Self centred Christianity

I just don't get it when atheism is called a religion... ???
think of it this way

x+3 = 8

If I said "x does not equal 4", would that be an algebraic claim?

Similarly, if I say "god does not exist", is that a religious claim?

(IOW a critique or antithesis of a category is simply a subcategory at best)
Like where in the Bible does it say God doesn’t really need us but we occupy his thoughts like a mother and her 3 year old baby??? And where in reality is there evidence of this? There is nothing to back up this point, which means you are just making it up.

One of the many redemptive titles for the God of the Bible is El Shaddai, the "Breasted-one."
Just like a mother is the only source of life for an infant so is the Spirit of God to a child of God born of that Spirit.

He appeared to Abraham in the name of El Shaddai, when the promise was yet to be fulfilled.
I am the Almighty God, El Shaddai, the Strength-giver, the Breasted God."

Don't try to bash a book you haven't even took the time to read.
It doesn't make you look very intelligent.
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I just don't get it when atheism is called a religion... ???

You don't get it when lack of religion is called religion?

think of it this way
x+3 = 8
If I said "x does not equal 4", would that be an algebraic claim?
Similarly, if I say "god does not exist", is that a religious claim?
(IOW a critique or antithesis of a category is simply a subcategory at best)

In your dreams.
But, the atheist must also carry a burden of proof that there is no God

Complete nonsense for several reasons:

1. For starters, what you're stating isn't possible. It works in two ways:

i) All swans are white
ii) There's a black swan in Australia

The first can not be confirmed but can be shown false. You can search the entire universe and see only white swans but you might have missed the only non-white swan. It can be shown false by presenting one non-white swan.

The second can be confirmed but cannot be shown false. You can confirm it by seeing the black swan but can't show it to be false because even if it's absent, the black swan might have just flown off down the road two minutes before you got there.

Gods dwell in the second category. You can confirm their existence by seeing them but you can't ever falsify it because even if you don't see them, it might be because they don't want you to.

The onus can only reside on the theist.

2. If I said that leprechauns did in fact actually exist and you said "don't be silly, of course they don't", would you consider yourself as having any onus whatsoever upon you? Would you honestly think for so much as one second that you have the duty of going about proving [?] to me that my claim is bogus nonsense? Of course not, such a notion is very silly indeed. Having said that, your outright denial doesn't mean leprechauns don't exist but we both know where the onus firmly lies.

2. If I said that leprechauns did in fact actually exist and you said "don't be silly, of course they don't", would you consider yourself as having any onus whatsoever upon you?
In the absence of any explanation on your behalf as to how one can come to position of determining the existence of a leprechaun, not really.
Would you honestly think for so much as one second that you have the duty of going about proving [?] to me that my claim is bogus nonsense?
I could point out that you have a claim divorced from a methodology

Of course not, such a notion is very silly indeed. Having said that, your outright denial doesn't mean leprechauns don't exist but we both know where the onus firmly lies.

On the contrary, we both know that behind any claim is the means for determining the claim
In the absence of any explanation on your behalf as to how one can come to position of determining the existence of a leprechaun, not really

You're stretching somewhat beyond the point of the post. If you really feel it necessary right now that I go in depth into the reality of leprechauns then I guess I can, but I'm under the impression everyone else will get the point regardless. Umm.. upto you I guess. :shrug:
You're stretching somewhat beyond the point of the post. If you really feel it necessary right now that I go in depth into the reality of leprechauns then I guess I can, but I'm under the impression everyone else will get the point regardless. Umm.. upto you I guess. :shrug:
or alternatively, everyone knows that of the cultural context that leprechauns are lodged in, and its obvious that you only bring it in as an element of satire (aka IPU, FSM, etc etc) ......
So god is transgendered?

God is a Spirit.
That Spirit is the source of all life symbolic of a mother's milk to a child.
It is an analogy.

Don't support a book you can't understand. Don't express your support until you can do so clearly.

If you can't understand it clearly, maybe you should read it again.

