SHOCKING Facts about WOMEN' ABUSE in the 'civilized' West

Originally posted by Green_World
Originally posted by Dwayne D.L.Rabon
Well people what is fuuny about this topic is that you peop0le are trying to attack a muslium girl i assume, and make America seem like a garden of eden.
The fact is that other countries including musilm counties have a lower crime and violence rate than America, this is exspecially true of muslim countries.
America is the most socially violent country in the world, with the most rape cases, assualt, robbery, theft,child molestation, serial killers, there is no country that even compares with 60% of the these crime commited in the Americas(USA). thats just the cold facts. America has a prison population greater than 2,000,000 people, with some 1 million female prisoners, and some 1.8 to 2 million male prisoners, in comparison China a country with about 1 billion people(thats 4 time the US population) has less prisoners and a lower crime rate.
Of the US population rape, child molestation, serial murder more than 60% of such crimes are commited by white males, in contrast asian and black male combined account for less than 30% of such crimes.
The majortiy of fund for domestic violence against women is directed to the middle class, where a large amount of physical abuse occurs, and is unreported. likewise the middle class is the biggest buyer or pronograhic matterial,and is the group responsible for the use of prostitution, including the having the greates reports of incest. the middle class is also group responsible for rape, child molestation, and serial murder.
From a anthoplogical view point population abouve the 40 th lattiude show nerotic tendency, compulisve reaction, in contrast below the 40th lat. such reactions are considerd normal, demonstrating a slower reaction but well defined response, what this means is that some one below the 40th lat. who commits a crime is more likely to be focused to the action of the crime, did so deliberlty. in contrast to the north or above the 40th, where the person sought to act but did not think the action out completely, did so delibertly with out thought to theactions.
This understanding of antropology does not provide a excuse for people who commit crimes. what it demonstrates however is that people above the 40th latitude are more likely to commit crimes.
In the last five years crime in the USA has been on the low, however there has been a increase in police employment, along with a increase in Civil rights viloation by goverment, a increase in police butality that rivals the the 1960s. at the same time there has been a sharp increase in serious violent commited by youth.

The reality is that most violence against womans is caused by a inequaltiy in social and legal trends and laws that favor women. that inequality has been the reason for violence gainst women for a long time, it social relation has stems to more than just the USA, but other countries as well. mostly developing countries. this type of violence is not often demonstrated in rual, and indiginous peoples. When society recongizes the fact of equaltiy socialy and leaglly there will be a sharp decrease in violence against women.

Thank you for SHUTING THE MORONS UP :p

He shut no one up, his stance reflects the need to read. He has used statistics unethically to support his hypothesis. I can use the fact that 90% of accidents happen within 5 miles of home, to decide I should only wear my seatbelt on short trips. But that doesn't take into account that 90% of travel is within 5 miles of home. You can use statistics any way you want, but it is only those who use them responsibly who are listened too. His is obviously wrong.
First off, to several of you that chose to counter, i spent many years studing internation buisness infastructure, that includes law, goverment organizarion, population mangagement,area economic impacts, soical relations, growth ect..... i can even tell you how many phones are in a givenb country, how much toilet paper they use, the tonnage of goods on the ocean at any given time, the amount of fish taken from the sea. estimate groth of AGRI, SERVices, Consturtion, industry ect..... antropology of the world as supported by the US department of education, and numerous doctors, and professors ect.... are read by me including judges, scientist, preseidents and former preseidents. I am not just some guy fliping through a US News magazine. if thats not not enough i can tell you the number of nuclear submarines own by each country, the types of nuclear war heads, how many oil tankers, cargo ships, comericalair crafts ect.......
More at times i have consulted even the US Dept. Geology, biochemist ect........ i do on hands investgations including observation of the justice department of several states, onduct physical observation of justices competency and, as well obseve other events of security ect...... this here is no dumb boy.
so count your chickens, cause i will hit the nail on the head 90% of the time.

