Show me the evidence.

2 of Many things I said that Cris did not respond to....

Originally posted by Cris

There are indeed many things that we do not understand, and none have yet to be shown as the result of an alleged supernatural. And neither have I ever attributed anything unknown to such an alleged concept..

none of the things we dont understand have been a result of the supernatural? You made the claim, now prove it...Your proposing that you have investigated everything that is not understood...Because of this comment, you are a liar...And lying doesnt help Cris, stop brainwashing yourself...:)

Originally posted by Cris

When something is clearly understood then science always shows that the need for a god is unnecessary.

You made this claim, now prove it...If life can exist without the need of God, then demonstrate how life came into existence and create one...Oh you cant? Well then, stop making claims in which you cant back up with evidence....

Dont call your opinions with the word "science'...ok? Given the fact that you use the word science all the time, yet give no evidence behind the claim..You are not only a liar but a repititious liar, in other words, a compulsive liar...There is nothing "scientific" about your "opinions" and not being able to provide evidence of claim...Tha is not "science", that is "LYING" or "proofless opinion"...Once again dont replace the word "POINTLESS OPINION" with "science"...Got it?

So what do you have to say about this Cris? Respond and dont skip it..........
Whatsup, YOU support YOUR claim that cancer has been cured by praying. Stop dancing around the issue, either support your claim or we have no choice but to take it as false.
life can exist without the need of God.

That right Whatsup, I need god like a hole in the head. When I was born I didn't need god, and I don't need god now. The idea of god has been passed down from generation to generation ever since mankind can remember, but here in the 21st century the idea of god has had it's day. It is over-rated and played out.

Wake up and smell the coffee Whatsup, religion is a dying trend.

Christians like yourself try to defend the idea of god, I feel embarrassed for you. You have voices in your head, you worship something you can't see and can't proves exists, these are characteristics of a madman.
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Re: Re: Evidence refuted


All you demonstrated to me in your reply is that you didn’t even actually read my post entirely. You addressed none of the issues I brought forth. For all of your proselytizing you offer nothing of value to the discussion.

...That is not the case for Christian martyrs who have alot of options in life but chose to be simple, and even somee died for the cause.
What the hell are you talking about? This has noting whatsoever to do with that I said. Try re-reading my post and actually responding to the issues I brought up.

The most effective form of governing is in United states a nation under God
The "under God" crap was added in the 1950's as a political agenda in opposition to the "Communist threat". The Founding Fathers had no intention of setting up a religious government as is proven by their letters and the 1st Amendment. I suggest you try studying some US History, because you do not know what it is you are talking about.

We are democracy, giving people freewill, as Jesus did...Biblicall based principle
Umm... No. The Greeks had a democratic government long before Jesus walked around. Democracy is not a Biblical concept.

No, I did not. Again, you did not read the entirety of what I wrote did you? Either that or you have a problem with comprehension... I suggest a remedial English class.

I'd love to see that one. Any proof that it's true?

Usually a person wouuld lie so they can get away with things, feel secure, and get away with their faults
Doesn't that just describe Christianity to a "T". It makes people feel secure and allows them to get away with things. Thanks for proving my point!

We already discussed this under martyrs... remember?!? People have died for false beliefs... this fact belies your argument.

No, it is you who has it wrong. First off, I said 900 not 2000... secondly the few survivors indicate that most of these people drink the kool-aid willingly. The main reason that these people killed themselves is because the held a false belief that Jim Jones was Jesus.

Particularly you, it seems.


Your first link of scientific evidence for God is more of the same arguments for intelligent design, coincidence of universe variables being "perfect", and the misused improbability for both life elsewhere and life's origin on its own. They all use assumptions to base their conclusions on.

Intelligent design assumes that there must be some creator is there is order. Its invalidity is the same as the old watchmaker argument.

The argument that the universe is set just so to allow life to exist is imo a post hoc argument. The author dismisses that if life wasn't possible, life wouldn't be able to observe this, and he makes assumptions that we know lot about these perfect variables, or how dependant we really are on them being so "perfect".

