Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Like all other mere mortals, I can only judge your thoughts by what you post here.
It seems unreasonable to expect anything else.
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If you think I think I am coming to the problem without values, blah blah blah, you did not get it from my posts.

Atheism is not a matter of associating with anything. It is a matter of not associating with theism.
May as well claim we identify with not believing in santa claus or ghosts or unicorns or not being soccer fans or not being stamp collectors. It is all just stupid bullshit.

Open your eyes or ears & learn something.

Come again?
(Funnily enough, the predominant memes about believing in unicorns these days seem to come from blustering atheists)
The quote came from the article, for which I have provided a link.
I understand it in the context that it is written, but I think 'theism' is natural to humans,
whereas 'atheism' is an ideal, ever seeking to improve itself.
Actually, I can agree with that. Humans always seek an explanation for natural phenomena and if natural causalities are hidden but appear regularly (in patterns), there is a tendency to ascribe the phenomenon to an unseen intelligence. IOW a sentient and motivated God....... End of story!

Atheism is the recognition that all phenomena are natural and that sentience or motivation is not required for an event to occur and warrant further analysis and study of the natural mechanics, thereby improving itself constantly.

Theism is a closed belief system which cannot (is forbidden to) improve on itself.
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You believe in one god, they believe in several gods. (Or, if you prefer upper case, you believe in one God, they believe in several Gods.) Who is correct? Both are just as correct.
Yes, this is part of the sublime mystery. There are greater and lesser Gods/gods, each endowed with a specific purpose for creating natural phenomena. Thor is a greater God (of thunder and lightning), than water sprites which are lesser gods (of the water dwellers).

It's all one big mystical construct of metaphysical sentient beings, which do not answer to natural laws but are responsible for naturally occurring events. This, of course is why religion rejects science as it is a useless exercise in view of the mystically sentient motivated nature of universal functions.

However, to date there have been two Popes who have stipulated that Darwinian evolution is true.
How can that possibly be.....:?......sacrilege!!!
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It is the identity you associate yourself with, that "might not exist" not the human being.
No scientists have discovered that these kinds of associations and identities might not exist. No report of scientific research contains word of any such discovery.
The claim you posted in the OP, repeated at the top of this and every page, is a falsehood.
They are not the same in this regard. The unfounded notion that the number 13 is unlucky is simply irrational, it does not describe a belief in a god.
If one argues that through some undiscovered law of physics that the expression of the number 13 has a negative physical effect on the expresser, then this wouldn't be considered an association with a supernatural entity. But if the number 13 along with a host of other symbolic objects are considered to be elements of some imagined supernatural landscape, then I would see it as an association with a supernatural entity, and thus equivalent with gods.
Actually, I can agree with that. Humans always seek an explanation for natural phenomena and if natural causalities are hidden but appear regularly (in patterns), there is a tendency to ascribe the phenomenon to an unseen intelligence. IOW a sentient and motivated God....... End of story!

More importantly, you can spin your denial and rejection of God.

Atheism is the recognition that all phenomena are natural and that sentience or motivation is not required for an event to occur and warrant further analysis and study of the natural mechanics, thereby improving itself constantly.

Atheism is the disbelief, or lack of belief in God (a god is a creation of God). Nothing more, nothing less.
Reinvention is required to keep up the noise, to avoid coming to one's senses.

Theism is a closed belief system which cannot (is forbidden to) improve on itself.

Theism is the natural path for human beings. God just Is, and we are all at different levels of realisation, including yourself, and your delusion.
I would go as far as to say, we're all delusional to some degree or other, until we become fully self-realised. But atheism seeks to keep you in the dark. You will always be in the dark, until you break that spell. That's its problem.

More importantly, you can spin your denial and rejection of God.

Atheism is the disbelief, or lack of belief in God (a god is a creation of God). Nothing more, nothing less.
Reinvention is required to keep up the noise, to avoid coming to one's senses.

Theism is the natural path for human beings. God just Is, and we are all at different levels of realisation, including yourself, and your delusion.
I would go as far as to say, we're all delusional to some degree or other, until we become fully self-realised. But atheism seeks to keep you in the dark. You will always be in the dark, until you break that spell. That's its problem. Jan.
Ok, you go on you natural path of believing in an unseen sentience and bathe in the sublime light of God. I wish you well.

p.s. Light is produced by the sun. As Carlin said that "overnight he became a sun worshipper", "well not overnight, can't see the sun at night", but the next day, he became a sun worshipper because it gave him everything he needed, "light, warmth, reflections on the lake", "an occasional skin cancer, but hey"......:biggrin:
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No scientists have discovered that these kinds of associations and identities might not exist.

