Should men be boycotted ?

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Well it is a 2 way street. Women can be just as bad as men, in different ways.

The key is to find one you can live with....which is not an easy task ;)
If she boycotts men, I suppose men everywhere will be grateful.

Maybe we should hook her up with draqon.
Oh GOD. *smacks forehead* Not another neurotic so called feminist. Christ but modern feminism has been raped by idiots who think all men are the Great Satan.

Strange as it may seem, not all men are violent abusers.
Her blog is mauve text on a desert pink inset and pink background. She has giant teeth and an awful sense of her own importance. And she quotes Incubus.

Not half, but twice.

Sorry, people with very large teeth creep me out.
Come now, focus on her 'arguments' not her appearance or sense of self-importance or you'll only have her say you proved her right. Apparently. :rolleyes:
We can only hope to educate her better into realising not everything people say has some veiled attack on women in it.
Personally, I think she's right! Men and women should not live or work together. They should get together for sex only ...then part company as soon as the sex is over. Of course, the woman should cook a nice meal for the guy in exchange/payment for the great sex! :D

Baron Max

They should make us a nice meal for average sex. Great sex demands making up microwaveable dinners to last a week and a small tip so we won't forget to call.;)
Any woman making their man TV dinners shouldn't be expecting any kind of quality sex.......

Now .. Roast Beef with Mashed potatoes, gravy and a salad.....topped off with strawberry shortcake with whip cream........DESERVES GREAT SEX :D lol
Hey, if my man says "don't cook tonight, I'll just have a tv dinner. He's gonna get great sex"

Honestly, if my guy is getting great sex, he's not gonna care what's on the table...unless its me.
Now .. Roast Beef with Mashed potatoes, gravy and a salad.....topped off with strawberry shortcake with whip cream........DESERVES GREAT SEX :D lol

Ooh, are you available to move down to Texas??? I haven't had a meal like that in ...a long time!

Now I don't know about the quality sex, but I know some young guys around here who might be able to help out in that area. I could have the meals, and we could probably get those young guys to.....? :D

Do you like hot oil massages? ;)

Baron Max
Ooh, are you available to move down to Texas??? I haven't had a meal like that in ...a long time!

Now I don't know about the quality sex, but I know some young guys around here who might be able to help out in that area. I could have the meals, and we could probably get those young guys to.....?

Do you like hot oil massages? Baron Max

:scratchin: hmmmmmmm Young guys huh ;)
What do you suppose I do with neitzsche?
He will have to live on TV dinners and McDonalds. LOL

Come on Down......I will set a place for you.

Tonight I am making Chicken parmesean with Garlic bread.
Baron, get a crock pot. A roast isn't so hard.

Actually, Orleander, I'm a pretty damned good cook ....and much, much better than any woman I ever lived with.

But I can't dust and clean and stuff like that. So I live in dirty, dusty, filthy cave ...with a really nice kitchen! :D

Baron Max
Come now, focus on her 'arguments' not her appearance or sense of self-importance or you'll only have her say you proved her right. Apparently. :rolleyes:
We can only hope to educate her better into realising not everything people say has some veiled attack on women in it.

I'm female, so I'm probably not proving her right - just that I'm in league with the enemy. In any case, she has no argument.

Now back to your regularly scheduled "try to bone each other."
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