As for stating that abiogenesis and ET are so improbable as to be impossible, if you look at real numbers you begin to see the opposite, that life is possible elsewhere, given the right conditions, and we have a big universe for those conditions to fall. It wasn't long ago that the thought of other systems just having planets was skeptical, but we're finding them more and more in just nearby systems, so they're likely to be everywhere.

Finally, I find it amusing the quotes at the end...if you stuck Gates quote of 640K being enough memory, the IBM chairman's quote of the "PC" being pointless in the 60s, the infamous "if man was meant to fly..." with them before those things became commonplace, they'd be right at home.

There's a quote, and I forget who to credit it to...

"Impossible is a word that should be used with great caution."

As for the exodus, I have no doubt something happened to inspire the documentation of this event. All myths have some shred of truth to them.


I authorize you to disconnect my account, for I'm done. I'm not being sensitive, I'm being so damn cruel, so don't worry about the feelings.

I didn't realize you offered come in, insult people, claim we're all wrong without arguments, and refuse to elaborate on your own thoughts. No big loss...
Originally posted by heflores
Loosers Loosers, you are all loosers..

Rott in hell well, I want every one of you to roast like a turkey....

Too bad, you're all going to dye whether you like it or not and decompose and be eaten by maggots, and your souls are going no where....that's right, you don't believe in god, so he doesn't believe in you're all just a stinking decomposable organic substance, that's all you are.

Bye loosers.
How Christian of you.

Thanks for the laugh.

Originally posted by Vienna
life can exist without the need of God.

That right Whatsup, I need god like a hole in the head. When I was born I didn't need god, and I don't need god now. The idea of god has been passed down from generation to generation ever since mankind can remember, but here in the 21st century the idea of god has had it's day. It is over-rated and played out.

Wake up and smell the coffee Whatsup, religion is a dying trend.

Christians like yourself try to defend the idea of god, I feel embarrassed for you. You have voices in your head, you worship something you can't see and can't proves exists, these are characteristics of a madman.

:D This comment just shows how incredibly stupid you are...You didnt even get what Im saying...Dumb sack of sheep...

And Xelios, shut up....You got annihilated one so many times already...Go back in the corner and murmur to yourself first, and think before you type...Your lucky everyone here is atheists, you dont have to worry many peeps calling you retard, Im the only one who can see that, the rest dont see that because they are like you......
Re: Re: Re: Evidence refuted

Originally posted by Raithere
The "under God" crap was added in the 1950's as a political agenda in opposition to the "Communist threat". The Founding Fathers had no intention of setting up a religious government as is proven by their letters and the 1st Amendment. I suggest you try studying some US History, because you do not know what it is you are talking about.

What does it matter if it was placed there in the 50's or 2,000,000,000 B.C.? Fact iss this country is one nation under God, whether it was placed there in the 50's or 1,000 A.D. It doesnt matter, FACT IS FACT...Look at your dollar bill, what does it say? One nation under God.......CHING CHING! I dont care once again if it was only placed there in the 50's or 1999, THIS IS STILL ONE NATION UNDER GOD........

Originally posted by Raithere

Umm... No. The Greeks had a democratic government long before Jesus walked around. Democracy is not a Biblical concept..

Maybe so, but once again the greeks didnt have it complete as the bible does, with all the commandments and more.......

Originally posted by Raithere

No, I did not. Again, you did not read the entirety of what I wrote did you? Either that or you have a problem with comprehension... I suggest a remedial English class.

The only part I havent responded on your posts is the last part concerning placebo, because I found it unnecessary to respond to something a 6 yrs old should know (U aint that dumb are you?)...So why dont you read your own post and read my response to it once again, it is YOU who didnt get it, not me........

Originally posted by Raithere

I'd love to see that one. Any proof that it's true?.

Again excellent stupidity...Its a parable you stupid guy...

Originally posted by Raithere

Doesn't that just describe Christianity to a "T". It makes people feel secure and allows them to get away with things. Thanks for proving my point!.

Thats your opinion..People are entitle do believe as they wish, even something as illogical as "to know means to control" as many atheist here suggest......

