Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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My bad, can you give me the post number which contains this explicit claim?
The explicit claim from you that you did not intend your claim in the opening post to be a joke?

The title that you gave the thread is a fairly bit hint, isn't it?

Are you now going to pretend that your saying it wasn't a joke, was a joke?
The explicit claim from you that you did not intend your claim in the opening post to be a joke?

The title that you gave the thread is a fairly bit hint, isn't it?

Are you now going to pretend that your saying it wasn't a joke, was a joke?

I may have given the thread that title, but the title is the name of the article.
It wasn't my idea, although I think it is a good way to entice people, especially atheists.
Look, your all in a tizz. It's got ya'll deluded, all over the place.
It's like the poo hit the fan, up in here. :D

I may have given the thread that title, but the title is the name of the article.
You posted that as the title of this thread - the OP.
You then defended it - as "plausible", "interesting", etc.
You argued from it.
You refused to acknowledge it as a falsehood.

You can do that now: acknowledge that the OP of this thread is a falsehood.
I may have given the thread that title, but the title is the name of the article.
It wasn't my idea, although I think it is a good way to entice people, especially atheists.
So you don't believe what you post, you don't understand other people's positions and you aren't responsible for what you say. Your primary reason in posting is to anger others.

You are a perfect theist.
From your quoted link in the OP.
Humans are pattern-seekers from birth, with a belief in karma, or cosmic justice, as our default setting.
I completely disagree with that stretch of logic.

If humans are pattern seekers we are predisposed to mathematics. Neither karma nor cosmic justice are explainable with or through mathematics which are completely neutral in function.
This is demonstrably true from observation of behaviors by even the most simple organisms.

This is why theists are forced to qualify their beliefs with convenient slogans like "His will be done" and "God works in mysterious ways" .

Mathematical values and functions are not mysterious, they are inherent and implacable properties and potentials of the spacetime fabric itself.
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You posted that as the title of this thread - the OP.
You then defended it - as "plausible", "interesting", etc.
You argued from it.
You refused to acknowledge it as a falsehood.

You can do that now: acknowledge that the OP of this thread is a falsehood.

If you can explain why it is a falsehood, I would be glad to.

If you can explain why it is a falsehood, I would be glad to.
This is verging on trolling now.

The reasons it is a falsehood were posted early on in this thread. I, for one, went through the article claim by claim and set it all out for you.

iceaura has also pointed out to you a number of times that nothing in the scientific studies cited in the article supports the claim that "atheists might not exist".

Tread carefully. You've gone beyond your usual level of avoidance and distraction here. You're starting to tell knowing lies.
So you don't believe what you post, you don't understand other people's positions and you aren't responsible for what you say. Your primary reason in posting is to anger others.

You are a perfect theist.

You don't need me, to be angry.

From your quoted link in the OP.

I completely disagree with that stretch of logic.

If humans are pattern seekers we are predisposed to mathematics. Neither karma nor cosmic justice are explainable with or through mathematics which are completely neutral in function.
This is demonstrably true from observation of behaviors by even the most simple organisms.

This is why theists are forced to qualify their beliefs with convenient slogans like "His will be done" and "God works in mysterious ways" .

Mathematical values and functions are not mysterious, they are inherent and implacable properties and potentials of the spacetime fabric itself.

Now that you've got that off your chest, perhaps we can get back on topic.

This is verging on trolling now.

The reasons it is a falsehood were posted early on in this thread. I, for one, went through the article claim by claim and set it all out for you.

iceaura has also pointed out to you a number of times that nothing in the scientific studies cited in the article supports the claim that "atheists might not exist".

Tread carefully. You've gone beyond your usual level of avoidance and distraction here. You're starting to tell knowing lies.

I've explained almost as many times what I think is meant by ''atheist might not exist''.
I think it simply a way to entice people to read the article.
I have never stated that the studies in that article claim atheists might not exist in the flesh.

How come you haven't seen that?

