Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage

How so? Very curious statements. Judging by the way things have played out in recent years I'd tend to agree with you.

Islam doesn't believe in collective responsibility for the group. People are broadly free to decide what they want to believe. You can have an opinion on what others believe, but in general, if their society agrees to it, thats their opinion/problem. Its why there are so many sects but all are Islam. You can move around freely between them, limited only by familial or ethnic considerations the group decides. Its why Saudis don't care what Indonesians do or Indians don't care what Moroccans do, even though they are all Sunni Muslims.
I think Iran has the death sentence for rape. I don't think its gender or age related. I also think its highly excessive. They recently executed a 20 year old who had <allegedly> raped three boys as a thirteen year old

The death sentence? I too disagree with the death sentence on principle.

But why was he killed? If rape of little kids is acceptable in some societies and was so freely practiced in the past, why was this poor individual killed? Oh yeah, I guess if he was an old Cleric, it would have been fine. Is it only acceptable if the rapist is an adult male?

Well if I can look objectively at killing children, I can certainly manage looking at raping them objectively.
You can look objectively at killing children? How so? Your debate in the horrors in Gaza and the number of deaths of children there was not objective. So how do you look objectively at killing children?
Islam doesn't believe in collective responsibility for the group. People are broadly free to decide what they want to believe. You can have an opinion on what others believe, but in general, if their society agrees to it, thats their opinion/problem. Its why there are so many sects but all are Islam. You can move around freely between them, limited only by familial or ethnic considerations the group decides. Its why Saudis don't care what Indonesians do or Indians don't care what Moroccans do, even though they are all Sunni Muslims.

This doesn't sound right. You can't eliminate certain emotions. I don't believe that not a single Muslim feels bad about what some of their fellow Muslims are doing. When Saddam laid waste to the Kurds, not one Muslim felt even a little guilt or shame? People leave the Islamic faith for that not be associated with inhumane acts.

Are you sure it isn't denial you're feeling?
When Saddam laid waste to the Kurds, not one Muslim felt even a little guilt or shame?
Are you sure it isn't denial you're feeling?

Why should I feel bad about what Saddam did?
People leave the Islamic faith for that not be associated with inhumane acts.

Sounds like uneducated Muslims to me. Being a Muslim is not about what other people do.
Why should I feel bad about what Saddam did?
You are happy with it then? Indifferent? Apathetic? Uncompassionate? I still think its denial

Sounds like uneducated Muslims to me. Being a Muslim is not about what other people do.

Educated Muslims leave the flock too SAM. Probably because of what other Muslims do or didn't do.
You are happy with it then? Indifferent? Apathetic? Uncompassionate? I still think its denial

?? how do you arrive at that conclusion? I feel as responsble for the Kurds and Iranians that Saddam killed as I do for the Ethiopians killing the Somalians.

Educated Muslims leave the flock too SAM. Probably because of what other Muslims do or didn't do.
Nope, not educated at all. More likely westernised. They then move to countries where natives live in reservations and societies are built on structural adjustment policies that starve the Third world. Do they feel responsible for that, do you think? Guilt is very convenient. And opportune.
find out that any "harm" to children is basless superstition and encourage sexual liberation in children.
I'm not going to read the whole thread to see if someone has been calm enough to point this out, so I apologize in advance if I'm just repeating...

You do realize this has nothing to do with children being sexual or not, right? Of course they are sexual. First of all, many girls reach puberty younger than thirteen. Second, even before puberty most humans go through a stage of development where they're deeply curious about their sexual organs and sexual pleasure. Third, many children before puberty can attain sexual pleasure. You'd have to be pretty ignorant to not know this.

The idea of statutory rape laws (which I agree need to be amended) is to prevent children from making choices they do not have the capacity to make. In fact, we do this in many other ways too. An eight year old usually does not have the ability to understand what current actions will do to their 20, 30 years down the line future. So, for instance, we make school mandatory. I'm sure if we didn't do this, if school was optional by child's choice every year, we would see about 80% of children drop out of school before 10 years old. And that is viewed as a negative. So we prevent it.

The same goes for sex. An eight year old does not yet have the capacity to understand the impact it may (or may not) have on their life. So we don't grant them the choice. Also, it would be unbelievably easy for an adult to trick or convince or shame a child into doing something they didn't really want to do. (If you've ever been a teacher, you know how true this is).

