Should men be boycotted ?

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pardon, the comparison....

honey? is it hard yet?

ja, a marriage floating by on a rivulet of tears

DAMN just reading that got me :xctd: lol

the first customer at Gustav's Clam Smackers Novelty Store

/furiously coding
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considering how many women are raising their son's by themselves, I think its up to us to fix it.
I'm more than raising my son to be a good person, I'm raising him to be a good husband. My daughter on the other hand is going to make some man very unhappy some day. (oh the drama!)
considering how many women are raising their son's by themselves, I think its up to us to fix it.
I'm more than raising my son to be a good person, I'm raising him to be a good husband. My daughter on the other hand is going to make some man very unhappy some day. (oh the drama!)

my daughter is going to make her hsuband a happy man, but dont tell her i told you, at the minute she hates boys, she says they smell
considering how many women are raising their son's by themselves, I think its up to us to fix it.

God help us all! :D

I'm more than raising my son to be a good person, I'm raising him to be a good husband.

No, no, no! You're trying to raise you son to be what YOU think is a good husband ....other women might disagree. And from the divorce rate of over 50%, my guess is that matching women to men is not such a simple task ...over half of them get it wrong. What does that say?

Baron Max
I would like to hear what measures Orleander is taking to make her son a "good husband"
what are you teaching him?
Real men should stink of stale beer, oil and grease, old cigars and old, lazy hound dogs! :D

Baron Max

Well they are BOYs so they only smell of Hockey Playing, Skateboarding and Sweaty socks.....

I will throw them out by the time they smell of stale beer and cigars :D
I would like to hear what measures Orleander is taking to make her son a "good husband" what are you teaching him?

  1. listen, don't assume
  2. pick up after yourself
  3. say sorry.
  4. relationships are not a game. You are not the 'winner' if the other person says sorry first
  5. pick up after yourself!
  6. no man was ever killed by his wife while washing dishes
...No, no, no! You're trying to raise you son to be what YOU think is a good husband ....other women might disagree. And from the divorce rate of over 50%, my guess is that matching women to men is not such a simple task ...over half of them get it wrong. What does that say?

Baron Max

Hey, if a woman wants to do all the household chores herself, shovel snow, rake leaves, etc.....well, more power to her. But she's not allowed to bitch and complain about him not doing it.
How about this:

Why don't heterosexuals stop, take a look around in order to assess what it is they expect of each other, and decide how best to do that instead of carrying out some obscure assertion of a ridiculous tradition whose best contribution to the world is to drive the participants mad?

Think about it this way: Women are human beings. Men are human beings. Men tend to forget that women are human beings because of the ritualistic crap about traditional heterosexual relationships. Easy enough? No? Fine, I'll try again. Women are great, as long as I'm not dating them.

I still don't understand the transformation that occurs when people sleep together, but it has to do with the possessive aspects of a ridiculous heterosexual tradition. Feminists and homosexuals alike face the necessity of redefining their human relationships according to something more workable, else whatever intimate relationships they find are subject to the same conundra.

As long as you choose to take part in the battle of the sexes, you will find the other sex adversarial.


Nothing you can do about that.

Except, of course, to stop taking part in that stupid, head-wrecking ritual.
Because they probably do!! LoL I practically have to throw mine in the shower, or they would go without one all week!!

yeah i have a son like that, the other one, i cant get out of the bath or shower, my daughter however just doesnt like boys since i explained to her that her Boyfriend sholdve stuck up for her a while ago
One of my friend thinks men should be boycotted. What is your opinion on the current state of male-female relations? Has it really become this bad ?
What can be done to help this situation ? I would appreciate any feedback. Thank You.
Quite frankly your friend's being a retard. Everything said applies equally to both sexes, and as such your friend comes across as merely another bias feminist, one who isn't actually interested in equality at all but merely complaining about things they disagree with but only applying it to one sex.
We all 'boycott' the opposite sex; We avoid dating the ones we don't like.

I presume she was very angry at the time of writing and not really thinking clearly - If this is not the case I suggest you tell your friend objectivity is a wonderful thing and she should grow up, otherwise men may see her boycott as one less moronic fish in the already overcrowded pond, which would be considered a blessing.
..., my daughter however just doesnt like boys since i explained to her that her Boyfriend sholdve stuck up for her a while ago

Ooh, you shouldn't have done that! I don't know what age they are, but a boy at "that" age is a pretty tender little thing ...and peer pressure is pretty tough. If stuck up for your daughter, his friends would probably have teased him unmercifully for being pussy-whipped.

Of course now we can see how stupid that is, but at the time and at that age, it's not something that can be sloughed off as "silly" or "unmanly" or whatever. A boy who doesn't appear to be a "man" to his friends is ...well, it can be pretty bad for him.

Baron Max
I presume she was very angry at the time of writing and not really thinking clearly - If this is not the case I suggest you tell your friend objectivity is a wonderful thing and she should grow up, otherwise men may see her boycott as one less moronic fish in the already overcrowded pond, which would be considered a blessing.

I don't think that article counts as "thought" at all. The argument, for all its being an argument, is one string of assertions (I read about a woman who was abused, most men are abusive, men don't respect women) followed by chunking down some basic concepts of fairly outmoded psychology and then attempting to legitimize herself by appealing to authority, "every first year psychology student knows...." as if what first year psychology students know is in some way a heavenly sign of truth. Really, this is cliched but the article speaks more eloquently of the author's fears and misgivings than it does about any phenomena in the world we share.
'all men are bastards' 'all women are bitches'

Yes we know.

Although People forget that even in an abusive relationship youre probably in better overall health than someone ones chronically single.
Look at the morality rates of people who divorce comapred with those that stay with their partner, even if theyere unhappy in their relationship for instance.
You can certainly put pride ahead of longevity (ive done it myself) but you have to be aware of the gains and loses.
So its not really masochism that keeps people in abusive relationships its habitualism and familiarity (stockholm syndrome anyone?) and dare i say a deep-rooted 'fear of loneliness', which is certainly something to be rationally afraid of since its one of the biggest health risks in modern society.

Im not really sure you believe what youve typed in your blog by the way, so im not going to attack that aspect of your argument. Sensationalism is easily grown out of anyway.
Really, this is cliched but the article speaks more eloquently of the author's fears and misgivings than it does about any phenomena in the world we share.
I agree, the writing displays a lot more about the author than anything else. I dislike feminine attitudes such as this for the reason that much like masculine ones they only favour their own gender and not genuine equality. It's also blatantly dishonest to suggest such moral implications on the basis of sex.
I do however agree with her in that a vast majority of people are shits, except that my opinions are irrespective of sex.
I do also understand that sensationalism is frequently used to emphasise arguments, particularly at a time of anger or disgust, she probably isn't half as idiotic as she seems.
So she's sworn off men. Good deal all around, from how I read that article. And life carries on regardless of what she thinks or tries to push on others.

In short - who cares.
I agree, the writing displays a lot more about the author than anything else. I dislike feminine attitudes such as this for the reason that much like masculine ones they only favour their own gender and not genuine equality. It's also blatantly dishonest to suggest such moral implications on the basis of sex.
I do however agree with her in that a vast majority of people are shits, except that my opinions are irrespective of sex.
I do also understand that sensationalism is frequently used to emphasise arguments, particularly at a time of anger or disgust, she probably isn't half as idiotic as she seems.

Her blog is mauve text on a desert pink inset and pink background. She has giant teeth and an awful sense of her own importance. And she quotes Incubus.

Not half, but twice.

Sorry, people with very large teeth creep me out.
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