Senior-most-cleric says Islamic Sharia law allows preteen marriage

You suppose we consider it immoral? Do you think there will be a time in the future where adults will be having sex with 5 year olds and as a people, we'd just shrug and consider it normal?

Yeah, I think its highly likely that at some point we'll discover a biological basis for pedophilia, find out that any "harm" to children is basless superstition and encourage sexual liberation in children.

And I believe this is will happen due to liberated people campaigning for the sexual rights of the child.
Yeah, I think its highly likely that at some point we'll discover a biological basis for pedophilia, find out that any "harm" to children is basless superstition and encourage sexual liberation in children.

I'm sorry.


I have seen children with injuries I cannot even mention in this thread and also due to the personal and legal nature of the cases and injuries.. all from sexual penetration by adults. I have seen children start wetting their beds soon after the touching first starts.. Some resort to drugs and alcohol.. their grades start to plummet. A lot of these children don't even know what pedophilia even is or what sex is because they were too little for 'the talk about the birds and the bees'. All they know is that what is being done to them is bad because it feels bad. You're telling me the harm done to them is "baseless superstition"?

Are you high?

Do you even comprehend what kind of harm can be done to a small child from sexual penetration? Can you even conceive of the types of injuries that children can and do suffer as a result?

And I believe this is will happen due to liberated people campaigning for the sexual rights of the child.

Are there liberated people campaigning for the sexual rights of the child when it comes to having sex with adults? Yes? No? Is it a popular movement? Mustn't be since I have never heard of it. There are pedophiles and people who have sexually harmed children who think that the children like having their anus torn apart, but do we really consider those people to be "liberated people"?
I'll have to look up other societies that practised pederasty and pedophilia to answer the question on physical and psychological harm. I wonder how much of it is based on socially reinforced ideas of right and wrong. I had no idea it was so widely practised in primitive societies, I thought it was limited to the Greeks and some Asian sects. But clearly, that is not so.

There are some groups that exist though social pressure against them is intense [e.g. NAMBLA and the Dutch pedophilia party] forcing them to go underground.

According to the reliable statistics I could find, in about a third of all reported cases of sexual assault, the victims are under 12 years of age. Funnily enough, 80% of all pedophiles are apparently non-Hispanic white males. Now either white men are particularly prone to child love or in other cultures, its easier to get away with it, either from not being reported or not being considered as wrong. I'd go with the second option.

That would mean that the incidence of pedophilia could be as high as 10% in the general population, if not higher . Thats very significant section of the population, equal to the number of homosexuals.

I'm sorry. You are actually attempting to defend pedophilia? You are actually attempting to say it is not immoral because it was practiced in the past? You are actually trying to say that because it was fairly widely practiced by some tribes around the world, that we should somehow consider it to not be a crime? You are daring to suggest that because a high percentage do not report it (yes dear, a high percentage of child abuse victims never report the crime committed against them and many families don't want it to get out that daddy/mummy was diddling son/daughter because of the feelings of shame). It isn't unreported because people think it isn't bad. It isn't reported because people think it is that bad and feel embarrassed and ashamed.

Do you think child rape and sexual abuse victims stay quiet because they don't think there's anything wrong with what's being done to them? It is particularly less reported in areas where religions dictate heavily.. After all, if you have a daughter who has been raped by a male family member since she was a baby, would you be able to arrange a marriage for her? She's damaged goods and in some religious societies, virginity is paramount in a bride. I am surprised that you completely ignore this.

It's much easier to just say that they don't consider it to be wrong to defend a cleric I suppose. Whatever makes you sleep better at night I guess.
According to the reliable statistics I could find, in about a third of all reported cases of sexual assault, the victims are under 12 years of age. Funnily enough, 80% of all pedophiles are apparently non-Hispanic white males. Now either white men are particularly prone to child love or in other cultures, its easier to get away with it, either from not being reported or not being considered as wrong. I'd go with the second option.

That would mean that the incidence of pedophilia could be as high as 10% in the general population, if not higher . Thats very significant section of the population, equal to the number of homosexuals.

Sam, reported cases are generally from the countries where sex with minors is verboten. Because certain countries are allowing it then why would anyone there report?

I'm sorry. You are actually attempting to defend pedophilia? You are actually attempting to say it is not immoral because it was practiced in the past? You are actually trying to say that because it was fairly widely practiced by some tribes around the world, that we should somehow consider it to not be a crime? You are daring to suggest that because a high percentage do not report it (yes dear, a high percentage of child abuse victims never report the crime committed against them and many families don't want it to get out that daddy/mummy was diddling son/daughter because of the feelings of shame). It isn't unreported because people think it isn't bad. It isn't reported because people think it is that bad and feel embarrassed and ashamed.

Do you think child rape and sexual abuse victims stay quiet because they don't think there's anything wrong with what's being done to them? It is particularly less reported in areas where religions dictate heavily.. After all, if you have a daughter who has been raped by a male family member since she was a baby, would you be able to arrange a marriage for her? She's damaged goods and in some religious societies, virginity is paramount in a bride. I am surprised that you completely ignore this.

