Self centred Christianity

Nice thought, I suppose, but I have to agree with SAM.

And since you advocate such great faith in science and none in religion, I would ask you to point out any where in the world where such a non-religious society has ever existed and thrived.

I mean, you act so certain, so positive, about your suggestions, surely as an advocate of the greatness of science, you have some good examples of such societies, right?

If no examples, Observer, then as an advocate of the scientific methods, what is your evidence that you used to come to your conclusions? Surely you, as such an advocate of science, didn't just pull them out of your ass, did you??

Baron Max

You assumed that I advocate scientific methods. lol!!! Science is another belief system just like religion. People believe that knowing everything in detail will help them understand the world as it is. They failed to see the big picture on the quest for knowledge.
For the trillionth time, atheism is NOT a belief system.

It is a belief that there is no God. or an absence of belief in a deity or a supreme being.

either way its a belief since there is no proof. But to me its a blunder to say that one don't believe in something which they don't know.

Once some atheist or theist can explain to me what they mean by God, then I can try to comprehend their beliefs.
You assumed that I advocate scientific methods. lol!!! Science is another belief system just like religion. People believe that knowing everything in detail will help them understand the world as it is. They failed to see the big picture on the quest for knowledge.

And how do you 'see' this 'big picture'?
And how do you 'see' this 'big picture'?

dig as much as possible. Dont leave anything bcoz of personal reasons. or have half baked ideas or words. Question everything you see, hear, think, feel and keep going.

Honestly, there is nothing to know. But for the sake of it, try to know that there is nothing to know. I can guarantee that one day you will reach there. might take you few years. but its worth the whole journey.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
For the trillionth time, atheism is NOT a belief system. ”

It is a belief that there is no God. or an absence of belief in a deity or a supreme being.

either way its a belief since there is no proof. But to me its a blunder to say that one don't believe in something which they don't know.

Once some atheist or theist can explain to me what they mean by God, then I can try to comprehend their beliefs.

Atheism is NOT a belief. It is the absence of belief.
Proof is not required to not believe.
I don't know whether there are gods thus I don't believe there are gods. That is not a blunder. I don't have evidence of gods thus I don't believe there are gods. That is not a blunder.
For the trillionth time, atheism is NOT a belief system.

Atheism is NOT a belief. It is the absence of belief.

Perhaps. But then if you don't believe in god, you must have some ideas about where you came from, where humans came from, where animals came from, where the Earth came from, ....... And my guess is that your answers or ideas are in the form of a belief, not a proof.

Baron Max
hey Adstar post 2 was the best post by you i've read, i enjoyed it. good on ya.

for stranger and observer, says
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

so i'm gonna say atheism is a belief.
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To my mind atheism would diminish abstract thought and reduce us to the level of animals without imagination.

Agreed. A theist has read a single book, a holy book riddled with myth and superstition. Imagination would be the one and only tool in their mental arsenal that theists have exercised with a lot of practice.

Abstract thought would not be in their intellectual means for the same reason.

Both have been observed here.

Its a serious mistake to encourage atheism in any society unless you want to destroy it as an entity.

That has not been observed and is merely an assertion based on the one and only intellectual tool the theist possesses; their overactive imaginations.

What has been observed throughout history is the religious zealotry to eliminate those not of the same religious beliefs.
One would think that if your fucked-up god was actually omniscient and omnipotent, he would have got his "creation" right the first time or at least knew ahead of time that he was too incompetent to try.

It seems clear that the kind of atrocity and "evil" mentioned in the biblical mythology is the product of people not a god. People have shown themselves to be willing to kill "every man, woman and child" and occasionally save the young, virgin girls for their personal pleasure like Moses and his band admit to.

Anyone who follows this crap is deluded and demented. Especially anyone who tries to justify murder, genocide and child rape.

Yes well as a Jew, if this is true, i regret it, but this is the problem i have with a lot of religions, and some people whom follow them, they still kill, rape, and genocide in the name of religion. Atleast Jews don't do it anymore for religion. Like jihads and all that other BS.
I've been thinking lately that Christianity is very self centred and self involved. Thinking that God actually cares about you. It's God! It really isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to think that God doesn't actually care what we do or go through. He doesn't need us, half the time in the Bible He is killing humans. To think that He is constantly there to hear every little thing you have to say to Him in prayer is really self indulgent. And then to say that God cares about you so much that He would kill His only son for you. And to think that God wants nothing more than to spend eternity hanging out with you. It's like Christianity has made God out to be some little pet dog. Just say the word and God will do a trick. God is waiting on your beck and call, any spare time you have to spend some time with God would be appreciated in prayer or on Sunday...if you have nothing better to do. And then they portray God as some dog that will wag His tale and get unbelievably happy just to see you one day in Heaven.

Other peoples thoughts?

It's strikes me as a contradiction to assume that monotheism is about self as it promotes the obeying the wishes and desires of a supreme being. It's true that many Christian religions such as the typical Catholic rewrite the tenants of their religion to fit there life and many admit this.

