens that I was threatening you. Hypocrite.

True peace go with you.

DiamondHearts said:
In Islam, human beings are allowed to be married at the age of puberty.
Most children enter puberty at the age of 9, some children can entire puberty much earlier.

My opinion is that if Islam allows for sex with 9 year old children just because they have entered the biological state of puberty is sick and disgusting. That’s just my opinion. I think sex with post-pubescent children is WRONG. But obviously DiamondHearts thinks sex with children is fine so long as the child has begun a biological processes called Puberty. Then again DiamondHearts also thinks Slavery is fine too.

In the West and in the East (successful and prosperous societies), Mohammed would have been tried and convicted for pedophilia in a court of law and ended his days medicated in a prison hospital.

Islamic enlightenment according to DiamondHearts so far:

- Sex with post-pubescent children is Islamic correct behavior.
- Owning a Slave is Islamic correct behavior.
- Destroying 1000+ year old sacred Buddhist statues is Islamic correct behavior.

What kind of crazy &%$#$???? And people wonder why Islamic countries are so f*cked up? We really really really need to get off oil and leave these societies to themselves. Second, we need to seriously consider what is appropriate religious belief and what isn’t should be considered occult and banned.

Cheers mate,


Its too bad people don't go back to their old Amercian and Euopean Myths and Gods? Then again Xianity is made from them as well.... oh well.
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infact michael, it's not just diamondpratt, it's any moronic muslim, myself included, if I still followed this evil faith.
killing people because they leave islam/change faiths, is Islamic correct behavior.
killing girls/woman who have been raped is Islamic correct behavior.

there are literally thousand of others.

DiamondHearts said:
Mustaf, why aren't you answering me. What country are you on a death sentence from?

Well, yours, if he ever went there.

Seriously, why don't you just ask for his real name, address and phone number too? Why do you assume he'd think it was a good idea to tell you anything about where he's from?

DiamondHearts said:
Mustaf, why aren't you answering me. What country are you on a death sentence from?
as you well know any islamic state, however, I live in the south of england, I cannot go home to birmingham for fear of death. so have only spoken to my mum on the telephone in secret, for the past 8 yrs.

also geoff, it's she no he thanks.

Gotcha. Sorry kofi.

I don't believe I've ever said that before.

Anyway, please also understand my perspective: in a modification of the saying of the Vikings of old, I do indeed believe that there is no philosophy "so evil as to be worth nothing"; though I certainly also believe that there is equally no philosophy "so good as to be perfect". I don't have issue with muslims, or even islam per se, but with its usage and with portions of its theology. I'm always happier debating religion when I know the other side isn't going to get so worked up that blood must be spilt.

Perhaps islam just needs a Renaissance?

it does need something, a few sensible people in it's walls might help, but most are to far gone or not educated, however far more muslims are leaving the faith now in europe, than in all it's history, so theres hope at least for the future, we just have to re-educate the rest some how.
That is opposition of you from your family, so why did you say you have cases of death in Islamic countries? This is misinformation.