It's much easier to just say that they don't consider it to be wrong to defend a cleric I suppose. Whatever makes you sleep better at night I guess.

I'm saying that I don't have to support it to look at it objectively. I don't support abortion either, but I can see how other people might. I'm just saying that its curious that people have just discovered in the last 20? 30? years that pedophilia is harmful to the child. I'll try and get the original work on the Siwan and other tribes and the baboons to figure out how they addressed the issues of physical and psychological trauma.

Sam, reported cases are generally from the countries where sex with minors is verboten. Because certain countries are allowing it then why would anyone there report?

True. Which is why I said I would go with the second option.
The stats are the reported ones [FBI, I think]. Thats usually the criteria for using them.

You'd have to actually show that Muslim men lead the world. :p

But even in child sex tourism, white men lead overwhelmingly, although of course, one could say that is because its difficult to get child prostitutes in their own countries. But the profile is white, male, rich, American or Australian. I read somewhere that Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are also increasing now. But the white male is still the dominant profile.

European sex slaves
You can look objectively at raping children? Is that even possible?

You're telling me that in some instances, pedophilia should be accepted and not be considered immoral because it existed and was at times, fairly common, in ancient societies?

Hey! I know.. Lets start building altars and sacrificing virgins again. You know, since that was common in some societies in the past as well.:rolleyes:
The stats are the reported ones [FBI, I think]. Thats usually the criteria for using them.

You'd have to actually show that Muslim men lead the world. :p

But even in child sex tourism, white men lead overwhelmingly, although of course, one could say that is because its difficult to get child prostitutes in their own countries. But the profile is white, male, rich, American or Australian. I read somewhere that Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are also increasing now. But the white male is still the dominant profile.

Which is why the federal police have many officers working in Asian countries primarily to track down the Australian men who go there for sex with children. Should we just let them go because it was practiced and accepted in the past?

We don't know if Muslim men lead the world. What we do know is that many do not report it because of feelings of shame and embarrassment. Although there was that one case in Iran where a man was publicly lynched for raping little boys and murdering some of them. I guess they didn't buy the whole 'it wasn't immoral in history' thing either when they sentenced him to death.
. Although there was that one case in Iran where a man was publicly lynched for raping little boys and murdering some of them. I guess they didn't buy the whole 'it wasn't immoral in history' thing either when they sentenced him to death.

I think Iran has the death sentence for rape. I don't think its gender or age related. I also think its highly excessive. They recently executed a 20 year old who had <allegedly> raped three boys as a thirteen year old
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According to the reliable statistics I could find, in about a third of all reported cases of sexual assault, the victims are under 12 years of age. Funnily enough, 80% of all pedophiles are apparently non-Hispanic white males.


Most of the people in the US are white. Most child abusers are male. Math much?

Yeah, I think its highly likely that at some point we'll discover a biological basis for pedophilia, find out that any "harm" to children is basless superstition and encourage sexual liberation in children.

And I believe this is will happen due to liberated people campaigning for the sexual rights of the child.

That was surprisingly sick.
Yeah, I think its highly likely that at some point we'll discover a biological basis for pedophilia, find out that any "harm" to children is basless superstition and encourage sexual liberation in children.

And I believe this is will happen due to liberated people campaigning for the sexual rights of the child.

If I didn't know better it sounds like you are dealing with guilt. This defensive stance has been used by victims of abuse when dealing with a troubled past. Rape victims also feel guilt or blame themselves. Skeletons in your closet Sam? Not joking here.
If I didn't know better it sounds like you are dealing with guilt. This defensive stance has been used by victims of abuse when dealing with a troubled past. Rape victims also feel guilt or blame themselves. Skeletons in your closet Sam? Not joking here.

Er no, unless you also think I am dealing with guilt over abortion. I just happen to come from a different kind of culture. And I was surprised on looking into it how common "pedophilia" is in human sexuality.
Er no, unless you also think I am dealing with guilt over abortion. I just happen to come from a different kind of culture. And I was surprised on looking into it how common "pedophilia" is in human sexuality.

Would you feel guilt if you knew the victims were from a culture you belong to that either doesn't report or consider paedophilia as abusive but instead, as acceptable behavior?
Would you feel guilt if you knew the victims were from a culture you belong to that either doesn't report or consider paedophilia as abusive but instead, as acceptable behavior?

No? Why should I feel guilty for someone else's behaviour?
Denial, embarrassment, shame, sympathy, empathy, or by association.

I don't believe in guilt by association. Its unIslamic. Everyone is responsible for what they do. I might feel guilty if it was someone I was close to [family, friend, etc] but only if I did nothing to intervene. But again, it depends on the circumstances.

I certainly don't feel any shame or embarassment at what unknown and unrelated people do, unless I am directly or even indirectly involved in their behaviour in some way. Everyone is entitled to make their own mistakes.