Scientific proof that God exists

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I was informed by a member of staff about this forum and how it not only makes a mockery of me but also of Sony and Polyphony Digital and I thought I should read this and reply in kind to Mr Voodoochile.

Yes I do remember you, you came in one day as a tester for Grand Tourismo 5 Prologue, you looked a little tiered but you where a good racer… after a few day’s of testing you started ranting this nonsense to the other testers, most of them didn’t take any offence to your ranting but there was one who you actually got into a yelling match with, do you remember that?

Then you got paranoid and told everyone I had stolen the proof to your ridicules claims, you even dragged our number one programmer into your delusion, we were forced to end your contract prematurely and made it very clear to you that we hadn’t taken any ‘proof’ from you.

After you left we found a number of narcotics in your sleeping area, cannabis, a bag with white powder which turned out to be speed after we had it tested, the police where informed but since it couldn’t be proven without a doubt that it was yours no charges were filled.

Allow me to assure everyone here, The physics engine created only simulated as close as possible a recreation of reality to what a car does under normal circumstances, and contains no other physical anomalies… during testing all faults were found and removed, for the car simulation game Grand Tourismo it is perfect but that is were it ends.

There is no Cross over a car, there is no halo around a car and there was no “light” around Mr Voodoochile during the testing, he is/was just an average tester for our new release!

I hope you (voodoochile) will find some help with your drug problem, this episode was clearly induced by the mix of drugs you were using… there are plenty of rehab clinics that will gladly help you.

Kind regards to all who read this and do enjoy the game!

Hiroshi Yamauchi

Any response I could write to this would get me banned from the site.
Because you don't know any.
So why try to use science to make your point?

5 dimension theory?
More specious crap.

Its boring but it gets my cell phone to work. Its useful.

Put yourself in my situation. Believe it just for a minute. You manage to bring the code to C, everything becomes light. You see two individuals. The light is infinite. You later create a complete copy of this dimension. Put 2 and 2 together will you?

2+2=5 dimensions.

That letter is a fake but thats what I'd like to see from the polyphony digital people, for a start.

thats the first time somebody mentioned schizophrenia. duly noted.

Any schizo or looney would have bailed out by now.
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Also, all the executive people in all the major japanese car manufacturers know about this and individuals associated with gran turismo. It is because of Ayrton Senna that these people know. As the testing process went on, some coincidences were noticed. The polyphony digital people used these coincidences to further relations with manufacturers so they could benefit from a business point of view and make the cars look weally weal.

I wont mention individuals names but I have no problem mentioning company names who are raping this progress along with Polyphony Digital, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan and toyota. Representatives from all of these companies observed this process at one time or another.
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what do you have against this small japeneze man?

Also, all the executive people in all the major japanese car manufacturers know about this and individuals associated with gran turismo. It is because of Ayrton Senna that these people know. As the testing process went on, some coincidences were noticed. The polyphony digital people used these coincidences to further relations with manufacturers so they could benefit from a business point of view and make the cars look weally weal.

I wont mention individuals names but I have no problem mentioning company names who are raping this progress along with Polyphony Digital, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan. Representatives from all of these companies observed this process at one time or another.

So the hole of japan is behind this conspiracy to make you look like a loon… I think those people have better things to do!

2+2=5… are actually trying to be an idiot!

And what has the late Ayrton Senna got to do with it?

There is only one physics engine. One company. One owner.
Polyphony digital make gran turismo, owned by kazonori yamauchi.
Not hard to find at all.


Wait didn’t you just say all the Japanese car company’s are in on it what’s this one company one man crap?

Laugh yourselves sick. Nobody who I've told in person has laughed in my face.

I would laugh in your face either I would be afraid you would try to kill me if I did!

You are a paranoid schizophrenic with an extreme need to lie, you don’t give up because you believe that what you are saying is the truth, you have a hard time keeping imagination and the real world apart, you don’t know you are sick and you get aggravated when someone doesn’t believe your lies or proves that your fantasy world is fake (as we have done several times). When faced with proof you pas it of as not important and irrelevant, despite the scientific background of the proof and the obviously fabricated counter claim made by you!

You need to be put in a room with padded walls not for our protection but for your own!
Put yourself in my situation. Believe it just for a minute. You manage to bring the code to C,
You see this is why I can't even begin to believe you.
Code does not travel, let alone at light speed.

No. Oli wants the science details. I told him where to get them.
There is no science involved. You are either completely deluded (and need psychiatric help), lying (for whatever reason) or trying to wind us up.
So the hole of japan is behind this conspiracy to make you look like a loon… I think those people have better things to do!