Laslty my IQ test in the top 2% of the USA.

shall we open discussion, there is plenlty of room on the board members room.
Originally posted by Dwayne D.L.Rabon
First off, to several of you that chose to counter, i spent many years studing internation buisness infastructure, that includes law, goverment organizarion, population mangagement,area economic impacts, soical relations, growth ect..... i can even tell you how many phones are in a givenb country, how much toilet paper they use, the tonnage of goods on the ocean at any given time, the amount of fish taken from the sea. estimate groth of AGRI, SERVices, Consturtion, industry ect..... antropology of the world as supported by the US department of education, and numerous doctors, and professors ect.... are read by me including judges, scientist, preseidents and former preseidents. I am not just some guy fliping through a US News magazine. if thats not not enough i can tell you the number of nuclear submarines own by each country, the types of nuclear war heads, how many oil tankers, cargo ships, comericalair crafts ect.......
More at times i have consulted even the US Dept. Geology, biochemist ect........ i do on hands investgations including observation of the justice department of several states, onduct physical observation of justices competency and, as well obseve other events of security ect...... this here is no dumb boy.
so count your chickens, cause i will hit the nail on the head 90% of the time.

Laslty my IQ test in the top 2% of the USA.

shall we open discussion, there is plenlty of room on the board members room.

Odd, aren't all those figures available from each country's factbook? Or each countries governmental departments? Availability of data by no means gives you credibility, nor does it promise that you do not have an agenda that you wish to pursue. I find it extremely difficult to believe that womens rights has caused INCREASED assaults. I think more along the lines that it has caused INCREASED REPORTING. That in conjunction with increased rates of violence accross the board would give IMO a better reading. And I wouldn't brag a top 2% IQ in the boards. You might be surprised who shares the boards with you. If IQ even mattered that is.
Shouldn't your nick be something more like "Black World" or "I spread Hate"?

your going out ALL of your posts in the wrong way, nobody will ever listen to you because you come across as ANGRY and UPSET all of the time, like you want to fight.

You create so many threads which insipre hate and that's all nothing you say will SOLVE ANY PROBLEM, nothing. think about what your saying and realise that your not solving anything, sure there are problems in this world and those problems are only going to go away if people come together to SOLVE THE PROBLEMS, you have no clue how to solve problems, only how to spot them out, and anyone can do that(especially those with a black heart).:rolleyes:
Sure you can find many figures in a C fact boook, or statemans almanac ect ..... taxes and so on.
the event of social relation is one that is obsevered or the society, here a economic imapct can tell you quite a bit, most city issue one, as well as local areas developments, housing,gyms, ect.... most every thing that effects local area or city is licencsed under permit first, however there are some thing that are not so noticeable, such as land developers in controll of local goverment offices, land owners groups that force populations around the city by income level, regional corporation that hold sub monolpolies in certain city and county areas that limit products and controll regional prices ect....... other social iimpacts such as a corporation increaseing the alcoho content of beer, and regional distribution. local taxation of land, addtion of transportion to new areas, state placement of sex offenders, selective advertiment by bradcasting companies.

Womens rights has nothing to due with equal rights, laws of the past meant to address a issue that exist 30 years ago would be of little effect on the next generation, unless they are desigend to represent equallity, given the name civil rights because of the appearant standing of justice to law applied. law that are designed to have a effect to change a adverse behavior of the public but are not desigen to establish equality eventually need to be striken usally within 5 to 10 years, other wise those laws get used to abuse people not relavant to the intent of the law as it was designed for other puropose. a example is alimony, or the belief that women need to be care of the child because a man does not have what it takes to take care of the children, called resident custody of a child. the event of child support and such practices where in the chid can not consume or use the monies sought by the mother of state, where that money is discared by the mother for the mothers purposes not the child. the event of abortion but the exstention of resposiblity to the male if the women should decide to give birth, giving her sole choice as to the burden of the male regadless if he wants it or not. divorce in the USA is around 60% of all married couples, most divorce in the first five years. socially there exist a predjuice against males in the court room, and in social services surrounding the court room, even in poilce arrest where regardless of the intiator of the distrubance the male is arrested or seen as the aggressor.
Socially females base marital relations on a males earnings, exspect a male to pay for treats ect..... listen do not warp what iam saying either, fun amognest two people is alwasy fun, point is that subject of money has always been a motive for marriage and dating for women,even when they have strong felling for some one else. it demonstrates that if the option exist it will be taken advantage of if possible. all morals down. in empolyment you will find that women are schedualed for labor and postions that are of less taxing, and at the same pay. in martial relation of the home you will find the same exist she does less work than the male around the house and work that is less taxing. tyipical point when i left the house it was clean did a hard days work when i got back the house was clean, asked her what she did today she said she cleaned the house. ? the number one cause of divorce is extrmatiral affiar.
Plainly these events builds and builds in each relationship, and within each relationship, many times leading to violence called domestic violence.

