Simple method to transmit thoughts that always works.

you asked how zero piont theory relates to telepathy.
As described in the theory it privides the mchanism for communication across zero distance, therefore disregarding ang distance / time limitations.
This clearly establishes relativity of the theory to telepathy and other communications the require zero distance to function. including quantum entanglement and tunneling effects already observed by science
you asked how zero piont theory relates to telepathy.
As described in the theory it privides the mchanism for communication across zero distance,
Supposing that these things might be so because they seem plausible doesn't make it a hypothesis; it makes it science fiction. (I'm not deliberately trying to denigrate it.) I don't know how I can help you with this. You've drawn some connections between things, but it's no more than smoke and mirrors.

As you say, it's not falsifiable because there's no substance to falsify. You make no predictions.

The universe works perfectly well without your hypothesis (if it did not, then your idea would make a prediction that could be tested). If the universe works perfectly well without it, then why does the universe need it at all?
Supposing that these things might be so because they seem plausible doesn't make it a hypothesis; it makes it science fiction. (I'm not deliberately trying to denigrate it.) I don't know how I can help you with this. You've drawn some connections between things, but it's no more than smoke and mirrors.

As you say, it's not falsifiable because there's no substance to falsify. You make no predictions.

The universe works perfectly well without your hypothesis (if it did not, then your idea would make a prediction that could be tested). If the universe works perfectly well without it, then why does the universe need it at all?
it is falsifiable. in fact CERN has just spent 8 billion Euro trying to find a material Higgs. If they did, they would have falsified the theory. except what they don't realise is that even in a material higgs there also must be a centre of gravity (zero)
  • ZPT predicts the existence of everything as a fundamental premise.
  • ZPT predicts that gravity is a universal constant [ absolutely constant ] where as a material Higgs Boson can not possibly predict absolute constancy.
  • ZPT predicts that a phenonema called inertia, metastability and heaps of other phenonema will exist.
  • ZPT predicts that all things are interconnected and that phenonema of psychic nature is indeed possible with out distance of separation being a limitation.
  • ZPT predicts the phenonema called time [ change ]
  • ZPT predicts 4 dimensional space. from the perspective of zero dimensionality.
  • ZPT predicts the existance of zero point energy with out breaking the laws of thermodynamics

The universe does indeed work quite well with it in fact the universe would not exist with out it. Show me a universe with out a centre of gravity ( zero) and i' ll publish a web site...(chuckle)
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the ability for someone to exchange information via the zero point is absolutely essential to the function of this universe.
inertia requires that all objects of substance communicate with each other constantly and at all times.

Your body is inertial and subject to the laws of gravity just as everything else is and yes of course you are connected to me as i am to you. We are indeed communicating in various forms all the time whether conscously or not.

So the question is not:

Are we connected universally?.. as the phenonema of cosmic expansion, gravity and inertia already prove this to be the case.

The question is really :

How do we humans capitalise on this obvious connection both at a instinctive, intuitive level and a conscious deliberate level.

There is no need to prove connectivity as it is self evident in everything we observe.

The only evidence you may require is the degree of information exchange and not that the exchange is happening as it must surely be already obvious that it is and that it MUST be.
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Well, this is certainly falsified.

Our universe does not have a centre of gravity.
now you are being deliberately obtuse... which part of the universe doesn't have a centre of gravity?
my salt shaker on my table at home has one.. you have one.. the moon has one... which bit of the material universe doesn't?

then when you accept that the universe may be infinite in dimension [ size ] you can conclude that
"my salt shaker" and anything else can be the center of the universe therefore the universes center of gravity... [[chuckle] my salt shaker has never looked so grand!]
now you are being deliberately obtuse... which part of the universe doesn't have a centre of gravity?
my salt shaker on my table at home has one.. you have one.. the moon has one... which bit of the material universe doesn't?

You did not say "Show me a universe where parts in it do not have a centre of gravity", you said "Show me a universe with out a centre of gravity."

I show you ours. Our universe does not have a centre of gravity. Reading up on cosmology will show you why.

Did you want to change the wording of your prediction?

This is not obtuseness as you call it; this is what scientific development is. It is not wave-waving "oh you know what I meant".

You've created what is called "word salad". Words are ambiguous; stringing them together, moreso. Theories are not words; they are formulae.

I've helped you as much as I can. Nothing I say is going to cause you to question the work you've put into your ideas. What you need to do is a to more reading, so you begin to understand the scientific process.
You did not say "Show me a universe where parts in it do not have a centre of gravity", you said "Show me a universe with out a centre of gravity."

I show you ours. Our universe does not have a centre of gravity. Reading up on cosmology will show you why.

Did you want to change the wording of your prediction?

This is not obtuseness as you call it; this is what scientific development is. It is not wave-waving "oh you know what I meant".

