Signs of the Last Hour

"I am undecided as to how much of this may refer to the symbolic destruction of our own world, or the spread of atheism or what have you"

Did you just read a sentence with the words destruction and atheism in it and then make a leap? I said that since I consider much of the Bible to be symbolic I wasn't sure what particular things about which Revelations was meant to be warning us. I then expressed two separate ideas 1. the destruction of our world (by our flagrant excesses or wars or pollution,etc) OR (now here's the tricky part) the spread of atheism. Perhaps both. Atheism in the guise of communism have done their fair share of damage so please come down off that high road. Also, people of faith live longer, suffer fewer diseases and recover more quickly than the faithless. I read this just a few weeks ago in Newsweek I believe (or Time maybe, you know waiting room literature). Where atheism goes higher crime and the breakdown of the family unit often follows.

Besides, it's a religion. It's going to be anti-atheist. Deal with it.
I don't care if you're a dick, I care if you're a dick who starts arguing a statement before he gets to the end of it.
James R said:
Where does it say it is not general? As I said, it could apply to anything.

Or it could apply on the whites as well.

The part in square brackets is the author's interpretation. I liked everneo's explanation better, and it fits equally as well. This whole thing is so vague it's useless.

So vague and useless according to who ?? to you ??

How could my knowledge of Islam be "taken away", if I never had it in the first place?

Taken away means it will be difficult to access an thus unable to find it.

And your evidence that this is a statistically significant increase once you take the increase in population into account is...?

The population in Europe is NOT increasing, it is decreasing my friend specially in Britian:

Living with Britain's population timebomb,7838,1130899,00.html

Adultery is common everywhere. So what?

Bull !! Adultery is NOT common everywhere certainly not in the Muslim world, it does happen but it is NOT common, dont think all soceities are as hedonistic as yours.

I accept that. But we have a very long way to get to a 50 to 1 ratio, given that we currently have a 1.03 to 1 ratio, according to your figures, don't we?

Sure, I said before this is about MAJOR sing of the last hour.

I mean that there have always been plenty of prophets around, both before and after Mohammed. If somebody predicts a prophet will come along, should I be surprised? Of course not. They are a dime a dozen.

We are not talking about Americans who claim to be prophets or sons of God, we are talking about people who draw support like the false prophet of the bahais, the prophet of ahmadiya, the mormon prophet...etc the figure came in the prophecy was 30 prophet.

No they aren't. We can argue this if you want to, but given your previously-established poor grasp of statistics, I wouldn't advise it.

Sure you would not advice that because you will lose the debate about the increase in crime !! :rolleyes:

You missed the point again. The part in square brackets is an author's interpretation. Of course, you're quite happy to go along with that, because it suits your own prejudices. What I have told you is that the author's interpretation is unjustified.

They are very well justified, I saw and feel and sense that by myself, here in the west time passes very very quickly indeed !! it is very clear.

Wrong again:

It is so amusing that you did not provide any evidence for your quotes...I provided well documented observations of the earthquakes that happened lately, what did you provide ?? Just look at what happened in PAM in Iran few months back !!!

I challenge you to find reliable statistics on that.

With pleasure ! LET ME START WITH THIS:

An Analysis of Suicide Rates

1951 and 1988

Emile Durkheim's Suicide, published in 1897, saw rising suicide rates in the western world, and he explained this rise as a function of the failure of the state, church, and the family.

This table explains the number of suicides per 100,000 in 1951 and
1988 in the United States. There are age and gender divisions.

Number of Male and Female Suicides by Age, 1951 and 1988

15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

1951 (male) 6.1 13.2 20.3 29.0 37.8 52.0 57.9
1951 (female) 2.3 4.8 7.4 9.0 8.8 9.6 8.2

1988 (male) 21.9 25.0 22.9 21.7 25.0 33.0 57.8
1899 (female) 4.2 5.7 6.9 7.9 7.2 6.8 6.4

The 1988 rates are directly from The Statistical Abstract of 1991.
The 1951 rates were derived from the number of suicides in 1951,

stated in Vital Statistics of the United States, 1951, Vol. 2, and
the 1950 population rate, stated in The Statistical Abstract
of 1951 (from the 1950 census).

The Graying of America: Suicide rates increase as seniors age,2071,NPDN_14939_2549239,00.html

Note: in the centuries prior to the 20th century people used not to age too long, they used to die in their 60s-70s

EMFs Increase Suicide Rates

This study examined mortality from suicide in relation to estimated exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and found a significant increase in the risk of suicide.

Note: Before people did not know or have EMFs, now they do so the rate of suicide IS INCREASING !

-Figures confirming Russian suicide levels are among the world's highest were reported last week, putting a tragically human face on Russian economic decline since the Soviet collapse in 1990. Russia registered 39·7 suicides per 100 000 people in 2001, claiming 57 000 lives, according to a report released in collaboration with WHO by the Russian Ministry of Health's Research Institute of Psychiatry.

The new figures represent a dramatic increase in Russian suicide rates since 1990, the last year of Soviet government in Russia, when the suicide rate was reported to be 26·4 per 100 000 people.


Yes, and pigs will fly through the air carrying vacuum cleaners adorned with bright yellow flowers, too. It hasn't happened yet, but it WILL happen!

Yeah and the pigs will fall after that over the disbelievers heads !!

Exactly. (Can you spell "irony"?)

You got it wrong, the fact that so many Muslims have the name Muhammad make it a fact that AL MAHDI will come whose name will be Muhammad ibn abdulahh.

No. I've already dealt with that misleading information.

I am sorry james but you are not being honest here, you DID NOT deal with the proofs that I have posted about Islam being the fastest growing religion on earth ! I will post them again and I CHALLENGE YOU AND EVERYONE IN THIS FORUM TO REFUTE THEM

Islamic Britain lures top people

Sunday Times 22 February 2004
MORE than 14,000 white Britons have converted to Islam after becoming disillusioned with western values, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world:

-'' Indeed, Islam is the world's fastest growing religion in the world'' The Economist, London Sept 2003

-BBC: Thousands of Asutralia's Aboriginals are converting to Islam:

-Islam is spreading so fast in Mexico:


-In South Africa, so many blacks are converting to Islam:

-Thousands in Rawanda-Africa are converting to Islam every year:

- Hindus in india are converting to Islam :

- Islam is back to Spain after 500 years:

- More and more americans are converting to Islam specially after 9/11:


- The Canadian Globe and Mail: Islam is now the fastest growing religion in Canada:

Islam: The Next American Religion?[/COLOR]

Catholic World News: Exhilarating Time To Be Christian," But Islam Grows Faster

U.S. Department of State for International Information programes: Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America:

Muslims outpace Anglicans in UK

A Spanish bridge to Islam:

Islam is spreading even in Ukraine ( Former Sovit christian republic )

AMAZING !! Guantanamo Bay Guards are converting to Islam: ( even this hate site reported it )

CNN: Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world:

Islam is religion No.1 in Amsterdam-Holland:

Reuters: Italy's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (formerly to Albania) Converts to Islam

And many more links...


