Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

I see you're still contradicting definitions of words, Jan. How is it that you can honestly state something is "By Definition" on one thing and then turn around and toss definitions out the window for others?


That's not being honest.
I get that you feel unfulfilled, and you’re desperate to get back at me. But this is bordering on the ridiculous.

“Truth” is primarily, most importantly, defined as the quality or state of being “true”.

Let that sink in for a moment...

A fact is a thing, or proposition, that is either known, or proved to be “true”.
That means until such time that it is known to be true, it is not the truth.

The “truth” does not need to be known, or proven. Because it is true by itself.
Have you got that?:D:D

The “truth “ IS the goal of all knowledge, learning, and understanding.
At least for honest people.
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And so it should be. Because as of yet, it still remains a theory, unless you believe it is fact.
No, the theory of evolution is fact, despite your "double dutch" confusing, made up propaganda to say otherwise.

It is an illogical question.
So says one of the most illogical and confusing IDers to grace this forum...Sad Jan.

It basically says the universe brought itself into being, by stating that the creator Himself must have been created. That’s why I regard it as nonsensical.
No, you are again being obtuse...It says that "if" the universe was created by some magical spaghetti monster, the logical question then to ask, is what/how or who created the magical spaghetti monster.
The scientific answer is that we actually don't know how or why the universe evolved, other then giving a evidenced backed description of what probably occurred and which we call the BB theory, beginning at t+10-43 seconds. A theory still held in good stead by most reputable scientist. No, not quiet the fact and truth as held by the theory of the evolution of life.

What amuses me, is that Creationists dismiss scientific Theory as dubious logic, but at the same time advance a complete fantasy as indisputable Truth. One has to stand in "awe" of such ironic comparison.....:eek:
Well said, and certainly 100% top grade awe at the illogical reply from jan.

That's not being honest.
:D A "quality" held by the vast majority of the critics of science, in place of their mythical spaghetti monster.
No, the theory of evolution is fact, despite your "double dutch" confusing, made up propaganda to say otherwise.
So why is not recognised throughout the scientific community?
So says one of the most illogical and confusing IDers to grace this forum...Sad Jan.
And here I was thinking you were a nice guy.:D
Do you have a split personality?
No, you are again being obtuse...It says that "if" the universe was created by some magical spaghetti monster, the logical question then to ask, is what/how or who created the magical spaghetti monster.
Magical spaghetti monster?
In lower-case lettering?:D
What’s up? Can’t you bring yourself to address God as “God”?:D

Once you are told that God is eternal, why the need to ask who created Him?
Can’t you just not believe in Him, and be done?
The scientific answer is that we actually don't know how or why the universe evolved,
Maybe it’s not a scientific question.
Have you thought about that?
No, not quiet the fact and truth as held by the theory of the evolution of life.
I get that you feel unfulfilled, and you’re desperate to get back at me. But this is bordering on the ridiculous.

Yes, you are being ridiculous and are desperate to change the meaning of words to suit your narrative, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

“Truth” is primarily, most importantly, defined as the quality or state of being “true”.

Orange is the quality or state of being orange. Notice you said nothing there?

Let that sink in for a moment...

A fact is a thing, or proposition, that is either known, or proved to be “true”.
That means until such time that it is known to be true, it is not the truth.

Whether a fact is known or not, it's still a fact, hence is true. I already used the example of viruses and bacteria or did you already forget that?

The “truth” does not need to be known, or proven. Because it is true by itself.
Have you got that?:D:D

I get that your playing word games.

he “truth “ IS the goal of all knowledge, learning, and understanding.
At least for honest people.

Honest people understand and use the English language correctly. They look at definitions and unlike yourself, don't change them to suit their narratives. So, in order for something to be true, it has to be factual and representative of objective reality, by definition. If you don't like the actual definitions, then you aren't being honest. Simple really.
So why is not recognised throughout the scientific community?
Umm, it is. Which planet are you on?
And here I was thinking you were a nice guy.:D
Do you have a split personality?
I am and no. I just believe in stating it as it is and not pulling any punches, once an individual reveals his agenda.
Magical spaghetti monster?
In lower-case lettering?:D
What’s up? Can’t you bring yourself to address God as “God”?:D
Which god? Or what do you call your god? And what evidence do you have for his/her/its existence? And how do you differentiate your god from the common variety magical spaghetti monster?
Once you are told that God is eternal, why the need to ask who created Him?
Can’t you just not believe in Him, and be done?
I have yet to see any evidence of his/her/its existence. And of course, while we have no evidence for any such being, why add an extra layer of doubt and confusion? Why can't you accept that the universe/space/time and from which it arose, may be eternal?
Maybe it’s not a scientific question.
Have you thought about that?
It's obvious to most reasonable thinking people, that it is a question that science needs to ask.
The theory of the evolution of life is a fact..that's reality, that's the truth, that's the science. No question about it, despite your continued stumbling, redefining and obtuseness.
Point out the illogic in my reply?
What if you changed “creationist” with “transgender”, or “black people”? Wouldn’t that be interesting? I dare say you would get backlash.
But somehow it’s okay with “creationist”?
Perhaps if you show me a Black person, or one that is Transgender, and not also a creationist, then you may have your answer.
Once you are told that God is eternal, why the need to ask who created Him?
Can’t you just not believe in Him, and be done?

