Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

God, by definition has to be.
As I said before, that is not a universal definition. You do not get to dictate the definition of God. Every religion has its own definition of God.
Otherwise we’re not talking about God.
We're talking about the concept of God. We're not talking about an actual entity.
It is not religions that determine what God is.
We are not talking about what God "is". We're talking about how God is defined. If there was a God, it might be completely different from how we define it.
I’m talking about God.
You're talking about your own concept of God - and you've never been clear about what that is.
We are not talking about what God "is". We're talking about how God is defined. If there was a God, it might be completely different from how we define it.
If there was a God, only God could define Himself. God defines Himself as the origin of everything.
You're talking about your own concept of God - and you've never been clear about what that is.
I’m telling you you’re wrong.
Unless you’re oblivious to evidence.
If there was a God, only God could define Himself.
Again, that's like saying only a unicorn can define itself. Definitions are used by humans. That's all.
God defines Himself as the origin of everything.
If there was a God, you would have no way of knowing what it thinks or does.
I’m telling you you’re wrong.
Unless you’re oblivious to evidence.
You haven't presented any evidence.
"On and on", ad infinitum...:rolleyes:
Jan is using the old ploy of strength trough exhaustion.
Psalm 31: Strength in exhaustion

(A burn-out prayer)

Lord – where are you?!
I seek refuge in you.
I need you now more than ever.
Lord – can you hear me?!

I am slipping, Lord,
the ground beneath my feet has crumbled away.

My energy has been stolen,
my joy in my work has gone.

I feel trapped as a net closes around me.

Lord – come quickly!
Find me some solid ground
Hide me away in a place of safety
Lord – show me what to do!

I don’t know who to trust.
The people around me seem to only
want more and more of me.
Everyone is running after worthless idols.

I hear people whispering about me.
I’m sure that they have only scorn for me
behind my back.
I’m sure they are plotting to get rid of me.

Lord – redeem me!
Buy me back from this worthless place
Lead me out of this wasteland.
Lord – save me!

I am exhausted!
My eyes struggle to see
my strength fails
my bones waste away.

I am losing myself in this misery.
I am sinking into a deathly emptiness.

Lord – I trust you!
I say to myself over and over
“You are my God.
My life is in your hands.
Shine your face on me again.
Save me in your steadfast love.
Don’t lose me to shame, O Lord,
for I call on you!”

Lord – come through again for me!

All you people – love the Lord,
who is wonderful in love,
who does see us and hear us and know us,
(whether or not we feel it!)
who does train us and shape us
(whether or not we enjoy it!)
who is always there for us.

Be strong and patient,
grow courage in your heart
(the hard way!)
Wait for the Lord.
Psalm 31: My hiding place
Where can I hide?
I cannot find anywhere that feels safe.
Everywhere there are traps set for me.
Everywhere people whisper about me.
Be my safe place, O God.
Be my hiding space, my refuge, my shelter.
I put myself in your hands.

Be strong! Fill your heart with courage!
Written by Silvia Purdie
Resources for life and faith

Sounds to me like some kind of penitente practice.
If there was a God, I would know what God wants me to know.

The same goes for me and everyone else on the planet. Notice that no one knows what God wants from any of us? That should tell you something.