Besides, even if it were true, there would be no evidence that the growth is due to conversions of Jews and Christians.

Really !!! so how Islam is growing then in the west ?? dont tell me migration because migration would mean increase in one part of the world and decrease in another...

I dont deny the fact that Muslims have higher birth rate but this is NOT the only factor.

Ice melting at the North pole will not change the sea level at all.

OH MY GOD !! are you serious ? are you for real ?? even 10 years old boy will realize that ice melting in the northen pole will DEFENIATELY change the sea levels !!! I am beginning to question your own intelligence James !!


And do you disagree with the author's prediction of earthquakes here? I'm sure you don't, because that would mean thinking for yourself.

What it is with this ''thinking for yourself ''?? I am MUSLIM, I think ISLAMICALLY, I am not like you who have no religion or no faith to inspire him !! no wonder when you guys think you come up with absolute nonesense !!

Fire destroys areas of the Australian bush every year. Fires are common. Predictions of fire are no amazing thing. If I predict a fire will happen in Yemen (or anywhere else), it won't be long before it happens.

This is not the issue, the issue here is the specific place of the fire.

It's strange that you never have evidence handy for anything in my particular areas of expertise, isn't it?

I dont think you have any particular areas of expertise James !!

Let me tell you from a position of some knowledge that space scientists <b>do not</b> all agree that the sun will ever rise in the west at any stage in the Earth's existence. In fact, I challenge you to find even one reputable space scientist who says that will ever happen.

So reputable space scientist is someone whose statements suit your agenda, right James ?? if he happenen to say the sun will at one stage raise from the west then he is not reputable !!!!

In fact, if you can show that this one will happen, I'll convert to Islam on the spot, and believe everything you say from then onwards.

Great, let me find it for you.

Well, I needn't worry, because it won't happen any time soon, will it?

Only Allah almighty knows, but since the major sings did not appear yet ( like the second coming of Jesus (pbuh ) ) so you dont need to worry but that does not mean you should stay disbeliever.

If you'd given me any reason to believe what you say is true, then perhaps I would become a "believer". Sadly, you haven't, so I guess it's the horrible death option for me.

You know James, NO MATTER what I do, NO MATTER what proof I give, you wont believe ( hell, some people on sciforums even want me banned as well, clearly I am too dangerous for their disbelief ! )

Allah Almighty described people like you in the Noble Quran:

''And the parable of those who disbelieve is as the parable of one who calls out to that which hears no more than a call and a cry; deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they do not understand. '' (The Noble Quran 2.171 )

Backing off a little, aren't you? I thought you said the LAST HOUR was close at hand.

When will it be, then? 100 years from now? 1000? 1 million?

It all depends on the our beloved prophet Jesus ( peace be upon him ) when he will come back everything will be clear and truthful.

Have a nice weekend.
Paula said:
I am undecided as to how much of this may refer to the symbolic destruction of our own world, or the spread of atheism or what have you, (I accept the Bible's larger message but I do not take most of it's stories literally) but it indicates to me that Islam is just a re-packaged version of Christianity.

Islam is not re-packed version of christianity, Islam is the CORRECTION to christianity, Islam came to correct the myth about Jesus being God or the son of God, Islam came to correct the myth about 1+1+1 = 1 ( trinity ), Islam came to tell not only Muslims but christians and jews and all mankind about the one and the only true supreme majestically infinite God ( Allah in Arabic ).

“ The part in square brackets is the author's interpretation. I liked everneo's explanation better, and it fits equally as well. This whole thing is so vague it's useless. ”

So vague and useless according to who ?? to you ??

Yes, and to everybody else who is able to think logically.

The population in Europe is NOT increasing, it is decreasing my friend specially in Britian:

So what?

Bull !! Adultery is NOT common everywhere certainly not in the Muslim world, it does happen but it is NOT common, dont think all soceities are as hedonistic as yours.

It is common in the Muslim world. You just don't hear about it as much. Partly that is due to restricted freedom of the press. Partly, it is due to cultural factors.

We are not talking about Americans who claim to be prophets or sons of God, we are talking about people who draw support like the false prophet of the bahais, the prophet of ahmadiya, the mormon prophet...etc the figure came in the prophecy was 30 prophet.

You are making all kinds of unwarranted assumptions. You are reading things into the initial text which are not in the text. The initial text mentions nothing about excluding Americans who claim to be prophets; that's your invention.

Sure you would not advice that because you will lose the debate about the increase in crime !!

What increase in crime?

...I saw and feel and sense that by myself, here in the west time passes very very quickly indeed !! it is very clear.

I am a physicist, and I think I know something about time. My point (again) was that the text talks about an actual change in the rate time flows, not in how Proud_Muslim feels about time.

It is so amusing that you did not provide any evidence for your quotes...I provided well documented observations of the earthquakes that happened lately, what did you provide ??

I provided a quote of data from the US Geological Survey, which you can easily check for yourself, showing that your anecdotal evidence isn't worth a anything.

You go on to talk about suicide rates. I can't be bothered addressing your cut-and-pastes point by point, but I couldn't help noticing this one, which again overlaps my particular areas of expertise:

EMFs Increase Suicide Rates

This study examined mortality from suicide in relation to estimated exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and found a significant increase in the risk of suicide.

I dispute these findings, because I do not believe that the authors could possibly have a reliable estimate of the low-frequency EM exposure that people have.

Note: Before people did not know or have EMFs, now they do so the rate of suicide IS INCREASING !

We cannot escape from electromagnetic fields. They are all around us, and have been from long before we started to harness them for our own energy needs.

I am sorry james but you are not being honest here, you DID NOT deal with the proofs that I have posted about Islam being the fastest growing religion on earth ! I will post them again and I CHALLENGE YOU AND EVERYONE IN THIS FORUM TO REFUTE THEM


Ok, Proud_Muslim, one more time just for you.

Firstly, you need to realise that gathering 15 stories, each about one or two people converting to Islam, that does not mean that significant numbers of people are converting to Islam. They simply go to show that those particular 30 (or fewer) people chose to convert to Islam. These stories do nothing at all to support your claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion.

Secondly, merely quoting people's opinions (based on their gut feelings) does not support your conclusion either. That is the fallacy of argument from authority. It doesn't matter if Britain's Prime Minister says "I think millions of people are converting to Islam". That's just his opinion, and it doesn't count for any more than the opinion of my local green grocer, unless it is backed up by evidence.

Now, let's look at your sources.

Islamic Britain lures top people

Sunday Times 22 February 2004
MORE than 14,000 white Britons have converted to Islam after becoming disillusioned with western values, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.

