I aM thE greaTesT!!!! i feel tHE foresT blurpInG rEdly thRougH my mInd like a Splooging glop!! Flying throUgh the sky i see a tigeR flaIling tigeriShly. iT undulates as it squirms past the bletHEr regions of a heretoFore unknown candy colored wIldeRness. MAd streaks of MulticolorEd lightNing dance across his expansive coaT of fur. THE tiger grows As it flails. it eNcompasses me and surpasses me, bones. it fills me with the maddening scent of Guar. a guar, bonEs, a guar!! great googLi moogli!! i am bEcome the tiger. mY vision ExpandS As the scent of pREy fills my mind. THEre are wHEels within wheels And colors that taste like music. how can i surVivE this visioN? i am nothing before the fullneSs of the unIverse. i diminish even as i grow. i must Assert Myself lesT i become lost. i scream to tHE heavens, "i am still the greatest!!" i aM mysElf, bones, i hAve SURvivEd my inundation in the great tiger spirit.
and even nOw, as though called, an angel comes. a vision oF sTar-dappled delight. sHE hoverS over me and her regard washes over me like a cool mountain stream. she Purifies me with hem of her glorious gArment. i feel my sins bleeding from me as blood from a wound.
i feel my essence being drawn to a plaCE of shelter. a sanctuary, BonEs. buT WaIt, what is this? the tiger spirit returns. it battles with the angel for dominion of my soul. my essence is being stretched, bones. once more i eXpand. THE ecsTasy!! could these be the Warring aspects Of my very soul? What am i tO do, bones? this complete balance of foRceS must In the end destroy me. even now i feel my being waver.
bless her! the angel releases me. she must have known that my soul was in jeoPardy. beTter tHat i run with the bEast than perish. she musT know that in the ENd, i muSt return to her. my beacon. my shelter In the stOrm. i become the beast, boNes, and iT is good.
i turn and face tHe tiger. i grApple the TigEr. i face it oN its own terms. i beCOMe those terms. what is this look that flashes across the tiger's beastly mien? is it surPrise? is it glAdneSS? the battle begins, bOnes, i am become the tiger.
a great shUddeR ripples through the cosmos, bones, a great rift opens beneath me. the tiger and i fall into DarknEss. my lAsT tHoughts are "dude, this is a totally deep hole."
Some unknown time later, I awake. My clothers are rent and I am covered in blood. The tiger lies beside me. It lies unconscious. Far above me, I hear the cries of Padma "I_N are you ok? Hello?"
"Fine, I'm fine," I cry out. I don't think she heard me, my voice is too weak. My mouth tastes like something died in it and is full of cat fur. I spit out as much fur as I am able and try again. "I'm alright. It's just a flesh wound."
"Thank heavens," she calls back, "I've been yelling for hours. I_N, I'm going to get help, stay there."
"Ok," I reply, "and by the way, you can call me Nexus if you want. ( )"
I hear her scramble away and I stand up and try to get my bearings. I appear to be in a large underground cavern. Great machines fill the space. Lightning dances and crackles within the machines. The hair on my arms stands on end. An ear-splitting whine fills the air. This is not good for my headache. I sense an imbalance in the whine and the vibration given off by the machines. An arrythmical stutter. Has something happened to these machines. Are they failing? What do they do? What will happen if they fail? Hard to think. Headache getting worse.
I catch a glimpse of motion in my peripheral vision. The tiger is waking up. Despite my headache, I have to stifle a laugh. The tiger's fur is standing straight out from the charge in the air. Is it my imagination or do I see faint static discharge arcing in his fur. The tiger looks somewhat indignant. It hasn't seen me yet. What should I do? Should I hide? I remember this tiger from the day before. It showed great compassion with the kitten. How would it react to me? Could this be the tiger in my vision? While I was slowly cogitating these various notions, the tiger saw me and the choice was taken out of my hands.
The tiger...
