Signs of the Last Hour

Not at all, PM. However, as you seem to think the South Pole is actually the North Pole, it's only reasonable to infer that you think west is east as well.
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You have provided NO proof, let alone damning proof, Proud_Muslim, and you know it.

Stop lying, and just admit you were wrong. Or does Islam allow lying in these situations?
Thersites said:
The ice at the North pole is not on land.

the north pole is classiefied as land. the glaciers it is on is part of the country. im sure you;re gonna reply back saying how it isn't. well just look in any book concerning the North and South pole or just ask yourself, if its not land then why is it on the map and why is Antarictica a continent.
James R said:
It may be obvious to you, Preacher X, but it is also wrong.

Try this experiment:

Get a glass and fill it to the brim with water. Now, put in an ice cube. When you do that, some water will initially overflow. Now, sit and watch your glass of water as the ice cube melts. Let me know if you see any more overflow as the ice melts. I say that the ice melting won't cause the water level to rise and overflow. The same is true for the North Pole sea ice.

Now, want to try again to find that evidence, or do you want to admit that you and Proud_Muslim were wrong?

is an ice cube anything like trillions and trillions of meters of ice.
use your head james;

1) the trillions of meters of land in the north pole are ICE!
2) If these melt what would happen?
3) if trillions of meters of ice melts, you get loads of EXTRA water!

now you do an experiment james email the

and ask them if ALL of the North and South Pole melted then what would the sea level rise.

James R said:
Get a glass and fill it to the brim with water. Now, put in an ice cube. When you do that, some water will initially overflow. Now, sit and watch your glass of water as the ice cube melts. Let me know if you see any more overflow as the ice melts. I say that the ice melting won't cause the water level to rise and overflow. The same is true for the North Pole sea ice.

that experiment does not work becasue in the galss the water is already there and THEN you are adding the ice cube. the ice cube SINKS aswell, remember. the ice cube, then overflows the glass becasue it is ADDED to the water which is ALREADY full, so it moves the full water away.

in real life this isn't the case. the water is there and the Ice is already there. and the ICE IS FLOATING so the bits above water level are not contributing to the water level!!!! if that ice turns to waterm what do you think will happen?

here is a better experiment.;
1) buy a massive block of ice
2) HALF fill a bathtub with water and (dont fully fill the bath becasue when you put the ice cube in the water levek will rise and if it is already full then water will over flow.
3) slighly lift the ice above the water level (leave 1/2 of ice under water), becasue in real life the ice will be ABOVE sea level
4) measure the WATER LEVEL
5) now take the ice out, put it in a bucket, melt it and pour the water in.
6) NOW measure the water level.

you first experiment didnt work becasue
1) the water level was already full, then you added the ice
2) the ice sank and in real life it has to be kept above water

God! im only 14 aswell.
Preacher_X said:
the north pole is classiefied as land. the glaciers it is on is part of the country. im sure you;re gonna reply back saying how it isn't. well just look in any book concerning the North and South pole or just ask yourself, if its not land then why is it on the map and why is Antarictica a continent.
Preacher go check any info you can on Antarctica. The north pole is ice only ice US submarines cross the ocean under that ice regularly.
to put it more simply James, you haven;t understood the basic concepts:

remember that the huge (continental sized) ICE is ABOVE the sea level and is NOT contributing to the water level becasue it is above the sea! just think of it as normal land.

if the ice (or the "land") melted, it would turn to water and no longer be ice that is above the sea level it would all turn to water and add to the sea level
path said:
Preacher go check any info you can on Antarctica. The north pole is ice only ice US submarines cross the ocean under that ice regularly.

submarines cross underneath LAND as well.

and anyway i didn't say the North Pole isn't Ice. it is Ice. but it is called "land" and is a country/continent.

and if it is not land then why is it
1) on WORLD maps of LANDS
2) a continent
3) why do scientist live on it?

normal land lets say the UK is just rock and is solid enough to live on so is Antarctica it is land but is ice not rock.
Preacher_X said:
submarines cross underneath LAND as well.
No see you are mistaking the chunnel excavator machine for a submarine, common mistake :D

and anyway i didn't say the North Pole isn't Ice. it is Ice. but it is called "land" and is a country/continent.
Really and who is the president of this country/continent of ice I simply MUST meet him/her :D Check an atlas and post the info here maybe they have got the flag as well.

and if it is not land then why is it
1) on WORLD maps of LANDS
Ummm which one exactly I would love to see it

2) a continent
Yes continent of the North Pole is right next to the continent of never never land. Peter Pan lives there so I KNOW it is a continent!!!
3) why do scientist live on it?
to study how global warming affects the earths' ice cap for one

normal land lets say the UK is just rock and is solid enough to live on so is Antarctica it is land but is ice not rock.
No Antarctica IS land the North Pole is ICE it was the North Pole being discussed here wasn't it?

Wait wait I know what is going on here now.... Turn your atlas the other way round....the OTHER WAY ROUND. :D
Preacher X:

You are making yourself look like an idiot here. However, I will forgive you this time because you are very young. Hopefully, you will learn something from this experience. I will now teach you some basic geography and physics. Read carefully.

the north pole is classiefied as land.

