Signs of the Last Hour

Ah. Ok then, PM, let's take a closer look.

It is hard to tell whether certain of these events have already occurred, or when they will precisely occur. Allah knows best.

In other words, the lecturer has no idea whether the last days are nearly here or not.

"The slave will become the master."

So general, it could be applied to almost anything.

"Shepherds will compete in the construction of tall buildings." [The modern ex-nomads of Saudi Arabia are an excellent example of this.]

Please name one building engineer who is also a shepherd.

"Knowledge of Islam will be taken away while ignorance will increase. This removal of knowledge will be because old scholars will die and fewer and fewer new scholars will replace them. The leaders of the Muslims will be chosen from ignorant people, and they will rule according to their whims." [Today, studying Islam formally is considered to be an inferior career in most of the Muslim world. The leaders of the Muslim world are more known for their political or military prowess (oppressive ability?) than Islamic knowledge.]

Didn't you say Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion, PM? Surely that would mean that knowledge of Islam is growing, not shrinking.

"Drinking and fornication will increase heavily."

There's no evidence that that is happening, except by the natural increase in the world's population.

"The population of men will decrease, and women increase till fifty women shall be for every man."

We have a long way to go before things get to that stage, if they ever do.

"Thirty people will claim to be prophets, followed by Al-Dajjal (the anti-Christ roughly)."

That happened about 5 minutes after Mohammed lived.

"There will be such an abundance of wealth that people will not be able to find recipients for zakat."

No danger of that happening in the near future.

"Killing will increase."

Again, only in proportion to the world's population increase.

"Time will be shortened so that a year will be like a month, a month like a day, a day like an hour." [This perception of the seemingly dwindling amount of time is very apparent, especially in First World countries.]

This doesn't seem to be talking about perceptions, but about actual, measurable increases, which are not observed.

"Two great countries will fight and kill each other, both claiming the same thing."

Surprise surprise. How many times has that happened throughout history?

"Earthquakes will increase in number." [Welcome to California. :-]

There is no evidence that earthquakes in California, or anywhere else, have increased recently.

"A person will pass by the grave, and wish to trade places out of despair."

Probably happens to somebody every day. So what?

"Al-Dajjal( anti christ ) will come, claiming to be God holding Heaven and Hell. His purpose is to deceive, and unbelievers will follow him. He is short, red-faced, blind in the right eye, and has hair which sticks up. He will go around the world, but will be unable to enter Madinah or Makkah." [There are numerous detailed ahadith on this man.]

Fairly specific, which is good. No evidence that it has happened.

"Al-Mahdi will come at the time of Al-Dajjal. He will call to the true Islam, and will be a military leader. His name will be exactly like that of the Prophet: Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah, and his father's name will match the Prophet's father's name also. He will be descended from Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet."

Gee, well not many people call their children Mohammed these days, do they?

"Isa (Jesus) will come at the time of Al-Dajjal and al-Mahdi as well. He will descend at the time of Fajr prayer on a masjid in Damascus, the capital of Syria. He is of medium height, red-faced, and his hair is as if he just took a shower. He will call people back to Islam, but he will also be a military leader.

Jesus doesn't seem to be around right now, as far as I can tell.

The People of the Book will revert to Islam, and wealth will be super-abundant.

Fat chance of that happening in the near future.

"An animal will come and call people back to Islam." [A partial description of this animal is that it is very hairy, so much so that one will not be able to tell its front from its rear (Arabic: 'Dab-ba'). Reference to this animal is mentioned in the Qur'an.]

Perhaps the writer didn't know that animals can't talk (yet).

"Gog and Magog (two hidden tribes of people) will break free of the dam that holds them back, and ravage the earth. They will drink all the water, and kill people until Allah sends against them a worm which will wipe them out." [This is roughly before/during the time of Isa, although it is not entirely clear.]

Unlikely story, but seeing as Isa doesn't seem to be around yet, it isn't surprising this one isn't happening, is it?

