Simple method to transmit thoughts that always works.

You need not keep putting up links for me, but you should stop for a moment and try to understand what it is you're putting up. The conclusion, "nothing is real until it has been observed" does not mean human thought has any effect over reality. I've already explained that to you.
Actually it does, the human observer (subjectivity/consciousness) collapses the wavefunction, this is really really basic stuff.
I think like alot of people on here, youre arguing for your preconceptions of what you believe science tells us about reality, rather than what it actually tells us.
Actually it does, the human observer (subjectivity/consciousness) collapses the wavefunction, this is really really basic stuff.

So basic that one plus one equals three? Amazing!

I think like alot of people on here, youre arguing for your preconceptions of what you believe science tells us about reality, rather than what it actually tells us.

No, it's the kooks who take their misconceptions of science and use it to support their kookiness.

There has been no detailing of the experiment! I said I would do it but then there was time change and I started waking up at like 8 and school starts at 7:30. Well, not really, but I need all the sleep I can get. But I'm doing better now, so I'll try it.

One whole freaking hour, though. A pretty nice amount of time. But I don't know if I can concentrate for that long. No, I don't have ADD or whatever and if one more person asks me that...

I don't have ADD. I sat down and programmed a BASIC version of the German enigma machine for about three hours straight. But at least that's like solving a problem. This is just a simple task, repeated about 1000 times. But I'll do it, 'cause if it works, that will be very nice.
Good luck!

Let us know how it works for you. Yes; it is fairly important to stay focussed, and it is worth answering your doubts.

If You like puzzles, pick up a copy of "secrets of the alchemist dar", if you solve the puzzle, theres a million dollar prize.

again, good luck.
Try manipulating body movement. I tried it on two newscasters early in the morning, and by God it worked. I made them sway left right and forward, evidence for me? I think yes. The only thing is, IDK if CNN broadcast live all day 24/7. If it was taped it was quit the coincidence.
Try manipulating body movement. I tried it on two newscasters early in the morning, and by God it worked. I made them sway left right and forward, evidence for me? I think yes. The only thing is, IDK if CNN broadcast live all day 24/7. If it was taped it was quit the coincidence.

Try watching a sports game with the same idea in mind.
Interesting self experiment influencing live television. You would certainly see your results and could be viewed as good practice. Thanks for the unique thought knowledge91.
Interesting self experiment influencing live television. You would certainly see your results and could be viewed as good practice. Thanks for the unique thought knowledge91.

just be careful when they get really upset at being played with...
I know a thing or two about American Athletics, they have all been very receptive to my presence. Try watching CNN. Try communicating with an anchor, then try and communicate with someone else who is also attempting to communicate with the same anchor.
It looks more like you are reading things different from normal. If you assume a smile, a wink, a word or action is influenced by things that you are doing, then the likelihood is that you are actually kind of hypnotising yourself into believing it.

While indeed you wander through life with the potential of five senses at your disposal, your brain does some nifty things with the information it receives. While some things are quite straight forwards like the different in the colours Black and White, there are other less obvious, more subliminal queues that we don't take in at face value.

While you sit watching a sports presenter on the television, due to anticipating that you are somehow having a factor on them, you'll be looking for those queues. Those queues actually come from the brains capacity to try and interpret potential scenarios, we all do that.

For instance if we have to go to an office to talk to someone for an official reason, we'll visualise the encounter beforehand and play out scenarios. When we actual sit in front of the person to talk to them, our entire experience has already had an evaluated path drawn as to what we expect to be said and what we expect as an outcome, our overall happiness and mood is effected by how far the real world follows that projected outcome, if it deviates too far we might get depressed, if it goes better than planned then we'll likely be elated.

How we identify whether those moments plot to the projection isn't always down to words or actions, but actually down to very small gestures, a raised eyebrow, a wink, a smile, even someone blushing. All those things can add to a reading in those situations and that's where those queue observations originate from.