Fine. 14,000 people, plus a few. This is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, given that Christianity, for example, is approaching 2,600,000,000 followers.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world:

-'' Indeed, Islam is the world's fastest growing religion in the world'' The Economist, London Sept 2003

Irrelevant, since the Economist's source of data is not mentioned.

-BBC: Thousands of Asutralia's Aboriginals are converting to Islam:

Thousands, eh? Again, a drop in the ocean.

-Islam is spreading so fast in Mexico:
-In South Africa, so many blacks are converting to Islam:
-Thousands in Rawanda-Africa are converting to Islam every year:
- Hindus in india are converting to Islam :
- Islam is back to Spain after 500 years:
- More and more americans are converting to Islam specially after 9/11:
- The Canadian Globe and Mail: Islam is now the fastest growing religion in Canada:
Islam: The Next American Religion?

Most of these are opinion pieces, or speculation. Also, no comparison is given to other religions, to prove that Islam is the fastest growing.

Catholic World News: Exhilarating Time To Be Christian," But Islam Grows Faster

Faster than Catholicism? So what? That doesn't mean that Islam is the fastest growing religion.

U.S. Department of State for International Information programes: Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in America:

"One of the fastest growing". But not the fastest growing, right?

Muslims outpace Anglicans in UK

Anglicanism is only one branch of the many Christian churches. Again, this doesn't help prove your point.

AMAZING !! Guantanamo Bay Guards are converting to Islam: ( even this hate site reported it )

Anecdote. So a few people converted. How many Guantanamo Bay Guards converted to Christianity, or Hinduism? If more converted to Christianity than to Islam, would that mean that Christianity is the fastest growing religion?

CNN: Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world:

Nothing here says Islam is the fastest growing religion.

Islam is religion No.1 in Amsterdam-Holland:

What has this to do with growth rates?

Reuters: Italy's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (formerly to Albania) Converts to Islam

One man out of 6 billion. Wow!


And hardly any of them support your argument.

Really !!! so how Islam is growing then in the west ?? dont tell me migration because migration would mean increase in one part of the world and decrease in another...

Migration is certainly a factor. For example, look at France.

“ Ice melting at the North pole will not change the sea level at all. ”

OH MY GOD !! are you serious ? are you for real ?? even 10 years old boy will realize that ice melting in the northen pole will DEFENIATELY change the sea levels !!! I am beginning to question your own intelligence James !!


You're making yourself look like an idiot. Check your facts before you start calling claims outrageous.

Can you find ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the North pole melts? No, you can't.

What it is with this ''thinking for yourself ''?? I am MUSLIM, I think ISLAMICALLY, I am not like you who have no religion or no faith to inspire him !!

You know nothing about my faith or religion, so don't make assumptions.

Does "thinking ISLAMICALLY" mean never opening your eyes to the truth, then? I don't think it does, because I know some intelligent Muslims who are well educated and can think independently. This must just be your own personal slant on Islam.

“ It's strange that you never have evidence handy for anything in my particular areas of expertise, isn't it? ”

I dont think you have any particular areas of expertise James !!

You are clearly incapable of recognising expertise when you see it. To you, somebody saying that his brother converted to Christianity would be proof that Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world.

“ Let me tell you from a position of some knowledge that space scientists do not all agree that the sun will ever rise in the west at any stage in the Earth's existence. In fact, I challenge you to find even one reputable space scientist who says that will ever happen. ”

So reputable space scientist is someone whose statements suit your agenda, right James ?? if he happenen to say the sun will at one stage raise from the west then he is not reputable !!!!

You can't avoid the question that easily. Don't try to change the subject. If you need a definition, then a reputable space scientist is somebody who has published articles in peer-reviewed journals relating to physics or astronomy, and has connections to highly-regarded academic or space-science institutions.

Now, off you go and see if you can find someone who fits this definition and who will support your nonsense. You'll be looking for a long time.

“ In fact, if you can show that this one will happen, I'll convert to Islam on the spot, and believe everything you say from then onwards. ”

Great, let me find it for you.

Great. I'll wait for you to get back to me on this, though actually I don't think I'll ever hear anything more about it from you after this post. You can be sure that I will remind you of this from time to time in the future.

Or do you just want to admit you are wrong right now, and save yourself some time and effort?

You know James, NO MATTER what I do, NO MATTER what proof I give, you wont believe ( hell, some people on sciforums even want me banned as well, clearly I am too dangerous for their disbelief ! )

Proud_Muslim, you are just another religious fanatic. Unless you say something convincing, nobody will ever believe you. You give nobody any reason to follow Islam, because you never show the positive aspects of your faith. Sure, you act as a cheerleader for your religion, telling us all how great it supposedly is, how it used to be dominant in various countries long ago, how (in the past) it has made great contributions to the world, how it is growing so fast. But then you advocate violence and jihad against the cultures of most of the people on this forum, who, presumably, you would like to convert. And worse than that, you demonstrate the supreme closed-mindedness of the fanatic. If something isn't Islam, then it shouldn't even be thought of, and it is probably evil. If something is Islam, then it is automatically perfect and correct - praise be to Allah!

You are no danger at all to anybody's disbelief. Why would anybody want to be like you?

''And the parable of those who disbelieve is as the parable of one who calls out to that which hears no more than a call and a cry; deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they do not understand. '' (The Noble Quran 2.171 )

I guess you've never considered that maybe the Quran got it wrong.

Have a nice weekend.

Thankyou. You also.
Proud Muslim,

"One of the fastest growing".

One simple fact. If I start a religion and I find one (1) other person to join me during the first year, my religon would have doubled and it surely would then be the fastest growing religon in the world.

Growth rate depends very much on the numbers from which you start.

But most importantly Being the largest or the fastest growing does not equate to being valid or valuable. It could just as well spell the demise of an intelligent thinking society.
Not to jump on the bandwagon, but Christianity is exploding in Africa, Asia and even in the Middle East. I am a practicing Catholic and my particular church is run by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, which is an extremely evangelizing Catholic order. Their method is to insert themselves into areas and live by example, helping the poor and building free houses for the homeless. A number of former Muslims who have converted to Christianity with the help of my parish and who have since moved to the US have explained to me that the growth of Christianity is causing real problems for governments in Muslim majority countries. Christianity is also posing serious challenges to communist regimes such as China and Viet Nam. South Korea is becoming more Christian than Buddhist.

My understanding is that in the Middle East many Christian converts have to pray secretly, living as Muslims by day and Christians by night, worshiping in a basement or warehouse out of fear of political persecution at worst or social ostracization at best.
This situation, similar to that of Communist countries, means that it is difficult for us to account for many Christians in certain parts of the world and are most likely under counting.

I only mention this anecdotal evidence because, due to the fact that Christian worship is not actually enforced in any country, it is unlikely that Muslims run into the same problems of undercounting their adherents. We don't count our adherents to play the "Big Religion" game but rather to determine how best to meet the needs of our co-religionists.