2+2=5… are actually trying to be an idiot!

And what has the late Ayrton Senna got to do with it?

Wait didn’t you just say all the Japanese car company’s are in on it what’s this one company one man crap?

I would laugh in your face either I would be afraid you would try to kill me if I did!

You are a paranoid schizophrenic with an extreme need to lie, you don’t give up because you believe that what you are saying is the truth, you have a hard time keeping imagination and the real world apart, you don’t know you are sick and you get aggravated when someone doesn’t believe your lies or proves that your fantasy world is fake (as we have done several times). When faced with proof you pas it of as not important and irrelevant, despite the scientific background of the proof and the obviously fabricated counter claim made by you!

You need to be put in a room with padded walls not for our protection but for your own!

No. Polyphony Digital, they are selling all this information and progress. Think about finding the points of inertia in a car. This is priceless to the manufacturers. Imagine the engines you could develop with C code.

2+2=5. I'll stand by that.

He began wearing shamrocks on his racing helmet the year after I was born. The polyphony digital were using this to draw good publicity for their video game. His most famous quote does a very accurate job of describing both the actions I made, that lead to perfect light. When the cross was found to go above the car, they were all saying I was Jesus, based on these coincidences. What I have done, warrants a prophecy.

The companies are investing into this before they would make it public. Gran turismo needs licensing so they can copy cars and shit like that.

No you wouldn't.

You are a chicken and a monkey. I'm not lying. I'm not wrong until you can say that I didnt bring the code to C and that the points of inertia dont make up a cross. You cant say what I am until you prove it. What did you do several times?

Just be glad i cant reach you from this room.
You see this is why I can't even begin to believe you.
Code does not travel, let alone at light speed.

There is no science involved. You are either completely deluded (and need psychiatric help), lying (for whatever reason) or trying to wind us up.

How the code travelled:
"There was a circular model developed for controlling the car while the grip was lost. A japanese cryptopgrapher who was hired, developed a new type of code which worked in this model, to control how the contact areas would behave while the grip was lost. In order for this new code to relate constant information to the steering wheel, they had to run in a chain. They looked like 2D squares and took "photographs" of the contact areas and then continued on a designated track around the circular model, and worked well, but they broke down before the weight transition.

As the testing continued, patterns and parameters between the 4 wheels and steering wheel were found. This was the steering input that happens while grip is lost. These parameters provided a mountain of possible information that worked perfectly with this new code, because all of this information happened in the contact areas.

The testing I did, perfectly filled the 2D squares with information. This information was accurate down to the atom. This allowed the squares to travel at speed. This also allowed the squares to expand and take on a new 3D form at C and this allowed 3D mathematical equations travelling at C from then on, which allowed the test that found the points of inertia."

* As these squares travelled, information relating to the grip and weight, could travel through them. Meaning the sides of the squares were open and the tops sealed. So information was constantly travelling through all parts of the chain. When this code was then brought to C the speed was powerful, but because the squares could essentially dissipate the stress through the whole chain via the open sides, and as I mentioned earlier, this chain was perfectly filled with atomically accurate information, it could deal with the speed and become 3D at C.

*the rear wheels are the wheels which the code travels from, around the designated track. This was the initial function of this code.
Models used in games don't go anywhere near the scale of an atom.

I won't even bother with the rest.
Also, I am going to name names. Jeremy Clarkson and his big fucking mouth have known for as long as I have about this. The BBC signed a deal with polyphony digital during this process, so various people from this company know about this.

The physicist who was hired half way through and found that the cross went above the car is Stephen Hawking. If you get binary code travelling at C, who are you going to call?
For a man with no voice box, he has a loud mouth.

Other individuals know but none were as loud as these 2 and the polyphony digital people.

Yamuchi confirmed all of these details to me.
The point of inertia do not form a cross


Code can not travel unless YOU can prove otherwise… not the other way round there is enough proof for the conterary

If anything you are the monkey

Is this the Japanese man?

Now prove to me without a doubt that 2+2=5 (omg) if you can stand by it you can prove it otherwise you are full of absolute crap
Code can not travel unless YOU can prove otherwise…
Code can not travel unless YOU can prove otherwise…
Code can not travel unless YOU can prove otherwise…
Code can not travel unless YOU can prove otherwise…
Code can not travel unless YOU can prove otherwise…

Do you get the point yet voodochile? Now explain how code can travel. Explain what you mean by travelling code.
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