"Three places in the world will sink and be swallowed up by the earth. One in the west, one in the east, and one in the Saudi Arabian peninsula." [This may refer to a series of giant, epic earthquakes.]

Still waiting for that, too.

"Fire will come from the area of Aden in Yemen, and sweep northwards." [There are claims that this already happened in some medevial event.]

Possible, but not uncommon.

"The sun will rise from the west." [This description is not meant to be a symbolic one...but it is known that it is one of the last, if not the very last one before the following.]

I would assign the chances of that a very low probability indeed. I guess the writers didn't know much about celestial mechanics.

"Smoke will appear all over the earth which will cause believers to catch something similar to a slight cold, whereas the unbelievers will be hit harder by it. Finally, a cold wind will come and kill all believers, leaving only unbelievers on the earth who will then witness the LAST HOUR. The angel Israfil will blow a trumpet, and the resurrection of all human beings will begin." [At this point, the Day of Resurrection commences in which the skies and earth are destroyed by Allah.]

Yeah yeah, God is great, blah blah blah. We've heard all this before.

Now, tell me what it is that you find convincing about this rubbish, Proud_Muslim. I am very interested to know.
Yeah.. this is rubbish.

NO MAN knows when. I can assure you of that with ALL full assurance.. not a scholar of scholars, not the most righteous of righteous men.... heck, not even Jesus knows. And you can quote me on that last part, till He comes of course :D
James R said:
Please name one building engineer who is also a shepherd.
:D OMG please stop you are KILLING ME!!!

Didn't you say Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion, PM? Surely that would mean that knowledge of Islam is growing, not shrinking.

All this growing and shrinking is going to make it hard to find a decent outfit to wear on the last day that fits properly

Jesus doesn't seem to be around right now, as far as I can tell.
Au contraire Jesus reborn THIS IS A FACT YOU CANNOT DENY IT!
James R said:
Please name one building engineer who is also a shepherd.
Your Hypocrisy and ignorance busted.!!!! Not one Building Engineer but whole bunch of them : :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

"PHILLIP SHEPHERD ARCHITECTS, INC. provides comprehensive professional design services to a broad array of clients. Our services include architecture, interior design and planning. We have received national recognition for many of our design projects, where we specialize in mid-rise and high-rise apartments and condominiums, office buildings, retail centers, luxury hotels and financial institutions. Based in Dallas, Texas, our company was formed in 1992. Phillip Shepherd is registered in 5 states, and has completed projects in a broad geographical area, including Texas, California, Arizona, Louisiana, Florida, Melbourne Australia, Jeddah Saudi Arabia, and Beirut Lebanon. PHILLIP SHEPHERD ARCHITECTS, INC.’S expertise, diversity and strength of performance employs the team approach to projects…matching the client and project to each individual’s experience in planning, design and production."

Now, tell me what it is that you find convincing about this rubbish, Proud_Muslim. I am very interested to know.
It is already proved that it is not rubbish!!!!

Next Question. :rolleyes:

Are you also interested to know about jinns.??????

err..sorry for the interuption.. *switches off PM mode*
everneo said:


I Think I'd start praying again....

  • Hail Holy Queen Mother of Mercy, Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope....SAVE US!!!

    Our Father who art in heaven hollowed by thy name, they kingdom come thy will be done!

    OM! OM! OM! OM!

    Holy Buddha preserve our lives! Spare us from torment and give us everlasting life!

    RA! RA! RA!

    O Mighty Zeus Holy is thy name. nothing compares to thee as long as you save my ass.

Everneo, I must say, that was original...very funny :D

On a side note, shepards becoming engineers could be perhaps explained by the modern low enrollment rate in agriculture engineering school, which use to be the most popular school two centuries ago, and the high enrollment rate in civil engineering that we are observing this century. So may be potential shepards are converting to structural engineers.
James R said:
Ah. Ok then, PM, let's take a closer look.
In other words, the lecturer has no idea whether the last days are nearly here or not.

The author is inviting thought provoking discussion on these signs !!

So general, it could be applied to almost anything.