Further, apostasy is not recognized in Islam so Islam and Christianity are both counting some of the same people. In the US last year, Muslim organizations claimed there were 8 million Muslims in the US. When a later survey on religious adherence was conducted, 76% of the Arab population claimed by these Islamic organizations as Muslims identified themselves as Christian. One imam was quoted in an article reporting about the study (I am doing this from memory, I think Pew Research did it but it could have been Zogby) as saying "Don't let them kid you. For every one who converts, ten leave." I don't know if this is true, it simply means there is another outlook regarding the growth of Islam.

Some estimates on religious adherence which I've seen indicate that 63% of Christians emigrating to America continue to practice their religion vs 25% of Muslims. Again, if it's true there could be many reasons for this, such as the people most desirous of leaving a Muslim country might be non-practicing Muslims and Christians, or the comparative ease of Christian practice in America, but it's another view nonetheless.

Islam claims to grow 235% every decade for the last 60 years. This is patently absurd as the population figures from 1985 indicated there were 700 million Muslims. A growth rate of 235% per decade would mean we would have upwards of 3.8 billion Muslims today and we only have 1.2 billion. Christianity, conversely, has more than doubled its number in that same time period.
James R said:
Yes, and to everybody else who is able to think logically.

I dont think that include someone who does not know anything about ISLAM.

Go to your first response !! you are contradicting yourself, first you claimed the population is increasing, when I proved to you you are WRONG, you said SO WHAT ?? :rolleyes:

It is common in the Muslim world. You just don't hear about it as much. Partly that is due to restricted freedom of the press. Partly, it is due to cultural factors.

Load of Bullshit....heresay and assumptions are not acceptable in any debate as you might know !!

You are making all kinds of unwarranted assumptions. You are reading things into the initial text which are not in the text. The initial text mentions nothing about excluding Americans who claim to be prophets; that's your invention.

I am reading what you are writing SIR.

What increase in crime?

Go and check the FBI files and compare them with let say the 1970s figures.

I am a physicist, and I think I know something about time. My point (again) was that the text talks about an actual change in the rate time flows, not in how Proud_Muslim feels about time.

No, it does not talk specifically about actual change in time, it takes about how time will passes so quickly.

I provided a quote of data from the US Geological Survey, which you can easily check for yourself, showing that your anecdotal evidence isn't worth a anything.

Loooooool !! very funny, I provided comprehensive study of earthquakes occurance with links, while you just posted something without refernce !!

You go on to talk about suicide rates. I can't be bothered addressing your cut-and-pastes point by point, but I couldn't help noticing this one, which again overlaps my particular areas of expertise:

Blah blah lost the debate about suicide rate and you know that, you are too arrogant to admit it.

I dispute these findings, because I do not believe that the authors could possibly have a reliable estimate of the low-frequency EM exposure that people have.

LOOOL ! Another funny desperate conclusion by you !! really James, no matter what, you are blind.

We cannot escape from electromagnetic fields. They are all around us, and have been from long before we started to harness them for our own energy needs.

Not true, they are not around us 100 years ago.

Ok, Proud_Muslim, one more time just for you.

Firstly, you need to realise that gathering 15 stories, each about one or two people converting to Islam, that does not mean that significant numbers of people are converting to Islam.

These are NOT stories my dear friend, they are facts about people converting in their thousands.

They simply go to show that those particular 30 (or fewer) people chose to convert to Islam. These stories do nothing at all to support your claim that Islam is the fastest growing religion.

How about this AMERICAN NEWS website which confirmed that Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth:

Secondly, merely quoting people's opinions (based on their gut feelings) does not support your conclusion either. That is the fallacy of argument from authority. It doesn't matter if Britain's Prime Minister says "I think millions of people are converting to Islam". That's just his opinion, and it doesn't count for any more than the opinion of my local green grocer, unless it is backed up by evidence.

But these are not people's opinions, they are FACTS.

Now, let's look at your sources.

ALL sources not just the one that suits you.

Fine. 14,000 people, plus a few. This is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, given that Christianity, for example, is approaching 2,600,000,000 followers.

Islamic Britain lures top people
Sunday Times 22 February 2004
MORE than 14,000 white Britons have converted to Islam after becoming disillusioned with western values, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.

These are the reported figures, what about the not reported ?

Plus, christianity is declining all over the world and you know that, shall I blast the references for you ? or shall I do as you do, just post statements without references ??

Irrelevant, since the Economist's source of data is not mentioned.

Not true , go to the ECONOMIST archive, check the issue date ( which I provided ), it is there on page 6 of their survey of Islam, I have the copy with me now.

Thousands, eh? Again, a drop in the ocean.

Not true, because the Aboriginals in Australia are few in numbrs as well:

BBC: Thousands of Asutralia's Aboriginals are converting to Islam:

Most of these are opinion pieces, or speculation. Also, no comparison is given to other religions, to prove that Islam is the fastest growing.

What a load of crap jAMES??

Islam is spreading so fast in Mexico:
-In South Africa, so many blacks are converting to Islam:
-Thousands in Rawanda-Africa are converting to Islam every year:- Hindus in india are converting to Islam :
- Islam is back to Spain after 500 years:
- More and more americans are converting to Islam specially after 9/11:- NEW YORK TIMES: ISLAM ATTRACT THOUSANDS DRAWN BEFORE AND AFTER 9/11:-
The Canadian Globe and Mail: Islam is now the fastest growing religion in Canada:
Islam: The Next American Religion?

The above like the thousands in Rawanda who are converting and in Canada and even in America are not opinions..

Even NEW YORK TIMES talked about THOUSANDS of Americans CONVERTING to Islam, so if we add the thousands from every link I have provided, we will get SIGNIFICANT INCREASE !! but oh well, since when blind people accept any facts ???

Faster than Catholicism? So what? That doesn't mean that Islam is the fastest growing religion.

So what ????? I like this so what !! it is only used by people who cant refute the evidence presented to them so they become defensive !

"One of the fastest growing". But not the fastest growing, right?

Yes, one of the fastest in AMERICA, the fastest in the world.

Anglicanism is only one branch of the many Christian churches. Again, this doesn't help prove your point.

Nonesense, Anglicanism is the main religion in England....I thought you already knew this very simple fact.

Anecdote. So a few people converted. How many Guantanamo Bay Guards converted to Christianity, or Hinduism? If more converted to Christianity than to Islam, would that mean that Christianity is the fastest growing religion?

This is not the point, the point is that Islam is spreading even in its enemy heartland !! got it ??

Nothing here says Islam is the fastest growing religion.

CNN: Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world:

did you check the date of the article ?

What has this to do with growth rates?

