SHOCKING Facts about WOMEN' ABUSE in the 'civilized' West

Originally posted by Vienna

What is the real reason for your question, you make this sound like an attack rather than a debate.
You really do have an attitude problem, listen if you feel so bad about it why don't you offer your help to aid abused women. Instead of wasting energy airing "your" views on this subject.'re not related to someone called whatsupyall are you??

When some idiots attack Islam, then I shall be in my full force to refute their lies.

my post was aimed at showing the hypocrisy in the western world
some idiots from the west claim to be so much concerned about the muslim women while at the same time ignoring the appalling state of their own women.
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Originally posted by jusmeig
Green World,

It is not fair to refer to America as "The West", let us not forget the 300 million or so Europeans. In many european countries there are female presidents and women in seats of great power.

Ireland has had 2 female presidents, and one of out former presidents went on lead the UN commission for human rights.

It is not fair to benchmark American culture "If there is such a thing", as a benchmark for the west.

As I said b4. Men beat women....not religions.


I agree, my post are directed at those hypocrite americans.

But again, even in Europe, domestic violence is serious issue, check the figures.
Originally posted by Green_World

When some idiots attack Islam, then I shall be in my full force to refute their lies.

Can you tell us who these "idiots" are, and what "lies" they tell?

my post was aimed at showing the hypocrisy in the western world

Hypocrisy is universal.

some idiots from the west claim to be so much concerned about the muslim women while at the same time ignoring the appalling state of their own women.

Give examples.....
Reports of crime in the U.S. is not a defense against crime against women in Islamic countries. This is simply a mondified "ad hominem" attack.

What is this thread doing in the religion forum anyway? None of these statistics has anything to do with religion but are about crime in the U.S.

Originally posted by Vienna
When some idiots attack Islam, then I shall be in my full force to refute their lies.

Can you tell us who these "idiots" are, and what "lies" they tell?

you should know them by reading their stuff on the religion thread. they promote all sorts of lies, from Islam supports terrorism to Islam oppress woman, to Islam ban education for religious reasons....etc.

my post was aimed at showing the hypocrisy in the western world

Hypocrisy is universal.



some idiots from the west claim to be so much concerned about the muslim women while at the same time ignoring the appalling state of their own women.

Give examples.....
Read their threads and their posts about women in Islam.
Originally posted by Raithere
Reports of crime in the U.S. is not a defense against crime against women in Islamic countries. This is simply a mondified "ad hominem" attack.

What is this thread doing in the religion forum anyway? None of these statistics has anything to do with religion but are about crime in the U.S.