Now, an argument could be made that there would be no negative impact (aside from the health risks) if society did a 180 and stopped telling the children there was a negative impact. And, frankly, I think that's a fair argument. It's not provable (not falsifiable), but it certainly has some weight to it. How much of the "feeling bad" do we create ourselves by saying things like "oh, she must feel so bad." Even the grammar of it reads like an instruction to the child. But, as I said, it's not a falsifiable argument at this point and therefore most people don't want to take the risk that the negative impacts are not purely a result of social stigma.

As for marriage, I can't imagine any argument in support of 10 year olds being allowed to wed. At 10 years of age, very few people have the sort of foresight and maturity necessary to know what you want for the next 60 years of life. Nor is it reasonable to expect a child to at ten.

You can counter with "frankly, most 19 year olds don't seem mature enough, but you let them marry!" Well, yeah. But that's because we think at 19 you have all the faculties biologically (a fully developed brain, fully developed sexual organs, etc.) such that you should, in some sense, be able to be mature enough to make your own decisions.
I'm just saying that its curious that people have just discovered in the last 20? 30? years that pedophilia is harmful to the child
Completely incorrect. The Greeks and Romans both new this and wrote of it often. Many at that time and those places felt that only after "maturity" (puberty) was one capable of properly being a sexual object/user/whatever. This is why in Roman culture the high-class women and men were not expected to be involved in sex until past thirteen; although after 13/14 it was open game.

As well, the Chinese and Korean held similar beliefs, though significantly less scientific in nature. The sort of out-there Daoist reasoning for fucking lots of young girls was simple: "they have life force, and if you sleep with them, you will take their life force and live longer and be stronger." Or course, the implied next part was "and they will live shorter and be weaker." But this was of no concern to the men, obviously. And even in this bizarre Daoist understanding of physical energy, the women we're supposed to be at least puberty age.


And by the way, the only reason China does not lead in reported cases of child prostitution is because they're not reported.
At 10 years of age, very few people have the sort of foresight and maturity necessary to know what you want for the next 60 years of life.

In most cultures where this is practiced it isn't the child making the decision, it is the parents and marriage isn't a romantic decision, its a matter of family financial and social/political significance.

I think its interesting that such marriages aren't any less successful than our later in life "romantic" self chosen ones.
Which brings me to the point: Was it right for the Europeans to pressure Arabs to ban Slavery?

First you are conflating a difference of kind with a difference of degree.

Your sensibilities are offended because you think they marry too young, but you are not objecting to the institution of marriage.

With slavery it is the institution itself which is being objected to. You aren't merely objecting to them enslaving people too young.

Second I have no objection to pressuring by governments to governments so long as that pressure falls short of force for trivial internal civil issues. The EU telling Arabs they find certain practices unacceptable and then refusing to trade with them is not an issue for me.

I do object to prying into the private bedroom life of people who are well within their civil rights for their homeland just because Michael is grossed out.

Stop being such a provicial bore. People live differently than you find acceptable. Get over it already.
Chimpanzees are also known to hunt down monkeys and eat their brains. Does that mean we should condone such behaviour in human society today?

Actually they eat the whole monkey and humans eat both monkeys and chimps.

And yet now, cannibalism is very rare these days

You seem to be implying that chimps eating monkeys is cannibalism, it isn't. When chimps kill other chimps they don't eat them to my knowledge.
Islam doesn't believe in collective responsibility for the group.

?? That's not true at all. There's any number of blanket statements about Jews or Christians or non-believers in the Quran, not to mention the hadiths. The oppression described in Q 9: 29 is, indeed, a group punishment; Sura 9 in particular is rife with group accusations. Christians and Jews are described en masse as apes and pigs. Presumably atheists would be similarly described.

People are broadly free to decide what they want to believe.

That's not the impression I get from huddud at all.

Its why there are so many sects but all are Islam. You can move around freely between them, limited only by familial or ethnic considerations the group decides.

That already strikes me as a group-based form of discrimination. (And you definitely can't move out of them, which I do thank you for alluding to.)

Why should I feel bad about what Saddam did?

So why should Americans feel bad about what their army does in Iraq? :shrug:

Sounds like uneducated Muslims to me. Being a Muslim is not about what other people do.

Er...Pact of Umar?
?? That's not true at all. There's any number of blanket statements about Jews or Christians or non-believers in the Quran, not to mention the hadiths. The oppression described in Q 9: 29 is, indeed, a group punishment; Sura 9 in particular is rife with group accusations. Christians and Jews are described en masse as apes and pigs. Presumably atheists would be similarly described.