Islam is religion No.1 in Amsterdam-Holland:

Really ?? Islam is religion NO.1 in Amsterdam and you said this has nothing to do with growth rates !! are you for real ???

One man out of 6 billion. Wow!

He is NOT any person:

Reuters: Italy's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (formerly to Albania) Converts to Islam

And hardly any of them support your argument.

really ! I guess you wont say the same had my sources were ISLAMIC sources !! :rolleyes:

Migration is certainly a factor. For example, look at France.

Or look at America !!

You're making yourself look like an idiot. Check your facts before you start calling claims outrageous.Can you find ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the North pole melts? No, you can't.

You are really increadible ! why you always insist on challenges which you know will be lost !! why you challenge someone you know he will beat you ! HERE YOU GO, READY TO EAT, VERY NICE HUMBLE PIE !

In its 2001 assessment of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected that global mean sea level is expected to rise between 9 and 88 centimetres by 2100, with a 'best estimate' of 50 centimetres.

Higher temperatures lead to higher sea levels

A warmer world will have a higher sea level because as the land and lower atmosphere of the world warm, heat is transferred into the oceans. When materials are heated they expand (thermal expansion). So the heat that is transferred causes sea water to expand, which then results in a rise in sea level.

In addition, water from land-based ice such as glaciers and ice sheets may enter the ocean, thus adding to the rise

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is open to all Members of the UN and of WMO.

You know nothing about my faith or religion, so don't make assumptions.

fair enough.

Does "thinking ISLAMICALLY" mean never opening your eyes to the truth, then?

What Truth ? who hold the truth ? do you have monopoly over it or something ?

I don't think it does, because I know some intelligent Muslims who are well educated and can think independently. This must just be your own personal slant on Islam.

I think independently when it comes to matters which has nothing to do with my faith, like my car colours and my house, my food...etc.

You are clearly incapable of recognising expertise when you see it. To you, somebody saying that his brother converted to Christianity would be proof that Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world.

No it would not, but if I was presented with damming proof about that, then I will believe him, unlike you who insist on keeping blind eye.

You can't avoid the question that easily. Don't try to change the subject. If you need a definition, then a reputable space scientist is somebody who has published articles in peer-reviewed journals relating to physics or astronomy, and has connections to highly-regarded academic or space-science institutions.

Great. I'll wait for you to get back to me on this, though actually I don't think I'll ever hear anything more about it from you after this post. You can be sure that I will remind you of this from time to time in the future.




When the Cosmic Crunch to the Universe occurs, the Day of Judgment shall come:

Let us look at what Allah Almighty said about the "Cosmic Crunch" Theory:

"The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed),- even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a new one: a promise We have undertaken: truly shall We fulfil it. (The Noble Quran, 21:104)"

The following article, which contains an interview with a Scientist, Professor John Archibald Wheeler, who was a colleague of Albert Einstein, explains the Noble Verse above in good details.

Important Note: Before we go into the article, it is important to know that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had also talked about the "Cosmic Crunch" Theory by predicting that the Sun around the time of the Cosmic Crunch's occurrence would rise from the West and set in the East due to a change in our orbit's rotation .perhaps the "Cosmic Crunch" would cause the Earth to flip upside down, which would cause the sun to rise from the West and set in the East, or perhaps it would change the rotation of the sun and its planets all together:

Narrated Abu Dhar: "The Prophet asked me at sunset, 'Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?' I replied, 'Allah and His Apostle know better.' He said, 'It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah:

'And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.' (The Quran 36.38)

(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Beginning of Creation, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421)"

Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, 'The Hour will not be established........and till the sun rises from the West. So when the sun will rise and the people will see it (rising from the West) they will all believe (embrace Islam) but that will be the time when: (As Allah said,) 'No good will it do to a soul to believe then, if it believed not before, nor earned good (by deeds of righteousness) through its Faith.' (6.158) And the Hour will be established while two men spreading a garment in front of them but they will not be able to sell it, nor fold it up; and the Hour will be established when a man has milked his she-camel and has taken away the milk but he will not be able to drink it; and the Hour will be established before a man repairing a tank (for his livestock) is able to water (his animals) in it; and the Hour will be established when a person has raised a morsel (of food) to his mouth but will not be able to eat it.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Afflictions and the End of the World, Volume 9, Book 88, Number 237)"

"The Day ye shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling-babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load (unformed): thou shalt see mankind as in a drunken riot, yet not drunk: but dreadful will be the Wrath of God. (The Noble Quran, 22:2)"

Cosmic Search Vol. 1 No. 4
FORUM: John A. Wheeler
From the Big Bang to the Big Crunch

Scientist-philosopher, teacher-cosmologist, father of the Black Hole, Wheeler's thoughts encompass the entire cosmos from the Big Bang to the Big Crunch.

This exclusive interview with John A. Wheeler was made by Mirjana R. Gearhart of COSMIC SEARCH.

COSMIC SEARCH: You have often commented that the greatest discoveries of science are yet to come. What do you have in mind?

Wheeler: To me, the greatest discovery yet to come will be to find how this universe, coming into being from a Big Bang, developed its laws of operation. I call this "Law without Law" [Or "Order from Disorder"].

COSMIC SEARCH: Could you explain further?

Wheeler: One of the biggest problems is how to state the problem. It's an old saying that the minute you can state a problem correctly you understand 90 percent of the problem. One of the greatest problems concerns the meaning of measurement or observation. According to quantum theory, measurements can influence what happens. The fact that it is difficult to talk about this problem in an easy way suggests that we have much to learn.

This is a partial response to your question. Putting it another way:

How can we possibly imagine the universe with all its regularities and its laws coming into being out of something utterly helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy and random?

Or, in still another form:

If you were the Lord constructing the universe, how would you have gone about it?

COSMIC SEARCH: That certainly is a very deep question.

Wheeler: It's inspiring to read the life of Charles Darwin and think how the division of plant and animal kingdoms, all this myriad of order, came about through the miracles of evolution, natural selection and chance mutation. To me this is a marvelous indication that you can get order by starting with disorder.

COSMIC SEARCH: Do you think there can be any progress on this problem?

Wheeler: One of the conditions, I think, for advance in this field, as in any field, is believing that advance is possible. What I hope I'm creating is a sense of faith that it can be done. Faith is the number one element. It isn't something that spreads itself uniformly. Faith is concentrated in a few people at particular times and places. If you can involve young people in an atmosphere of hope and faith, then I think they'll figure out how to get the answer. Faith and hope are absolutely central to everything one does.

You need people who have imagination, daring and the ability to get somewhere. That, to me, is the way research works.

Of course another point to all of this is to keep in touch with key ideas, with what people are doing. Make sure you aren't overlooking something. Here's where it's so important to talk with the young people. Some modest young person comes along with some idea no one else is paying any attention to. His idea may just be the central point.