Originally posted by Raithere

We already discussed this under martyrs... remember?!? People have died for false beliefs... this fact belies your argument. !.

Again taking things out of context...There are those who died for false belief, but there are also those who died for true beliefs...It just depends what side are you on...but the bottom line here is that these people died for a reason...
When a person dies for his family,that is because they exist and he wants the best for them (as the taliban bombers, who were offered money for family and is in poverty, no options in life. SUICIDAL is not martyrdom. Muslim religion doesnt allow suicide)...
When a person died for God, that is because he exist and he wants the best for Him...

Originally posted by Raithere

No, it is you who has it wrong. First off, I said 900 not 2000... secondly the few survivors indicate that most of these people drink the kool-aid willingly. The main reason that these people killed themselves is because the held a false belief that Jim Jones was Jesus.

Particularly you, it seems.


No no no no Liar! They didnt drink willingly ...The Fact here is that they were at gun point. WHY ARE YOU LYING? The fact is Jones last sermon to them was recorded on audio tape, and it showed people crying and unwilling to kill themselves, but once again they were at gun point so they acted as if they liked him....
Once again people are entitled to their stupidity, you can say "Oh they cried because they cant wait to kill themselves"...If thats your stupid belief, fine, your entitled to it, thats why yur an atheist....

note: I confess, I knew it was 900, but i typed 2000, my bad, I didnt pay attention....:)D I bet you will use this error against me since so far this is the only one u can find..)
WHATSUPYALL!!!!! Do you think Jesus would start calling everyone stupid? Or would he be tolerent and accepting without trying to force his ideals?
Jesus certainly wouldn't use ALL CAPS.

Haven't you seen the buddy Jesus action figure? Son of God or not he seems like a nice guy.:D
What does it matter if it was placed there in the 50's or 2,000,000,000 B.C.? Fact iss this country is one nation under God, whether it was placed there in the 50's or 1,000 A.D. It doesnt matter, FACT IS FACT...Look at your dollar bill, what does it say? One nation under God.......CHING CHING! I dont care once again if it was only placed there in the 50's or 1999, THIS IS STILL ONE NATION UNDER GOD........

Your standards for evidence of God are a lot lower than your standards for any opposing argument, aren't they? This serves best as proof of what happens when gov't and religion are allowed to mix...both influence each other, with bad results.
Originally posted by whatsupyall
This comment just shows how incredibly stupid you are...You didnt even get what Im saying...Dumb sack of sheep...
Temper temper!.........tut tut.

The truth hurts doesn't it.

Quote by me correctly copied by whatsupyall:

There are indeed many things that we do not understand, and none have yet to be shown as the result of an alleged supernatural. And neither have I ever attributed anything unknown to such an alleged concept.
There are very few things that I say that I haven’t thought about very carefully.

Reinterpretation and re-phrasing of my quote above by whatsupyall:

none of the things we dont understand have been a result of the supernatural?
If you are going to claim I said something then please stay with what I said. Your re-phrasing and interpretation create an entirely different meaning and was clearly not what I said.

Your statement is an implication that I have asserted that everything not understood is definitely not supernatural. Now I know you would like me to have said something like that but I didn’t, you have simply misunderstood my statement. Such a claim would indeed need some form of evidential justification.

Note my carefully worded phrasing “none have yet to be shown as the result of an alleged supernatural”. I don’t KNOW that the supernatural doesn’t exist, but I am perfectly open to the idea if someone can show that it exists, hence my wording “YET to be shown”.

You made the claim, now prove it...Your proposing that you have investigated everything that is not understood...Because of this comment, you are a liar...And lying doesnt help Cris, stop brainwashing yourself..
Clearly I have made no such proposal and I hope you can see the mistake you have made and that I have nothing to prove.

All I have said is that no one has yet shown with the investigations that have taken place that anything supernatural has been proved. You can easily prove me wrong by showing proof of the supernatural.

Now it is worth noting that we are in very questionable territory when talking about things we do not understand. The fact that we do not understand them implies that it is not possible to assign natural or supernatural causes.

More later.