That's not the impression I get from huddud at all.

That already strikes me as a group-based form of discrimination. (And you definitely can't move out of them, which I do thank you for alluding to.)

So why should Americans feel bad about what their army does in Iraq? :shrug:

Er...Pact of Umar?

Please refrain from inundating me with your ignorant bigotry. I am not going to enable your hate site based rhetoric. Your malicious, misrepresented, underhanded, uncited and unsupported attempts at inflaming anti-Muslim hatred will no longer be entertained.
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There is something decidedly dirty and wrong with an adult wanting to have sex with 10 or 12 year olds, regardless of sex. There is something dirty and wrong with feeling sexually attracted to little children. A marriage certificate and a blessing from one's religious leaders does not make it any less dirty or wrong.
My point is that someone who finds children sexually attractive.. a man who gets a hard on when looking at a child and a woman who gets aroused when looking at a child.. when that child becomes the object of desire to an adult.. that is sick. Imagine you have a 10 year old daughter and a 45 year old man tells you that he finds your daughter sexually appealing and attractive and he gets turned on by her. Would you feel proud or disgusted?
I'm going to, um, take one for the team here and be waaaay too honest.

I'm a teacher. Parents entrust me with the care of their children every day. And I would never, ever, ever do something to break that trust. But any young male who says they've never gotten aroused by something that in society is deemed "sick" is most likely lying. Keep in mind, getting aroused is not the same as doing something about it.

I'm 22 years old and my penis still seems to think I'm sixteen. If I'm riding on the bus, or studying or just sitting in a fucking chair long enough, I'm bound to get an erection. It's just the nature of my penis and has almost nothing to do with my current actions or surroundings. Girls or no, I will get a hard-on several times a day at least.

Given that staring at sheets of Chinese characters apparently makes me aroused (I still don't know why), is it so surprising that young girls do? I have some students who are 14 or 15 years old and have smoking hot bodies.

Now, if you think what I just said is sick, you're totally missing the point. There are some girls who at 14, 15, hell even 13 years old have big boobs, round curves and a pretty face. If you showed me a picture of the girl and didn't tell me her age I wouldn't be able to guess. The minute I know she's thirteen years old, my mind immediately erases any desire to have sex with her. But my penis doesn't listen to my brain. And I frankly would be surprised if any youngish male's penis listens to his brain 100% of the time. If I'm playing a game with my students that happens to have them jumping up and down, or whatever, and there are five sets of beautiful breasts bouncing in my face, I don't really feel ashamed that my penis enjoys that. (N.B. For exactly this reason I've learned to play fewer bouncing games with teenage students.)

And I'm not the only teacher who feels this way. Not by a long shot. Of my colleagues only one has not admitted to finding surprisingly young girls hot - and he is a 25 year old virgin, so I'm not so sure he's being honest with himself about anything. This is also a guy who thinks homosexuality ought to be outlawed. In fact, it's kind of a common locker-room type joke around here: "I should come back here in 5 years and find all my old students!"

My point is that it's actually 100% natural. Women are best at child-birthing when they are young. Biologically, you and all other males are programed to like the features of young women. Some girls exhibit those features at 12, 13, 14 years old. And your penis and hormones would love to get a piece of that. That you've been socially stigmatized (and I argue for good reason) to lean away from that is certainly true and effective. But your penis is not as easily swayed by social norms as is your brain. And neither is mine.

Compounding this always difficult feeling as a teacher are the facts that (a) in China, large age gaps are not frowned upon at all in a couple (b) teacher-student relations are much more common here (c) students are very touchy with their teacher. This last one is most difficult to adjust to. As well, I'm the only young and, ahem, somewhat good looking teacher at my school (the only other young one being the 25 year old virgin... you do the math...), and everyone likes something exotic and I speak Chinese so the female students are quite fond. When you have a group of 14 year old girls who are quite developed wanting to sit on your lap and jump up to hug you, it's a force of will power to deny yourself any pleasure from it. And I honestly don't believe any young male would feel any differently, except that social stigma keeps us away from it.

The most difficult, by far, was dealing with young children. Girls under the age of 10 are especially prone to this behaviour. (Between 10 - 13 they seem to get shy about themselves, the same as in Canada.) When I first came to China I would do everything in my power to avoid even touching a 9 year old, out of fear that the parents would find it inappropriate, as Canadian parents would. Over time you get use to it and learn there's nothing wrong as long as the culture doesn't think so. If a nine year old grabs onto my leg, now I just keep on with whatever I'm doing. If the parents see, they'll just laugh and comment that their child is quite precocious. (This extends to hitting naughty children as well. It's a common refrain when we have teacher-parent interviews. "Your child is misbehaved in class and stops other kids from learning." "Well did you hit him?" "No." "Well that's your problem. Hit him, he'll smarten up.")
What do you think? Do you think it is sick that an adult male gets aroused and turned on at the thought of a 10 year old boy performing oral sex on him.. so much so that he ejaculates into the boy's mouth? Or do you think it is normal behaviour?
Normal. Totally normal. By the way, you're aware 'normal' is a subjective term relating to cultural and social practices, right? So if there's a culture where this is common and not frowned upon than it is, a priori, "normal".

It's also "natural" - which I think might be the word you're looking for. Yes, humans use sex for pleasure rather than purely for reproduction. That is one thing that seperates us from insects; though not from a few other animals (dolphins, chimps, etc.). And like those few other animals that have sex for pleasure, homosexual and pedophilia sex are quite natural events that have happened since the dawn of man in every culture in the world. And therefore are natural.
You realise the concept of "childhood" is a western one? It doesn't exist in the east. Children are little people. They work for a living or starve. If no labour is available they become prostitutes. Marriage is also common. Its only in societies where people have the privilege of living comfortable lives [mainly at the expense of these "backward" countries], that such luxuries as childhood are available.
Wrong. While it's true that children in China worked - as they did everywhere else in the world until the last 80 years or so - Chinese culture has always placed special emphasis on children and had a defined notion of childhood.

For that matter, so does Jewish culture - which you probably know. In Jewish culture you are a child until 13 or so, when you can begin studying the Torah.

For that matter, what you said is complete crap! Most cultures in history have had some "right of passage" and they are well documented. Every group of people has had some ceremony to celebrate the passage into adulthood. And if the person wasn't an adult before the passage, what were they? A child. And were in childhood. Which was distinct from adulthood.
I've actually almost walked out of class a few times out of fear of where conversations were heading.

I had a class that just finished with 5 girls ranging from 14 - 16 years old. They are all lead by one particularly outgoing, loud and opinionated gal, but each of them joins in the fun just as much. And because Chinese is a sexually repressed country out in public (private is quite another story altogether*), it's like a tidal wave of ideas and questions as soon as they can talk to a foreigner. This is simultaneously the ease and difficulty of teaching teenagers here; they will talk about anything (great!), and ask you questions about everything (sometimes troublesome).

Anyway, one day I walked into class and the first words out of one student's mouth were "do you use a condom every time you have sex?" I just burst into laughter and said something like "condoms are a good idea and you should use them." (I'm assuming she'd just learned the word 'condom' from some friend that day.) Another student followed up "but when do you put it on? when you start taking your clothes off or, like, right before you go in the girl?"

Now it was the day after a big test, so I'd promised the girls we could do anything they wanted for that day and their choice had been a discussion about Chinese vs. Western customs and norms. I wasn't aware at the time of that agreement that they meant sexual norms.

They're young girls and naturally very curious about all these matters. But the questions started getting vivid enough that I felt it was inappropriate to continue. On the other hand, I didn't really want them to know I thought it was inappropriate. I believe strongly in a number of the values of my culture and would like to encourage the understanding of them over here in China. I think we've got a lot of things right that they've got wrong, and I hope I can open a few people's eyes. So if I start talking like their teachers, and saying "this is inappropriate for discussion" - especially when I believe anything should be open for honest discussion - they will lose all faith in the Western way being any better than the Chinese way.

So I had to keep on answering questions, though doing so in as PG a way as I could. Then, finally, a girl asks me what a blowjob is. Usually I don't speak Chinese in the class (if I do it, they will). On this instance I just translated. But the questions just kept getting more vivid. "What do Western girls do with the... um... stuff.. after the blowjob? Should I do that?"

If you're honestly going to tell me that hot 15 year old girls asking you what they should do with cum after they suck a guy off wouldn't get you at little bit turned on... well... either you've been deeply, deeply affected by social pressure or you're lying.

To finish the story - I took our class break 10 minutes early and came back with an activity prepared to make sure the questions didn't go any further. The whole thing was playing out like a Pent House letter and I didn't want to get to the "so what does it look like?" part.
Oh, I forgot.

*China is a land of paradoxes. It's both the most sexually repressed and sexually open place I've ever been. There seem to be levels of 'openness' or 'modern' that are very well defined.

Some girls will only have sex once married, and even then don't really like it or do it much and it's mainly to keep the man happy and have babies.

Some girls will have 2-3 boyfriends before marriage that they sleep with, and that's it. And usually they won't do anything besides straight-up, common, missionary sex.

Some girls will have a bunch of lovers before marriage and are willing to try most things.

And finally, the oddest group, the combined mix of "traditional"/modern/something I don't quite understand. These are usually girls who would prefer to have few lovers before marriage, but with their lover will do absolutely anything, no questions asked, and only excitement. They will take it in the ass, beg you to come on their face and whatever else floats your boat. (I really wish I had more out-there fetishes, because China would be the place to see them realized.)

But every one of these girls will not discuss sex in public, even among friends, and would never admit to being anything other than "mostly traditional". Even the prostitutes would call themselves that.

And the men... Well... Someone is using those 1000+ brothels in my town. That's all you need to know.
They do. (Goodall, 1986:151)

I'd thought so.

Please refrain from inundating me with your ignorant bigotry. I am not going to enable your hate site based rhetoric. Your malicious, misrepresented, underhanded, uncited and unsupported attempts at inflaming anti-Muslim hatred will no longer be entertained.

?? None of those words apply, frankly. There's nothing malicious about it, I support my statements fully (I note you still haven't made any comment about that time you linked to the MSA at USC) and they refer to islamic politico-religious functions, not to Muslims. To take a parallel: it's akin to criticizing the Catholic church, not Catholics themselves. And why should one not do this? I suspect that your response is typical of people very tightly tied to their beliefs, so much that they cannot dissociate them from the logical progression of social humanism.

In the meantime, you dodge issues, engage in tu quoque (which you really don't seem to like when it's applied to you), and slander. I'll tell you what: illustrate one post where I criticize muslims for being muslims and I'll be happy to agree with you, apologize, and clarify my position. The unfortunate thing for your false characterizations is that such a post does not exist.

For the moment, however, it must be understood that your characterisations are meant to damage my character so that I cannot raise issues that you find to difficult to discuss about islamic political-religious memes, such as the huddud laws, or regulations on apostasy, the suppression of minority indigenous cultures by islamic society, and the blatant legal protection that discrimination against various people (women, homosexuals, religious minorities) enjoys in most islamic nations; the natural suspicion is then that you agree with them, although one hopes not.
SAM there is more child rape in middle eastern countries than in the USA, the only reason your *cough statistics, say so is because it's actually illegal in the USA. Unlike your little third world countries.
Wrong. While it's true that children in China worked - as they did everywhere else in the world until the last 80 years or so - Chinese culture has always placed special emphasis on children and had a defined notion of childhood.

For that matter, so does Jewish culture - which you probably know. In Jewish culture you are a child until 13 or so, when you can begin studying the Torah.

For that matter, what you said is complete crap! Most cultures in history have had some "right of passage" and they are well documented. Every group of people has had some ceremony to celebrate the passage into adulthood. And if the person wasn't an adult before the passage, what were they? A child. And were in childhood. Which was distinct from adulthood.

So children are treated differently from adults in China in the same way they are in the west? I have only lived for long durations in three places, India, Saudi Arabia and the US.

In India, children are "children" depending on socioeconomic class. Poor people have no childhood and rich people's childhoods appear to last forever.

In Saudi Arabia, while puberty does bring on differences in social behaviour [veil in girls, for example], children are much more precocious and adult like than in India or the west. Even 5 year olds will flash you. :p

In the US, it seems quite strange but while even 5 year olds will wear low cut jeans and sexy clothes, courtesy of their parents, you can talk to 20 year olds and realise how immature they are.

I know about rights of passage, they generally herald puberty and ascent into manhood or womanhood, but the treatment of children before that, is vastly different in Eastern cultures. At least, as far as I have seen.

Btw, kudos on your post. All this is considered natural behaviour where I come from. :p

*China is a land of paradoxes. It's both the most sexually repressed and sexually open place I've ever been. There seem to be levels of 'openness' or 'modern' that are very well defined.

Thats not a paradox at all. Discipline is usually emphasised where freedom is given.


Your posts have nothing to do with the topic, they are merely regurgitations of your endemic bigotry. And even then, you either have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, or your intent is to be deliberately malicious. With your propensity for Spencer and Zionists I put you in the latter category. In any case, you're flailing around with stuff that has no relevance here, in an attempt to showcase your hatred of Muslims.
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