''The slave will become the master." It is not General, it refers to specific race of people who were slaves and later will be masters ( perhaps the blacks, the whites are now in their way to extinct )

Please name one building engineer who is also a shepherd.

You are really so funny, you chose only one part of the sentence, here is the second part:

"Shepherds will compete in the construction of tall buildings." [The modern ex-nomads of Saudi Arabia are an excellent example of this.]

Didn't you say Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion, PM? Surely that would mean that knowledge of Islam is growing, not shrinking.

Do you read English ? here is the sentence again for you:

''Knowledge of Islam will be taken away while ignorance will increase''

Look at your and others ignorance of Islam !! very true prediction ! :p

There's no evidence that that is happening, except by the natural increase in the world's population.

Are you for real ? 33,000 people die every year in the UK alone from drinking related diseases and drink driving.

Divorce rates and adultery is very common in the ''civilized enlightened'' western societies..these are FACTS.

We have a long way to go before things get to that stage, if they ever do.

I dont remember where I read it, but for every 100 boy that is born, 103 girls are born ! I dont have the proof with me now, but it is happening.

That happened about 5 minutes after Mohammed lived.

I dont understand what you mean !!!

No danger of that happening in the near future.

But it will happen.

Again, only in proportion to the world's population increase.

Not true, crime rates now are higher than 50 years ago , just ask your grandmother for some advice.

This doesn't seem to be talking about perceptions, but about actual, measurable increases, which are not observed.

Time will be shortened so that a year will be like a month, a month like a day, a day like an hour." [This perception of the seemingly dwindling amount of time is very apparent, especially in First World countries.]

It seems to me about perceptions, very true...time passes so quickly here in the west, when I was in Syria, we did not feel like that, there, time passes so slowely, days are very long and nights are even longer.

Surprise surprise. How many times has that happened throughout history?

May be this is refering to France and England !! but Allah knows best ( this is why the author said ALLAH KNOWS BEST ).

There is no evidence that earthquakes in California, or anywhere else, have increased recently.

Earthquakes have increased recently:

Earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or greater or ones that caused fatalities,
injuries or substantial damage.

1980 there were 66 of the above.
1981 there were 45 of the above.
1982 there were 56 of the above. Notice few were bad with lives lost.
1983 there were 71 of the above again with few serious enough to cause loss of lives.
1984 there were 50 of the above but again some were major with magnitudes reaching 7 plus.
1985 there were 67 of the above with a major quake of almost around 8 mag with At least 9,500 people were killed, about 30,000 were injured, more than 100,000 people were left homeless, and severe damage was caused in parts of Mexico City and in several states of central Mexico.
1986 there were 60 of the above but with a few reaching 7 plus magnitude.
1987 there were 71 of the above.
1988 there were 56 of the above but with a few reaching the 7 plus mark again.
1989 there were 58 of the above but with a few reaching the 7 mark or close again.

1990 there were 72 of the above with still many reaching 7 or close.
1991 there were 62 of the above but with quite a few well into the 7 magnitudes.
1992 there were 68 but says that October through December to be recomputed. Many 7.0 pluses.
1993 there were record 83 so far and many were also late 6.0 to 7.0 plus magnitudes.
1994 there were 75 but with more Notable North American Earthquakes than in the past.
1995 there were 95 odd earthquakes, hard counting them all so might have been one or two out, but you’ll agree a record so far and many were well over the 7.0 plus magnitude.
1996 there were 77 earthquakes of the 6 plus magnitude and in fact there were many 7.0 plus and an 8.1 as well IRIAN JAYA REGION, INDONESIA which killed at least 108 and injured 423 with over 5,000 homes destroyed and 58 people missing also.
1997 there were a record 97 quakes of over 6.0 plus with one nearing the 8.0 mark.
1998 there were 81 odd quakes with with odd few near or just in the 7.0 mark.
1999 there were 83 quakes with quite a few reaching over the 7.0 plus towards 8 mark.

I will now calculate the averages for the 1980’s and then the 1990’s.