I believe all atheists should be allowed somewhere to vent their confusion.
Like here at SciForums. I wouldn't dream of trying to silence all of their objections.
Otherwise you would have them running around out in the real world hurting people.
It's probably best to just let them "bash" away harmlessly at their keyboards.
Get all their frustrations out and go back to their short, meaningless lives.
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and its obvious that you only bring it in as an element of satire

Incorrect, there was no satire in my post. It would seem the point got lost somewhere between the internet and your brain.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Don't support a book you can't understand. Don't express your support until you can do so clearly. ”

If you can't understand it clearly, maybe you should read it again.

I didn't say I don't understand it. YOU don't understand it yet you blather on about it.

I believe all atheists should be allowed somewhere to vent their confusion.

You make me concerned whether everyone should be allowed to spew confused nonsense.

Like here at SciForums. I wouldn't dream of trying to silence all of their objections.
Otherwise you would have them running around out in the real world hurting people.

You need to back that up with facts or shut up.

It's probably best to just let them "bash" away harmlessly at their keyboards.
Get all their frustrations out and go back to their short, meaningless lives.

We're so frustrated & confused with our meaningless lives without believing absurd cruel fantasy.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa]

You need to back that up with facts or shut up.

We're so frustrated & confused with our meaningless lives without believing absurd cruel fantasy.

Lighten up a little.
This was meant to be an attempt at satire.
Seems I hit a nerve somewhere.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

Life would only be "short and meaningless" if you believe this life is all we have, and after we die we just cease to exist.

Ours lives are much more than that.
We may figure it all out before it's too late after all.
There is always hope.
I'm as light as I need to be.
All your posts seem like futile childish attempts at satire. Someday you may be as "good" as LG & Hamtastic.
Seems your nerves are constantly exposed.
It's not a matter of offending, it's claiming a group of people hurts others without evidence for it.
If 1 believes this life is all we have, that doesn't make it short & meaningless.
If this life IS all we have, that doesn't make it short & meaningless.
Turning to absurd cruel fantasies for support makes life meaningless.
There is not always hope.
God committed the offending actions...

What offending actions?
-Granting men the free-will to make a mess of their lives?
-Or is it allowing them to create religions in His name that lie, steal and kill...
I'm a little confused here....what offending actions are you talking about?
You are going to need to be more specific.

All your posts seem like futile childish attempts at satire...

You don't think God has a sense of humor?
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“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
God committed the offending actions... ”

What offending actions?
-Granting men the free-will to make a mess of their lives?
-Or is it allowing them to create religions in His name that lie, steal and kill...
I'm a little confused here....what offending actions are you talking about?
You are going to need to be more specific.

I looked thru this thread for my quote to be certain I remember the exact context & couldn't find it. I wondered what the heck happened until I just now stumbled onto it in another thread. I don't appreciate that at all.

You don't think God has a sense of humor?

According to the KJV, NO.
The story of Job is a sadistic joke. The Holy Babble is a cruel absurd joke played on helpless humans.
Maybe I wrote too quickly. According to The Holy Babble, God has a sick, sadistic sense of humor.
think of it this way

x+3 = 8

If I said "x does not equal 4", would that be an algebraic claim?

Similarly, if I say "god does not exist", is that a religious claim?

(IOW a critique or antithesis of a category is simply a subcategory at best)

Try this:

x + 3 = 3

- Some theists claim that x = 4, other theists claim that x = 88, and yet other theists claim that x = 67.

- Agnostics say the value of x cannot be known.

- Atheists say x = 0.
According to The Holy Babble, God has a sick, sadistic sense of humor.

Let's look at what you call a "sick, sadistic sense of humor".
God turns the evil some men do back upon their own heads and at the same time allows suffering and misfortune to work for the good of those who truly love Him.
It all looks like mere coincidence to the unsuspecting populace and they go about their lives undisturbed by the great drama they are unaware is unfolding all around them.
That is masterful...not sadistic.

Look at it like this...I just saw an old X-Files episode that hits a little on this subject.
They were investigating a guy who suddenly had no mouth and found a genie running around giving people three wishes.
Ever see it?
She said in five hundred years she'd never seen it fail.....
"It's like giving a chimp a revolver"

Getting three wishes...or even one for that matter, could be the last thing you'll ever do...
Could the human mind possibly comprehend all the eventual outcomes?
Be careful what you wish for...
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