Simple method to transmit thoughts that always works.

@ Quantum Quack,
If minds can perceive thoughts from others (which I completely believe), then a more relevant question might be what affects are incurred upon us from our dealings with people in average everyday settings.

Scientific experiments designed at proving that telepathy exists are usually short and harmless in comparison to the bombardment of psychic energies we must perceive over a lifetime. Perhaps schizophrenics are in tune with others. There is room for much speculation in this field.

The main problem with psychic research is it is the scientific method is flawed. There are countless experiments that can conclude telepathy is real 99.99%. This is not acceptable to the scientific community, and it is also missing good theory and the ability to measure.

I will maintain (5 yrs later now) that following the directions in the OP you can prove telepathy to yourself. There is no point in creating scientific studies based on this technique however as they have all been done successfully.
@ Quantum Quack,
If minds can perceive thoughts from others (which I completely believe), then a more relevant question might be what affects are incurred upon us from our dealings with people in average everyday settings.

Scientific experiments designed at proving that telepathy exists are usually short and harmless in comparison to the bombardment of psychic energies we must perceive over a lifetime. Perhaps schizophrenics are in tune with others. There is room for much speculation in this field.

The main problem with psychic research is it is the scientific method is flawed. There are countless experiments that can conclude telepathy is real 99.99%. This is not acceptable to the scientific community, and it is also missing good theory and the ability to measure.

I will maintain (5 yrs later now) that following the directions in the OP you can prove telepathy to yourself. There is no point in creating scientific studies based on this technique however as they have all been done successfully.
total Bullshit.

If you're so confident, Randi has a cool million bucks for ya. Seriously.

The method is not flawed- the ability is just imagined.
@ Quantum Quack,
If minds can perceive thoughts from others (which I completely believe), then a more relevant question might be what affects are incurred upon us from our dealings with people in average everyday settings.

Scientific experiments designed at proving that telepathy exists are usually short and harmless in comparison to the bombardment of psychic energies we must perceive over a lifetime. Perhaps schizophrenics are in tune with others. There is room for much speculation in this field.

The main problem with psychic research is it is the scientific method is flawed. There are countless experiments that can conclude telepathy is real 99.99%. This is not acceptable to the scientific community, and it is also missing good theory and the ability to measure.

I will maintain (5 yrs later now) that following the directions in the OP you can prove telepathy to yourself. There is no point in creating scientific studies based on this technique however as they have all been done successfully.
I appreciate your position and fully understand.
The problem though springs from the attitude that has been clearly displayed in preceeding posts that there is entertainment value in manipulating people. Now people are people, a psychic is not immune to the human condition.

Manipulating people includes psychic equivalents of "Date Rape", cursing, jinxing, hatred filled activities, power over those who have actual power etc etc.
Of course the world generally would not "Instinctively" allow psychic phenonema to be proved until those attributes and attitudes [ the lack of ethics and respect] are guarranteed [ which of course given the nature of freewill can not be]

Randi knows this already after all he was a master of deception in his professional life as a magician. You would be naive if you thought Rand has suddenly lost his ability to deceive as well and think that his ethics are beyond question. He himself would welcome critical assessement of his own fund raising activities on the back of "encouraging critical thinking" I am sure...

Science will not be able to prove psychic connectivity as stated above and for other reasons directly linked to the nature of freewill or the ability for people to determine their own futures. This is innate and instinctive and when contravened leads to war and blood shed.

Fear , some justified [ as mentioned above and some not so well justified due to self development issues], is the greatest way to shut down any psychic ability and turn it into a self deceiving nightmare.

So when I see topics espousing the value in experimenting with live and ignorant subjects [ news presenters for example ] with out their consent, not unlike a peodophile psychically grooming a child victim, I can only see that the justification for keeping the reality of phsycic connectivity heavilly isolated to the fringe with little credibility well justified.