1980’s are 60 average a year there for at 600 in total.

1990’s are 79.3 average a year there for 793 odd quakes.

The increase therefore is obvious during the 1990’s the average quakes in the world of over 6.5 or greater were an increase on the 1980’s of 19 more each year.

In 2000 the number was 87 quakes that year and few late 7.0 pluses and odd 8.0 even.
In 2001 there were only 72 quakes of over 6.5 magnitude but there was an over 8.0 plus that near the coast of Peru killed 74 people of which 26 were in the tsunami.
In 2002 there were 85 quakes again of which some were well over the 7.0 mark.
In 2003 there were 89 quakes my prediction of more and worse was correct, just..

In conclusion so far since 1980 anyway the increase in earthquakes has been significant.

Probably happens to somebody every day. So what?

It is an indication of the state of deperation the world has reached to, the rate of suicide nowadays is so high, never witnessed before in the history of mankind.

Fairly specific, which is good. No evidence that it has happened.

Al-Dajjal( anti christ ) will come, claiming to be God holding Heaven and Hell. His purpose is to deceive, and unbelievers will follow him. He is short, red-faced, blind in the right eye, and has hair which sticks up. He will go around the world, but will be unable to enter Madinah or Makkah." [There are numerous detailed ahadith on this man.]

Indeed, no evidence it has happened YET but it will happen.

Gee, well not many people call their children Mohammed these days, do they?

Nearly every Muslim family on earth has the name Muhammad for one of their sons.

Jesus doesn't seem to be around right now, as far as I can tell.

Jesus second coming is one of the MAJOR signs, the signs that will appear one after another in quick pase:

Here is one of the most beautiful Muslim sites ever established about the second coming of Jesus (Peace be upon him ):

Fat chance of that happening in the near future.

The People of the Book will revert to Islam, and wealth will be super-abundant.

Do you I need to post again these links about Islam being the fastest growing religion in the world ????

Perhaps the writer didn't know that animals can't talk (yet).

Oh really ????


Birds can learn to talk ... and to understand.
by Irene M. Pepperberg, Ph.D., and Robyn J. Bright

Can animals talk? Sure. Can they understand? Maybe

Unlikely story, but seeing as Isa doesn't seem to be around yet, it isn't surprising this one isn't happening, is it?

Again, this is one of the MAJOR sings that is related to the coming of Jesus ( Pbuh ), when that will happen, I dont know, but I can tell you this about the people of Gog and Magog:

The prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) said in one of his hadiths:

The people of God and Magog are trying to dig a hole in the dam that is holding them every day, in the evening, their leader will say to them: Tomorrow we will continue ( without saying the word INSHA ALLAH ( ALLAH WILLING ) so the next morning they come and the hole they made the last day is blocked again ( the prophet told us to recite surat AL KAHF( chapter 18 of the Noble Quran every friday ) as reciting this chapter will increase the thickness of this dam:

Until one day, their leader will remember to say, Tomorrow INSHA ALLAH we will continue and we will destroy the dam and they will.

Still waiting for that, too.

Three places in the world will sink and be swallowed up by the earth. One in the west, one in the east, and one in the Saudi Arabian peninsula." [This may refer to a series of giant, epic earthquakes.]

Yes, already GLOBAL WARMING is threatning to drown many countries such as Holland and parts of England.

The ICE is melting in the Northern pole, so this prophecy is surely coming and maybe soon.

Possible, but not uncommon.

Fire will come from the area of Aden in Yemen, and sweep northwards." [There are claims that this already happened in some medevial event.'

I spoke with some Muslim Yemeni friends who told me that the area between Yemen and Saudi Arabia used to be filled with forests until a big major fire destroyed it !!! but the vegetation is coming back again, so maybe another fire will sweep throgh it !! Allah knows best.

I would assign the chances of that a very low probability indeed. I guess the writers didn't know much about celestial mechanics.

Well Space Sceintists all agree that at one stage, the sun will raise from the west, I have to search for my evidence first ( I dont have it handy ).

