Simple method to transmit thoughts that always works.

quick note heliocentric. The URL address you just listed I tried to click on and got an empty page (oops, just noticed the double-blind wikipedia link was removed during your edit). Twice. maybe add a correction, thanks. Also thanks for arguing for the scientific method.

On a second note. I did not cop - out of that experiment, and exchanged several emails with Crunchy Cat Ken. He acted willing to try an experiment, and has previously (search his posts) engaged in telepathy experiments.

Oh Yeah!"double+slit+experiment""double+slit+experiment""double+slit+experiment"

the experiment is in cartoon format, as is required for "some" of the forum contributors.
I understand how some people cannot grasp what these experiments have indicated about our reality.

The experiment is affected by human thought.

No, they were not. You have not grasped the results.

I can read your blog already Q. You will say "it doesn't". That is like saying water doesn't exist.

No, it is exactly like saying you don't understand it.

There is Empirical Data that proves beyond argument that "Thought affects reality.".

Horsepucky! And I know you won't produce any, either.

I am up against idiots here, anybody know about the double slit experiments and the conclusions feel free to tell Q he is the one who is wrong, and that the conclusion is.

The double-split experiment has nothing to do with your assertions.

The mind of people is a factor in the outcome of the experiment.

We've already determined you don't understand the results.

The only two choices is that the electron was self-aware, or that thought (observation) influenced them.

Or, the more obvious choice, you don't know what you're talking about.
In regards to the double-slit experiment, every scientist who pioneered quantum physics understands the implications. Anyone who thinks consciousness doesnt collapse the wave should really read some david bohm essays sometimes.
The general problem though is that science (and infact society in general) still doesnt like the implications of matter being conscious. I think alot of people still associate these ideas with pre-enlightment superstition, it all sounds abit mystical and we were supposed to moving beyond all that wernt we?

The funny thing is though once you actually start to do the paper trail back to why we ever started to believe matter was dead and non-sentient you really find it was never based on anything atall.
But the idea does seem to have stuck and so everytime the issue is raised you have to argue against the idea as a self evdient truth.
This results in scientists alot of the time having to dance around the implications of quantum physics to appease our sensibilities while contorting langauge just enough so that they can say what they want without the rest of scientific community and the general public throwing a fit and thinking everyones gone all newage.
Once you actually see the dynamics of the merry dance at work, its actually almost comical.
Oh and yes kwhilborn i removed the wiki link from my post further up the page, it was partially relevant to what i was saying, but since these proposed experiments wernt single-blind/double-blind it wasnt really relevant enough to the experiment design in this instance :)"double+slit+experiment""double+slit+experiment"

This experiment IS the Empirical data Q.

This is the experiment that proves thought affects matter."double+slit+experiment""double+slit+experiment""double+slit+experiment"

you can type in "double slit experiment" on any internet search engine and get over 100 000 interpretations of the double slit experiment, and they all have the conclusion that "reality does not exist without observation."."double+slit+experiment""double+slit+experiment""double+slit+experiment"

It's a cartoon Q. Right up your alley. Your arguments are idiotic, like saying water does not exist.

Sorry to upset your small concept of the world with the deeper reality.

I know it's hard to take in. Sit down. deep breaths."double+slit+experiment"
This is the experiment that proves thought affects matter.

No, it is not, it is the double-slit experiment.

you can type in "double slit experiment" on any internet search engine and get over 100 000 interpretations of the double slit experiment, and they all have the conclusion that "reality does not exist without observation.".

That is your conclusion.

It's a cartoon Q. Right up your alley. Your arguments are idiotic, like saying water does not exist.

You don't even understand the cartoon, and you're calling my arguments idiotic?
Yes, I guess I am. I don't expect you to understand it immediatelly either, another good explanation is here. mechanics.htm mechanics.htm mechanics.htm

I have not conducted the experiment, and did not make the conclusion that nothing is real until it has been observed!

That is the conclusion, and the only conclusion acceptable by modern science.

Are you the same Q that is supposed to be the moderator of the Cosmology/astrophysics section? LMFAO mechanics.htm mechanics.htm mechanics.htm

This guy is a skeptic as well, but he explains it better than I am willing to. I have been posting these links, because I hope there are some intelligent readers who will look at these experiments ( cartoon version - on this link"double+slit+experiment" )
, and say, "OH my god!".

Quantum physics is not as popular as "The Blair Witch Project". But thought affects reality, and it is a scientific FACT.
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"Quantum physics is not as popular as "The Blair Witch Project". But thought affects reality, and it is a scientific FACT."

Yeah, but has that been proven? Has anyone made a million dollars off of it?

