Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Simply denial.

Why do you think it is up to the theist, to prove to you, there is a God?
The definition of a theist is not "one who claims to believe in God, and the definition of atheist is not" one who claims to lack belief in God.
If we accept our designation we can understand that is our worlview/position.

Do you think you could possibly look through assertions from either position, and accept our/position designations?

Why do you think it is up to the theist, to prove to you, there is a God?
Who else could one call upon, leaving to one side the fact that the call for proof is merely a call to back up the claims there is a God.
I dont know what world you live in but in mine if you make a claim it goes without saying that you must back it up.
That is most reasonable.
If we let unsupported claims rule we would end up back in the bronze age where folk did not know where the Sun went at night and believed in made up stories about God.
I know I am an atheist and for me God does not exist for me but that God must not exist for you also if you have no evidence...if you have evidence I cant understand why you cant share it...well I can actually because you know and I know that it would not be evidence that could establish that there is a God....I can see why you dont want to get involved.
In all the shows where Matt or other atheist ask for evidence there is none ever presented other than "its my belief".
So God cant be shown to exist which is what I have said from the start...I speak the truth ... made up bronze age camp fire stories from the bronze age discredited to varing degrees by science and critical thinking.
God has few places left to hide although that should not be a problem as there is no one better at hiding than God it seems.
Even JC after promising a return in the lifetime of those assembled JC remains in it because of there is more to it...they are not there and never were...prove me wrong Jan...prove me wrong.
Well of course you cant which means you must content yourself with a belief founded on the made up stories from the bronze age... all I bring to you is the truth Jan and not even you can deny the truth I present.
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” - Isaac Asimov

"The point is not that I'm an atheist, so I know more about religion; that's the wrong cause and effect. The more accurate way to phrase it is that I know more about religion, so I'm an atheist." -- Isaac Asimov

Simply denial.

Why do you think it is up to the theist, to prove to you, there is a God?
The definition of a theist is not "one who claims to believe in God, and the definition of atheist is not" one who claims to lack belief in God.
If we accept our designation we can understand that is our worlview/position.

Do you think you could possibly look through assertions from either position, and accept our/position designations?

You are the 1 in denial or pretending to be.
Anyone making a claim has the responsibility to prove their claim. Your intentional ignorance of that changes nothing. Specially someone who goes on&on&on about it, tries to criticize those who cannot believe their nonsense & childishly tries to insult those who do not believe them.
It is not that atheists are looking for & needing evidence of what they do not believe. It is that you make claims that we do not know to be true. If you want to be taken seriously, you must try to support your claim.
Otherwise it must be taken as a stupid joke.


Imagine, for a moment, that every time someone told me they were a Christian I told them that they weren’t really a Christian because there is no such thing as a Christian. It says right here in the Book of Bruce Almighty® that everyone knows that Bruce Almighty exists and that anyone who says they are a Christian is suppressing their knowledge of the existence of Bruce. The Christian would likely say that they know they are a Christian because Jesus saved them and they believe the teaching found in the Bible. Imagine if I REFUSED to allow the Christian to authentically tell their own story. Can you imagine how outraged Christians would be if I refused to accept their story at face value?
Yet, this is EXACTLY what fundamentalist Christians like Dr. Jason Lisle do. Last week, Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald Duggar visited the “Institute for Creation Research in Texas, where they spoke to members of the self-described leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation.” When Seewald asked Institute scientist Dr. Jason Lisle if he could prove the existence of God, Lisle replied:
“The evidence of God is ubiquitous. It is everywhere. In fact, Roman 1 tells us that God has revealed himself to everyone, and what that means is, there is really no such thing as an atheist.” “So I don’t really have to give new evidence to a professing atheist. All I have to do is expose his suppressed knowledge of God.”
Lisle is a perfect example of an educated idiot. No matter how much scientific knowledge Lisle has, the words of the Bible are the final arbiter of truth. For example, in a game I have often played with people like Lisle, I willingly accept the premise that creation reveals to us that there is a God. I then ask them to give me evidence from creation that the God creation gives testimony to is the Christian God. Discussion over, because the fundamentalist is forced to retreat to the safety of THE BIBLE SAYS! You see, it’s not creation that reveals that the Christian God exists, it’s the Bible. At best, creation reveals that a deity, a divine being, or an advanced species created the earth and its inhabitants. If it is abundantly clear just from creation that the Christian God of the Christian Bible is God, why do other cultures and religions claim that the creator God is a different deity? Humans, over their long history, have worshiped a plethora of Gods. If creation makes it clear that the Christian God created everything, why do billions of people worship other Gods? Perhaps God has a marketing problem and should hire Don Draper to write a God advertising line that every human will know and understand. As soon as anyone hears it, they will say, Oh, that’s the Christian God jingle.
It’s true…you can’t argue with stupid.

Imagine, for a moment, that every time someone told me they were a Christian I told them that they weren’t really a Christian because there is no such thing as a Christian.

The problem, here, is that this guy is a complete moron. At that point, I'm watching two religionists argue.

The idea that he should write that complaint—"Imagine, for a moment, that every time someone told me they were a Christian I told them that they weren’t really a Christian because there is no such thing as a Christian"—but not know what to do with it is telling.

How about spare us the bigotry?

And, hey, don't go saying,"But ... theists!"

You're supposed to be smarter and better, remember, or is that just a bunch of supremacist bullshit?

Sometimes the problem isn't people's attitudes about atheists or atheism. Sometimes an atheist just has an attitude problem.
This line of thought has led to some scientists claiming that “atheism is psychologically impossible because of the way humans think,” says Graham Lawton, an avowed atheist himself, writing in the New Scientist. “They point to studies showing, for example, that even people who claim to be committed atheists tacitly hold religious beliefs, such as the existence of an immortal soul.”

