Severely retarded people

cosmictraveler said:
Why should anyone want you around?

:D Could'nt agree more. With severly retarded racist yanks like "Baron Max" about, the world is never going to be a safe place. In Baron's case, I'd welcome genocide...
Whats next Baron? A 'pre-emptive' strike on Iran or Syria?? Hell, maybe you want to drown more "niggers" in New Orleans, simply because they live below the poverty line!
Are you going to don your "national guard" costume, with your plastic bb gun or your "ku klux klan" one, complete with a burning crucifix?? Hell, even a Hitler moustache and swastika might suit you better!
I bet your one of them 'Evangelical' types too - hell, with God's authorisation you can do anything! All you worry about is how much gas you have left in your environment-destroying luxury sedan or where the next McDonalds is coming from.
Count yourself lucky that your family kept you - but as for the rest of us, we've hit a stroke of bad luck. Your miserable, purposeless existence is the blight of us all. Die. Now. Please.
Even if the majority of the world population decided that they were sick of retards getting a free ride off of their tax money (are the majority of the world population just straight up dicks?), and the world leaders went on TV to say "Sorry tards, if you can't find somebody to pay for you we're going to shoot you every hour on the hour until there are no more tards" SOMEBODY with the resources would adopt them.

Crash test dummies
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CPR mannequins
RoscoHowOriginal said:
SOMEBODY with the resources would adopt them.

And that's all I've ever advocated .....that someone pay for them by CHOICE, not by FORCE! If we, as "compassionate" humans (wish I think is an oxymoron!), then at some point, why should anyone do anything except lay back and let others take care of them??? What incentive is/will there be for working or earning a living ....if the bleeding-heart liberals just take it and give it to others that THEY deem more worthy?

If you have a child, then you should be able to adequately care for it. If you can't, then you should seek out the bleeding-heart liberals and ask THEM to pay. But to FORCE others to care for YOUR child is simply wrong!

Baron Max
So what's the solution in the real world? "Sorry folks we're turning all these retards loose until some rich hippie comes to feed them and wipe their asses?" I think most would agree that forcing people who are lucky enough to have the capability to make a living pay slightly more on their taxes is the lesser evil next to letting them loose to die God knows how or killing them outright. Unless there is a solution that I am missing in which the tards will be treated humanely but nobody pays for it, in which case, sign me up, I want to be retarded too.

Playground equipment tester
Iron Chef
RoscoHowOriginal said:
So what's the solution in the real world?

People paying for their own children and if they can't, then their family should help if they can. If that doesn't work, then they should resort to VOLUNTARY charity sources ...of which, if we consider the number of bleeding-heart liberals, there must be a gazillion of willing volunteers!!!!

Where the fuck ARE the bleeding heart liberals when they're needed???? Or are they ONLY bleeding heart liberals when they're dealing with the money of OTHERS???

Baron Max
I agree with you that people should take care of their own children and if you don't have enough money you should try your best not to get pregnant. But until the magical day when poor people decide to be responsible, what should we do with all the retards that can't take care of themselves? My only point was: "Should we kill retarded people?" "No that is the worst thing I have ever heard."

Also it seems like in your mind the only people who rely on the government to take care of their children are deadbeats who should have just used a condom. While this may be true in some (if not the if not the majority of) cases, there are also families who had planned on having "normal" children, but got stuck with a child that requires constant care that they just can't afford on their own. Are they just out of luck?
RoscoHowOriginal said:
...there are also families who had planned on having "normal" children, but got stuck with a child that requires constant care that they just can't afford on their own. Are they just out of luck?

No, they're not "out of luck" ...they just apply for charity from all the gazillion bleeding heart liberals! Bleeding heart liberals are always, constantly, saying that they want to care for the less fortunate .....such a charity would do double duty; help the needy AND provide an outlet for the driving need of the bleeding heart liberals to give their money and support. Perfect solution ...both factions get exactly what they want and need.

Baron Max
So we should cut off government money to retards and hope there are enough bleeding heart liberal charities (those FUCKING charity running BASTARDS!!!!!!!) to support them before the dead tards start piling up?

