Show me the evidence.

Originally posted by Cris

Some corrections to your extremely uninformed and distorted view of atheism.

Atheists have absolutely no problem accepting the existence of the theistic view. Atheism has nothing to do with trying to prove that theists have no views.

The basis of atheism is the disbelief of the claims made by theists.

So you say that Atheism has nothing to do with trying to proof that theists have no views, yet miracously,, the basis of atherism is the disbelief of the views of theists.

You are an absolute genious Cris, how many followers do you have who would never dare question such a contradiction?
Originally posted by heflores
So you say that Atheism has nothing to do with trying to proof that theists have no views, yet miracously,, the basis of atherism is the disbelief of the views of theists.

You are an absolute genious Cris, how many followers do you have who would never dare question such a contradiction?

No contradiction here;

1 - Theists exist
2 - God does not exist

It's so Simple :D

please be carefull with your words that you can't support, such as virtually, which you used in your sentance.
From Webster - Virtually: 1 : almost entirely : NEARLY.

There were some things with which I agreed as indicted in my posts. The term "virtually" in this context means what the dictionary says - e.g. almost entirely or nearly everything.

The use of this word portrays exactly what I intended.

I tend to take great care with the words I select and it is rare I use the wrong words and if I have used a particular word then I would have had a good reason, usually.

I believe I have also pointed out serious flaws in both your logic and assumptions.

What do you mean by believe. It's impossible for me to understand correctly your comments without understanding the meaning of the words.
I don't understand your confusion. As a part of my posts I made some statements regarding logic flaws and incorrect assumptions. The term 'believe' in this context indicates a small element of doubt and where you are free to correct my statements if you can find that I haven't found flaws or errors in assumptions.

My style is usually that I accept that I am not infallible and that I can at times make mistakes. I am pretty sure that I am correct in my assessment of your statements but I am open to being shown where I might be wrong.

Hence the qualifying phrase "I believe" which should portray all of that.
Originally posted by heflores
I might have died as all Atheists wish

That is quite a bold statement, but coming from a theist it's nothing new.

Where did you get the ridiculous idea that atheists would wish you dead?

Atheists do not have jihads or crusades y'know.

You are an absolute genious Cris, how many followers do you have who would never dare question such a contradiction?
LOL, you haven't worked out that what you said was nonsense yet have you?

I'll try and help show you that you were talking gibberish.

So you say that Atheism has nothing to do with trying to proof that theists have no views,
Read again, carefully, what you have just said.

You've probably noticed in life that most people have views about all sorts of things. And I can't think of anyone who doesn't have some type of view on something.

Now why would anyone want to spend their time trying to prove that another set of people don't have any views?

Now it seems reasonable to assume that theists actually have views on things, and they probably have views on gods and stuff life that, right? Well that's fine with me since I also have views about gods and stuff like that. But I have no interest in trying to prove that theists or anyone else do not have any views. Kinda stupid right?

Now I admit that I am teasing you somewhat, but if you are going to debate then please try and choose your words much more carefully, especially where complex ideas and concepts are involved. A few incorrect words can make a massive difference to a key idea.
(reposted from last page...awaiting response...)


1- Life is a non existance to the dead people.
2- Life is a reality to the living
3- Death is a reality for the living.
3- Life is then a (quasi reality) to the living.
4- Death is also a (quasi reality) for the dead and the living.
5- Judgement must be a phasiatic stage to transform a person from quasi reality to absolute reality.

1. Life is not a non-existance to dead people(that implies that dead people have a point of view), at least no more than life is a non-existing thing to a rock or a pencil.

2. makes sense....

3. Yes, people die, and we understand this.... so point 2 makes sense...

2nd 3. This sentence makes no sense to me, and I can see no derivative relation to your previous points. Maybe you should re-word this sentence into a more explicit paragragh.

4. (same as 2nd 3)

5. (same as 4) It seems to me that you've just jumped to a conclusion that makes no sense beyond the grammer of your sentence. Again, you should explain in a supporting paragraph so that I can understand.

Sorry Cris, can't help you here. I have never really understood what this guy is talking about.

BTW he's the one who has voices in his head, take it easy with him.
LOL.Yup I remember.

But thanks for the comments, here and elsewhere in this thread.
Originally posted by heflores
I normally wouldn't encourage anyone to enter in a debate with an Atheist

So why do you?

The opponent main believe is not based on an actual or real basis

I see, and the theists main belief is actual and real?

They claim to be exact while their whole argment is really an inexact argument which is proofing the non existance of a belief system.

1 - What is a ARGMENT?
2 - What exactly is an INEXACT ARGUMENT? hmmm!
3 - A belief system does exist, who is trying to prove it doesn't?

Suggestions for additional rules to Atheists so they may not appear as if they are dealing both sides of the table:

They may not use the word believe, love, destiny, spirituality, speculate, think, dream, god, supernatural, fantacy, ghosts, assume, inspirational, ideas, motivations, ect, or any of their derivatives, unless adequate proof is provided.

What planet do you live on?
Think about what you have just said here....can you guess why it sounds ridiculous?

This is what we call in our Theistic world, Satin's work.

The word for your imaginary enemy is SATAN not SATIN (Satin is a fabric, satan is a fabrication)
Heflores...Let me tell you something......Most of the peeps here are little children, teenagers who are ignorant, and maybe 1, 2 or 3 are adult atheists (Cris, Tiassa, etc.)..And even those adult atheist are REAL IGNORANT, either that or just a complusive liar....