I highlight the issue of peodophilia as this is one of the main reasons we have such a problem with child abuse and why the perpetrators are so addicted to the power arrousal the get that they can not change nor stop their behaviour [ the need for static images of their victims is a clue to the psychic manipulations involved] and one of the outcomes of espousing the entertainment value is the potential of creating and justifying sexual misconduct such as peodphilia [ due to the allowing and accepting vulnerabilities of children and adults alike]

So advertising the potential of psychic manipulation of dreams and other areas of consciousness only opens the lid for Pandora a little bit more
with out may ability to govern what may be the outcome.

In a way Rand has only exasperated the issue by offering a prize of 1 million doillars as more and more people are attracted to trying to be "psychic" and find the offer of ths sort of prize a way to justyify their interest even if they fail to secure it. In the mean time whilst they are "trying" one has to wonder what harm is being created and how many future psycho-paths and ill people the world we will have to deal with. Suffice to say a socio-psychic society with out any form of regulation is total chaos. [ as we already see ]

Only the other day I had to council a lady complaining about loosing $600 aud to a fraudulent clairvoyent....a far too common capitalisation of peoples naivity.
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@ Quantum Quack,
If minds can perceive thoughts from others (which I completely believe), then a more relevant question might be what affects are incurred upon us from our dealings with people in average everyday settings.

Scientific experiments designed at proving that telepathy exists are usually short and harmless in comparison to the bombardment of psychic energies we must perceive over a lifetime. Perhaps schizophrenics are in tune with others. There is room for much speculation in this field.

The main problem with psychic research is it is the scientific method is flawed. There are countless experiments that can conclude telepathy is real 99.99%. This is not acceptable to the scientific community, and it is also missing good theory and the ability to measure.

I will maintain (5 yrs later now) that following the directions in the OP you can prove telepathy to yourself. There is no point in creating scientific studies based on this technique however as they have all been done successfully.

I stayed in a mental health center 3 months ago after saying I wanted to be dead. I met a guy and we got to a very in depth conversation regarding telepathy and what we can do with it. We didn't come up with any solid way of proving telepathy. Anyways, that was the first clinic after 24 hours I got transferred. I would say there was roughly 20 schizophrenic patients in that clinic. Instead of telling the doctors about the voices in my own head I put out a telepathic message to the patients namely the schizophrenics would here me, as they A KNOWLEDGE the voices or thoughts which are not their own that we ALL share, and doctors. Yes, I did see men and women reacting to my message with nods, and kindness showed to me. My message being the system is flawed, we are all connected in here, we are not alone. You are held he against your will, for a mental illness that does not exist. My best attempt to prove telepathy during that stay was I called specific people to see if they would all show up and hang out around the television, two or three of them did show up.

I made more friends during that one month stay than ever before. When the knowledge of telepathy comes to light the mental health system will be completely revamped.

Moral of the story is people are being held in a locked room against their will for a false mental diagnosis, and literally being forcefully injected with medicine to suppress the "voices." So, when telepathy is published by science magazine a full fledged investigation will be taken out on the mental health system. Discover telepathy for schizophrenic patients now! People are suffering! Help is needed.

Just curious, what are the known ways to test this? I should make myself available for study.
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This is sort of my point...
We have millions of people confined to psychiatric care all believing they are victims of overt manipulation and coersions. Some no doubt are ex-news presenters... [ eh ? It is possible yes?]
We have millions of people who are diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia or other wise referred to as Narcasistic personality disorder NPD. who believe they have power to influence the dreams and thoughts of others....
Why do the victims of covert psychic manipulations believe they have the power to influence others?
Probably because they have experienced first hand someone elses psychic manipulations and know they can do it too. [NPD is about the "God Complex" - the will to power]

You don't have to be too smart to work out what a f***ing mess that leads to.... do you?

So the world ends up with a war of people clandestinely and psychically manipulating each other.

A state of constantly trying to deceive each other and feeding on the fear of self deception and fraud.

Sounds a bit like what is happening in conventional politics and the world generally doesn't it?

Mr. Quack. The truth of telepathy is certain to some, unknown to others. Given that, and the fact that millions of people are suffering around the world because they believe they are psychotic voice hearing freaks what do you suppose should be done?
What I think someone who believes they can communicate "telepathically" is doing is just rationalising what's known as mirroring.