I aM thE greaTesT!!!! i feel tHE foresT blurpInG rEdly thRougH my mInd like a Splooging glop!! Flying throUgh the sky i see a tigeR flaIling tigeriShly. iT undulates as it squirms past the bletHEr regions of a heretoFore unknown candy colored wIldeRness. MAd streaks of MulticolorEd lightNing dance across his expansive coaT of fur. THE tiger grows As it flails. it eNcompasses me and surpasses me, bones. it fills me with the maddening scent of Guar. a guar, bonEs, a guar!! great googLi moogli!! i am bEcome the tiger. mY vision ExpandS As the scent of pREy fills my mind. THEre are wHEels within wheels And colors that taste like music. how can i surVivE this visioN? i am nothing before the fullneSs of the unIverse. i diminish even as i grow. i must Assert Myself lesT i become lost. i scream to tHE heavens, "i am still the greatest!!" i aM mysElf, bones, i hAve SURvivEd my inundation in the great tiger spirit.
and even nOw, as though called, an angel comes. a vision oF sTar-dappled delight. sHE hoverS over me and her regard washes over me like a cool mountain stream. she Purifies me with hem of her glorious gArment. i feel my sins bleeding from me as blood from a wound.
i feel my essence being drawn to a plaCE of shelter. a sanctuary, BonEs. buT WaIt, what is this? the tiger spirit returns. it battles with the angel for dominion of my soul. my essence is being stretched, bones. once more i eXpand. THE ecsTasy!! could these be the Warring aspects Of my very soul? What am i tO do, bones? this complete balance of foRceS must In the end destroy me. even now i feel my being waver.
bless her! the angel releases me. she must have known that my soul was in jeoPardy. beTter tHat i run with the bEast than perish. she musT know that in the ENd, i muSt return to her. my beacon. my shelter In the stOrm. i become the beast, boNes, and iT is good.
i turn and face tHe tiger. i grApple the TigEr. i face it oN its own terms. i beCOMe those terms. what is this look that flashes across the tiger's beastly mien? is it surPrise? is it glAdneSS? the battle begins, bOnes, i am become the tiger.
a great shUddeR ripples through the cosmos, bones, a great rift opens beneath me. the tiger and i fall into DarknEss. my lAsT tHoughts are "dude, this is a totally deep hole."
Some unknown time later, I awake. My clothers are rent and I am covered in blood. The tiger lies beside me. It lies unconscious. Far above me, I hear the cries of Padma "I_N are you ok? Hello?"
"Fine, I'm fine," I cry out. I don't think she heard me, my voice is too weak. My mouth tastes like something died in it and is full of cat fur. I spit out as much fur as I am able and try again. "I'm alright. It's just a flesh wound."
"Thank heavens," she calls back, "I've been yelling for hours. I_N, I'm going to get help, stay there."
"Ok," I reply, "and by the way, you can call me Nexus if you want. ( )"
I hear her scramble away and I stand up and try to get my bearings. I appear to be in a large underground cavern. Great machines fill the space. Lightning dances and crackles within the machines. The hair on my arms stands on end. An ear-splitting whine fills the air. This is not good for my headache. I sense an imbalance in the whine and the vibration given off by the machines. An arrythmical stutter. Has something happened to these machines. Are they failing? What do they do? What will happen if they fail? Hard to think. Headache getting worse.
I catch a glimpse of motion in my peripheral vision. The tiger is waking up. Despite my headache, I have to stifle a laugh. The tiger's fur is standing straight out from the charge in the air. Is it my imagination or do I see faint static discharge arcing in his fur. The tiger looks somewhat indignant. It hasn't seen me yet. What should I do? Should I hide? I remember this tiger from the day before. It showed great compassion with the kitten. How would it react to me? Could this be the tiger in my vision? While I was slowly cogitating these various notions, the tiger saw me and the choice was taken out of my hands.
The tiger...