I have been here for months to know that, EVERYONE HERE IS BRAINWASHED, LOSING THEIR COMMON SENSE.....

So Hef, dont worry...Talk to them all you want, but always pay attention to what they say & learn that they are all lies and opinions....I have already annihilated VodooChild, Xelios, Cris, Frencheneez, so far so many times......TO PROVE THIS FACT, I CAN POST THEIR FALSE ARGUMENT HERE IF YOU WANT...I CAN PROVE TO YOU THIS KIDS HAVE NO COMMON SENSE, I CAN PROVE TO YOU THIS KIDS ARE BRAINWASHED.........

I have already annihilated VodooChild, Xelios, Cris, Frencheneez, so far so many times

Only in your own head. You're hilarious!:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Evidence refuted

Originally posted by Zero
Good luck on defeating Chris in logic. It's kinda hard to beat someone in a game you don't know at all.

:D Cris? The guy is a joke, and so is Tiassa, both too ignorant for me......

Originally posted by Raithere

Then please do show me the passages from the Bible that advocate Democracy. Please... I'll be quite interested.

When the pharisees asked jesus "Should we pay taxes to Ceasar's?" Jesus said "Give to Ceasars what belong to Ceasars, and to God what belongs to God.."

Jesus said "Go to every house and preach the good news, but if they donot welcome you...Wipe the dust of your feet and leave the house, Verily I say unto you I will be more tolerable in Sodom and Gomorah than in that town...."

In other words, preach the gospel, but if they reject you, then leave them alone, and let God be the judge....

"Donot cast your pearls to the pigs lest they trample upon it.." -Jesus. In other words, preach the good news to those who are willing to hear it....


Originally posted by Raithere

No. A parable is a story that illustrates a lesson.
Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed nothing will be impossible and used the moving mountain as an example..

Like I was saying you are stupid...Jesus said to the Pharisees "You brood of Vipers!!"

Then your so stupid that you will say "Prove to me that the pharisees were talking snakes, prove that scientifically..."


Originally posted by Raithere

Yes, yes, yes, yes! Most of them did. Of course, the point is tertiary. There are plenty of examples; this is only one of them. Or are you trying to deny the fact the people have died for false beliefs.


Once again people can be lead astray......."Blind leading the blind both will fall in the ditch......."- Jesus..Ther are false preachers, the bible said, for if there were NO false preachers, then the bible must be lying, but because the bible is true, then there must be false preachers.......

<i>I have been here for months to know that, EVERYONE HERE IS BRAINWASHED, LOSING THEIR COMMON SENSE.....</i>

At what stage does the man who cries "ALL THE WORLD IS MAD!" start to wonder about his own sanity? I guess he never does.
Originally posted by wesmorris

Hmm... you know, I just reread your original retort to me... I hate to admit it, but I didn't get it the first few times I read it. You're more succinct than I gave you credit for and further, my response that followed was kind of dumb now that I reread it.

I stand corrected,

Thank you.

Wes, I view those comments as demonstrating an uncommon and remarkable integrity worthy of immulation. I hope I prove up to the challenge. Thanks for that comments and the lesson.


Originally posted by James R

<i>I have been here for months to know that, EVERYONE HERE IS BRAINWASHED, LOSING THEIR COMMON SENSE.....</i>

At what stage does the man who cries "ALL THE WORLD IS MAD!" start to wonder about his own sanity? I guess he never does.

Now that's a one smart post ....FOR A CHANGE...;)

A person that doesn't spend time to refect and evaluate on self loosses the springboard the will launch him/her to the next challenge and will always be stuck here. Like eating one's own vomit .....Yuk...I've been doing lots of that.

May god cure all brain diseace and unstuck all from being addicted to reading their own words (Vomit) back.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Evidence refuted

Originally posted by whatsupyall
Cris? The guy is a joke, and so is Tiassa, both too ignorant for me......

You have to be the rudest, most asinine 12 year old I have ever seen. I find it incredible that you could be such a poor loser that you when you fail to meet the standards of debate, hell, the standards of decent behaviour for that matter, that you blame the victor for your loss. And then have the audacity to call THEM ignorant. You are a loser of epic proportion. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are wrong, or outmatched, why must you lower yourself to such base standards? I take it back, I will not debate you in the other thread, you are not worth the effort, and I find such things as you have done to be utterly tasteless.
Originally posted by James R

I have been here for months to know that, EVERYONE HERE IS BRAINWASHED, LOSING THEIR COMMON SENSE.....

At what stage does the man who cries "ALL THE WORLD IS MAD!" start to wonder about his own sanity? I guess he never does.

Now that's a one smart post ....FOR A CHANGE...

Aww, look whatsup, even your good friend hef agrees with us regarding you.
Let's play with probability to find evidance, because I think you have already shown me that exact solution can no be reached. I'm a little rusty on probability, 5 years out of school now, so I welcome corrections on calculations

Let us say hypothetically the following:

1- The probability of existance of a creator is 40%, you may select a confidence level if you wish.
2- Then that makes the probability that the creator does not exist 60% with a confidence interval.
3- In the 40% probability that a creator exist, there's a 100% chance of afterlife judgement of the soul and a soul abode in a hell or heaven.
4- In the 60% probability that the creator does not exist, there's zero chance of an afterlife, soul torture or reward.

Let's solve for the probabiilty of the soul abiding in heaven or hell?
So what, no one talks to me now, even Vienna, after my recent confession and Atheist born again experience. Fine then .

I'm back to being a theist and a pretty nasty one too.:mad:

Watch out all you Atheists....