Well people interesting indeed,
The event of gender relations is largly effected by religon, and religon has played a role in gender relations through out history. infact it effects the social relations that exist today.
More over the issue in which is the abuse of women, is not one that is some kind of disciminating hatred of women by men, or one that stems from "the i can beat you and get away with it" ideas as many would project.
the reality of abuse of women is no different than the reality of men that abuse men, infact the violence between men is greater in number and degree of violence, women will never exsperince the level of violence that exist between men. if fact if you read your Crime reporter reprts you find that violence between men is exstremely higher than violence against women. like wise discimination, and verbal abuse. Plainly violence against women is in no comparison to violence against men by men.
Loooking at the issue socially, america shows a good example of how violence propagets socially in the 1940s, where male violence against each other grew very raipidly, during this time we see the end of the cowboy and the incoming of the gansters, irish, itallian, black ect.... during this time violence against men by men grew so great in cities, and the violence against black men was out rite rediculous, here the violence spread to crimes against women which before had was very little in the 1920s, as the violence spread to women and was common place women became violent as well, this lead women to abuse the individuals that they could, known as children, during this time child abuse was so great as well other violence that US congress had to inact laws protecting children. in addtion women would blame men exspecially black men for rape soly to see them murdered, women became famous for poising men, and killing them in bed, they where even use widly by gansters for assinations. by any means the lagest victims of women where children, adoption house for children where havens for child molesters who sexually abuse children, many female children where forced into prostituion, wherein houses for female children became prostution houses, male children where forced into slave labor ect.. this era of violence lead to what is called the CIVIL RIGHTS campiagne or era lead by women and blacks, and whites tired of the violence. all of this began with the act of US Congress acting to protect children and later the formation of the FBI, and its operations agaisnt organized crime. This era of american histroy shows the worst level of social violence know to the human race beside the the use of children in war and wars of the old history. it is a very good of example of how bad things can get in a civilized world. it shows the complete degradtion of society to the point where it consumes its children.
Certainly it should be clear that social violence is not just a issue of males being violent, in fact current reports would show a large increase in violence by women against men and children, the fact that abortion is so common shows that women in general disregard the thier biological constitution for the sake of montary value, the morals of the motherhood are at a loss.
Domestic violence currently in america is stemed by a inbalance in equality, where in women are seen to have the upper hand leagally and by social standard, where social graces and the leagal practice demonstrate a serious inbalance in equality, regarding children, money, and marital disputes. this has happened because of the view of male physical strength, and the action of the womens rights, which was designed to effect a equality however it has been effecting the wrong generations and is seen as a inbalance of equality of law and social standard. plainly it is evident that women use men for monatry gain and use the law and children to maniuplate men for monarty resouces, this is seen as a act of slaver to men in the mind however most men will not let thier pride show that they are abused by such practice. simply women rely on such social patterns to abuse men by that inequaltiy. the fact remains that women pushed for equal rights changeing the martial situation that was previously norm to the family structure, and this cause a increase in divorce ect... premicous activity, increase in abortion (which abortion is a 1940s starty up). and the abuse of men for montary gain. these socail events have lead to a what is called domestic violence in the US. overall men are required to do the base of labor while women do little of physcial or mental labor, this has always been a inequaltiy that has irritated men, leading to violence. in current with the inequaltiy in law ect.... for the last 10 years or 20 that has cause a rise in domesectic violence. in reality laws makers did not institute equality of law, but laws that relate to past sociall patterns of marriage and male female relations where in a male is a provide or sorts, this entire idea is based on a european era in the past that has stuck with euopeans for a long time, when the women of upper classes are treated a certain way, its a old monarch game actually that has nothing to do with the common relations of a family. what many men women and law makers need to realize is that normal male female realtion require or demonstrate a near equal unit of work between men and women, as well responsibltiy. that balance of normal relations is not seen in present industrialized nations.
that is a matter of antropology.

Originally posted by Green_World
The major concerns of the "west" regarding the status and treatment of women in various countries is that which is perpetrated or condoned by the governments in question. This is not, primarily, a religious issue although some of the mistreatment has been based upon particular interpretations of religious texts and supported by particular religious groups.

Green World:
My original thought was that women in the west are severly ABUSED, now, I need figures to SUPPORT my argument and I searched and I found the above thread.

You quote inflammatory crap. There is no way that 1 in 4 women has been raped. That's absurd, and anyone with half a brain knows that.


You obviously have a poor grasp of the issues surrounding domestic violence. Perhaps some reading is in order?

Women's studies classes, extensive reading, etc.

First you accuse me of being a radical feminist and now I have a poor grasp of these issues? Make up your mind.
Originally posted by Xev
Green World:

You quote inflammatory crap. There is no way that 1 in 4 women has been raped. That's absurd, and anyone with half a brain knows that.

I dont supply figures without their sources, go back to my original thread and read at the bottom where I got these FACTS from.

I know you are shocked and ashamed, but denying these facts will make you look so CUTE !!
Originally posted by Xev
Green World:

You quote inflammatory crap. There is no way that 1 in 4 women has been raped. That's absurd, and anyone with half a brain knows that.


Women's studies classes, extensive reading, etc.

First you accuse me of being a radical feminist and now I have a poor grasp of these issues? Make up your mind.