However, aside from that contradictory behavior monotheism is fundalmentally about giving praise not to yourself but to others and specificly God.
It's strikes me as a contradiction to assume that monotheism is about self as it promotes the obeying the wishes and desires of a supreme being. It's true that many Christian religions such as the typical Catholic rewrite the tenants of their religion to fit there life and many admit this.

However, aside from that contradictory behavior monotheism is fundalmentally about giving praise not to yourself but to others and specificly God.

i think its more egotistical or narcissistic than selfish, the world was created for me man, i am the best of god's creatures, the most powerful entity in the universe cares deeply about me and wants me to live in his magical palace, i have an eternal soul.
It's strikes me as a contradiction to assume that monotheism is about self as it promotes the obeying the wishes and desires of a supreme being. It's true that many Christian religions such as the typical Catholic rewrite the tenants of their religion to fit there life and many admit this.

However, aside from that contradictory behavior monotheism is fundalmentally about giving praise not to yourself but to others and specificly God.

Theory and execution are two different things. Is a Christian's basic motivation to serve God, or is it to get to heaven? In theory, it is to serve God. It is easy to walk the line on this and fall over on the self-centered make it to heaven. Are they serving God to make it to heaven, or serving God out of duty.

Some classic motivations for following Christianity are fear and emotional deficiency. These type grasp on to serving God and use that as an avenue, but they aren't serving God as much as they are feeding their need.
Why is it that the majority of replies defending the Christian idea of God, aren't based on what the Bible says, and aren't based on anything in reality. It's like there is something the Bible teaches...then a gap...then reality where a great deal of things the Bible teaches don't occur. And then in that gap is where the defences are made between what the Bible teaches and what happens. Yet those defences aren't based on reality, or the Bible, it's just shit people make up to smooth out the transition.

“”””” He doesn't need us,
There may be a need, but it does not take the conventional expression ... kind of like a mother doesn't really need a 3 week old baby, but that doesn't mean it doesn't occupy her thoughts”””

-Like where in the Bible does it say God doesn’t really need us but we occupy his thoughts like a mother and her 3 year old baby??? And where in reality is there evidence of this? There is nothing to back up this point, which means you are just making it up.-
I was explaining how the word "love" is inseparable from issues of "need". The analogy of the mother was just meant to establish an example that we can all readily relate to.
I assume that you don't have any problems with the (biblical) idea that god loves us.
“””””””””””””””””””half the time in the Bible He is killing humans.
Judging god by moral imperatives relevant to living entities kind of presupposes that the potency of god is relegated to human limits. I mean, one of the reasons that we tend to frown on issues of killing is that we are not ultimately responsible for a living entity appearing in this world, not for directing the destination of a living entity after they leave. God however is not like that. Why talk of half the time he is killing humans. Every human who has ever stood on this planet dies.”””””””””””””””””””””””””

Where do you get the evidence to support your idea that the reasons that we tend to frown on issues of killing is that we are not ultimately responsible for a living entity appearing in this world? You don’t get it in the Bible, you don’t get it in any psychological research done in reality.
You don't think that if we did have the ability to direct a living entity's appearance in this world and also their movement after they died it would radically shape our moral attitudes to killing?
(Once again, I assume that you don't have theistic problems with accepting the idea of god being able to act in this capacity)
It’s simply something you are making up to make a point. And sure every human dies, but not every human is killed by some conscious being. Like saying the water killed him when someone drowns. Or the earth killed him when someone falls. Or the heart killed him, when someone has a heart attack. It’s not the same’s just a stupid point.
so from the christian point of view, when someone drowns, is that understood to happen outside or independent of the jurisdiction of god?

If the answer is yes, how do you explain this christian idea (typified by John Calvin ....)

There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.

Ah whatever...[/B]
... indeed
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Theory and execution are two different things.


Are they serving God to make it to heaven, or serving God out of duty.
It should be from love, not obligation not of selfishness.

Some classic motivations for following Christianity are fear and emotional deficiency. These types grasp on to serving God and use that as an avenue, but they aren't serving God as much as they are feeding their need.

By Sterotype yes.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
For the trillionth time, atheism is NOT a belief system.

Atheism is NOT a belief. It is the absence of belief. ”


Baron Max

No perhaps. It's the definition. Simple.

But then if you don't believe in god, you must have some ideas about where you came from, where humans came from, where animals came from, where the Earth came from, ....... .

Baron Max

Why must I?

And my guess is that your answers or ideas are in the form of a belief, not a proof.

Baron Max

Why are you guessing & what good is it?
for stranger and observer, says
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

so i'm gonna say atheism is a belief.

Saying it doesn't make it true. doesn't make it true.
Saying it doesn't make it true. doesn't make it true.

no shit, but some people who've spent a lot of time determining the meaning of words have put that forward. what do you have supporting ur opinion? why don't u just reword ur argument anyways, bickering about the meaning of atheist is a waste of time, language is malleable.