You've created what is called "word salad". Words are ambiguous; stringing them together, moreso. Theories are not words; they are formulae.

I've helped you as much as I can. Nothing I say is going to cause you to question the work you've put into your ideas. What you need to do is a to more reading, so you begin to understand the scientific process.
didn't you read the rest of the post or just decided to leave it out so that you could justify your "obtussenesssss"!:D
you know the bit i am refering to..
then when you accept that the universe may be infinite in dimension [ size ] you can conclude that
"my salt shaker" and anything else can be the center of the universe therefore the universes center of gravity... [[chuckle] my salt shaker has never looked so grand!]
Dave , You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the lacking of scientific process, As a work to be put forward to the scientific community it fails miserably. And I know that no matter how much work I put into it and how much learning I would have to do to generate such a work I would still fail ..[the scientific ego is what it is after all]

However be that as it may the theory stays pubished so that when it is required, for the content that it holds and people are prepared to apply a little willingness to discover the truth about the gravitational constant regardless of whether it is couched in scientific gobiddy gook or not, they wll be able to find the answer they are looking for.

It was not written for the scientist but is available if they so desire.
You have not refuted any of it's content, nor demonstrated any insight into it's propositions. All you have done is claim that it is not abiding by the scientific process. You have not read the theory. Nor responded to the issues of the attraction paradox [ evidenced easily ] , inverse sphere, nor infinite reduction.

ZPT offers the only possible solution to the issue of universal constancy of gravity...the only possible solution to the holy grail of science, philosophy, religion, parapsychology, mental health, etc etc.. and I stress there can only be one solution. And even if it is not linguistically, grammatically or scientifically phrased correctly the solution IS published and wil remain published until it is properly refuted.

So your reaction is purely that it is not worth serious consideration but alas you have no idea what you are rejecting.
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did you read this page:

A summary of "claims" or "statements" for consideration and testing is listed below.

Physics and Math:

That Zero is an abstraction that we must logically know to exist "Universally" by it's non-existence.
The no-existence for Zero is dependant on everything having an absolutely dependant relationship with everything.
As everything of substance has a center of gravity that center of gravity whilst providing a universally constant and uniform souurce of attraction must also be essential in the inter-connected relationships of all things.
Zero is unable to be determined or revealed and yet it's location is apparent in all things.
The manifestation of the universe is due to the manifestation of time which is required to solve the attraction paradox.
The Attraction Paradox is a fundamental of all things experiencing attractive forces and as all things experience attractive forces [ Gravity ] with out exception the attraction paradox is a fundamental of universal physics.
Logically for the future to become the past it existence must "pass" through zero. [Linea time perspective]
If time duration is zero and zero is not paradoxed in it's relationship with everything the universe would not be experienced and be non-existent.
If time duration is zero and zero is paradoxed in it's relationship with everything the universe can be experienced.
The Higgs Boson is not something of mass but simply absolute non-mass : Zero. [see: inverse sphere]
The source of Gravity MUST be located at the absolute center of mass
The absolute center of Gravity must due to infinite reduction be zero
The contents of an "Inverse Sphere" can only be zero or nothingness


As all substance share the same zero at their center objective truth is all there is. Even that which we consider to be pure imagination is objectively true universally.


The reality of zero affords the mechanism for zero distance, therefore zero time involvement in the connected-ness of all things and yet simultaneously allows for, and generates by default, infinite diversity of movement [freewill]
Freewill then is an issue of paradox, being both predetermined and undetermined simultaneously. Zero is the source of both the liberation offered by freewill and the "oppression" of universal interconnectedness.


We all experience the same zero state when we enter unconsciousness [sleeping or coma]. There is only one unconscious state or unconsciousness.
As all things are connected via the zero point we are indeed psychic-social animals


All experiences of a para normal nature are valid, however the interpretation and therefore the understand is most often not.
Mental health issues directly relate to how a person accommodates his/her psychic-social existence derived via the zero point and the fears he/she generates psychi-socially by their experience.
Conditions such as Schizophrenia, clinical Depression are psychic-social extremes, brought on by individual and societal ignorance and fear.


As with God the zero point can only be experienced by it's effect, which is infact, it's cause
Gravity is a non-material force and is the manifestation of the zero point which can be considered analogous with Gods unconditional love.
Gods unconditional love therefore is all pervasive and is the universal constant.

and this is only a first draft...
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Supposing that these things might be so because they seem plausible doesn't make it a hypothesis; it makes it science fiction. (I'm not deliberately trying to denigrate it.) I don't know how I can help you with this. You've drawn some connections between things, but it's no more than smoke and mirrors.

As you say, it's not falsifiable because there's no substance to falsify. You make no predictions.

