Severely retarded people

jhuang said:
Going back to the original question on this post:

Killing people because they're retarded is unacceptable.

I think we're all past that argument/discussion. What's going on now is .....who is to pay for their treatment/care?

If YOU have a severly retarded/handicapped child, is it YOUR responsibility or are you going to "force" the rest of us to pay for it thru taxes or such???

Baron Max
First off, I am curious to the use of words such as 'retarded' and 'insane'. In NZ these terms are considered derogatory and no profession uses these terms. It must be a USA thing.
I've worked with the Intellectually challenged, and yes, the public may see these folk as being a waste of space, but it could be you or a loved one (after a road accident or something) in that position.
It seems to me that a lot of people on this board are quite young, and it will take a few knocks from the school of life to gain compassion for those less fortunate.
I also want to say that I've noticed in other threads that people come on this board and get attacked. Why do this when people are trying to reach out??
Balder1 said:
Does anyone else think that severely retarded people should be killed, or at least aborted at birth? I know it goes against most people's morals, but they really do nothing good for our society and live pretty sad lives as it is. I'm mostly talking about the ones who can't really talk, but feel free to add your own thoughts about this.

Yes, I believe humane human euthanization should be an acceptable option in some circumstances.
Rekkr said:
Yes, I believe humane human euthanization should be an acceptable option in some circumstances.

And I think that we all should be humanely euthanized, or even better, humanely exterminated.
kirstykiwi said:
...but it could be you or a loved one (after a road accident or something) in that position.

But if that were the case, I'd hope that my own family would care for me or my loved ones ......NOT force others to do so by "stealing" tax money!!

kirstykiwi said:
I also want to say that I've noticed in other threads that people come on this board and get attacked. Why do this when people are trying to reach out??

"Reaching out"?? What the hell is that? You mean "begging" for help when they can't help themselves and no one else will help them? Beggars, that's what we call 'em ....fuck that "reach out" liberal bullshit term!

If you want to help those who "reach out", then please do so .....but don't try to FORCE others to do so. That ain't nice.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
But if that were the case, I'd hope that my own family would care for me or my loved ones ......NOT force others to do so by "stealing" tax money!!
Baron, there is so much wrong with the way you think. You'd "hope" that your own family would care for you? If I were your family, I don't think I would, knowing you as I do. I also think it is entirely possible that your family could not "care" for you. What if your family could not afford the "care?" And Bitch, get a grip! "Stealing" tax money?! What do you think bush is doing when he chooses to fight a war in Iraq for oil and underfund education in america the great?! Oh, but I forgot, you are not against the war in Iraq, are you?

"Reaching out"?? What the hell is that? You mean "begging" for help when they can't help themselves and no one else will help them? Beggars, that's what we call 'em ....fuck that "reach out" liberal bullshit term!
I call you scum of the KKK generation.

If you want to help those who "reach out", then please do so .....but don't try to FORCE others to do so. That ain't nice.
Fuck nice. You wouldn't know the term if it bit you on your pimply little ass.
I gather from your postings that you have serious anger issues and a big chip on your shoulder about taxes.
I can think of far more trivial things that people spend their taxes on. Don't ever go onto welfare will you, because that means people are supporting you through taxes. And if you ever have a child who is sadly born with severe problems, please ensure that your child is cared for by yourself and family, rather than put that child into an institutional setting. This may mean 24 hour care for your child, so there you socially inept little person.
kirstykiwi said:
Baronmax, I gather from your postings that you have serious anger issues....

Nope, ye're wrong.

kirstykiwi said:
...and a big chip on your shoulder about taxes.

No, not a "big chip on my shoulder", but an honest view of what taxes are really for. Have all of the citizens agreed to those uses of taxes? Do they agree that taxes are to be used for only a few people, or for all of the people?

I don't see this is an anger issue or such, but an issue of free citizenship and a government for all of the people. Using tax money to support only a few goes against everything that I've ever beleived about government ...of the people, by the people and for the people. The people should have a say in how their tax money is spent.

Your argument then reverts to a plea for human compassion. But that's not the role of government! I agree that the people who want to be compassionate should be permitted to do so. But do you agree that others shouldn't be FORCED to be compassionate if they don't want to?? If not, you're not very compassionate, are you?

Baron Max
Baron Max,
You'd make a good Anarchist. Hey, I agree with you about 'of the people, for the people, by the people', but "you can't please all of the people all of the time".
So ....? Does that mean, Kirstykiwi, that you still agree that people should be forced to be compassionate and pay for the welfare of others? ...even when they don't want to? Is that being "compassionate"? Should "compassion" be forced by governments?

Anarchy? No, not by a long sight! I believe in laws ...humans can't coexist together without them, but the fewer laws there are, the better.

Baron Max
Well, what if I didn't want to pay for roading, infrastructure etc?? I shouldn't "forced" to but it's a neccessary evil, or we wouldn't progress.
And my country is a welfare state, which some working tax payers object to, but when it comes to peoples health (and that includes the intellectually disabled) we simply must accept that taxes for health are paramount.
kirstykiwi, Baron Max is not worth your effort. He's old and set in his ways. He could never admit to being wrong, and "How dare you!!" if you try to tell him that he is.
kirstykiwi said:
Well, what if I didn't want to pay for roading, infrastructure etc?? I shouldn't "forced" to but it's a neccessary evil, or we wouldn't progress.

Who decided that those were neccesary for progress? Who decided that to spend taxpayer money of those roads and infra-structures?

Well, I can tell you's the people who USE those roads and infra-structures! How many people get to "use" severely retarded children? And more to the point, if you help one family with their child, how can you not help other families with their children?

kirstykiwi said:
And my country is a welfare state, .....we simply must accept that taxes for health are paramount.

Well, that's a major difference in NZ and the USA, isn't it? Would you advocate that the USA become a welfare state like NZ? If not, why not? If so, why?

I don't think we should ......but it's looking more and more like it all the time. And strangely, people will complain bitterly about paying taxes, yet seem so perfectly willing for the government to help the less-fortunate tho' the money comes from trees or shrubs in the "backyard of government"!!

Baron Max
Cottontop3000 said:
kirstykiwi, Baron Max is not worth your effort. He's old and set in his ways. He could never admit to being wrong, ...

How can questions be wrong, Cotton?

Baron Max