Therein lies the problem with that article. How is it that I have yet to hear any "Committed Atheists" claim they believe in an immortal soul, quite the contrary. And, it seems there are so many in this demographic, the author thought it enough to warrant claiming everyone is born with religious beliefs.

I'm calling Cock & Bull on that one.
How is it that I have yet to hear any "Committed Atheists" claim they believe in an immortal soul, quite the contrary. And, it seems there are so many in this demographic, the author thought it enough to warrant claiming everyone is born with religious beliefs.
Quite a few atheistic people around the world believe that aspects of their spiritual nature continue in the world after their bodies die. These can easily be or become religious beliefs. The confusion of that with theistic belief is one of the crippling effects of Abrahamic theism.
Anyone making a claim has the responsibility to prove their claim.

How is my position/designation any more of a claim compared with you position/designation?
I am a theist, a person who believes in God. You are an atheist, a person who does not believe in God.
Specially someone who goes on&on&on about it, tries to criticize those who cannot believe their nonsense & childishly tries to insult those who do not believe them.
You must be mixing me up with someone else, as I have not tried to do anything of the sort. You are an atheist. Atheism, is what it is, irrespective of creating your own suitably personal meaning.
It is not that atheists are looking for & needing evidence of what they do not believe.
I know. They simply do not believe in God, for whatever reason they decide upon. Some just don't like the idea of people believing in God. They would prefer the whole notion of God, either to be out of sight, or kept to certain quarters.
It is that you make claims that we do not know to be true. If you want to be taken seriously, you must try to support your claim.
The only claim I have made, is that I am a theist, everything else is based on that. You claim you are atheist, and everything else said, is based on that.
Otherwise it must be taken as a stupid joke.
What must be?

How is my position/designation any more of a claim compared with you position/designation?
I am a theist, a person who believes in God. You are an atheist, a person who does not believe in God.

You must be mixing me up with someone else, as I have not tried to do anything of the sort. You are an atheist. Atheism, is what it is, irrespective of creating your own suitably personal meaning.

I know. They simply do not believe in God, for whatever reason they decide upon. Some just don't like the idea of people believing in God. They would prefer the whole notion of God, either to be out of sight, or kept to certain quarters.

The only claim I have made, is that I am a theist, everything else is based on that. You claim you are atheist, and everything else said, is based on that.

What must be?

More&more denial, obfuscation & attempts to sidestep.
You claim there is a god, you claim atheists are mistaken & you foolishly claim atheists know there is a god. All with no evidence & no explanation.
You are the 1 who childishly tries to create your personal definitions.
It is not a matter of deciding on a reason to not believe. I do not need a reason to not believe. I do not have a reason to believe. You make silly claims & I cannot believe you. I do prefer notions with no evidence not be claimed as fact.
Attempting to criticize someone for not believing something while not providing any reason for them to believe is just plain stupid & it does not qualify as criticism.
Nothing at all is based on what I do not believe.
Atheist is not a position or designation. It is a word saying not the theist position or designation.
Atheist is simply a short way to say I am not a theist. You might learn something if you try saying not a theist rather than atheist. I am not a theist the same as I am not many other things & not being something until & unless I have good reason to be cannot be wrong.
If you are a theist, there is a reason for it. It may or may not be a good reason but there is a reason. Evidently, you do not know what the reason is.
Some people do not like the idea of people not believing in god. That is the problem. You cannot handle the truth.

"I have not tried to do anything of the sort." is a lie.

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You claim there is a god, you claim atheists are mistaken & you foolishly claim atheists know there is a god.
I claim to be theist, and you claim to be atheist. If you decide not to believe in God, unless you are totally ignorant, one can only assume you knowingly choose to not believe in God.
I do not need a reason to not believe.
So, you're an atheist.... why?
I do prefer notions with no evidence not be claimed as fact.
I don't think you know what you prefer. You seem lost, to me.
Attempting to criticize someone for not believing something while not providing any reason for them to believe is just plain stupid & it does not qualify as criticism.
I've always said, believe, or don't, what you like. Just don't bring your nonsense to me, and not expect to get caned. :rolleyes:
Atheist is simply a short way to say I am not a theist.
This designer label is one of the funniest yet.
You might learn something if you try saying not a theist rather than atheist.
So if someone is "not a theist", doesn't that mean they don't believe in God?
Some people do not like the idea of people not believing in god.
It is inevitable.
"I have not tried to do anything of the sort." is a lie.
Prove it.

Baldness is the absence of hair.

Atheism is the absence of belief in gods.

Absence of a claim is not a claim.

Absence - The state of being away from a place or person (God) .

An occasion or period of being away from a place or person (God)

The non-existence or lack of (God) .

Let's assume you are forced to choose no. 3. We know you lack belief in God, because it is not currently suitable for you, and we can understand that for you there is no God (otherwise you wouldn't be atheist), which makes God nonexistent, to you.

I guess you don't need to make any claims. So why do you bother to argue with people who do believe in God?
What do you hope to achieve

I claim to be theist, and you claim to be atheist. If you decide not to believe in God, unless you are totally ignorant, one can only assume you knowingly choose to not believe in God.

So, you're an atheist.... why?

I don't think you know what you prefer. You seem lost, to me.

I've always said, believe, or don't, what you like. Just don't bring your nonsense to me, and not expect to get caned. :rolleyes:

This designer label is one of the funniest yet.

So if someone is "not a theist", doesn't that mean they don't believe in God?

It is inevitable.

Prove it.

Again&again, I cannot choose to believe what I have no evidence for. It is not a choice. It is not a decision.
Asking why I am not a theist is backward. Why are you a theist?
I have not brought anything to you.
You make silly claims & I cannot believe you

The proof is in your posts.

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