Oh and listen don't try and play me wrong either, i did not say that fairness was to be eliminated from earth, or that women should not have the right to a secondary school education, what i said is that the inequaltiy of laws and social trends favor women and in event lead to domestic violence, and such aspects has always lead to it. plainly a little party in france changed the way european people behave in regard to women, that change has stuck with them to created a current trend or order of society that views women seperate from men and has created a inequality. That past view of women is not relavant to the advancement of current society or equality of law.

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Originally posted by Dwayne D.L.Rabon
First off, to several of you that chose to counter, i spent many years studing internation buisness infastructure, that includes law, goverment organizarion, population mangagement,area economic impacts, soical relations, growth ect..... i can even tell you how many phones are in a givenb country, how much toilet paper they use, the tonnage of goods on the ocean at any given time, the amount of fish taken from the sea. estimate groth of AGRI, SERVices, Consturtion, industry ect..... antropology of the world as supported by the US department of education, and numerous doctors, and professors ect.... are read by me including judges, scientist, preseidents and former preseidents. I am not just some guy fliping through a US News magazine. if thats not not enough i can tell you the number of nuclear submarines own by each country, the types of nuclear war heads, how many oil tankers, cargo ships, comericalair crafts ect.......
More at times i have consulted even the US Dept. Geology, biochemist ect........ i do on hands investgations including observation of the justice department of several states, onduct physical observation of justices competency and, as well obseve other events of security ect...... this here is no dumb boy.
so count your chickens, cause i will hit the nail on the head 90% of the time.

Laslty my IQ test in the top 2% of the USA.

shall we open discussion, there is plenlty of room on the board members room.


WAOOO, I am very impressed by your record, please, do stay here, those hopeless idiots are having very hard time dealing with your posts.

Keep the good work.
Originally posted by Dwayne D.L.Rabon
First off, i spent many years studing internation buisness infastructure, that includes organizarion, population , soical relations, growth ect..... i can even tell you how many phones are in a givenb country, estimate groth of AGRI, SERVices, Consturtion,and former preseidents, comericalair crafts ect.......
More at times i have consulted even the US Dept. Geology, biochemist ect........ i onduct physical observation of justices competency and, as well obseve other events of security ect...... this here is no dumb boy here

Hey "no dumb boy"........learn to spell.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
only the weakminded are impressed by authority.

So, why are you impressed by my authority then ??

If you are one of those HOPELESS atheists, why you come to RELIGION section ???

get the hell out of here, go and play somewhere else.

Originally posted by Green_World

If you are one of those HOPELESS atheists, why you come to RELIGION section ???

get the hell out of here, go and play somewhere else.

Yawn.....atheists aren't hopeless, we just don't need the crutch of god or allah to get us through life.

As for your instructions to go away......shove it, pondlife.
Originally posted by Green_World
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
only the weakminded are impressed by authority.

So, why are you impressed by my authority then ??

If you are one of those HOPELESS atheists, why you come to RELIGION section ???

get the hell out of here, go and play somewhere else.


you misspelled kittos. I'm also not finish, so don't bother.

Religious people also come to the science section. I don't really think that there is a rule that says atheist can't visit the religion forum. At least i didn't see it when i signed up.
And until allah makes you moderator of this forum you have no right to tell me to go away.

and who says I am an atheist?
I could be...


I almost forgot the most important thing. I'm not impressed by your authority, since you have none. Even if you would have any I still wouldn't be impressed, because I can think by myself and do not need authority to tell me what life is all about
Originally posted by Vienna
Yawn.....atheists aren't hopeless, we just don't need the crutch of god or allah to get us through life.

As for your instructions to go away......shove it, pondlife.


Oh Hello my dear English Rose, how are you today ??

My dear, you are HOPELESS atheist, what are you doing in the RELIGION section of this forum ????

The religion section is for those who have HOPES and BELIEVS, for those who are FULL with LIGHT and ILLUMINATION, this section is NOT for you my dear rose.

so, please, my gentle English rose, leave us alone.