Yeah yeah, God is great, blah blah blah. We've heard all this before.

LOL ! did you feel offended that unbelievers will be hit harder by it. Finally, a cold wind will come and kill all believers, leaving only unbelievers on the earth who will then witness the LAST HOUR !!!

Now, tell me what it is that you find convincing about this rubbish, Proud_Muslim. I am very interested to know.

I already proved to you ( the increase of erathquakes, the GLOBAL WARMING ) that these events will take place, it is up to you to be either a believer and die with the cold genetle wind or unbeliever to be hit hard and die horrible death !! the choice is yours to make !!

Dont be in a hurry, I dont think the major signs will come in our lifetime.
Proud_Muslim said:
it is up to you to be either a believer and die with the cold genetle wind or unbeliever to be hit hard and die horrible death !! the choice is yours to make !!

What an absolute hog wash? You are giving James two choices that may very well never happen. First, the cold wind you describe (if it indeed happen, and I highly doubt it) will affect only the few people (One or two generations) that remain alive to witness the end times....Not everyone will die by cold wind or horrible death. Most people have already died or will die as everyone else dies and will not live to see the last what are you talking about generalizing and handing out death sentences to believers and unbelievers.....You are such a terrorist. Stop terrorizing people with false religion.
James R, I think there was some competition of sorts between Arab princes to display their wealth through elaborate buildings. If you generally consider Arabs as shepherds.

But, I'd like to point out Christians have been selling a similar fear (rapture) for generations.
What would worry me more would be if architects start becoming shepards in any numbers.
Did anyone mention the plague of locusts in Australia?

Apocalyptic prophecies are a pretty sure bet, considering how many times in the past the Earth suffered from major catastophies resulting in mass extinction. With nuclear weapons, WMD's, and human induced environmental damage, one can easily believe these are the end times. We just have to be careful we don't bring it about as a result of those same prophecies.
Shepherds will compete in the construction of tall buildings.
The pyramids of course why didnt we think of it, they were built by common people from all working backgrounds.
followed by Al-Dajjal (the anti-Christ roughly).
Johnny rotten of course.
His purpose is to deceive, and unbelievers will follow him. He is short, red-faced, blind in the right eye, and has hair which sticks up. He will go around the world, but will be unable to enter Madinah or Makkah.
Close, but im not sure Johnny rotten was blind in his right eye, and im not sure the sex pistols had a world tour.
There will be such an abundance of wealth that people will not be able to find recipients for zakat.
Wow thats already happening in most of europe, it must be true.
Killing will increase.
Yep, fatalities in wars have been increasing throughout time.
I dont remember where I read it, but for every 100 boy that is born, 103 girls are born ! I dont have the proof with me now, but it is happening.
How convenient, its happening but i dont have the proof.
Yes, already GLOBAL WARMING is threatning to drown many countries such as Holland and parts of England.
The ICE is melting in the Northern pole, so this prophecy is surely coming and maybe soon.
And how do you account for the earth swallowing them up part? Earthquake in England perhaps?
Point? If you word things well enough and have a small knowledge base you can predict things, tell you what i'll even have a go, there will be more than 50 earthquakes over 6.5, 2 large forest fires within the space of a month, 5 people will claim to be jesus/prophets, something significant will happen to do with our solar system, i could continue but i think i've proved my point, i made some predictions and im not even gonna specify a year so the odds are in my favour, I think its safe to say most people can do it.
Although someones point about only god knows when doomsday is near works just as well.... :D

In conclusion so far since 1980 anyway the increase in earthquakes has been significant.

Tectonic Plates moving means NOTHING!!!

Earthquakes are the result of convection currents below the earths crust moving tectonic plates. When the stress is enough to over come the friction the plate moves suddenly and you get an EARTHQUAKE. You think there is a reason your beliefs so closely resemble the idea of satan rising from hell from underneath us? From inside the earth? Your beliefs are so dated and ridiculous it makes me want to scream


There. I did. And I feel better.
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It is not my fault you are so dumb that you dont know even what an earthquake is, let me educate you, you are so confused:

Definitions of earthquake from the Web:

shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity

a disturbance that is extremely disruptive; "selling the company caused an earthquake among the employees"

A sudden, transient motion or trembling of the earth's crust, resulting from the waves in the earth caused by faulting of the rocks or by volcanic activity.