I'm very fortunate that at Austin, the University of Texas has been willing to finance this kind of work, bringing in two or three people each year for a period of time. So, we'll see what happens.

COSMIC SEARCH: You were a colleague of Albert Einstein. We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth this year. When did you first meet him?

Wheeler: October 1933, the month he took up permanent residence in the U.S. was my first meeting with Einstein. Then in 1953, when I first started to teach relativity at Princeton, he was kind enough to invite me to bring my students around to his house for discussions. So, we sat around the dining room table and his secretary, Helen Dukas, and his stepdaughter, Margot, brought tea and the students asked him questions.

COSMIC SEARCH: Are there some tenets of his that stand out in your mind?

Wheeler: Yes, his work revolved around three rules which apply to all science, our problems, and times:

Out of clutter, find simplicity;

From discord make harmony; and finally

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
COSMIC SEARCH: You began your work in relativity about that time then?

Wheeler: Yes, it was about the period 1952-53-54-55, Einstein's last four years, when l was just getting into relativity. The thing that really got me into it more than anything else was this concern about what happens to a cloud of matter when it collapses. What's the final state?

I had not yet invented the term "black hole". I hadn't yet realized how important it was to attach a name to this concept.

COSMIC SEARCH: How did you come up with the name "black hole"?

Wheeler: It was an act of desperation, to force people to believe in it. It was in 1968, at the time of the discussion of whether pulsars were related to neutron stars or to these completely collapsed objects. I wanted a way of emphasizing that these objects were real. Thus, the name "black hole".


The Russians used the term frozen star -- their point of attention was how it looked from the outside, where the material moves much more slowly until it comes to a horizon. [Or critical distance. From inside this distance there is no escape.] But, from the point of view of someone who's on the material itself, falling in, there's nothing special about the horizon. He keeps on going in. There's nothing frozen about what happens to him. So, I felt that that aspect of it needed more emphasis.

COSMIC SEARCH: A few years ago you asked the question: "Are life and mind irrelevant to the structure of the universe, or are they central to it?"

Have you found an answer?

Wheeler: No, I'm one of the most baffled men in the world on this subject. There is a line of investigation involving the anthropic (or man-related) principle -- the idea that the universe has to be much as it is or life would be impossible. Not only life as we know it, but any life at all would be impossible. On what else can a comprehensible universe be built but the demand for comprehensibility?

My Princeton colleague, Robert Dicke, expressed it this way:

What good is a universe without somebody around to look at it?

That, to be sure, was an old idea, going back not only to the Bishop Berkeley of the time of Newton, but all the way back to Parmenides, the precursor of Socrates and Plato.

But it was new in the form that Dicke put it. He said if you want an observer around, you need life, and if you want life, you need heavy elements. To make heavy elements out of hydrogen, you need thermonuclear combustion. To have thermonuclear combustion, you need a time of cooking in a star of several billion years. In order to stretch out several billion years in its time dimension, the universe, according to general relativity, must be several billion years across in its space dimensions.

So why is the universe as big as it is? Because we're here!

COSMIC SEARCH: A very interesting view.

Wheeler: You could put it another way: You can say there's an efficiency expert who's come to look over the Lord's shoulder. He says,

"Why, Lord, you're wasting a lot of money on this universe. See, you've put one hundred billion (10^11) stars in the Milky Way, and you've put one hundred billion (10^11) Milky Ways in the universe -- that's ten billion trillion (10^11) stars -- that's a mighty extravagant way to get one planet (the Earth) with life on it so there'll be somebody around to be aware of this universe. Now, Lord, we efficiency people want to cut you down, but we won't cut you down to one star. Instead of 10 billion trillion stars, we'll cut you down to one hundred billion stars -- that's enough to make one galaxy. This will be a great economy move."


Here is the rest of the article:


Now, off you go and see if you can find someone who fits this definition and who will support your nonsense. You'll be looking for a long time.

LOOK UP....John A. Wheeler, Scientist-philosopher, teacher-cosmologist, father of the Black Hole, Wheeler's thoughts encompass the entire cosmos from the Big Bang to the Big Crunch.


Albert Einstein, Hidekei Yukawa and John A. Wheeler at Princeton in 1954. Yukawa received the Nobel prize in physics in 1949.

Or do you just want to admit you are wrong right now, and save yourself some time and effort?


Proud_Muslim, you are just another religious fanatic.

This is what people say when they lose the debate, you know, I debated so many non muslims, some of them were honest enough to admit their mistakes, some accused me of being extremist, some like you accused me of being fanatic, others said I am sell out Muslim, the fact remain, DEBATE ME WITH FACTS OR GO AND DRINK THE SEA !

Unless you say something convincing, nobody will ever believe you.

Or even when I present FACTS, the haters, the liars and the islamophobes wont believe me, they are as Allah almighty described them in the Quran; DEAF, BLIND AND MUTED, THEY CANT UNDERSTAND.

You give nobody any reason to follow Islam, because you never show the positive aspects of your faith.

I am not interested in anyone to convert to islam, certainly not in this biased anti muslim forum.

Sure, you act as a cheerleader for your religion, telling us all how great it supposedly is, how it used to be dominant in various countries long ago, how (in the past) it has made great contributions to the world, how it is growing so fast. But then you advocate violence and jihad against the cultures of most of the people on this forum, who, presumably, you would like to convert.

You are now LYING !! I challenge you to show me where I advocate violence against innocent civilains, I CHALLENGE YOU, GO ON AND PROVE IT !!

And worse than that, you demonstrate the supreme closed-mindedness of the fanatic. If something isn't Islam, then it shouldn't even be thought of, and it is probably evil. If something is Islam, then it is automatically perfect and correct - praise be to Allah!

Indeed, anything which contradicts Islam should be thrown into the rubbish.

You are no danger at all to anybody's disbelief. Why would anybody want to be like you?


I guess you've never considered that maybe the Quran got it wrong.

The Noble Quran is NEVER wrong, it is the absolute truth.

Now, after proving the above, and proving to you scientifically that the sun will raise from the west, it is the time to go ahead and BAN ME !! I am to much embarrassment to you and to others..

You are too quick to delete my posts, accusing me of cuting and pasting with no refernce while you allow haters to post anti muslim materials with impunity, you are the demonstration of the western hypocrisy.

James, I am not fanatic, I am PROUD MUSLIM, in fact, I am VERY VERY PROUD MUSLIM, no matter what you or others do ( even baning me ) this wont stop me, wont affect me, it will only make me stonger in my belief and in my great faith, I dont adovcate violence against innocent civilians, I advocate legitimate self defence against the aggressors.