Lol. And here we have the disingenuous request to suspend all reason, rationale and logic in order to give way to magical thinking.
Umm, it is. Which planet are you on?
The same one you’re on matey.
So what’s your answer.
I am and no. I just believe in stating it as it is and not pulling any punches, once an individual reveals his agenda.
I never hide my agenda.
Which god? Or what do you call your god? And what evidence do you have for his/her/its existence? And how do you differentiate your god from the common variety magical spaghetti monster?
Explicits (my pet name for vocal atheists) crack me up when they do this.
You need to go do your own research on God, if you aren’t sure. Or explain why you can’t address the Character of God properly.
Are you trying to be disrespectful?
Save it. As far as I’m concerned you’re an atheist. You don’t know what truth is, and you believe in a fairytale, thinking it is a fact.
I have yet to see any evidence of his/her/its existence.
You’re an atheist.
You use the notion of “evidence of God” to block out God.
What would you regard as evidence for God?
Do you know? Or are you just going to say something stupid?
And of course, while we have no evidence for any such being,
Define God?
Let’s see if there is evidence or not.
Why can't you accept that the universe/space/time and from which it arose, may be eternal?
Of course I accept it as eternal.
Why would think I didn’t?
We just had a conversation on that very topic.:rolleyes:
It's obvious to most reasonable thinking people, that it is a question that science needs to ask.
I didn’t say they shouldn’t ask it.
Anyone can ask anything.
Perhaps if you show me a Black person, or one that is Transgender, and not also a creationist, then you may have your answer.
You shouldn’t follow Q, he is not being himself.
Try replacing the word “creationist”, with black people, homosexual, or transgender. Then see if you don’t come under fire.
So why be disrespectful with creationists?
Orange is the quality or state of being orange. Notice you said nothing there?
What a rubbish analogy?:D
You are losing it mate.
Whether a fact is known or not, it's still a fact, hence is true. I already used the example of viruses and bacteria or did you already forget that?
So the Piltdown Man is true.
Spontaneous generation is also true.
Based on your idiotic notion.:rolleyes:
I get that your playing word games.
If you take your head out of the sand of atheism, for just a moment, it should make sense to you.
They look at definitions and unlike yourself, don't change them to suit their narratives.
Show where I have done this.
Try replacing the word “creationist”, with black people, homosexual, or transgender. Then see if you don’t come under fire.
So why be disrespectful with creationists?

Black people, homosexuals and transgenders don't have signs nailed to their foreheads that say, "I'm willfully ignorant, you can't get through to me with common sense, reason or logic so don't even try", whereas Creationists do, hence they offer no respect so they deserve none in return.
What a rubbish analogy?:D

Exactly like your statement, rubbish.

So the Piltdown Man is true.

Not according to scientists who exposed it as a hoax.

Spontaneous generation is also true.
Based on your idiotic notion.:rolleyes:

If you say so.

If you take your head out of the sand of atheism, for just a moment, it should make sense to you.

Not much of what you say makes any sense at all.

Show where I have done this.

