Signs of the Last Hour


Thanks for the entertaining 'debate'. You want me to convert to Islam.?

Before that, please explain to me Why Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) is only 100 years old ? And How sun will rise from west due to 'big crunch'.?
I am amazed........
amazed at how superstition can be used to justify actions that justify superstition.

I gave up trying to read this entire thread once the Big fonts started....ha ha....

"the sun will rise in the west" I think was the quote......unbelievable....ha and I suppose somewhere in the article it mentions my mother wearing purple pockadotted underwear on the eighth day of the week.

You know PM you get 10 out of 10 for an active imagination, but zero out of 10 for intelligence or wisdom.....

PM I happen to have it on good authority that armagedon has come and gone and you missed it......all the good people have already been given a seat in heaven and you my good man have been left behind.......sorry about that....( chuckle)
and whats more:

If you think God is as insane as you suggest then no wonder you got left behind.

Rotating a planet backwards.......pure insanity...islamic insanity........with christian doomsayers running a close second
Please don't deride PM quantum I am trying to work out a deal whereby he will be my man on the inside and give me a call right before all 1.2 billion muslims disappear into the void. That way I can beat the crowds pop down to a suddenly empty saudi arabia and stake my claim to that camel ranch on the persian gulf I have always dreamed about. ;)
I'm sorry Path........but I couldn't help it.......sheesh!!! Allah is that is self evident.........mumble grumble...rotating a planet backwards, by golly.......the great padded cell in the sky!!!!
There are also aliens and UFOs and Jinns (like ghosts only islamic) and evil devil dogs and sinful music(when islam takes over apple I heard they are gonna rename Ipod to Ipocketsatan)
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seriously you think Allah is that insane? That he needs to grandstand by doing the things you reckon he needs to do to make his presence felt......?

I think you greatly underestimate the wisdom of Allah or god or what ever name you wish to call him

I assume you have no answers to my questions in bold. Of course you don't.

It seems I won't be converting to Islam any time soon.
Islam is not even the fastest growing religion in North America.

However, it’s the big world religions that are really showing their muscle. Although they only number 0.8% of the total population, 2.4 million Buddhists at 2.75% are growing nearly three times as fast as Christianity, likely reaching 3.2 million by 2025. Likewise, 6 million Jews, though losing member through conversion, are gaining more through births, and will reach 6.6 million members by 2025. Muslims are growing only a bit slower than Jews, and will have roughly the same population by 2025. The 1.2 million Hindus are the second-fastest growing religion in North America, at 3.38%. They will reach 1.8 million members by AD 2025.

from here
James R said:

I assume you have no answers to my questions in bold. Of course you don't.

It seems I won't be converting to Islam any time soon.

It seems you refuse to accept the DAMMING EVIDENCE which was presented to you, you keep asking for MORE, if we to bring an independent UNBIASED person to judge the debate, he will conclude THAT YOU LOST THE DEBATE !

you promised to embrace Islam if proof is presented to you, the proof was presented and you betrayed your promise !!

Shame really !!

A lot of westerners are babtised at birth and never follow the religion they had imposed on them
I think that sums it up, religions imposed on some people, and only when they get old enough and have enough courage can they make the choice for themselves and go against what they know and have been taught and choose something else, im unaware of this happening as much in the east as the west, one reason i've found is in islam and other religions its a disgrace to your family to change your religion or to become an atheist, and family is important to everyone. Theres many reasons why it doesnt happen so much im sure but i've noticed the west is more willing to accept changes and free speech/views.

Just wanted to point out Islam isnt actually the fastest growing religion in Britain, Jediism is(going from 0 - 390000 followers is a higher percentage increase than Islam had in the last census).
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Quantum Quack said:
I'm sorry Path........but I couldn't help it.......sheesh!!! Allah is that is self evident.........mumble grumble...rotating a planet backwards, by golly.......the great padded cell in the sky!!!!

Did you just hear the whistling sound? I think it was the laminar wind travelling frictionless from your ear to the other side without losses through the brain......And Path of course is playing the duet flute on the other side. Stop the mui fortissemo rapido concerto and play a little ritardando pianissimo.

I asked you two questions. You talked around them and failed to answer either of them. Instead, you simply spammed the forum with some irrelevant stuff which you thought would cover up your inability to support your own arguments.

You were wrong. The evidence is preserved in this thread for all to see.

you promised to embrace Islam if proof is presented to you, the proof was presented and you betrayed your promise !!

Does Islam condone lies such as this one?
For reference, PM, here are the two questions you failed to answer, again:

1. Can you provide ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the North pole melts?
2. Can you name ONE reputable space scientist who says the sun will rise in the west at some time in the future? (You will need to quote the source of the statement.)
Flores said:
Did you just hear the whistling sound? I think it was the laminar wind travelling frictionless from your ear to the other side without losses through the brain......And Path of course is playing the duet flute on the other side. Stop the mui fortissemo rapido concerto and play a little ritardando pianissimo.
Yet another ad hom from flores, I'll add it to my growing collection :D
James R said:
Does Islam condone lies such as this one?

Did not you said you will embrace Islam if I proved to you the sun will raise from the west ???????? :rolleyes: