Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Not the article - your OP.
You continue to forget what you posted in the OP. The relevant bit is reproduced for you at the top of every page of this thread.
I've explained almost as many times what I think is meant by ''atheist might not exist''.
I think it simply a way to entice people to read the article.
So you think that posting a falsehood is fine if it entices people to read the article?
I have never stated that the studies in that article claim atheists might not exist in the flesh.
Then what's your thread title about?
I say "God Is".
There is a difference.

It's a fundamental.
Either you accept God, or you don't.
You cannot support your position.
You just don't accept God, whereas I accept God.

You say there is no evidence for God. That is an assertion, because you are without God (original meaning of your label), and have no clue of what type of evidence you will need, to accept God.

Your arrogance allows you to think that your position is correct, and mine is false. Can you support your position?

Of course you're going to say something like, there is no evidence for God. Well of course there's no evidence of God, for you, because you are fundamentally, without God. ATheos.
"The fool says in his heart, there is no God".

I already know that. Why do you think they don that particular label. There is no God for atheists, and there never will be, until they stop denying, and rejecting. That is all every atheist post does. Denial, and rejection.

I don't want you to believe God exists.
To expect that of a modern atheist, is a futile exercise. You will accept God, when you're ready. And it won't be via evidence, or people trying to convert you. You will simply give up this non practical mindset, called atheism.

I like coming here because the atheists who engage, are dogmatic, and religious, in their zeal, and conviction, regarding denial and rejection of God. It would be become a boring site if the atheist wasn't such.
So believe me when I tell you, I'm not trying to make you believe.

If you make a claim, it is the responsibility of the claimant, to explain, if asked. So stop hiding behind the sofa, and explain your delusion. :D
Both our positions are fundamental.
You are the one who has gone against the norm, by proposing there is no God.
I'm just simply keeping it real.
Why have you rebelled?
Where is your evidence that that there is no God? Oh, I just remembered. You haven't got any, because it something you say to yourself. You have said, in your heart, there is no God.

You convinced there is no God, by dint convincing yourself. If you can do that to yourself, only you can undo it.

Like you would know. Hey? ;)

You are 1 of the few most 0btuse, obstinate, obnoxious people I have encountered or heard of or 1 of the most sick trolls. I cannot believe that much of this is sincere ignorance.
Facts & logic mean nothing to you. You may as well claim 2 + 2 = 7 & go on&on&on&on&on&on about it & claim we just deny & reject it.
It does not matter what the norm is. Normal is very often wrong.
You are definitely keeping it unreal. You are trying to keep it imaginary.
I have never said there is no god. I do not need any evidence to support claims I have not made.
I cannot accept any god until some god gets up the courage to come out from hiding & show itself. What the heck is your god afraid of?
I am not convinced there is no god. I am convinced that after much study & research I have not seen evidence of any god. Study & research which I was under no obligation to do.
You have never seen me claim the things you say. You are a frigging liar. Stop lying.
I did not say there is no evidence of god. I may have said I see no evidence of any god. You are a frigging liar. Why the heck do you have to lie?
YOU are without god & evidently have no idea what it takes to know there is a god or gods.
There is no god for theists & never will be until some god comes out of hiding & frigging shows itself.
Saying god is does not mean anything. You are simply vomiting crap.
Again&again&again I do not need to support my position. YOU make the claim that god is, YOU should support your position.
YOU are the arrogant 1, as are most theists. Ignorant arrogance does not get you anywhere.

The fool says in his heart there is no god. That could just as well be the opposite. It is the oldest trick of con artists. Tell fools that they are fools if they do not do such&such & the fools will fall in line. It is frigging bullshit.
You have been taken in by con artists & been convinced to try to con others. We are not falling for it.
You are convinced of the god fantasy. Perhaps you can realize we are making sense yet only you can get yourself out of your delirious dreamworld.
It is fundamental. Either you accept reality or you do not.

But but but...they love their fellow man dont they?

I aready suspected believers dont practice what they preach.

I really think you guys have a serious problem over there.
I have been looking at various utube healing, talking in tounges, evangalists asking for money so they can buy another private jet.

They are a crazy bunch on first impressions.

I posted a while back how the Arabs went from leaders in knowledge back to the bronze age because one religious leader proclaimed maths as evil and man you guys are in danger of being sidelined by a similar approach.

As I said...there must be 20% of your population if pressed would declare the Earth to be flat because its in the bible...maybe more...that must be a grave concern.
We are lucky.
We had a female prime minister who was atheist which I gather would be unthinkable in US.

Do you like Bill Maher?

I have been watching his videos with delight.
I think I have seen all George Carlins work.

There is an Australian ..Jim Jefferies who I am surprised has not been shot.
He actually looks very much like me when I was young so it feels funny watching him.

Anyways if it gets out of hand come over here I can put you up somewhere.

No. They do not love their fellow man. They do not know what love is. For 1 thing, love is not condemning or accepting such of billions of your fellow man to be tortured for eternity. Love is not trying to control others & forcing your "morals" on others. Love is not wanting people to believe fantasy without good evidence. Love is not brainwashing children at a time when they are helpless. Love is not putting the stupid frigging ten commandments on government property. Love is not forcing girls to have abortions because you cannot handle the situation while acting like you are against abortion. Love is not condemning people because they do not share your beliefs. Love is not propagating lies. Love is not hate.

On the contrary. It is very easy to get past the initial comprehension of the OP, if you know about tongue in cheek.
People who identify as atheist exist, but their world view is a mental construct, and not rooted in the reality of being. In that actuality, the question "do atheists exist" is a plausible one.

You are a mental construct & not rooted in reality. Why can you not face reality?

Are you kidding me? Are you wearing blinders? Wake up a look around you.
I grew up in Holland in a town which was 99% catholic and I had to run from a mob many times to avoid being beaten for being atheist. The people did not want my family in "their town".

You seem to be purposefully ignorant of prejudicial violent behaviors around the world.
Be honest Jan.
I know more of the US than other countries & sometimes I have slipped & spoke of christians without specifying in the US & some atheists claimed Europe was not like that. Now I am a bit confused.

I know more of the US than other countries & sometimes I have slipped & spoke of christians without specifying in the US & some atheists claimed Europe was not like that. Now I am a bit confused.
Religious prejudice can be found all around the world. It is often regional, but theocracies are by their very nature prejudicial of other beliefs or rituals.
I realize that but several atheists in this forum seem completely ignorant of it.
I am not so worried about atheist ignorance of the problem. After all, atheists do not practice or judge a person for their religious beliefs. It is theist ignorance of the problem or practice of prejudicial behaviors that worries me.
So you think that posting a falsehood is fine if it entices people to read the article?

It enticed me, then when I read it, I understood what was meant by it.
Sure, if you replace the word "people" with "atheists", so in effect you are saying 'people might not exist", then that would be a falsehood. But the the fact is, you are JamesR, a person, who identifies himself as an atheist. Notice the distinction. It is the identity you associate yourself with, that "might not exist" not the human being.

I am not so worried about atheist ignorance of the problem. After all, atheists do not practice or judge a person for their religious beliefs. It is theist ignorance of the problem or practice of prejudicial behaviors that worries me.
Of course, that is the main problem.
I am just trying to understand all this & know what I can & figuring how to react.

It enticed me, then when I read it, I understood what was meant by it.
Sure, if you replace the word "people" with "atheists", so in effect you are saying 'people might not exist", then that would be a falsehood. But the the fact is, you are JamesR, a person, who identifies himself as an atheist. Notice the distinction. It is the identity you associate yourself with, that "might not exist" not the human being.

Atheism is not a matter of associating with anything. It is a matter of not associating with theism.
May as well claim we identify with not believing in santa claus or ghosts or unicorns or not being soccer fans or not being stamp collectors. It is all just stupid bullshit.

Open your eyes or ears & learn something.

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Atheism is not a matter of associating with anything. It is a matter of not associating with theism.
May as well claim we identify with not believing in santa claus or ghosts or unicorns or not being soccer fans or not being stamp collectors. It is all just stupid bullshit.

Open your eyes or ears & learn something.

In short, if you can meme it, you are associating with something.

Try again.
You are trying to teach something before you have learnt anything.
I bet there is only 1 other person on this forum who might say that. Including people who have disagreed with me several times. Guess who.
I knew more when I was your age than you will ever know. You do not want to learn because you falsely believe you know all that you need to. The ignorant think the learned are ignorant. Fools think intelligence is foolish.
You need a good long look in a mirror.

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I bet there is only 1 other person on this forum who might say that. Including people who have disagreed with me several times. Guess who.
I knew more when I was your age than you will ever know. You do not want to learn because you falsely believe you know all that you need to. The ignorant think the learned are ignorant. Fools think intelligence is foolish.
You need a good long look in a mirror.

If you think you are coming to the problem without values, you pretty much can't offer anything except your blind allegiance to a political agenda .... regardless whether it is fundamentalist religion or atheism.

Kind of telling that you fall back on vox populi and bluster to lend credibility to your world view.
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If you think you are coming to the problem without values, you pretty much can't offer anything except your blind allegiance to a political agenda .... regardless whether it is fundamentalist religion or atheism.

Kind of telling that you fall back on vox populi to lend credibility to your world view.
If you think you can read my mind, you are obviously mistaken.
I am not falling back on anything. It was only a side observation on your ridiculous "statement".
Do you not have a mirror handy?

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