I can't show you where you haven't done it.
The same one you’re on matey.
So what’s your answer.
You have my answer. You fail to accept it because it just conflicts with your mythical beliefs and paranoia.
Again, every man and his dog accept the theory of the evolution of life as a fact....Even the Catholic church.
I never hide my agenda.
Nor your obtuseness.
Explicits (my pet name for vocal atheists) crack me up when they do this.
You need to go do your own research on God, if you aren’t sure. Or explain why you can’t address the Character of God properly.
Are you trying to be disrespectful?
Save it. As far as I’m concerned you’re an atheist. You don’t know what truth is, and you believe in a fairytale, thinking it is a fact.
I'm simply me old Son and accept the logic of science and the scientific method. You know! That which without its benefits, you would still be swinging in the trees with your cousins and ancestors. I don't hold to labels.
You’re an atheist.
You use the notion of “evidence of God” to block out God.
What would you regard as evidence for God?
Do you know? Or are you just going to say something stupid?
Your god, your magic spaghetti monster, whatever you want to call this mythical IDer, is superfluous at best, and a crutch at worst.
Now answer the question. What do you call this imaginary being?
Define God?
Let’s see if there is evidence or not.
An imaginary supreme being and creator, that is used as a crutch to make sense of an uncaring universe that just is, and giving some warm fuzzy, feel good feeling, in refusing to accept the finality of death. It is a totally unscientific concept along with all supernatural and paranormal nonsense.
Of course I accept it as eternal.
Why would think I didn’t?
Speculatively speaking, the only eternal thing is the nothing [quantum foam] from whence the BB arose. The matter within the universe/space/time does have a finite time.
I didn’t say they shouldn’t ask it.
Anyone can ask anything.
In asking, they are also striving for answers, and observational and experimental evidence. You know, the scientific methodology, rather then enforcing some warm inner glow of contentment in rejecting the finality of death.
You shouldn’t follow Q, he is not being himself.
Try replacing the word “creationist”, with black people, homosexual, or transgender. Then see if you don’t come under fire.
So why be disrespectful with creationists?
Q is doing OK, I'm not his keeper, nor is he mine. Again, show me your homosexual, Black person, or transgender that is not a creationist, and you will have your answer. Why do you discriminate anyway? Any Black person or homosexual that accepts ID is then a creationist by definition, I, unlike you, ain't to concerned whether he is black, homosexual or yourself.

Let me be clear Jan, I don't really give a fuck whether you are a creationist or not, or religious or not. I have many friends of all persuasions, including a Pastor...we get on well. But when we get ratbags coming to a science forum and preaching creationism, particularly in the confusing, and obtuse way you are presenting it, you will undergo all the scientific critique that the members interested can muster.
Finally whether you accept as fact that the theory of evolution is, does and did happen, is no skin off my nose...Whether you likewise accept that Darwin, a religious man, was the founder of this fact, is also neither here nor there.
I'll wake up in the morning, along with you and most others, and the theory of the evolution of life will still be fact....the universe/space/time will still be expanding.... GR will still hold withing its zone of applicability, as will Newtonian mechanics.
And you'll still be trying to undo, by any means possible, that which is way above your pay grade.
Exactly like your statement, rubbish.
So you bang on about me changing the meaning of words, and here you are blatantly ignoring a word for word translation.
Not according to scientists who exposed it as a hoax.
But it was a fact.
So according to your logic, and comprehension of the meaning of the word “fact”, it IS true.
If you say so.
I’m only summarising what you spewed.

Whether a fact is known or not, it's still a fact, hence is true.”

Not much of what you say makes any sense at all.
I doubt anything sensible makes sense to you.
I can’t even put your dumbness down to atheism.
I can't show you where you haven't done it.
Stop trying to weasel out of it.
You said in the previous post... “They look at definitions and unlike yourself, don't change them to suit their narratives.

Now back it up.
I dare you!
You have my answer. You fail to accept it because it just conflicts with your mythical beliefs and paranoia.
It’s not recognised as a fact throughout the scientific community. Quit playing dumb.
Again, every man and his dog accept the theory of the evolution of life as a fact....
Probably his dog.
I may grant you that one.
But every man?
You’re deluded
Even the Catholic church.
Wow! The CC.
It must be true!!!
I'm simply me old Son and accept the logic of science and the scientific method.
You accept what makes you feel comfy.
That not science.
It’s Dr Feel good appliance.
That which without its benefits, you would still be swinging in the trees with your cousins and ancestors. I don't hold to labels.
What a ridiculous concept you harbour.
An imaginary supreme being
Try again.
Speculatively speaking, the only eternal thing
That’s just philosophical mambo-jumbo.
No wonder you’re an atheist.
Q is doing OK, I'm not his keeper, nor is he mine. Again, show me your homosexual, Black person, or transgender that is not a creationist,
Alex. I got the impression your boy was going to give me a hard time.
But when we get ratbags coming to a science forum and preaching creationism,
Show where I’ve preached “creationism”?
Do you know what “creationism” is?
I’m guessing you don’t.:rolleyes:
Finally whether you accept as fact that the theory of evolution is, does and did happen, is no skin off my nose...Whether you likewise accept that Darwin, a religious man, was the founder of this fact, is also neither here nor there.
When the facts come through, and every scientist accepts it like they do evolution, I’ll look into it. But as it stands at the moment, Iran atheist philosophy, which some theists buy into, to appease atheists.
And you'll still be trying to undo, by any means possible, that which is way above your pay grade.
If it was true, I wouldn’t need be at a pay grade to accept it. But “truth” isn’t your thing. Is it?
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Playing children's games Jan?
Why are you upset?
I get you.
Now you have to try and create a scenario where you try and make out I’m all emotional.
So predictable.
It’s better when Alex plays that game, cuz he’s quite good at it. I reckon you should get some pointers off him, in the PM’s.