The universe works perfectly well without your hypothesis (if it did not, then your idea would make a prediction that could be tested). If the universe works perfectly well without it, then why does the universe need it at all?

The thing with smoke and mirrors is you know what your looking for, you just have to clear the damn smoke. Smoke to telepathy would be liars, and the unmoral.
it is falsifiable. in fact CERN has just spent 8 billion Euro trying to find a material Higgs. If they did, they would have falsified the theory. except what they don't realise is that even in a material higgs there also must be a centre of gravity (zero)
  • ZPT predicts the existence of everything as a fundamental premise.
  • ZPT predicts that gravity is a universal constant [ absolutely constant ] where as a material Higgs Boson can not possibly predict absolute constancy.
  • ZPT predicts that a phenonema called inertia, metastability and heaps of other phenonema will exist.
  • ZPT predicts that all things are interconnected and that phenonema of psychic nature is indeed possible with out distance of separation being a limitation.
  • ZPT predicts the phenonema called time [ change ]
  • ZPT predicts 4 dimensional space. from the perspective of zero dimensionality.
  • ZPT predicts the existance of zero point energy with out breaking the laws of thermodynamics

The universe does indeed work quite well with it in fact the universe would not exist with out it. Show me a universe with out a centre of gravity ( zero) and i' ll publish a web site...(chuckle)

Am I missing something? Are you joking? The world's leading physicists don't realize something that you have information on... This is remarkable. Considering the money and manhours at stake here, you should be able to make a fortune from this information.
The thing with smoke and mirrors is you know what your looking for, you just have to clear the damn smoke. Smoke to telepathy would be liars, and the unmoral.

If you won't or can't demonstrate your own claimed ability of telepathy, then you can't accuse anyone else of trying to hide it.

In fact, if you were telepathic, then that would make you more culpable than the rest of us. At worst, we would be guilty of ignorance. But you would be knowing the truth, and refusing to do anything to help the plight of all those people you claim are being mistreated. Showing your abilities for public betterment would be your duty to those who suffer.

But you won't. You'll rationalize why you can't help, even while you claim to have the key.
did you read this page:

A summary of "claims" or "statements" for consideration and testing is listed below.

Physics and Math:

That Zero is an abstraction that we must logically know to exist "Universally" by it's non-existence.
The no-existence for Zero is dependant on everything having an absolutely dependant relationship with everything.
As everything of substance has a center of gravity that center of gravity whilst providing a universally constant and uniform souurce of attraction must also be essential in the inter-connected relationships of all things.
Zero is unable to be determined or revealed and yet it's location is apparent in all things.
The manifestation of the universe is due to the manifestation of time which is required to solve the attraction paradox.
The Attraction Paradox is a fundamental of all things experiencing attractive forces and as all things experience attractive forces [ Gravity ] with out exception the attraction paradox is a fundamental of universal physics.
Logically for the future to become the past it existence must "pass" through zero. [Linea time perspective]
If time duration is zero and zero is not paradoxed in it's relationship with everything the universe would not be experienced and be non-existent.
If time duration is zero and zero is paradoxed in it's relationship with everything the universe can be experienced.
The Higgs Boson is not something of mass but simply absolute non-mass : Zero. [see: inverse sphere]
The source of Gravity MUST be located at the absolute center of mass
The absolute center of Gravity must due to infinite reduction be zero
The contents of an "Inverse Sphere" can only be zero or nothingness


As all substance share the same zero at their center objective truth is all there is. Even that which we consider to be pure imagination is objectively true universally.


The reality of zero affords the mechanism for zero distance, therefore zero time involvement in the connected-ness of all things and yet simultaneously allows for, and generates by default, infinite diversity of movement [freewill]
Freewill then is an issue of paradox, being both predetermined and undetermined simultaneously. Zero is the source of both the liberation offered by freewill and the "oppression" of universal interconnectedness.


We all experience the same zero state when we enter unconsciousness [sleeping or coma]. There is only one unconscious state or unconsciousness.
As all things are connected via the zero point we are indeed psychic-social animals


All experiences of a para normal nature are valid, however the interpretation and therefore the understand is most often not.
Mental health issues directly relate to how a person accommodates his/her psychic-social existence derived via the zero point and the fears he/she generates psychi-socially by their experience.
Conditions such as Schizophrenia, clinical Depression are psychic-social extremes, brought on by individual and societal ignorance and fear.


As with God the zero point can only be experienced by it's effect, which is infact, it's cause
Gravity is a non-material force and is the manifestation of the zero point which can be considered analogous with Gods unconditional love.
Gods unconditional love therefore is all pervasive and is the universal constant.

and this is only a first draft...

Completely meaningless word salad.
did you read this page:

A summary of "claims" or "statements" for consideration and testing is listed below.