There is, in a sense, a kind of "universal mind" because we mirror each other's behaviour. So we expect (unconsciously) that others will mirror our behaviour. Mirroring is innate, the reason we all do it is probably coherence of the group. Someone who doesn't appear to be mirroring is probably considered "strange", or sociopathic.

Mirroring isn't necessarily copying other's physical actions, although we apparantly have a dedicated part of our autonomous nervous system that constantly (but not overtly) mirrors other people. For instance, spectators at sports matches unconsciously mirror what players are doing. When you watch TV, you mirror what the actors are doing. Your brain, of course, is able to suppress your desire to copy others. Similarly, your brain is able to suppress your unconscious reaction to dreams, for fairly obvious reasons.

Hence the idea you may have of "communicating" in a non-vocal manner with others, who may not even notice you. I mean, how does an actor on the TV "notice" you? The program might be days, weeks or years old. . .
The truth of telepathy is certain to some, unknown to others.

The main problem is how people perceive such things as being a reality. For Telepathy to be real requires a point-to-point connection between two peers, this is defined as a "medium" and means either they can hear each other, see each other or have an artificial medium created through the use of cables or radio-telecommunications.

If it supposedly works without a medium then it's pure fantasy.

If you are claiming that people could understand through the powers of your mind alone, then on the very outside there is the potential of an artificially inflicted abuse system from fraternity/nation-states. If that's the truth then there will never be a radical overthrowing of the current psychiatric community, mainly because it would mean losing their power over such equipments use (As well as a downturn in trade for drug companies, since it will be shown that the pills didn't have to be anything more than placebo)

The point here is without directly asking people that "nodded" or "winked", your still dealing with fictitious assumptions, as if you asked them outright then the outcome would of suggested that some (if not all) were completely unaware of what you were thinking and were just acknowledging you being there.
Mr. Quack. The truth of telepathy is certain to some, unknown to others. Given that, and the fact that millions of people are suffering around the world because they believe they are psychotic voice hearing freaks what do you suppose should be done?

Please excuse the delay in my response. Your question is the first time I have heard any one express the truth of the problem so ...uhm... succinctly. It is a question I have been struggling with for years.

There is no easy answer nor a simple generalisation that can be applied.

Basically it is to do with a global evolution of self empowerment and maturity of self ethical and moral standards. Ridding ourselves of fear based morality, excessive avarace or greed, learning to live better with less demand on resources etc etc.
A general evolution of the human psych and attitude to living and lifestyle.

I know this sounds convoluted and off topic but the main reason for our inadequate approach to mental health is due to fear of loosing control, and that fear drives just about all aspects that keep people hungry for power and a preparedness to compete for resources regardless of the personal cost.

It is true that once psychic connectivity is evidenced in a way that science is happy with and that connectedness is generally accepted by the medical community more appropriate therapy and life skills can be offered to those who are uncomfortably challenged with the ungoverned growth in their insight into what and who they/we are.

Unfortunately due to the increasing levels of drug dependency for conditions such as depression, psychosis etc means that the world will have no alternative in the very near future but accept the reality of psychic -social conditions as most of the Westen world become seriously addicted to medicated relief from what should be derived from the hard work of self development instead.

Therefore to solve this dilemma the way people regard their "human nature" of seeking the easy path etc etc needs to change and unfortunately this will not happen until it becomes blatantly all too clear that we, as a race, have missed the boat and will have to wallow in our own greed created social excrement and most likely become extinct as a race in the process.

For example the epidemic in child hood asthma IMO is caused by the over caring pressure applied by parents.

Let me explain If I may.