If you can explain why it is a falsehood, I would be glad to.
It claims that research done by scientists has made discoveries indicating that people's patterns of metaphysical thought or belief are inherently or universally theistic. No such research is cited or referred to, and no such discoveries were made by any of the research that was cited or referred to. That makes it a false claim about scientific research and its findings.
It really is no different than practicing belief in gods.

I would agree that there is a similar psychology to the behavior, but definitionally there is a difference, and the article equivocates the two specifically in reference to atheists.
They are not the same in this regard. The unfounded notion that the number 13 is unlucky is simply irrational, it does not describe a belief in a god.
Now that you've got that off your chest, perhaps we can get back on topic...jan.
I get the distinct impression that you have lost complete track of the topic and are just wildly flinging mud at everyone who is trying to have a serious discussion. I am sorry to say that you're a coward for not even trying to justify your false beliefs.

A declaration that "God is" is not a valid argument for assertion that atheist are fundamentally theists, regardless of a "catchy" OP title.
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This does head the page Jan linked to in the op.

Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke.

I think I can see it the way Jan sees it now.

I think some of us, as Jan said got in a tizz..being honest at least I may have...I agree with Jans observation and even though I feel personally silly for becoming so silly I can understand is confronting to find that you are not annoying enough such that you are considered not to exist.

I had a relevation today obviously from God because I am too stupid to think up good stuff...
It was this.
We should be nice to each other and be kind.
Poor Jan we attack him like a pack of dogs sometimes.
It so easy to get cranky I find..I hate it when I figure it out...

The other relevation is to focus on the good in people and the world and somehow maintain hope that it will all end up ok...even suspecting that wont happen.

I have concluded that we all hold differing realities and we each believe our subjective teality is indeed objective reality...what this means we know we are right...religion has enormous problems but hopefully on the positive many use their faith as, admittedly a selective variable item, to guide their lives and certainly there are better ways , in my view, but folk have a structure at least a set of directions , some terrible but some good...its like a bad decision is probably better than no decision or indecision.

Again it should not get to that but religion and what I believe is indeed a false belief probably gets better behaviour out of must keep some off booze for example.
I mean its there isnt it what can you do...I got crook legs and its no good complaining they wont change☺

Hang on gotta go you know who is trying to get thru...yes its him..he just wants everyone to be kind to each other...he will be outta town for a while so play nicely and dont eat all the endangered species.

We should be nice to each other and be kind.
Is that the exclusive domain of theists? I beg to differ most strongly.
By its very nature theism breeds exclusivity and prejudice.

You can test this easily by asking an adherent of one of the Christian Abrahamic religions if their scriptural God is the same God as Allah of the Qu'ran. I will wager that the answer is "no" and I have tested it.

The first commandment; "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" is an exclusive statement. (Exodus 20 and then reviewed in Deuteronomy 5 in the Old Testament.)

(Carlin; "you believe in God"? "yes"? "you believe in my God"? "no"? Boom you're dead.)
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I beg to differ most strongly.
I encourage you to do so.
By its very nature theism breeds exclusivity and prejudice.
Yes but that conditiin is probably a human condition and I can see that other groups could act similar.
All I am saying is, well from my point of view, I just want it to get better.
I think I am trying to not face the problem really.
I have been watching so many videos from Bill and Matt and the front line of our vocal athiests on utube..the problems are huge so I really have to pull back and try and not dispair.
Do you know what I mean.
At least we can be thankful religion contributes to the economy...they dont pay tax but they do spend it and invest it...look at the jet sales to these tv guys...think of the benefit of 100000000 being collected and spent and how that benefited material suppliers etc...sure it could be spent better but hey it keeps the money moving and that is such a good we end up with poor folk buying jets in effect.
There must be a bright side☺
. I will wager that the answer is "no" and I have tested it.
Yes but its getting better .... it must be getting better...please tell me its getting better☺
I think it would be so funny for all of us to sit down in person at the pub with unlimited jugs of beer... at the end of the night we may all be sobbing and saying to our opponent you are not such a bad guy afterall.

Today I am helping a poor soul er person recover their life I hope to leave her on the doorstep of the Catholic Church☺
You gotta work the system☺
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