Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

What about the human remains found in strata way older than 200,000 years old, that was swept under the carpet because it contradicted the establishments story?
What does that contradict? Homo sapiens evolved between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. If it was a strata 300,000 years old it makes perfect sense. If it was a strata 500,000 years ago then they would look very much like homo sapiens, so they'd still be humanoid.
No there isn’t.
Pictures don’t cut it.
Next you’ll be throwing up Haeckel’s drawings saying “ see I told you darwinism is true”.
It’s time to grow up, and admit it’s nothing more than a belief (perhaps a bit of therapy would do you good too).

Yes Jan, it's time for you to grow up and visit some museums to see real fossils. The artist's renditions are based on those real fossils, not just something they made up in their heads, like gods, for example, which has no evidence whatsoever.

“There were giants on the earth in those days; and also after that...”


Lewis Black explains this cunundrum about who lived when and where.

(warning crude language)

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A little known fact. People with one eye see more than people with two eyes.
Well when a person with two eyes looks at a person with one eye they see one eye. OTOH.......
What does that contradict? Homo sapiens evolved between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. If it was a strata 300,000 years old it makes perfect sense. If it was a strata 500,000 years ago then they would look very much like homo sapiens, so they'd still be humanoid.
There has been remains of modern humans, and human artefacts found in strata up to 1 million years old, probably more.
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Stop lying. If that were the case all would agree with darwinian evolution. As it happens, they don’t .
There are people who think the Earth is flat.
There are people who think that the reason there are seasons is that the Earth gets closer to the Sun in the summer.
There are people who think that vaccines cause autism.
There are people who think that women were created by taking a bone out of a man.
There are people who think that toilets always flush in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere.

This is not because science is insufficient to provide accurate answers. This is because some people are ignorant.
There has been remains of modern humans, and human artefacts found in strata up to 1 million years old, probably more.
Please post evidence of this claim.
You post evidence that anatomically modern humans came about 200,00 years ago.
So you have no evidence whatsoever.

Meanwhile, actual evidence includes:

Mungo Man, a Homo Sapiens fossil from 50,000 years ago
Skhul 9, a Homo Sapiens fossil from 100,000 years ago
Herto Man, a Homo Sapiens fossil from 160,000 years ago
Omo remains, a Homo Sapiens fossil from 190,000 years ago
Florisbad Man, an early Homo Sapiens fossil from 260,000 years ago
Jebel Irhoud fossils, early Homo Sapiens from 280,000 years ago
Steinhem Skull, a Homo Heidelbergensis skull from 350,000 years ago
Aroeira 3, a Homo Heidelbergensis fossil from 400,000 years ago
Boxgrove Man, Homo Heidelbergensis fossil from 500,000 years ago
Sangrian 17, a Homo Erectus fossil from 700,000 years ago

So that's ten bits of evidence to your zero. And that's just ten out of hundreds.

You were saying?
Comfort is kind of funny, but some of his routines drag a bit too long.

And parodying creationists like that is shooting fish in a barrel these days. He needs new material.