Since the advent of SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome [1985-ish], parents have been extremely focussed on monitoring the babies breathing until the baby passes through the statistically given risk period [ up to about 6 months I think]
However in a psycho social sense this means that the parents are instinctively due to their fear of loosing the child, assisting the childs breathing psychic-ally by will power [ hopig due to fear that the baby will last the night etc applies enourmous pressure on the child]. [ I know as I did the same for my baby daughter 25 years ago]

Like my daughter the children then grow up and suffer asthma conditions due to the presense of the support their parents have been offering them psychally via their cardio vasular system. The freewill and the innate need for the child to become self determined [eventually grow into an adult] means the childs body will attempt to reject the parental/social assistance and thus the coughing, weazing and sometimes death from asthma is the outcome. [Instinctively driven death rather than oppression type battle]

So it is no coincidence to me that both SIDS and Childhood Asthma epidemics have occurred simultaneously. Asthma, ironically, being caused by the "oppressive nature" of the love of the parents in reaction to the threat of SIDS.

As a child myself I recognised that my own asthma type cpondition was directly related to my fathers psychic oppression and it was only after I distanced myself at the age of 18 [ left home and married ] that my asthma condition ceased, however the damage was done and at the age of 25 I suffered numerous collapsing of the lungs due to blisters that had formed which, in my opinion, where a direct relation to the psychic assault my father was perpetrating in his attempts to control me as a youth.

I mention the above because the question you raise is not so simple to answer nor is it simple to impliment any solution possible except with the general evolution of human inner personal philosophical, ethical, moral maturity.

In other words there is no easy path. Gotta walk as well as talk so to speak...
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The main problem is how people perceive such things as being a reality. For Telepathy to be real requires a point-to-point connection between two peers, this is defined as a "medium" and means either they can hear each other, see each other or have an artificial medium created through the use of cables or radio-telecommunications.

If it supposedly works without a medium then it's pure fantasy.

If you are claiming that people could understand through the powers of your mind alone, then on the very outside there is the potential of an artificially inflicted abuse system from fraternity/nation-states. If that's the truth then there will never be a radical overthrowing of the current psychiatric community, mainly because it would mean losing their power over such equipments use (As well as a downturn in trade for drug companies, since it will be shown that the pills didn't have to be anything more than placebo)

The point here is without directly asking people that "nodded" or "winked", your still dealing with fictitious assumptions, as if you asked them outright then the outcome would of suggested that some (if not all) were completely unaware of what you were thinking and were just acknowledging you being there.
have you had a look at Zero Point Theory?

It clearly explains the medium for communication as being the same "medium" used universally to secure the constancy of Gravity universally.

"Zero point by virtue of it's nature grants every sentient and animated being freewill yet simultaneously generates the unbreakable bond between all things. The interconnectedness that is absolute yet liberating at the same time."

~extract - related articles
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@ Quantum Quack,
Verbal suggestions/commands can be much more lethal. If you are not familiar with NLP/Derren Brown then you are missing a great psychological tool.
(above link should be viewed in entirety to get just of it.. especially explanation. It is like secret hypnosis.)

@ Stryder,
I have looked at many theories attempting to ascribe a method to telepathy. If it were that simple then everyone would believe as we would have models to look at and measure.

I have seen convincing probabilities (double blind, etc) regarding telepathy that does not fall into the categories of delusion. Despite what many here think there have been thousands of laboratory setting telepathy experiments. It is not always a group of people watching Uri Geller bend spoons and then convinced beyond imagining. There are cases where every effort has been made to prevent trickery or false results.

In the very opening post of this thread I described method that any two friends can conduct that if successful may change their entire viewpoint of reality. It takes a A WHOLE HOUR TO DO. You just need a friend that you want to wake up with telepathy over the next few weeks. Pick a random night and do it.

You may get a result like
"I 'woke up' while sleeping a few nights ago. It was a very real and very clear experience. I have recently broken up with my partner. I could see her very clearly and she was telling me something. The time was 4.53am.
I have contacted her and she has confirmed just last night that my experience was absolutely correct."

Even a skeptic should allow themselves a few 1 hour "experiments" to see if they can do telepathy. Once you know it is a reality then we will have one more person working on the WHY of it.

@ neverfly,
Thank-you for being yet another troll who peruses the paranormal sections of sciforums just to poke fun instead of at least arguing points or trying to use your imagination. It is called trolling, however even James R the site administrator will happily troll here.