Sorry, that makes me look like a skeptic. Of course thoughts can affect reality, but why doesn't someone make use of it? Win money at Las Vegas by mentally messing with dice? I don't know. I will, though.

Are you ever going to do this experiment, crunchy cat and kwhilborn? I will; I'll transmit a message to someone and then say it to them the next day to see their reaction. It might help if they don't know about it. This thread is getting somewhat off-topic.
Yes Mr. Kavu. It has strayed from "methods of Telepathy", and moved on to "is telepathy possible".

Messing with Vegas dice would be "Telekineses", and aside from the guy "James Randi" exposed, I have not seen anybody else claim these abilities.

The reason I posted the experiment in post one of this thread is for anybody and everybody to try it themselves.

It takes one hour. You spend one hour repeating a short message out loud to a photo/image of a person while they are sleeping, they will get the message.

According to "The Secret Movie" (on Oprah)

and itself (first 20 minutes).

So maybe the world is full of people getting rich with the power of their mind. My grandfather never made more than $7/hour his whole life, and retired a millionaire. He credits it with visualizing security for his family for 10 minutes every night. He does not credit it towards clever investing.

I have been raised with a positive attitude, and I also am very well off. I think the Movie and the "law of attraction" have some merits, but then again we are moving away from topic.
Maybe id be a good candidate for this experiment, im not really torn either way when it comes telephathy so i think id be pretty imparcial about it all.

Not sure it will be really prove anything either way, as i said for this kind of thing you really need at least a couple of hundered people to take part and then pool all the data.
But id be interested to give it a go out of personal curiosity, nothing to lose right?
i can surmise that the proposed "thought experiment" either hasn't worked or hasn't been carried out yet.

it's amazing isn't it? people swear telepathy is a reality, but none have proven it.
Telepathy is really dependant on how you term it. Artificial telepathy is possible, using the use of machines to generate greater than normal signals.

Now it might be suggested that any memes (Subcomponent of a thought structure) follow axioms from one neuron to another, however such a system would be physically very bandwidth laden and probably result in data collisions creating polluted data as a result.

This leads to the speculation that thoughts themselves don't just follow the perverbial "hardline" routes, but also are broadcast as frequency. It's known that the human mind has 4 such waveforms. (Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta)
They are suggested to be more apparent depending on a persons state of awareness from being awake to being asleep, however I think this is only the tip of the iceberg.

If we were to use an analogy of electronic components for instance your home computer, it can be suggested that the components within the computer create frequency, which in turn generates a spatially distorted field around the components. This field can be interacted with by other greater field outputs and can cause pollution to occur. This is why most companies attempt to use a form of Shielding to stop such pollution migrating to other subcomponent systems.

The human mind doesn't have the luxury of such shields, so such neural clusters transmit frequency between one another based upon how much use they are being put through. I can't remember the exact neurological term but there is actually a rare condition that occurs with some peoples brain development where their right and left brain hemispheres aren't attached. The attachment in question I can't remember the name for either, however it's suppose to allow the two hemispheres to act together with consensus neurological understanding.

However these people are still able to operate like other people, even without this direct connection between the two hemispheres, my postulation is that the hemispheres are still in close proximity to one another and therefore potentially transmit information as a frequency level to not just compliment in this case but replace the lack of a hardwired structure. I suppose you could suggest these people to be the equivalent of wireless in regards to cable.

What I suggest though is based upon very close proximity and related cellular communications, not something that someone would necessarily tune in with using a radiological scanner and state what thoughts you were having.
For such a system to get to that point it would need to train itself to your neurological awareness.

If you look at a particular fruit, for instance an orange. Your thoughts on an orange will present itself to you as a colour, a taste, a smell, a feel and even a sound (All five senses). It will also present itself to you with what I suggest is a six sense "Computation", you're brains re-inactment of what an orange is when you think of an orange.

An passive array of antennas or nodes depending on what sort of experiment you conducted would have to be used to get a readout of your thought on an orange, you would them perhaps be able to project an active signal, a transmission of the captured signals of that orange back to the person that had the initial thought. Suggestible as if by magic, they would imagine or even perhaps hallucinate seeing an orange, smelling an orange, tasting an orange etc.

Do note thought that this would take a vast amount of computer equipment an apparatus and doesn't suggest that people will naturally have an ability to read another persons mind at a distance. (Just remember with the globalised use of telecommunication, our airwaves are polluted with invisible spectra that would actually cause too much noise for anyone to filter out a thought)
Yes, I guess I am. I don't expect you to understand it immediatelly either, another good explanation is here.

I have not conducted the experiment, and did not make the conclusion that nothing is real until it has been observed!

That is the conclusion, and the only conclusion acceptable by modern science.

You need not keep putting up links for me, but you should stop for a moment and try to understand what it is you're putting up. The conclusion, "nothing is real until it has been observed" does not mean human thought has any effect over reality. I've already explained that to you.

Quantum physics is not as popular as "The Blair Witch Project". But thought affects reality, and it is a scientific FACT.

No, it is a contrived conclusion on your part to prop up your fantasies of telepathy.
leopold99 said:
it's amazing isn't it? people swear telepathy is a reality, but none have proven it.

what is it that needs proving?
and if you say "telepathy" I will advoid the statement.
O.K. The most widely accepted conclusion of "the double-slit" experiment

is the "Copenhagen Interpretation" that states, ""What cannot be observed does not exist".

Forget all that. Point made.

What it does prove if nothing else is that we do not yet have a "Unification theory". Perhaps one day they will be able to measure and see something that causes this behaviour.

I apologize to Q and others, but I have not exactly had "open minded" responses on a forum designed for "Parapsychology"

I had stumbled upon a book in my youth entitled "E.S.P." by Harold Sherman, in which he documented many telepathy experiments with the "broadcaster" awake, and the "reciever" asleep. NOTE: I googled Harold Sherman / esp and got over 6000 hits. His technique has some followers (me anyways)

I conducted the exact same experiments and on my very first try I got a long lost friend to write me a letter in which she stated, "last night I had a dream about you that prompted me to write."

I have done this time and again. I have also had others try this with similiar results.

So forgive me if I am past skeptisism on this subject. I am more interested in discovering what the science is behind how it works. I read everything from quantum chemistry/physics to religious banterrings that allow for whatever sub-space (below electron anyway) communication is taking place.

I found Stryders post informative and thought provoking. Thank-you Stryder. I am looking for answers a little below common frequencies though, as we can measure radio waves, etc. We obviously cannot measure thought waves beyond a few inches from the brain. Stryders post did make me think of fields and possibilities of shielding and amplifying with machines. OMG, I'm going to start wearing a tin-foil cap. lol. NOT!

In reference to Stryders post again, I know they perform surgery on Epileptics to separate the hemispheres. Psychic experimenters often use Theta inducing music, etc when attempting experiments, and I have heard of people using Stereograms, etc, that get the brain halves working together for similiar experiments. Also scientologists believe that every cell in your body holds memory engrams, with conditioned responses dating back from when we were non-brain entities. The first 100 pages of Dianetics is a hard read, but very compelling.

Even locked in labs doing the telepathy thing, there is no way of recording Empirical Data, and that brings us back to the question, "how many coincidences equals proof."

"Ganzfield Experiments"

Ganzfeld (“total field”) is the most popular extrasensory perception (ESP) experiment undertaken by parapsychologists. The experiment is carried out to study an individual’s ESP levels.

During the tests the subjects are deprived of their senses by lying on a couch or mattress, wearing halves of ping-pong balls over their eyes while white noise plays in earphones. During this state of deprivation, a sender attempts to psychically send a randomly select target image which is usually a video clip. Later the subject is asked to choose a clip from a selection. By chance the average subject should guess the right target 25% of the time but Edinburgh’s Koestler Parapsychological Unit often achieves at least 33%.

Ganzfeld could be the closest experiment to prove that ESP or PSI really exists. Because of this, Ganzfeld experiments are the most carefully conducted and scrutinized of all ESP experiments. Yet after decades of research, results have not been produced that will convince scientists that ESP does exist.

I am not claiming Telepathy is extra-ordinary or that I can perform Hocus Pocus. I am claiming that Telepathy is a real biological function, the scope of which can't be determined unless we solve the puzzle of the "double-slit experiment"

We live in a strange world. Mankind has been around for millions of years, yet we could not fly, watch television, listen to the radio, talk on the phone, cook in a microwave, or go online until this past century.

I believe science will eventually prove the existence of thought particles, but until then............. You will just have to believe or not.

I am sure the experiment I outlined at the beginning of this thread will make believers out of those few who try. Explaining how/why will have to wait.

Good luck to those who seek answers.

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I once transmitted something using an organ other than my mouth.

My paranormal abilities begin at the base of my colon and extend all the way down to my sphincter.

From there I can project deadly messages, mostly concerning my last meal.

Now I'm trying to use my penis as an antenna.
At least your mind opens long enough for that message to get out, and try a bigger antenna. lol
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im so intrigued by the mind and what it can actually do.
im very skeptical of this, but until i've actually tried it i have no room to say you're wrong. neither does anyone else.

maybe i'll give this a try someday.
who knows..

interesting post ya got here.
cheers and goodluck with your studies kwhilborn.