A shaking of the earth caused by a sudden movement of rock beneath the Earth's surface. An earthquake occurs on a fault, which is a thin layer of crushed rock between two blocks of rock. A fault can range in length from a few centimeters to thousands of miles. The San Andreas fault in California is 650 miles long and ten miles deep in places. Stresses in the earth's outer layer push the sides of the fault together. Stress builds up and the rocks slip suddenly, releasing energy in waves that travel through the rock to cause the shaking that we feel during an earthquake. The National Earthquake Information Center locates about 12,000 to 14,000 earthquakes annually. That's about 35 a day. Based on long term historical records, about 18 major earthquakes (7.0 - 7.9 on the Richter scale) and one great earthquake (8.0 or above) are expected in any given year. FEMA Earthquakes Backgrounder Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

Shaking of the earth caused by a sudden movement of rock beneath its surface.

a sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity - BACK>>

Is a sudden motion or trembling in the Earth. The motion is caused by the quick release of slowly accumulated energy in the form of seismic waves. Most earthquakes are produced along faults, tectonic plate boundaries, or along the mid-oceanic ridges.

A shaking of the ground caused by a sudden release of energy that is stored in the rocks beneath the surface of the earth

Sudden motion in Earth caused by abrupt release of slowly accumulated strain.

The shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a fault. Within seconds, an earthquake releases stress that has slowly accumulated within the rock, sometimes over hundreds of years.

Ground shaking and radiated seismic energy caused most commonly by sudden slip on a fault, volcanic or magmatic activity, or other sudden stress changes in the Earth. An earthquake of magnitude 8 or larger is termed a great earthquake. Earthquake hazard. Any physical phenomenon associated with an earthquake that may produce adverse effects on human activities. This includes surface faulting, ground shaking, landslides, liquefaction, tectonic deformation, tsunami, and seiche and their effects on land use, manmade structures, and socioeconomic systems. A commonly used restricted definition of earthquake hazard is the probability of occurrence of a specified level of ground shaking in a specified period of time. Earthquake risk. The expected (or probable) life loss, injury, or building damage that will happen, given the probability that some earthquake hazard occurs. Earthquake risk and earthquake hazard are occasionally used interchangeably.

A sudden motion or trembling in the Earth caused by the abrupt release of slowly accumulated strain (by faulting or by volcanic activity).

A movement within the Earth's crust or mantle, caused by the sudden rupture or repositioning of underground rocks as they release stress.

The sudden motion or trembling of the ground produced by abrupt displacement of rock masses, usually within the upper 10 to 20 miles of the earth's surface (FEMA definition).

Sudden break within the upper layers of the earth, sometimes breaking the surface, resulting in the vibration of the ground, which where strong enough will cause the collapse of buildings and destruction of life and property.

A naturally occurring shaking motion of the Earth's surface. Earthquakes are caused when stress, building up within rocks of the Earth's crust, is released in a sudden jolt.

Sudden motion in Earth caused by abrupt release of slowly accumulated strain. Shaking of the Earth caused by a sudden movement of rock beneath its surface.

a shaking or trembling of the ground that is volcanic or tectonic in origin

Movement of the rocks caused by release of stresses built up within the crust.

n. a shaking of crustal plates felt on the earth's surface, created by elastic waves moving through the crust, resulting from frictional along active faults. pages & glossary & chest/glossary/Glossary.htm

Shaking of the Earth caused by a sudden movement of rock beneath its surface.

A type of earth movement that occurs when plates or faults within the earth move. Homeowners policies specifically define earth movement and earthquake, and the definition may vary from one carrier's policy to another. Earth movement is excluded on unendorsed homeowners policies.