If you read more than just your contrived statement then you will realize James Randi experiment has been brought up numerous times and is the cornerstone of many skeptic arguments.

The JAMES RANDI contest is FLAWED! I have said it before and I will say it now for dimwits who cannot be bothered following the thread.

Pretend you do a psychic experiment that defies 75 000:1 odds. Is that considered proof? Some say it should be and others say it shouldn't.

I think the people that deny such high percentages of probability are extremely stupid. I guess that means I think the majority of members on this website seem to be idiots for this very reason, Perhaps idiot is too strong a word as many have not seen the evidence that exists. I actually feel sorry for the lot of you that doubt telepathy because I feel you have a weak understanding of the world.

How strong do probabilities need to be to equal proof? Through repetition we can defy odds billions to one. Does this equal proof?

I have verified this information with the real James Randi by the way. They make it clear that they do not accept probabilities in any form.

I have a strong interest in science (I am a Soil Engineer), however I invented a method of retrieving subconscious thoughts (no telepathy involved), and have had a strong history involved with psi experimenting, and currently run a member driven website dealing with the paranormal. There is a strong chance I have witnessed more psychic phenomenon than anyone else here.

So go ahead trolls (not just neverfly). I really give two hoots what anyone else thinks, and can understand their weak understanding.

This thread was started more than 5 years ago and it was not me who revived it, so obviously there is some interest in the subject.

If you cannot contribute to the conversations and are so hard nosed paranormal skeptics it is mind boggling that you even spend any time in this section of the forum and if the site administrator had even a tiny dose of respect for this topic (he does not) then he would have moderators ban skeptic trolls from repeating the same old tired "James Randi offers a million dollars bullshit, because James Randis offer is fraudulent". He allows people to go to the expense of presenting their "abilities", and yet he knows in advance he won't accept probabilities. He should be sued.
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The point here is without directly asking people that "nodded" or "winked", your still dealing with fictitious assumptions, as if you asked them outright then the outcome would of suggested that some (if not all) were completely unaware of what you were thinking and were just acknowledging you being there.

All right, laughing at a joke works the same too. Anyways, I haven't been able to work it up to plain ask someone after "communicating" with them. Not a fictitious assumption, just an assumption.
Kwilborn said:
How strong do probabilities need to be to equal proof? Through repetition we can defy odds billions to one. Does this equal proof?
Years ago I argued just this point.
I suggested the following scenario:
"We have two rats, sharing a cage in Melbourne Australia..
We take one of those rats that has been sharing the cage for some time and transport it to NewYork USA.
We place both rats in complex mazes that are differet to each other.
We place an Internet connected sensor in each cage that when triggered by the resident rat, provides food for the other rat.
No food is supplied if the other rat does not trigger the sensor.
There is no way either rat can consciously know that it is supporting the other rat's life by virtue of triggering the sensor.
If neither Rat intuitively triggers the sensor on a regular basis both rats will perish."

Now most scientists would anticipate that the experiment would fail, and quite rightly so, I guess. however if the experiment was repeated until there was success of a sustainable nature where by both rats intuitvely or instinctively support each other over an extended time period with out a problem does this prove the existence of psychic communication between rats?

The laws of probability will say that eventually we must find a successful pair of rats... it may take 1 billion trials but eventually success must be achieved.
but what if it happened on the second trial?

My point can be sumed up with: "winning the lottery may be 1 billion to one chance yet someone wins it nearly every time."
Science has yet to prove that pure randomness exists and also that chance is not a mere figment of our ego centric natures.
Rare Earth theories will state that the probability of our planet existing as it does at the time it does is invcredibly remote. Yet here we are... is this evidence of creation by "natural" design or evdence of "chance" and randomness.

If science can not prove either randomness or chance then what are we left with other than determinism and design of some sort.

So if two rats manage to keep each other alive , in ignorance of each other and thousands of kms apart, does this prove chance or determinism to be valid?
We can not prove randomness as real nor can we prove "chance" to be real but we can prove to the limits of our perceptions cause and effect to be real.

