Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

Then, go ahead and tell me what is meant by God or you can go by a definition: a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.

Notice that the definition can describe any God, not just yours?
God is the origin of everything. Simple.
All scriptures attest to this. I didn’t make it up, it is fact.
There can only be one God, by definition.

Lol. Sorry Jan, but you will not find a definition of God in any reference book that states specifically that there can only be one God. You are confusing definitions with your personal beliefs.
I think you take your own advice.
People also make the mistake of saying truth is relative. But we know it can’t be.
Truth Is, whether we accept, or not.

And, there is no truth in any God. Sorry if facts and reality don't agree with your personal beliefs.

Truth is based on facts and reality, not beliefs.
God is the origin of everything. Simple.

That is your personal belief and is not supported in any way.

All scriptures attest to this. I didn’t make it up, it is fact.

No, it is not a fact. Scriptures can attest to whatever it wants, the proof is in truth, which is based on facts and reality, not beliefs.
My belief doesn’t matter.
That is what God is defined as.

Once again, definitions of something do not make that something real or exist. You should have learned that in school long ago. Did you go to school, Jan? If so, did you not learn that simple understanding of how to use a dictionary? Evidently, not.