A series of elastic waves propagated in Earth, initiated where stress along a fault exceeds the elastic limit of the rock so that sudden movement occurs along the fault.

violent tremor of the earth’s crust which originates naturally and below the surface.

a shaking or trembling of the crust of the earth, caused by underground volcanic forces or by breaking and shifting of rock beneath the surface

A series of elastic waves in the crust of the Earth caused by abrupt movement easing strains built up along geologic faults or by volcanic action and resulting in movement of the Earth's surface.

Rare phenomenon involving movements of the earth's crust that may be violent enough to cause damage to property or dwellings.



''The slave will become the master." It is not General, it refers to specific race of people who were slaves and later will be masters ( perhaps the blacks, the whites are now in their way to extinct )

Where does it say it is not general? As I said, it could apply to anything.

You are really so funny, you chose only one part of the sentence, here is the second part:

"Shepherds will compete in the construction of tall buildings." [The modern ex-nomads of Saudi Arabia are an excellent example of this.]

The part in square brackets is the author's interpretation. I liked everneo's explanation better, and it fits equally as well. This whole thing is so vague it's useless.

Do you read English ? here is the sentence again for you:

''Knowledge of Islam will be taken away while ignorance will increase''

Look at your and others ignorance of Islam !! very true prediction !

How could my knowledge of Islam be "taken away", if I never had it in the first place?

Are you for real ? 33,000 people die every year in the UK alone from drinking related diseases and drink driving.

And your evidence that this is a statistically significant increase once you take the increase in population into account is...?

Divorce rates and adultery is very common in the ''civilized enlightened'' western societies..these are FACTS.

Adultery is common everywhere. So what?

I dont remember where I read it, but for every 100 boy that is born, 103 girls are born ! I dont have the proof with me now, but it is happening.

I accept that. But we have a <b>very</b> long way to get to a 50 to 1 ratio, given that we currently have a 1.03 to 1 ratio, according to your figures, don't we?

“ That happened about 5 minutes after Mohammed lived. ”

I dont understand what you mean !!!

I mean that there have always been plenty of prophets around, both before and after Mohammed. If somebody predicts a prophet will come along, should I be surprised? Of course not. They are a dime a dozen.

Not true, crime rates now are higher than 50 years ago , just ask your grandmother for some advice.

No they aren't. We can argue this if you want to, but given your previously-established poor grasp of statistics, I wouldn't advise it.

Time will be shortened so that a year will be like a month, a month like a day, a day like an hour." [This perception of the seemingly dwindling amount of time is very apparent, especially in First World countries.]

“ This doesn't seem to be talking about perceptions, but about actual, measurable increases, which are not observed. ”

It seems to me about perceptions, very true...time passes so quickly here in the west, when I was in Syria, we did not feel like that, there, time passes so slowely, days are very long and nights are even longer.

You missed the point again. The part in square brackets is an author's interpretation. Of course, you're quite happy to go along with that, because it suits your own prejudices. What I have told you is that the author's interpretation is unjustified.

“ There is no evidence that earthquakes in California, or anywhere else, have increased recently. ”

Earthquakes have increased recently:


In conclusion so far since 1980 anyway the increase in earthquakes has been significant.

Wrong again:

"Although it may seem that we are having more earthquakes, earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or greater have remained fairly constant throughout this century and, according to our records, have actually seemed to decrease in recent years. A partial explanation may lie in the fact that in the last twenty years, we have definitely had an increase in the number of earthquakes we have been able to locate each year." - US Geological Survey (my emphasis)

It is an indication of the state of deperation the world has reached to, the rate of suicide nowadays is so high, never witnessed before in the history of mankind.

I challenge you to find reliable statistics on that.

Indeed, no evidence it has happened YET but it will happen.

Yes, and pigs will fly through the air carrying vacuum cleaners adorned with bright yellow flowers, too. It hasn't happened yet, but it WILL happen!

“ Gee, well not many people call their children Mohammed these days, do they? ”

Nearly every Muslim family on earth has the name Muhammad for one of their sons.