Paul Revere: The British are coming! The British are coming!
Townsfolk: GodDAMN British FUCKS!!!!! They should let us govern ourselves!!!!
Paul: Yes I agree but they are coming right now!
Townsfolk: Why do the fucking British COMMIES always feel great about taxing OTHER PEOPLES' TEA???????!!!!!!!
Paul: I don't know but their army is coming here very soon with guns! To arms!
Townsfolk: The solution is they should leave us alone and tax their own tea more. That way we would both be happy.
Paul: That would be a great solution but there is a problem that needs to be solved RIGHT NOW before that can happen.
Townsfolk: You know I'm not even so sure I buy into this sensationalist media coverage. What if the British army is really small and weak?

Yes private charities SHOULD take care of everyone but there are just not enough people and not enough money for this to happen in the real world. In the meanwhile, you can bitch about it like that asshole relative who always finds something to complain about at a restaurant, you can get over it, or you can go the Thoreau route and refuse to pay that portion of your taxes and go to jail for your beliefs.

But I don't think that "I'm sick of supporting the mentally handicapped!" will be as respectable viewpoint years down the road as refusing to support the Fugitive Slave Act and Manifest Destiny.
Where are the so-called "bleeding heart liberals" when you need them eh?? They'd gracefully retire Baron Max to the retirement home and we would'nt have to put up with his prattle!
What the hell do you mean by "factions"?? If your're not a "bleeding heat liberal" baron, then I bet you're a damn neo-conservative!
Whats that smell?? On Baron! Please go change your incontinence pants again! Good job your paying "bleeding heart liberals" to do that or you'd drown in your own urine!

Tell me, what bussiness does a racist 62 year-old fossil have on these forums? I think you're looking for young flesh eh Baron?? You want to meet 10-year old 'Kerry' by the hot dog stand don't you? :D
.....such a charity would do double duty; help the needy AND provide an outlet for the driving need of the bleeding heart liberals to give their money and support. Perfect solution ...both factions get exactly what they want and need.

This could be interpreted to say that the two factions are bleeding heart liberals and needy retards. I know some bleeding heart liberals who would agree.
Von Chav said:
Where are the so-called "bleeding heart liberals" when you need them eh?? They'd gracefully retire Baron Max to the retirement home and we would'nt have to put up with his prattle!
What the hell do you mean by "factions"?? If your're not a "bleeding heat liberal" baron, then I bet you're a damn neo-conservative!
Whats that smell?? On Baron! Please go change your incontinence pants again! Good job your paying "bleeding heart liberals" to do that or you'd drown in your own urine!

Tell me, what bussiness does a racist 62 year-old fossil have on these forums? I think you're looking for young flesh eh Baron?? You want to meet 10-year old 'Kerry' by the hot dog stand don't you? :D

I love it Chav, absolutly love it :D , you know what, i think youve just written everything which everyone in these forums (with the exception of all Racists and neo nazis) has felt about the Baron for quite some time, excellent sumisation :m:
ayla_z said:
Ah, but we weren't deciding, we were thinking..... pondering... wondering.. and just maybe we don't have alll the data neccesary to make a decision,... Unknown is exactly what the problem is.. it is unknown what to "do with" extremely retarded humans... besides wonder at the wonderment ..

But in the meantime, while ye're pondering and wondering, are you advocating that all citizens of a nation should be FORCED to care for and provide for and pay for the support of someone else's child?

I don't want to kill them or let them die, but I also think that that choice should be voluntary, NOT FORCED upon the citizens of that nation. You, and others who feel as you do, are more than welcome to provide charitable donations and care for those children ...please do.... but how can you possibly advocate forcing others to do so?

Baron Max
Wow, ayla z, if you truly believe that, then there is little or nothing that anyone can say to change your mind.

I'm sorry that you feel as though you're a "ward" of the government ....INSTEAD of you actually BEING A PART OF the government. Do you live in a nation where the people have no say, no votes, no power? If so, I'm sorry.

Baron Max
Why is everyone so obsessed with this retard thread?? I don't get it!!!! Just let the poor souls be, hey some of them got it better than you, Iv'e seen some 500,000 dollar homes catering to retards, and I mean catering!!! So don't feel so bad, the government takes care of the weak and helpless, and gets people poorer than the retards to work for measly salaries in the name of the goodness in their hearts!!! Lets talk about getting more money for the people whom take care of the retards on a daily basis, they deserve all the attention!!!
Balder1 said:
Does anyone else think that severely retarded people should be killed, or at least aborted at birth? I know it goes against most people's morals, but they really do nothing good for our society and live pretty sad lives as it is. I'm mostly talking about the ones who can't really talk, but feel free to add your own thoughts about this.
How many able people you know that do any good to the society? Can you really say you've been good to the society?