Well speaking as an ex-social worker, with degrees in psychology and social work, I'll clue you all in as to how that report came about. The questionnaire(not created by a neutral party btw, and you'll see why in a second) had an insignificant question in the middle of the form. "Have you ever had sex with your partner when you didn't feel like it?" Now, you and I would extrapolate this to mean, "just because I do not want a sandwhich, does not mean I won't make one for my partner". That one sentence was the actual focus of the questionnaire. And you can see how it's meaning was manipulated to give the conclusion that was sought. No, 1 in 4 women have not been raped. But I guarantee you that at least 1 in 4 have had sex with their partner when they really weren't in the mood. They simply loosely translated "didn't feel like it" to mean "without want", which COULD mean involuntarily, which equals RAPE when loosely read. It's all a slight of hand.

i was on another forum that was talking about both guys AND girls who let there partners have sex if they wake up while the other partner is asleep and are horny

that would blow that statistic away COMPLEATLY
Originally posted by Asguard

i was on another forum that was talking about both guys AND girls who let there partners have sex if they wake up while the other partner is asleep and are horny

that would blow that statistic away COMPLEATLY

But the questionnaire was not given to males and females. Just females. It was a tool in the middle 70's, in an attempt for the women's movement to garner support and increase it's following. I think another report that was done by harvard gave the percentage as around 6 percent(1 in 16) of females had been raped...and I thought the study a bit more professionally done(they don't play around).I would still place it slightly higher than that as I feel that they put an assumed figure of non-reported of 4 percent, and I thought that a bit low. I would, based on experience and observation place the number at 1 in 12 or 1 in 10.

If you've actually read about domestic violence, how can you come out with rubbish which implies that women deserve such violence because of their inaction - that they let themselves be beaten?
Originally posted by Raithere
Reports of crime in the U.S. is not a defense against crime against women in Islamic countries. This is simply a mondified "ad hominem" attack.

What is this thread doing in the religion forum anyway? None of these statistics has anything to do with religion but are about crime in the U.S.


Someone move this to the Politics or Human Science or Ethics forums. It doesn't belong here.

Green, do americans throw sulphuric acid on women because they used a touch of makeup? Do americans rape women and then blame the woman for commiting adultery? Get a grip! Do americans force women to use veils in public? Get a fucking grip!
Nor do Americans prevent women from being educated nor do they say that they can not hold certain jobs due to their sex.
Well people what is fuuny about this topic is that you peop0le are trying to attack a muslium girl i assume, and make America seem like a garden of eden.
The fact is that other countries including musilm counties have a lower crime and violence rate than America, this is exspecially true of muslim countries.
America is the most socially violent country in the world, with the most rape cases, assualt, robbery, theft,child molestation, serial killers, there is no country that even compares with 60% of the these crime commited in the Americas(USA). thats just the cold facts. America has a prison population greater than 2,000,000 people, with some 1 million female prisoners, and some 1.8 to 2 million male prisoners, in comparison China a country with about 1 billion people(thats 4 time the US population) has less prisoners and a lower crime rate.
Of the US population rape, child molestation, serial murder more than 60% of such crimes are commited by white males, in contrast asian and black male combined account for less than 30% of such crimes.
The majortiy of fund for domestic violence against women is directed to the middle class, where a large amount of physical abuse occurs, and is unreported. likewise the middle class is the biggest buyer or pronograhic matterial,and is the group responsible for the use of prostitution, including the having the greates reports of incest. the middle class is also group responsible for rape, child molestation, and serial murder.
From a anthoplogical view point population abouve the 40 th lattiude show nerotic tendency, compulisve reaction, in contrast below the 40th lat. such reactions are considerd normal, demonstrating a slower reaction but well defined response, what this means is that some one below the 40th lat. who commits a crime is more likely to be focused to the action of the crime, did so deliberlty. in contrast to the north or above the 40th, where the person sought to act but did not think the action out completely, did so delibertly with out thought to theactions.
This understanding of antropology does not provide a excuse for people who commit crimes. what it demonstrates however is that people above the 40th latitude are more likely to commit crimes.
In the last five years crime in the USA has been on the low, however there has been a increase in police employment, along with a increase in Civil rights viloation by goverment, a increase in police butality that rivals the the 1960s. at the same time there has been a sharp increase in serious violent commited by youth.

