So whats better Rock or Pop?

shut up you two...
sound like two kids on the first day on the internet with no mommy by your back:D

Why, I think its too fake

The Underground I listen to is not fake at all. i would think you would call the mainstream HipHop fake, if anything.

huh what so good about underground hip hop
it just underground

In my opinion Underground is more authentic then mainstream. They don't get into all the politics of music industry and they aren't told what to rap about.

Most Mainstream HipHoppers are the fake ones.
Classic rock and what I guess I'm gonna have to call classic Metal.

Basically favourite bands Metallica, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Queen and Joe Satriani (well he's a man not a band)

I could list all the others and may do some time, but cant be bothered now.

Basically, fair enough if you like them, but in technical terms all pop and stuff like Slipknot, Korn, Sum41, Blink182, System of a Down are rubbish. they really are, I know seventeen years old who've been learning theirinstrument for about a year who can EASILY play the work of such bands and most of them can better it by far. Modern music is, for the most part, appaling.

i think it was Deep Purple's lead singer (Ian Gillan) who, when asked how much longer they'd carry on a few years ago said something like 'well, what with the modern competition, which is basically nothing, i dont see any reason to stop'

This may sound arrogant, but any other attitude is going beyond humble and deep into the absurd.

Sorry if I've offended anyone, but this is something me and a lot of Rock and Metal fans feel reallly strongly about.
I have to drag this out of the grave, sorry.

I think that most Metal bands are almost ageless. Metallica is still as big as it was before, if not bigger. Black Sabbath is still seling records even though they split some years ago.
Cock-rock sucks ass.

I'll listen to it sometimes but if it's the staple of your collection then that's bizzare. Technically it's impressive but who can live on technicality? And why would you want to?

AND HEY! What's wrong with brit-pop? Specifically pop-rock. NOTHING. That's right -- NOTHING.

Weezer (I went backstage, I went backstage, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah) and JEW are great. But, they are in fact, pop-rock. There's nothing wrong with good pop-rock.

Or good pop. Pet Shop Boys anyone? New Order?
can't argue about the taste

btw- what is "cock rock" ?

and if you don't find it offensive-> how old are you?
I'm assuming pop rock is bands like Linkin Park (who suck ass):D

Not a big fan of Rap-Metal either
Weezer's actually more of classic-rock style rock, in my opinion. Jimmy Eat World is pop-rock.

What good is technically? Well, it's all based on opinion. To some of us, music which is actually really well written sounds good. We don't listen BECAUSE it is technically good. We listen because we enjoy it. You enjoy music which is nice and dumbed down.

George Carlin said that Elvis dumbed down black music so that nice white American kids could accept it. That the real music was too 'real' for middle-class white kids to accept. He was basically right, and it took a little while aftre Elvis before real rock came back. Of course, that's not to say Elvis was bad! Anyway, the point being pop-rock is still the dumbed-down version of real music.
Cock-rock defined: Mostly about just being really angry and beating up stuff or talking about how sexy some girl is. Primarily ape stuff. Girl's that they want to do, people they can beat up and how sad it is that no one knows how good and tough they are. Examples: Metallica, Judas Priest (who I do like), Black Sabbath, Slayer, Limp Bisquit (sp?, who cares.) most of 80's metal and glam rock stuff, KISS...blah blah blah

And should I be offended by the WORDS cock-rock or by the MUSIC. I's rock that's based on the man's genitalia. It's not like it's really intelligent. I'd call it penis-rock but that doesn't rhyme.

To Thor:
Pop-rock NOW is Linkn Park and gay stuff like that. But stuff that HAS BEEN pop-rock or is pop-rock in other countries is A1 baby.
Pop-rock (as the name suggests) is supposed to be liked by everyone, but it isn't. I hate it. I like some JEW songs, the ones that are sorta similar to U2's songs.

Anyway, my thoery of pop-music is if your song is played on a national station plenty of times (ie Radio 1), people will buy it. Hardly anyone I know knew who The Red Hot Chilli Peppers where until they released there new song (which is annoying me now). I've listened to them for years and years and years. Still like Under the Bridge, damn good song, All Saints butchered it though:(
Who here likes Slipknot? Hands up, come on. I know some ppl do

What about Limp Bizkit? Come on. Lets see those hands.
My bad, thought "cock-rock" was just a tease name because you dont like "rock" (i.e. Stones, later Beatles, CCR...).

pop-rock incorporates things like Nickleback, Creed, JEW...
All Saints covered Under The Bridge??? :eek: I am shocked! Another good Song gone to pieces!

I am not hurt at all that I do not listen to hit radio. What I am listening to, is called classic rock. So it is told on the radio. :)
Yes, All Saints did Under The Bridge. Not as good as RHCP one.

Nickelback could be classed as Rock but because of radio coverage, its now pop-rock. They had so much potential too:(