Using probability analysis is merely qualifying speculation on an unknowable determinism - pure fantasy!
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We didn't come up with any solid way of proving telepathy.
How could you not?? Proofs are myriad and trivial!!

Yes, I did see men and women reacting to my message with nods, and kindness showed to me.
OK, that is not one of the them.

My best attempt to prove telepathy during that stay was I called specific people to see if they would all show up and hang out around the television, two or three of them did show up.
Also not one.

Moral of the story is people are being held in a locked room against their will for a false mental diagnosis, and literally being forcefully injected with medicine to suppress the "voices."
Schizophrenia is fairly well understood. Pretending it is telepathy is only encouraging the pathology

Just curious, what are the known ways to test this? I should make myself available for study.
Send a sentence to someone who can't see you. Write it down. Walk over and ask them what you said. Compare.
Do it three times in a row, with witnesses.
Poof. You're rich beyond your dreams of avarice.
How could you not?? Proofs are myriad and trivial!!

OK, that is not one of the them.

Also not one.

Schizophrenia is fairly well understood. Pretending it is telepathy is only encouraging the pathology

Send a sentence to someone who can't see you. Write it down. Walk over and ask them what you said. Compare.
Do it three times in a row, with witnesses.
Poof. You're rich beyond your dreams of avarice.
proof of telepathic influence can be achieve right now!
By YOUR inability to rationally address MY posts...
they don't call me the "Thread killer" for nothing I hope you do realise!

So... prove me wrong.
Prove the history displayed here at sci forums as invalid.
Prove you can rationalise ZeroPointTheory and prove it incorrect...
if not why not?

Proof does not have to be of a positive nature. I can quite easilly prove that my influence generates psychosis or dysfunction in others.

do you want to see the proof?
Schizophrenia IS proof of psychic-social dysfunction.
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proof of telepathic influence can be achieve right now!
By YOUR inability to rationally address MY posts...
What made you think I was avoiding your posts, let alone being unable to, let alone rationally? I was addressing Knowledge91. Whence comes this tirade of unfounded accusations?

So... prove me wrong.
The onus is on you, making the assertion.

Proof does not have to be of a positive nature. I can quite easilly prove that my influence generates psychosis or dysfunction in others.
I can prove my influence has an effect on you too. Just give me your home address.

What does this have to do with telepathy?
How could you not?? Proofs are myriad and trivial!!

OK, that is not one of the them.

Also not one.

Schizophrenia is fairly well understood. Pretending it is telepathy is only encouraging the pathology

Send a sentence to someone who can't see you. Write it down. Walk over and ask them what you said. Compare.
Do it three times in a row, with witnesses.
Poof. You're rich beyond your dreams of avarice.

Ok. Its not as easy as that. I don't exactly want to be a superstar for this.
What made you think I was avoiding your posts, let alone being unable to, let alone rationally? I was addressing Knowledge91. Whence comes this tirade of unfounded accusations?

The onus is on you, making the assertion.

I can prove my influence has an effect on you too. Just give me your home address.

What does this have to do with telepathy?

well the rationalising my post should be easy yes?
so why reject the proof that you have?
well the rationalising my post should be easy yes?
so why reject the proof that you have?

I have no proof. Humour me. Show me proof.

(Though first, you should understand what a proof is. Hint: You can't prove it. Proofs only occur in math. Best you can do is provide a compelling theory backed with a preponderance of evidence.)
Ok. Its not as easy as that. I don't exactly want to be a superstar for this.

No, you were the one who was looking for ways to prove it. Now, when provided with the opportunity, you say you don't want to.

OK, don't do it for fame or money.
Best you can do is provide a compelling theory backed with a preponderance of evidence.)
ha.. does everything that exists qualify as evidence?

If you wish for proof of negative influence of a psychic nature...
try to go to zero point theory at and rationalise it's contents.
the fact that you, as with every one else can't is proof of psychic influence.
even though it opens the door to zeropoint energy and an explanation for humanities interconnecetedness via the zero point.