Why are the atheists churches?
Why is this a growing phenomenon?

No report of scientific research contains word of any such discovery.

Didn't you see what I said in the OP.
Words to the effect of, interesting article, let's discuss.
Which part of that didn't you comprehend?
Don't you realise, yours, and others behaviour, regarding this article, kind of gives the article, credibility that it wouldn't of had, had ya'll have simply discussed it, without the trolling?

The claim you posted in the OP, repeated at the top of this and every page, is a falsehood.

You think it's a falsehood, for obvious reasons. I now believe it has credibility.
It was very clever to utilise Richard Dawkins, to identify the type of atheist that may not exist.

Ok, you go on you natural path of believing in an unseen sentience and bathe in the sublime light of God. I wish you well.

We're all on that path, only at different places. But I wish you well also, so thanks.

p.s. Light is produced by the sun. As Carlin said that "overnight he became a worshipper", "well not overnight, can't see the sun at night", but the next day, he became a sun worshipper because it gave him everything he needed, "light, warmth, reflections on the lake", "an occasional skin cancer, but hey"......:biggrin:

I've got to be honest, I don't think Carlin is funny. Humorous!? No doubt.
He's also resonponsible for helping modern atheism along it's destructive path, of turning God, theism, and real God-centered religion, into dirty words.

We're all on that path, only at different places. But I wish you well also, so thanks.
I've got to be honest, I don't think Carlin is funny. Humorous!? No doubt.
He's also resonponsible for helping modern atheism along it's destructive path, of turning God, theism, and real God-centered religion, into dirty words. Jan.
No, Theists have turned belief in God into a destructive path. No atheist ever tortured or murdered anyone in the name of God and you complain about dirty words? Enough already.
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Why are the atheists churches?
Where are the atheist churches? You mean places such as the Carnegie Institute for Science?
church, NOUN
1. a building for public Christian worship.
2. public worship of God or a religious service in such a building: to attend church regularly.
3. (sometimes initial capital letter) the whole body of Christian believers; Christendom.
4. (sometimes initial capital letter) any division of this body professing the same creed and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a Christian denomination: the Methodist Church.
5. that part of the whole Christian body, or of a particular denomination, belonging to the same city, country, nation, etc.
Stop mangling the English language in an attempt to justify your skewed worldview.

I'd like to see an atheist mosque. How long do you think that building would last before it was blown to bits, with atheists inside it, in the name of Allah?
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Walks like duck, quacks like a duck ... etc etc
Hmmmm, what about the recent separation of children from their parents in the name of religion?
That is wrong on so many levels it staggers the mind.
If it walks like the devil, talks like the devil, etc, etc.
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Hmmmm, what about the recent separation of children from their parents in the name of religion?
That is wrong on so many levels it staggers the mind.
If it walks like the devil, talks like the devil, etc, etc.
I'm not sure what your point is. If you are trying to establish the separation of children from their parents as an integral aspect of religion you are clutching at straws.

If you are trying to cite an example of misuse of authority as grounds for disbanding an authority, you are on a slippery slope. You will be left in a world without police, judges, scientists, school teachers, lawyers, parents, boy scout leaders, carpenters, car mechanics, etc etc since these are all examples of positions people have operated from in a corrupt manner. Its the nature of "the devil", if you want to use the language of a God challenged by a personified evil force, that any good idea can be used in a bad manner.
I'm not sure what your point is. If you are trying to establish the separation of children from their parents as an integral aspect of religion you are clutching at straws.

If you are trying to cite an example of misuse of authority as grounds for disbanding an authority, you are on a slippery slope. You will be left in a world without police, judges, scientists, school teachers, lawyers, parents, boy scout leaders, carpenters, car mechanics, etc etc since these are all examples of positions people have operated from in a corrupt manner. Its the nature of "the devil", if you want to use the language of a God challenged by a personified evil force, that any good idea can be used in a bad manner.
There you have it. It is more likely that a concept of God, especially a God of the Old Testament, is a bad idea that leads to bad behavior.

Your examples of bad behavior by public servants which can be held acountable does not cut it. OTOH, bad actions in the name of God are "negotiable" as they are a law unto themselves.
Ever heard of a fatwah? I have already cited the Inquisitions handbook previously. You may want to read it again.
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There you have it. It is more likely that a concept of God, especially a God of the Old Testament, is a bad idea that leads to bad behavior.
Your examples of bad behavior by public servants which can be held acountable does not cut it.
I see what you mean .... so unlike atheism that whenever attempts to implement it on a community level, the results are always good.


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