No. The north pole is in the Arctic Ocean, which is not land.

the glaciers it is on is part of the country.

There are no glaciers at the North Pole.

im sure you;re gonna reply back saying how it isn't. well just look in any book concerning the North and South pole or just ask yourself, if its not land then why is it on the map and why is Antarictica a continent.

Because underneath the ice on Antarctica, there is land. Underneath the ice at the North pole, there is only water. All the ice at the North pole floats on the ocean. The same is not true of the ice on the Antarctic continent.

is an ice cube anything like trillions and trillions of meters of ice.

In terms of its buoyant properties when it floats, there is no important difference at all between a single ice cube and trillions of tonnes of ice.

use your head james;

1) the trillions of meters of land in the north pole are ICE!


2) If these melt what would happen?

The ice would turn to water, but the sea level would not rise, as I explained.

3) if trillions of meters of ice melts, you get loads of EXTRA water!

When the ice is floating, it already displaces a certain amount of sea water. When it melts, the water created by the melting exactly equals the amount of water displaced before the ice melted, resulting in no rise in sea level. This is a basic application of Archimedes' principle.

Me: "Get a glass and fill it to the brim with water. Now, put in an ice cube. When you do that, some water will initially overflow. Now, sit and watch your glass of water as the ice cube melts. Let me know if you see any more overflow as the ice melts. I say that the ice melting won't cause the water level to rise and overflow. The same is true for the North Pole sea ice."

You: that experiment does not work becasue in the galss the water is already there and THEN you are adding the ice cube. the ice cube SINKS aswell, remember. the ice cube, then overflows the glass becasue it is ADDED to the water which is ALREADY full, so it moves the full water away.

Did you read where I said that when you put the cube into water, INITIALLY some water will overflow?

in real life this isn't the case. the water is there and the Ice is already there.

Yes, just like at the start of my experiment, after you've put the ice in the water.

and the ICE IS FLOATING so the bits above water level are not contributing to the water level!!!!

Wrong. Of course the bits above the water level affect the water level. The bits above the water are resting on the bits below the water, pushing them down further into the water. That pushes more water surrounding the ice aside, which causes the water level to rise. That's why when you first put the cube into water the water overflows.

if that ice turns to waterm what do you think will happen?

The ice which melts creates a volume of water exactly equal to the volume already displaced by the ice, so the water level doesn't change - like I said before.

here is a better experiment.;
1) buy a massive block of ice
2) HALF fill a bathtub with water and (dont fully fill the bath becasue when you put the ice cube in the water levek will rise and if it is already full then water will over flow.


3) slighly lift the ice above the water level (leave 1/2 of ice under water), becasue in real life the ice will be ABOVE sea level

If you put an ice block in a half-full bathtub some of the ice will sit above the water level - just like an iceberg in the ocean. Or like the ice at the North Pole. You don't need to lift it.

4) measure the WATER LEVEL


5) now take the ice out, put it in a bucket, melt it and pour the water in.
6) NOW measure the water level.

Fine. You will find that the water level is the same as it was with the ice cube sitting in the water.

you first experiment didnt work becasue
1) the water level was already full, then you added the ice
2) the ice sank and in real life it has to be kept above water

The ice at the North pole is not all above water. What do you think supports it?

God! im only 14 aswell.

Yes, very young, but old enough that you should be willing to learn from people who know more than you.

submarines cross underneath LAND as well.

Let me add an extra question to the list just for you:

3. Can you find me ONE source which says that submarines can travel underneath LAND?

I say you are flat-out wrong here, too. Submarines travel in water, not through the Earth. The word "sub.marine" literally means "under.water".

and anyway i didn't say the North Pole isn't Ice. it is Ice. but it is called "land" and is a country/continent.

It is not a continent. Continents consist of land.

and if it is not land then why is it
1) on WORLD maps of LANDS

It isn't really. The shape of the ice floes at the North pole are variable. The sea ice at the pole has no fixed shape. It is roughly indicated on maps, but that is partly artistic licence.

2) a continent

It isn't a continent.

3) why do scientist live on it?

To study it.

normal land lets say the UK is just rock and is solid enough to live on so is Antarctica it is land but is ice not rock.

Antarctic has land underneath the ice. There is no land underneath the North polar ice.

Now, how about an apology, Preacher X? Are you mature enough to admit you were wrong, or not?
preacher X...You know I can be such a cynic when it comes to knowledge. James has just given you a hole heap of knowledge. If I were you I'd check out every bit of that knowledge and try to learn 1) If James has made an error and 2) And if he has, What made him make that error?

When an organisation as powerful as a church or cult etc makes certain statements of knowledge it is always good to be cynical. Otherwise you could be sitting on a rock somewhere waiting for the sky to fall and stay sitting there for the rest of your life.

You remember that nursery Rhyme about the chicken running around saying the sky is falling.....after an acorn bumped him on the head.