Finally, I saved this response because I thought it is the best response I had on sciforums so far, no one will ever stop ISLAM, NEVER:

''They the disbelievers want to extinguish Allâh's Light (Islâm) with their mouths, but Allâh will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the disbelievers hate it. '' The Noble Quran 9:32
Proud Muslim,

I have already explained to you in real numbers that Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world, although it is growing. Much of the discussion about the growth of Islam in the US was based on false census information which was later rectified. I think JamesR's larger point about Islam being number one in Amsterdam not being significant is because agnosticim or non-association with a religion is growing faster than Islam amd all other religions. It is also almost completely due to migration. Catholicism and Protestantism are both Christianity, just with different styles of church service but all teach from the Bible and the fundamentals are the same so, by your own admission, Christianity is the largest in Amsterdam with 15%.

Separating Catholicism and Protestantism is akin to separating Sunni and Shia Muslims...they are all still Muslims.
Paula said:
Proud Muslim,

I have already explained to you in real numbers that Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world, although it is growing. Much of the discussion about the growth of Islam in the US was based on false census information which was later rectified. I think JamesR's larger point about Islam being number one in Amsterdam not being significant is because agnosticim or non-association with a religion is growing faster than Islam amd all other religions. It is also almost completely due to migration. Catholicism and Protestantism are both Christianity, just with different styles of church service but all teach from the Bible and the fundamentals are the same so, by your own admission, Christianity is the largest in Amsterdam with 15%.

Separating Catholicism and Protestantism is akin to separating Sunni and Shia Muslims...they are all still Muslims.
Paula here is a good exercise for you to get in shape for debating with PM
step1: Go out to garden
step2: Find a rock
step3: Debate with rock
step4: Insist on relevant reply from rock
step5: Convert to islam in exasperated confusion :D

I used to wonder at the martial skills of the arabs who invaded and conquered so many countries in the centuries after muhammed. The longer I am on this forum the more I am beginning to believe that they just double talked and bullshited them into submission. I don't believe a thing PM says but I am almost ready to convert if he will just quit posting fer chrissake ;)
Proud_Muslim said:
We cannot escape from electromagnetic fields. They are all around us, and have been from long before we started to harness them for our own energy needs.
Not true, they are not around us 100 years ago.
I see.!
Important Note: Before we go into the article, it is important to know that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had also talked about the "Cosmic Crunch" Theory by predicting that the Sun around the time of the Cosmic Crunch's occurrence would rise from the West and set in the East due to a change in our orbit's rotation .perhaps the "Cosmic Crunch" would cause the Earth to flip upside down, which would cause the sun to rise from the West and set in the East, or perhaps it would change the rotation of the sun and its planets all together:
Neither 'change in our orbit's rotation' nor 'earth flipping upside down' would make the sun to appear to rise from west.

'Perhaps' the change in the rotation of earth would make sun to rise from the west. What sort of energy and stress earth would have to face for that, you have any idea.? or what are the consequences of this upon life on earth.?

Simply, none will be alive around to see the sun rising from west.

BTW, the term "Perhaps" is not proof. Sometimes, it is used to connect 2 unrelated events by rumor mongers.
Last edited:
Paula said:
Not to jump on the bandwagon, but Christianity is exploding in Africa, Asia and even in the Middle East. I am a practicing Catholic and my particular church is run by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, which is an extremely evangelizing Catholic order. Their method is to insert themselves into areas and live by example, helping the poor and building free houses for the homeless. A number of former Muslims who have converted to Christianity with the help of my parish and who have since moved to the US have explained to me that the growth of Christianity is causing real problems for governments in Muslim majority countries. Christianity is also posing serious challenges to communist regimes such as China and Viet Nam. South Korea is becoming more Christian than Buddhist.

Islam coverts way more people than Christianity. the ratio is 10:1 according to the CIA book of world facts. Christianty hasn't doubled since 1985 either. that was a toal lie :bugeye: Also those 2 Billion "Christians" dont follow the religion at all they just have the name. also Christianty isn't practiced nowadays by many people the 10 commandments are forgotten, vicars become gay, eveyone commits adultery and has pre-marital sex. evryone gambles, drinks etc.

if you want to see the examples of this look all around you. Go to a strip club and ask who's Christian here, go to a casino look around you at normal people. look at rge Vicars, who are meant to be the most pious who turn gay after being condemed by the Church.

or even look at famous people

take a famous example, Beyonce and Britney Spears. both claim to be "very good Christians" "raised from a religious families". Now Britney has had sex before marrage (with Justin), got married for joke and divorced 24 hours later, drinks, gambles (makes regular visits to LV casinos) and has possibly commited adultery (mediam assumption by quotes from Justin). Christians aren't allowed to dress sexually and not to allowed to seduce men and must dress very modestly but most Christians dont these daysc especially Britney She(has done several cover shoots in undewear). Beyonce also claims to be a good Christian. i wonder what her local church in Texas has to say about her micro skirts in her videos. in "Naughty Girl" where she sings about seducing a man hern skirts are so small you can see her underwear!

And like a said Christinaty is just a symbol these days people where crosses for fashion. 50 Cen says hes Christian and has a vedry nice diamond cross but says things like "my songs belong in the Bible with King David" (get rich or die tryin LP) also raps about havign sex,drugs,adultey and his fellow G-Unit endorse a porn company. so much for good old Christian values! :D
SOURCE: THE TIMES OF INDIA (same company as The Times in the UK)

LONDON : Attendance at Britain 's mosques has outstripped the number of regular worshippers in the Church of England for the first time, media reported on Sunday.

Figures compiled from government and academic sources show that 930,000 Muslims attend a place of worship at least once a week, as against 916,000 Anglicans, The Sunday Times reported.

Muslim leaders said that it was a landmark in the rise of Islam in Britain and that Muslims must receive a share of the Church of England's privileged status.

This weekend David Hope, the Archbishop of York, second in the church hierarchy, conceded. His spokesman said: "The archbishop acknowledges the overtaking of Church of England numbers by the Muslim community. But he believes that many more people have an affinity to the church than the number recorded as having attended once on a Sunday."

According to the 2001 census, three-quarters of the British population regards itself as Christian.

The Muslim community does not keep registers of attendance in mosques. However, the 2001 census included a question about religious adherence.

Those results, released last year, have been supplemented by surveys to indicate the first reliable assessment of worshipping Muslims.

Go to your first response !! you are contradicting yourself, first you claimed the population is increasing, when I proved to you you are WRONG, you said SO WHAT ??

I've lost track of this one. Which population are you talking about here, and how is it relevant to the argument? What I said was that if Islam is gaining adherents, it is at least partly to the overall increase in the world's population. The biggest single indicator of what religion any child will follow is which religion its parents follow. More children means more Muslims. That's an unremarkable fact.

“ We cannot escape from electromagnetic fields. They are all around us, and have been from long before we started to harness them for our own energy needs. ”

Not true, they are not around us 100 years ago.

Our Sun, to take just one source, emits a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation every second. Are you seriously claiming the sun didn't exist 100 years ago?

Since you missed the point last time I posted about the rate of growth of Islam, I won't bother repeating myself.