Physics and Math:

That Zero is an abstraction that we must logically know to exist "Universally" by it's non-existence.
The no-existence for Zero is dependant on everything having an absolutely dependant relationship with everything.
As everything of substance has a center of gravity that center of gravity whilst providing a universally constant and uniform souurce of attraction must also be essential in the inter-connected relationships of all things.
Zero is unable to be determined or revealed and yet it's location is apparent in all things.
The manifestation of the universe is due to the manifestation of time which is required to solve the attraction paradox.
The Attraction Paradox is a fundamental of all things experiencing attractive forces and as all things experience attractive forces [ Gravity ] with out exception the attraction paradox is a fundamental of universal physics.
Logically for the future to become the past it existence must "pass" through zero. [Linea time perspective]
If time duration is zero and zero is not paradoxed in it's relationship with everything the universe would not be experienced and be non-existent.
If time duration is zero and zero is paradoxed in it's relationship with everything the universe can be experienced.
The Higgs Boson is not something of mass but simply absolute non-mass : Zero. [see: inverse sphere]
The source of Gravity MUST be located at the absolute center of mass
The absolute center of Gravity must due to infinite reduction be zero
The contents of an "Inverse Sphere" can only be zero or nothingness


As all substance share the same zero at their center objective truth is all there is. Even that which we consider to be pure imagination is objectively true universally.


The reality of zero affords the mechanism for zero distance, therefore zero time involvement in the connected-ness of all things and yet simultaneously allows for, and generates by default, infinite diversity of movement [freewill]
Freewill then is an issue of paradox, being both predetermined and undetermined simultaneously. Zero is the source of both the liberation offered by freewill and the "oppression" of universal interconnectedness.


We all experience the same zero state when we enter unconsciousness [sleeping or coma]. There is only one unconscious state or unconsciousness.
As all things are connected via the zero point we are indeed psychic-social animals


All experiences of a para normal nature are valid, however the interpretation and therefore the understand is most often not.
Mental health issues directly relate to how a person accommodates his/her psychic-social existence derived via the zero point and the fears he/she generates psychi-socially by their experience.
Conditions such as Schizophrenia, clinical Depression are psychic-social extremes, brought on by individual and societal ignorance and fear.


As with God the zero point can only be experienced by it's effect, which is infact, it's cause
Gravity is a non-material force and is the manifestation of the zero point which can be considered analogous with Gods unconditional love.
Gods unconditional love therefore is all pervasive and is the universal constant.

and this is only a first draft...

oh snap! If I had of read of this first, I wouldn't have bothered with my last post. There is obviously no value in even trying to joke around with you. You're insane....
Oh? Why do you think that?
I didn't spend 8 Billion Euro looking for nothing... and you claim I am insane!!! [ chuckle ]
the web site at costs a total of $5 aud a year to maintain.
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Am I missing something? Are you joking? The world's leading physicists don't realize something that you have information on... This is remarkable. Considering the money and manhours at stake here, you should be able to make a fortune from this information
I got 8 billion euros worth of reason.. thank you very much... re: Hadron collider CERN failure to find Higgs Boson.
I got over 35% of global GDP and growing, spent on mental health, reason.
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Completely meaningless word salad.
If you consider the following :

At t= zero duration how big is the universe?
How much time duration exists between the future and past?

then reconsider who is insane?
If and when you are ready I am quite willing to demonstrate that the theory is not insane and quite rational.
I'll even start a new thread just for that purpose.
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@ DaveC,
Send a sentence to someone who can't see you. Write it down. Walk over and ask them what you said. Compare.
Do it three times in a row, with witnesses.
Poof. You're rich beyond your dreams of avarice.

and you also stated that skeptics would accept probabilities...

@ DaveC,
Obviously you are a new or uneducated troll to this section of the forum or you would know that sending a message to someone 3 times would never ever be considered more than a coincidence. Better proof has been performed.

@ DaveC
You claim skeptics will look at controlled experiments. They may, but will never accept high probabilities of proof as proof.

@ DaveC,
Do you assume every psychic experiment throughout history is some wingnut in his garage bending spoons, or telling fortunes. There have been many well documented studies on telepathy.

I would not expect a naive skeptic to attempt the simple 1 hour experiment outlined in the OP. I would not expect them to even look at a controlled study that met with a great deal of success like....

Telepathy used to influence dreams has been very, very effective. You must try it or accept the research to see for yourself.

Science would accept 3 correct messages sent to someone... Wake up .. That is not proof as the person could have guessed 3 times in a row the correct answer. We have much better probabilities.
Obviously you are a new or uneducated troll
Didn't read past the ad hom.

If you have a valid point, you should be able to express it without flinging poo.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but in this thread I have made every attempt to be respectful of the people, even if I disagree with their claims. And I plan to be to you too.