Well what's the lesson?

The moral is never trust knowledge until you have no other choice but to.
In otherwords until you can find absolutely no way of avoiding it's veracity. ( truth)

Your 14......go out there and learn how to be a better judge of knowledge. especially the knowledge you think you already have.
James R said:
You have provided NO proof, let alone damning proof, Proud_Muslim, and you know it.

Stop lying, and just admit you were wrong. Or does Islam allow lying in these situations?

You STOP LYING, you stop pretending to be FOOL, the evidence was provided and was DAMMING, it is only you who refuse to accept much for your credibility !!!

In its 2001 assessment of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected that global warming mean sea level is expected to rise between 9 and 88 centimetres by 2100, with a 'best estimate' of 50 centimetres.

Higher temperatures lead to higher sea levels

A warmer world will have a higher sea level because as the land and lower atmosphere of the world warm, heat is transferred into the oceans. When materials are heated they expand (thermal expansion). So the heat that is transferred causes sea water to expand, which then results in a rise in sea level.

In addition, water from land-based ice such as glaciers and ice sheets may enter the ocean, thus adding to the rise

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is open to all Members of the UN and of WMO.

As to the other evidence from reputable space scientist about the possibility of the sun raising from the west, the evidence was provided with DETAILS here:

James! this is the third time I provided the DAMMING evidence about the increase in water levels, asking again for evidence means you lost the debate and you just trying to fool around !
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So the end is nigh. There is nothing we can do to avoid it. It could happen any time soon. what?

Gotta die some time....hey!!!???

Proud Boy & Preacher Kid,

ICE on the land in the SOUTH POLE melts = rise in the sea level.

ICE floating on arctic sea in the NORTH POLE melts = fills the space it occupied and NO RISE in sea level.

TRY to learn some science atleast in sciforums.
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Homework assignment for PM and Preacher boy. :D
Water is the only element that expands when it turns solid (freezes). Meaning it occupies more space. 90% of the polar ice mass is underwater(ie already in the ocean). Do the math ;)
Quantum Quack said:
So the end is nigh. There is nothing we can do to avoid it. It could happen any time soon. what?

Gotta die some time....hey!!!???

The point was what Islam said about the signs of last hour is TRUE and I have provided the evidence for that, the problem is JAMES, he is refusing to accept the evidence and instead he pretends to be BLIND and always ask where the evidence ??
everneo said:

Proud Boy & Preacher Kid,

ICE on the land in the SOUTH POLE melts = rise in the sea level.

ICE floating on arctic sea in the NORTH POLE melts = fills the space it occupied and NO RISE in sea level.

TRY to learn some science atleast in sciforums.

This is NOT the issue you retard !! the issue was wheather melting ice will increase water levels even in the NORTH POLE, melting ice there will INCREASE WATER LEVELS:


Scientists who want to monitor the state of our global climate may have to look no farther than the coastal ice that surrounds the Earth's largest island.

A NASA study of Greenland's ice sheet reveals that it is rapidly thinning. In an article published in the July 21 issue of Science, Bill Krabill, project scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA, reports that the frozen area around Greenland is thinning, in some places, at a rate of more than three feet per year. Any change is important since a smaller ice sheet could result in higher sea levels.

"A conservative estimate, based on our data, indicates a net loss of approximately 51 cubic kilometers of ice per year from the entire ice sheet, sufficient to raise global sea level by 0.005 inches per year, or approximately seven percent of the observed rise," Krabill said

Source :

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I believe you were refering to the ice at the North Pole as a sign from allah and he just answered your question scrolling not required.

Again, you have completely failed to address the questions I asked. Here they are again:

1. Can you provide ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the NORTH POLE melts?
2. Can you name ONE reputable space scientist who says the sun will rise in the west at some time in the future? (You will need to quote the source of the statement.)

Let's look at your most recent rants.

In its 2001 assessment of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected that global warming mean sea level is expected to rise between 9 and 88 centimetres by 2100, with a 'best estimate' of 50 centimetres.

Higher temperatures lead to higher sea levels

A warmer world will have a higher sea level because as the land and lower atmosphere of the world warm, heat is transferred into the oceans. When materials are heated they expand (thermal expansion). So the heat that is transferred causes sea water to expand, which then results in a rise in sea level.

In addition, water from land-based ice such as glaciers and ice sheets may enter the ocean, thus adding to the rise

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is open to all Members of the UN and of WMO.

There is no mention of the words "NORTH POLE" in any of this. There is no reference to arctic ice at all. Hence, this is all irrelevant waffling aimed at avoiding the issue. Again.

As to the other evidence from reputable space scientist about the possibility of the sun raising from the west, the evidence was provided with DETAILS here:

This has no quote from any reputable space scientist about the sun rising in the west. More irrelevant waffle.

the issue was wheather melting ice will increase water levels even in the NORTH POLE, melting ice there will INCREASE WATER LEVELS:

Then you should be able to provide at least ONE source which says so.

Try again, Proud_Muslim. Come back to me if you find any answers.