Originally posted by Green_World
Originally posted by Vienna
Yawn.....atheists aren't hopeless, we just don't need the crutch of god or allah to get us through life.

As for your instructions to go away......shove it, pondlife.


Oh Hello my dear English Rose, how are you today ??

My dear, you are HOPELESS atheist, what are you doing in the RELIGION section of this forum ????

The religion section is for those who have HOPES and BELIEVS, for those who are FULL with LIGHT and ILLUMINATION, this section is NOT for you my dear rose.

so, please, my gentle English rose, leave us alone.


:) you are so much like allah, full of shit and false, go swivel

Moderator comment. Vienna, that isn't helping. Please stay with the argument and avoid the ad hominem attacks.
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Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
you misspelled kittos. I'm also not finish, so don't bother.

Religious people also come to the science section. I don't really think that there is a rule that says atheist can't visit the religion forum. At least i didn't see it when i signed up.
And until allah makes you moderator of this forum you have no right to tell me to go away.

and who says I am an atheist?
I could be...


I almost forgot the most important thing. I'm not impressed by your authority, since you have none. Even if you would have any I still wouldn't be impressed, because I can think by myself and do not need authority to tell me what life is all about


Oh yeah,KIITOS............where about in Suomi ???

This forum has MANY sections, one of them called RELIGION, it is for people who have RELIGION, since you guys are HOPLESS people with no RELIGION, you have no MORAL right to be in this section( that's of course, if you know what morality means !).

You need authority to tell you about how to go about your daily life ?? one small example, you are obeying the authority of 3 lights when you drive your car, can you say that you dont need the authority of these trafic lights ?????

Originally posted by Vienna
:) you are so much like allah, full of shit and false, go swivel

Bloody hell.........REALLY ???? :cool:


Moderator comment.

Cut that out. That is not helping your argument either and neither is it a proportioal response.

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Originally posted by Green_World

Oh yeah,KIITOS............where about in Suomi ???

This forum has MANY sections, one of them called RELIGION, it is for people who have RELIGION, since you guys are HOPLESS people with no RELIGION, you have no MORAL right to be in this section( that's of course, if you know what morality means !).

You need authority to tell you about how to go about your daily life ?? one small example, you are obeying the authority of 3 lights when you drive your car, can you say that you dont need the authority of these trafic lights ?????


i go through red every day. You might say that I defy the authority of the traffic light. Now your claim is nonsense.
And you insulted me by telling that I am insane, although it is clear that I am not insane, but an individual brought up in a western society with different values than yours. By blindly overlooking this you show you insensitivity towards the people of the world you live in. At the same time you want respect and respect for what you believe in. But you have no respect for other cultures.
Originally posted by Dwayne D.L.Rabon
Sure you can find many figures in a C fact boook, or statemans almanac ect ..... taxes and so on.
the event of social relation is one that is obsevered or the society, here a economic imapct can tell you quite a bit, most city issue one, as well as local areas developments, housing,gyms, ect.... most every thing that effects local area or city is licencsed under permit first, however there are some thing that are not so noticeable, such as land developers in controll of local goverment offices, land owners groups that force populations around the city by income level, regional corporation that hold sub monolpolies in certain city and county areas that limit products and controll regional prices ect....... other social iimpacts such as a corporation increaseing the alcoho content of beer, and regional distribution. local taxation of land, addtion of transportion to new areas, state placement of sex offenders, selective advertiment by bradcasting companies.

