Severely retarded people

In some ways, yes. But they're still questions and or points that should be answered, shouldn't they? If not, why not?

Baron Max
some retarded people actually look like they live a happyer life than the most intelligent of us you know the ones who constantly think about ethical bad things and death etc.. some retarded people are like animals blissfully unaware of bad things they might be the happyest of all ?
My mum used to look after them, some were just your usual below 70 IQ lot that can do things for themselves, they are just slow, others were your brain damaged lot who cant look after themselves and will hapily sit in their own shit and piss for hours, although they do get up and move about playing with toddler toys.

I visited my mums workplace on occasion when i was younger and it is so fucking weird to see 30-70 year old people acting and behaving at a lower level than you.
Like when i was 8 years old i'd be seeing a 40 year old dribble, wet his pants and play with toddler toys and just make sounds like "Gah gan Uh!"

But yeah i mean i never once saw them in any real distress, they only had minds of a 6 month old baby most of them IF THAT.

And your regular "intelligent" retards are so blissfully ignorent in most cases that they do not seem stressed out.

However many of them suffer serious mental illness and may be paedophiles, schizophrenic and/or psychotic, they may in many cases just not have the intelligence
for even rational behaviour or socially acceptable behaviour.
do not kill them just try to understand them. and look through there eyes it dosent actually seem so bad, looking at it from a perspective where you havent lost any intelligence so your not missing anything you had previously. your just living life where everything amazes you like a small child who can sit and wonder for hours about something so simple as a ball.
I do not like the idea that anyone is starving and is in poverty. I think that the strong have a duty to help the weak to become strong. I am in favor of some sort of socialism to redistribute wealth while allowing profit motivation. (the first part of my post was how would i prevent pregnancies of undesireables).Teams beat individuals every time and society is a team effort.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
do not kill them just try to understand them. and look through there eyes it dosent actually seem so bad, looking at it from a perspective where you havent lost any intelligence so your not missing anything you had previously. your just living life where everything amazes you like a small child who can sit and wonder for hours about something so simple as a ball.

Well the best thing would be to prevent them being born, some things are born and they really would have been better off if they had not.

This you understand is not a problem with them being different, it is our problem with people who are different, it is natural.

I know it is natural by the stupidest and most basic observation, i worked in a shop filling shelves (i am going somewhere with this) and what i noticed constantly was that... say you have a crate of 12 tins of beans and just one of those tins has a tear in the label...well guess which tin gets left till last.

This is not a coincedence i noticed and even experimented with it, i marked tins that were visually defective in some way with my marker pen and they either never got bought or were a long time on the shelf.
Or they got transfered to reduced items where they are sold at half price or something.

That means the brain automatically spots the unfamiliar and considers it worthless and unusable, the customers do not even know they are doing it,
the fact is as long as the barcode is intact you can still buy it and eat it, BUT THEY DONT,time and time again people are visually inspecting everything they buy to see if it is "normal" or comes to a standard of all the rest.

If you cannot even make people buy tins of beans with slightly defective labels, how in the hell are you ever going to get people to accept defective humans.

I hope someone tells me how to fix the label issue, i would make alot of money by saving corporations big bucks.
It is too expensive to re-label, cheaper to throw away thus much of the profit that could be made goes in the garbage.
john smith said:
We could kill baron max...just a thought?:)

HAHAHA!! Very funny!! :D Yes what a good idea! We could "kill baron max". Hahaha. Oh mercy! :D You really are a funny guy! What a sense of humour! Please stop, your soooo funny! Hahaha! What wit, maturity and sophistication! I thaught people came on this forum for intellectual discussion you fat poon!
Yes well, with a title 'Von Chav', and an Statment saying "Gold chains and Stella", i really wonder if you can even comprehend what 'intellect' actually means....
What exactly would be achieved by killing all the "severely retarded" people? More people to do other things besides take care of tards? So we'd have more factory workers and artists, and cops and music store clerks, but so what? Eventually we'll blow ourselves up, or a comet will blow us up, or the universe will become uninhabitable, and all of our stuff won't matter. And when that happens, what would you want the angels/4-dimensional beings rewinding the tape of the Universe Experiment/All-knowing snail upon whose antenna the universe had been sitting to think about us: "They sure grew a lot of soybeans and rice, and in the end they made some pretty fast spaceships too," or "they may have been about the lowest thing on the ladder of awareness but it was nice how they gave all the ree-rees hugs and gold medals." All life that we know is selfish; it is concerned first and foremost with self-preservation. So since we have the choice and the ability, why would we chose not to help someone have a decent life who otherwise wouldn't?
RoscoHowOriginal said:
So since we have the choice and the ability, why would we chose not to help someone have a decent life who otherwise wouldn't?

Well, the problem is that we aren't given that CHOICE! Our tax money is being used to pay for their care ....we have no choice in the matter. My personal opinion is that everyone should take care of their own kid(s) or not have the damned things! If they can't care for them, shoot them.

I think peope who WANT to help should do so, those that don't shouldn't be forced to care/pay for something that they had no decision in creating. For me, it's as simple as that. Why should I be forced to pay money to care for YOUR child???

RoscoHowOriginal said:
What exactly would be achieved by killing all the "severely retarded" people?

They might make good target practice? Perhaps the ones who could run might provide good exercise for hunters in perfecting their hunting skills? The non-ambulatory ones could be used as the bases during baseball games? Geez, I'm sure we could think up lots of things.

Baron Max
You have a point, and it's not wrong to be mad about your money being used to help people you will never met, but there is a big difference between that and wanting to exterminate them.

Also, not that I want this to become the place to chat about alternate uses for retards, but what about:

Battles to the Death?
Traffic cones?
Grocery Store Baggers?
RoscoHowOriginal said:
You have a point, and it's not wrong to be mad about your money being used to help people you will never met, but there is a big difference between that and wanting to exterminate them.

I never advocated exterminating them if their "loved ones" would take care of them. It's only the ones that are abandoned by their "loved ones" that I don't care about ...if they don't want them, why should I?

Baron Max
I never advocated exterminating them if their "loved ones" would take care of them. It's only the ones that are abandoned by their "loved ones" that I don't care about ...if they don't want them, why should I?

Why should anyone want you around?
Baron Max said:
Wow! Now that's a really intelligent addition to the discussion. Thanks.

Baron Max
Oh rite, of course but THIS definatly is
Baron Max said:
It's only the ones that are abandoned by their "loved ones" that I don't care about ...if they don't want them, why should I?
isnt it???