The reality is that most violence against womans is caused by a inequaltiy in social and legal trends and laws that favor women. that inequality has been the reason for violence gainst women for a long time, it social relation has stems to more than just the USA, but other countries as well. mostly developing countries. this type of violence is not often demonstrated in rual, and indiginous peoples. When society recongizes the fact of equaltiy socialy and leaglly there will be a sharp decrease in violence against women.
Originally posted by Dwayne D.L.Rabon

The reality is that most violence against womans is caused by a inequaltiy in social and legal trends and laws that favor women. that inequality has been the reason for violence gainst women for a long time, it social relation has stems to more than just the USA, but other countries as well. mostly developing countries. this type of violence is not often demonstrated in rual, and indiginous peoples. When society recongizes the fact of equaltiy socialy and leaglly there will be a sharp decrease in violence against women.

You are seriously positing that the reason women are assaulted is because they are given equal rights? Are you daft? I think we should ask women what is their choice. Freedom and increased risk of assault, or oppression, with less assault, but the probability that if they're raped, they will be put to death for fornication.
Originally posted by Dwayne D.L.Rabon
Well people what is fuuny about this topic is that you peop0le are trying to attack a muslium girl i assume, and make America seem like a garden of eden.
The fact is that other countries including musilm counties have a lower crime and violence rate than America, this is exspecially true of muslim countries.
America is the most socially violent country in the world, with the most rape cases, assualt, robbery, theft,child molestation, serial killers, there is no country that even compares with 60% of the these crime commited in the Americas(USA). thats just the cold facts. America has a prison population greater than 2,000,000 people, with some 1 million female prisoners, and some 1.8 to 2 million male prisoners, in comparison China a country with about 1 billion people(thats 4 time the US population) has less prisoners and a lower crime rate.
Of the US population rape, child molestation, serial murder more than 60% of such crimes are commited by white males, in contrast asian and black male combined account for less than 30% of such crimes.
The majortiy of fund for domestic violence against women is directed to the middle class, where a large amount of physical abuse occurs, and is unreported. likewise the middle class is the biggest buyer or pronograhic matterial,and is the group responsible for the use of prostitution, including the having the greates reports of incest. the middle class is also group responsible for rape, child molestation, and serial murder.
From a anthoplogical view point population abouve the 40 th lattiude show nerotic tendency, compulisve reaction, in contrast below the 40th lat. such reactions are considerd normal, demonstrating a slower reaction but well defined response, what this means is that some one below the 40th lat. who commits a crime is more likely to be focused to the action of the crime, did so deliberlty. in contrast to the north or above the 40th, where the person sought to act but did not think the action out completely, did so delibertly with out thought to theactions.
This understanding of antropology does not provide a excuse for people who commit crimes. what it demonstrates however is that people above the 40th latitude are more likely to commit crimes.
In the last five years crime in the USA has been on the low, however there has been a increase in police employment, along with a increase in Civil rights viloation by goverment, a increase in police butality that rivals the the 1960s. at the same time there has been a sharp increase in serious violent commited by youth.

The reality is that most violence against womans is caused by a inequaltiy in social and legal trends and laws that favor women. that inequality has been the reason for violence gainst women for a long time, it social relation has stems to more than just the USA, but other countries as well. mostly developing countries. this type of violence is not often demonstrated in rual, and indiginous peoples. When society recongizes the fact of equaltiy socialy and leaglly there will be a sharp decrease in violence against women.

Thank you for SHUTING THE MORONS UP :p