Womens rights has nothing to due with equal rights, laws of the past meant to address a issue that exist 30 years ago would be of little effect on the next generation, unless they are desigend to represent equallity, given the name civil rights because of the appearant standing of justice to law applied. law that are designed to have a effect to change a adverse behavior of the public but are not desigen to establish equality eventually need to be striken usally within 5 to 10 years, other wise those laws get used to abuse people not relavant to the intent of the law as it was designed for other puropose. a example is alimony, or the belief that women need to be care of the child because a man does not have what it takes to take care of the children, called resident custody of a child. the event of child support and such practices where in the chid can not consume or use the monies sought by the mother of state, where that money is discared by the mother for the mothers purposes not the child. the event of abortion but the exstention of resposiblity to the male if the women should decide to give birth, giving her sole choice as to the burden of the male regadless if he wants it or not. divorce in the USA is around 60% of all married couples, most divorce in the first five years. socially there exist a predjuice against males in the court room, and in social services surrounding the court room, even in poilce arrest where regardless of the intiator of the distrubance the male is arrested or seen as the aggressor.
Socially females base marital relations on a males earnings, exspect a male to pay for treats ect..... listen do not warp what iam saying either, fun amognest two people is alwasy fun, point is that subject of money has always been a motive for marriage and dating for women,even when they have strong felling for some one else. it demonstrates that if the option exist it will be taken advantage of if possible. all morals down. in empolyment you will find that women are schedualed for labor and postions that are of less taxing, and at the same pay. in martial relation of the home you will find the same exist she does less work than the male around the house and work that is less taxing. tyipical point when i left the house it was clean did a hard days work when i got back the house was clean, asked her what she did today she said she cleaned the house. ? the number one cause of divorce is extrmatiral affiar.
Plainly these events builds and builds in each relationship, and within each relationship, many times leading to violence called domestic violence.

Oh and listen don't try and play me wrong either, i did not say that fairness was to be eliminated from earth, or that women should not have the right to a secondary school education, what i said is that the inequaltiy of laws and social trends favor women and in event lead to domestic violence, and such aspects has always lead to it. plainly a little party in france changed the way european people behave in regard to women, that change has stuck with them to created a current trend or order of society that views women seperate from men and has created a inequality. That past view of women is not relavant to the advancement of current society or equality of law.


I think I see where you are coming from now. But, we are both just extrapolating from the data, to meet our own theories of behaviour and causal factors. Both arguments have merit, but there is no way to be sure either way, because we are basing it on things that are too large to reliably quantify. Don't worry, I won't pull your message out of context or twist it. It is a well thought out argument, but doesn't take into account all of the various interactions. A grand scheme, but I don't know that I could subscribe to it, one is not necessarily relevant to the other.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
i go through red every day. You might say that I defy the authority of the traffic light. Now your claim is nonsense.
And you insulted me by telling that I am insane, although it is clear that I am not insane, but an individual brought up in a western society with different values than yours. By blindly overlooking this you show you insensitivity towards the people of the world you live in. At the same time you want respect and respect for what you believe in. But you have no respect for other cultures.

So, you cross the RED lights !!!! and you claim you are SANE ??

you did not answer where in suomi do you live ?

Buddy, I grew up in WESTERN DIRTY ADULTEROUS culture, I hate what this culture is all about: SELFISHNESS, MATERIALISM, SEX, DRUGS, ALCOHOL, MONEY and of course the most recent PHEADOPHILIA.

claiming that crossing red light is not insane proves that you are really INSANE. :p
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
i go through red every day. You might say that I defy the authority of the traffic light. Now your claim is nonsense.
And you insulted me by telling that I am insane, although it is clear that I am not insane, but an individual brought up in a western society with different values than yours. By blindly overlooking this you show you insensitivity towards the people of the world you live in. At the same time you want respect and respect for what you believe in. But you have no respect for other cultures.

But he grew up in a western world too. He's a brit. Nothing more than a disenfranchised youth who is rebelling against the status quo. Twenty years ago it was punk, 40 it was hippies, and 50 it was beatnicks. He will go through this crap for about 5 more years and then he will figure out he's been a prat the whole time and move on.
Originally posted by Green_World

So, you cross the RED lights !!!! and you claim you are SANE ??

you did not answer where in suomi do you live ?

Buddy, I grew up in WESTERN DIRTY ADULTEROUS culture, I hate what this culture is all about: SELFISHNESS, MATERIALISM, SEX, DRUGS, ALCOHOL, MONEY and of course the most recent PHEADOPHILIA.

claiming that crossing red light is not insane proves that you are really INSANE. :p

i cross red lights based on weighing several factors. Mind you, i do not have a car, i just bicycle. Is there any traffic. How well I am acqainted with the sequence of the traffic lights. Is it worth it time wise etc. Basically the decision is a rational one. Unlike any of yours.

I live in Helsinki, but i wonder what that got to do with anything?

I grew up living with muslims and I can tell you that there morals were not really something to brag about. But I am sure you are so exceptional that even mohamed looked like a dirty western whore in comparison.