In your case though there is a problem with them, for instance in the previous scenario depicted, you'd likely be trying to appraise how a meeting goes and evidently by the end of the meeting you'd know an answer.
While dealing with observing someone on a television screen however you are not actually dealing with both Positive and Negative influences. While a person might smile, wink, nod their head or a myriad of other things that you'll suggest they are doing in response to you (giving you a positive taxis), you're not actually taking in the myriad of things they aren't doing (The negative taxis's)

After all they aren't wagging their finger at the screen saying "Shame on you trying to manipulate me!" (although that would have to counter of being both positive and negative since it would enforce in your psyche that you were capable of doing something, rather than taking into consideration that it was actually a general broadcast for all those people like yourself misguided in your reasoning. Incidentally, how do you know the sports presenters haven't got involved in a large conspiracy where they smile, wink or shuffle papers in an evocative manner with the intention of making people like yourself believe your responsible, perhaps they sat their once like yourself thinking the same things and thought it would fun fulfilling it for someone).
Ok, when you give it a honest effort report your findings. Whatever they may be. When a second lone man nods at your idea then you will see.
@ stryder,
I started this thread more than 5 years ago, and am surprised to see it going again; however the idea of influencing live broadcasts is unique and fun. It is not meant to be a scientific experiment. It is meant to be fun practice and kudos to whomever thought of it.

I understand the skepticism involved with this whole area of sciforums but I have witnessed psychic experiments that performed abnormally above chance.

I am not going to defend this position further except to say I feel sorry for people who have not seen conclusive evidence of telepathy. It is worth doing until you are successful if only to alter your entire perspective.

The above link is similar to the experiment I outlined in the OP, and I now have altered my position to think hitting R.E.M. sleep can be important for this to work based on observation and reading.
@ stryder,
I started this thread more than 5 years ago, and am surprised to see it going again; however the idea of influencing live broadcasts is unique and fun. It is not meant to be a scientific experiment. It is meant to be fun practice and kudos to whomever thought of it.

I understand the skepticism involved with this whole area of sciforums but I have witnessed psychic experiments that performed abnormally above chance.

I am not going to defend this position further except to say I feel sorry for people who have not seen conclusive evidence of telepathy. It is worth doing until you are successful if only to alter your entire perspective.

The above link is similar to the experiment I outlined in the OP, and I now have altered my position to think hitting R.E.M. sleep can be important for this to work based on observation and reading.
Can I ask whether you have any concerns about the potential damage or harm you may be doing to the subconsciousness of your subject [ victim ]?
Do you know what long term effects you may be "installing" into the minds/hearts of your target?
@ stryder,
I started this thread more than 5 years ago, and am surprised to see it going again; however the idea of influencing live broadcasts is unique and fun. It is not meant to be a scientific experiment. It is meant to be fun practice and kudos to whomever thought of it.

I understand the skepticism involved with this whole area of sciforums but I have witnessed psychic experiments that performed abnormally above chance.

I am not going to defend this position further except to say I feel sorry for people who have not seen conclusive evidence of telepathy. It is worth doing until you are successful if only to alter your entire perspective.

The above link is similar to the experiment I outlined in the OP, and I now have altered my position to think hitting R.E.M. sleep can be important for this to work based on observation and reading.

What effect would the a published article on telepathy have on schizophrenics?
What effect would the a published article on telepathy have on schizophrenics?
This is sort of my point...
We have millions of people confined to psychiatric care all believing they are victims of overt manipulation and coersions. Some no doubt are ex-news presenters... [ eh ? It is possible yes?]
We have millions of people who are diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia or other wise referred to as Narcasistic personality disorder NPD. who believe they have power to influence the dreams and thoughts of others....
Why do the victims of covert psychic manipulations believe they have the power to influence others?
Probably because they have experienced first hand someone elses psychic manipulations and know they can do it too. [NPD is about the "God Complex" - the will to power]

You don't have to be too smart to work out what a f***ing mess that leads to.... do you?

So the world ends up with a war of people clandestinely and psychically manipulating each other.

A state of constantly trying to deceive each other and feeding on the fear of self deception and fraud.

Sounds a bit like what is happening in conventional politics and the world generally doesn't it?
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