Exactly. (Can you spell "irony"?)

The People of the Book will revert to Islam, and wealth will be super-abundant.

“ Fat chance of that happening in the near future. ”

Do you I need to post again these links about Islam being the fastest growing religion in the world ????

No. I've already dealt with that misleading information. Besides, even if it were true, there would be no evidence that the growth is due to conversions of Jews and Christians.

Three places in the world will sink and be swallowed up by the earth. One in the west, one in the east, and one in the Saudi Arabian peninsula." [This may refer to a series of giant, epic earthquakes.]

Yes, already GLOBAL WARMING is threatning to drown many countries such as Holland and parts of England.

The ICE is melting in the Northern pole, so this prophecy is surely coming and maybe soon.

Ice melting at the North pole will not change the sea level at all.
And do you disagree with the author's prediction of earthquakes here? I'm sure you don't, because that would mean thinking for yourself.

I spoke with some Muslim Yemeni friends who told me that the area between Yemen and Saudi Arabia used to be filled with forests until a big major fire destroyed it !!! but the vegetation is coming back again, so maybe another fire will sweep throgh it !! Allah knows best.

Fire destroys areas of the Australian bush every year. Fires are common. Predictions of fire are no amazing thing. If I predict a fire will happen in Yemen (or anywhere else), it won't be long before it happens.

Well Space Sceintists all agree that at one stage, the sun will raise from the west, I have to search for my evidence first ( I dont have it handy ).

It's strange that you never have evidence handy for anything in my particular areas of expertise, isn't it? Let me tell you from a position of some knowledge that space scientists <b>do not</b> all agree that the sun will ever rise in the west at any stage in the Earth's existence. In fact, I challenge you to find even one reputable space scientist who says that will ever happen.

In fact, if you can show that this one will happen, I'll convert to Islam on the spot, and believe everything you say from then onwards.

LOL ! did you feel offended that unbelievers will be hit harder by it. Finally, a cold wind will come and kill all believers, leaving only unbelievers on the earth who will then witness the LAST HOUR !!!

Well, I needn't worry, because it won't happen any time soon, will it?

I already proved to you ( the increase of erathquakes, the GLOBAL WARMING ) that these events will take place, it is up to you to be either a believer and die with the cold genetle wind or unbeliever to be hit hard and die horrible death !! the choice is yours to make !!

If you'd given me any reason to believe what you say is true, then perhaps I would become a "believer". Sadly, you haven't, so I guess it's the horrible death option for me.

Dont be in a hurry, I dont think the major signs will come in our lifetime.

Backing off a little, aren't you? I thought you said the LAST HOUR was close at hand.

When will it be, then? 100 years from now? 1000? 1 million?

You are a retard. All of those descriptions are basically saying what I said but in less detail. Pat yourself on the back for making yourself look like a fool. I didn't even need to do it for you.

The main point I was trying to make was that earthquakes have no meaning; they just occur. They in absolutely no way have anything to do with the last days of earth in any religious belief.
Christianity also has an end times prophecy which involves Gog and Magog but they are nations following Satan. This only occurs after the anti-Christ comes and tries to pass himself off as Christ, is captured by an angel and thrown into a prison for a thousand years during which time the Earth will know peace. When Satan escapes he enlists the nations Gog and Magog to fight the people of Earth. This is when Jesus returns to save the Earth.

I am undecided as to how much of this may refer to the symbolic destruction of our own world, or the spread of atheism or what have you, (I accept the Bible's larger message but I do not take most of it's stories literally) but it indicates to me that Islam is just a re-packaged version of Christianity.

In any event, the anti-Christ has to come and be imprisoned for a thousand years before the final judgment so since no one is actually going to live the entire thousand years it really is difficult to say when these things will begin, have they already begun and where are we with them?
You think atheism is destructive? As well, who would believe in that clap trap? All christians apparently. I'm sorry for being a dick but it all sounds way too much like a really, really bad movie or fairy tale or video game.