“ You're making yourself look like an idiot. Check your facts before you start calling claims outrageous.Can you find ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the North pole melts? No, you can't. ”

You are really increadible ! why you always insist on challenges which you know will be lost !! why you challenge someone you know he will beat you ! HERE YOU GO, READY TO EAT, VERY NICE HUMBLE PIE !

In its 2001 assessment of global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected that global mean sea level is expected to rise between 9 and 88 centimetres by 2100, with a 'best estimate' of 50 centimetres.

Higher temperatures lead to higher sea levels

A warmer world will have a higher sea level because as the land and lower atmosphere of the world warm, heat is transferred into the oceans. When materials are heated they expand (thermal expansion). So the heat that is transferred causes sea water to expand, which then results in a rise in sea level.

In addition, water from land-based ice such as glaciers and ice sheets may enter the ocean, thus adding to the rise

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is open to all Members of the UN and of WMO.

Where are the words "North pole" in what you have quoted here? I can't see them, so what you have posted is not an answer to the question I asked (quoted at the top). Your quotes are irrelevant. Let me ask you again:

Can you find ONE source saying the sea level will rise if the ice at the North pole melts?

Try again, and get back to me.

I think independently when it comes to matters which has nothing to do with my faith, like my car colours and my house, my food...etc.

According to you, there is no aspect of your life unaffected by your faith. You probably look at the Quran before you choose the colour of your car.


I wish you would, but, as in the case of the North pole ice question, you have only managed to post a whole lot of irrelevant stuff.

Let us look at what Allah Almighty said about the "Cosmic Crunch" Theory:

Allah Almighty is not a reputable space scientist, according to the definition I gave before. Another reminder:

I asked for a statement from a reputable space scientist saying the sun will rise in the west.

The following article, which contains an interview with a Scientist, Professor John Archibald Wheeler, who was a colleague of Albert Einstein, explains the Noble Verse above in good details.

Great! Wheeler is a respectable space scientist. Let's look at what he says, and skip all the quotes from the Quran, which, last time I looked, is not a peer-reviewed space science journal.

Looking at what Wheeler said in the interview you've reproduced, he doesn't seem to talk about the sun rising in the west at all!

You'd better go and have another look to try to answer this question, too, Proud_Muslim.


I said I'd embrace Islam if you produced a reputable space scientist who agrees that the sun will rise in the west. You haven't done that.

“ Sure, you act as a cheerleader for your religion, telling us all how great it supposedly is, how it used to be dominant in various countries long ago, how (in the past) it has made great contributions to the world, how it is growing so fast. But then you advocate violence and jihad against the cultures of most of the people on this forum, who, presumably, you would like to convert. ”

You are now LYING !! I challenge you to show me where I advocate violence against innocent civilains, I CHALLENGE YOU, GO ON AND PROVE IT !!

I see no mention of "innocent civilians" in what I wrote. Read it again.

“ I guess you've never considered that maybe the Quran got it wrong. ”

The Noble Quran is NEVER wrong, it is the absolute truth.

How do you know?

Now, after proving the above, and proving to you scientifically that the sun will raise from the west, it is the time to go ahead and BAN ME !! I am to much embarrassment to you and to others..

You're only an embarassment to your religion.

You are too quick to delete my posts, accusing me of cuting and pasting with no refernce while you allow haters to post anti muslim materials with impunity, you are the demonstration of the western hypocrisy.

The forum rules are posted clearly for all to read. The rules on plagiarism are applied strictly, and fairly for all posters. If you see somebody else plagiarising another person's work, please let me know and I will delete the post.

James, I am not fanatic, I am PROUD MUSLIM, in fact, I am VERY VERY PROUD MUSLIM...

Yet you say: "The Noble Quran is NEVER wrong, it is the absolute truth."

That is the mark of a fanatic - to claim that there is a single source of absolute truth.
"Islam coverts way more people than Christianity. the ratio is 10:1 according to the CIA book of world facts. Christianty hasn't doubled since 1985 either. that was a toal lie Also those 2 Billion "Christians" dont follow the religion at all they just have the name. also Christianty isn't practiced nowadays by many people the 10 commandments are forgotten, vicars become gay, eveyone commits adultery and has pre-marital sex. evryone gambles, drinks etc."

Preacher X,

I could not find anywhere in the CIA World Fact Book what you describe concerning Islam converting at a rate of 10 to 1. The 2 billion Christians is inaccurate since the numbers are really somewhere between 2.2 billion and 2.6 billion but it is difficult to count all of our brethren in communist China and the Middle East as well as other parts of Asia and some parts of Africa. We know we have lots of secret churches operating and my church operates quite a few of them in Saudi Arabia no less!

Islam also counts many of the same people Christianity counts because Islam does not recognize apostasy. As for your comment on Britney Spears and Beyonce Knowles representing the failure of Christianity I will simply point to the high illiteracy rate in the Muslim world and compare it with Allah's directive to Muslims to read and learn as indicative of the failure of Islam.

This may not be fair, but it is at least as fair as your statement. Western European Christians represent a small number of Christians worldwide and the Christian faith is alive and well in North and South America, Eastern Europe, much of Asia, more than half of Africa and is even growing in India. these are areas with huge populations and new Christians are primarily in countries with high birth rates.

By the way, I actually know quite a few devout Christians and would happily get you in touch with them if you wish to further your spiritual understanding of Christianity. It's quite lovely, particularly in its modern and moderate form. (We had to smack our fundamentalists around some but they're safely reined in now.)

Christianty isn't practiced nowadays by many people the 10 commandments are forgotten, vicars become gay, eveyone commits adultery and has pre-marital sex. evryone gambles, drinks etc."

I agree with much of what you say. A lot of westerners are babtised at birth and never follow the religion they had imposed on them.

But in the larger view I much prefer a little pre-marital sex, adultry, etc, to going around killing innocents in the name of a religon - suicide bombers. Shhhs. 30 virgins sounds decatant to me.

As a practicing Christian I will forgive you for putting Preacher X's words in my mouth. :)

As a practicing Christian I will forgive you for putting Preacher X's words in my mouth.

If I quoted the wrong person you have my apology but you can keep your forgiveness and prayers :D .
Paula said:
Proud Muslim,

I have already explained to you in real numbers that Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world, although it is growing.

You did not provide any solid evidence, I dont accept hearsay, you know !

Much of the discussion about the growth of Islam in the US was based on false census information which was later rectified. I think JamesR's larger point about Islam being number one in Amsterdam not being significant is because agnosticim or non-association with a religion is growing faster than Islam amd all other religions.

Not true, MSNBC and THE ECONOMIST both reported that Islam is the fastest growing religion on earth.

It is also almost completely due to migration.

NONESENSE, migration means increase in one part and DECREASE in another, this is NOT the case with Islam.