Scientific proof that God exists

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Sorry I was out of the loop for a few days. I've been working on getting the 2 metric tons of dehydrated urine.
Do you have transport facilities for this? That would be crucial. If you do not have transport facilities suitable for moving the dehydrated urine it will not be possible to move it. Well you might be able to send it somewhere, but you will not be able to take it.
Hardly - you haven't shown any understanding of science at all so how can you claim any scientific basis for what you've described?

no offence but science is boring. I was the tester, i did all the physical work and a lot of theories (including the 5 dimension theory). The science people involved did the science part.

Write a letter to yamauchi or sony or polyphony digital. Ask them to inform you about the science part of it. It wasnt my part. Or get them to deny all of this in public. Or on paper.

Do something.
Wait. You want us, total strangers, to do something. I'm willing to join you in an armed retrieval mission, but a letter? No way.
you mean motorsports? well to be quite honest I used to think winning races and screwing chicks seemed like a good way to live but I have realised theres more to it than just that.

Anyway, look at what i've fucking done. It would take a team of people to do the work I did. A machine couldnt get code to C. I found the proof and so on. I'm happy, even if i never do anything ever again.
no offence but science is boring.
You flatter yourself it you think anything you say could offend us.

Now, on a related matter, what was the name of the project you were working on. If we are to write to Sony we need to know that. If we are to join Hamtastic on the end of a paraglider we need to know that. If we are to continue laughing behind your back we need to know that. (Did I say that last bit out loud?)
you mean motorsports? well to be quite honest I used to think winning races and screwing chicks seemed like a good way to live but I have realised theres more to it than just that.

Anyway, look at what i've fucking done. It would take a team of people to do the work I did. A machine couldnt get code to C. I found the proof and so on. I'm happy, even if i never do anything ever again.

Some support ...

I would like to hear some of what you say from a good honest perspective.
If you may please tell me why you believe you are so excited for this.
If you may please tell me if you have an ego regarding this matter.
If you may please tell me if you think you are very right and we are wrong.

As the thread title is misleading regarding these matters at the moment [for myself- and many others I feel]
You have in your shit.

The truth is sitting in japan waiting for you to see it. You will be able to follow everything a lot better.

God is the light. The light is infinite. The light is the 5th dimension. A complete mathematically perfect replica of the 5th dimension, which I made, is in japan. Jesus is his son. You cant get more definitive than that.

The wool was pulled over my eyes. I trusted a bunch of cunts who have havent got a soul or a pair of balls between them.


I was informed by a member of staff about this forum and how it not only makes a mockery of me but also of Sony and Polyphony Digital and I thought I should read this and reply in kind to Mr Voodoochile.

Yes I do remember you, you came in one day as a tester for Grand Tourismo 5 Prologue, you looked a little tiered but you where a good racer… after a few day’s of testing you started ranting this nonsense to the other testers, most of them didn’t take any offence to your ranting but there was one who you actually got into a yelling match with, do you remember that?

Then you got paranoid and told everyone I had stolen the proof to your ridicules claims, you even dragged our number one programmer into your delusion, we were forced to end your contract prematurely and made it very clear to you that we hadn’t taken any ‘proof’ from you.

After you left we found a number of narcotics in your sleeping area, cannabis, a bag with white powder which turned out to be speed after we had it tested, the police where informed but since it couldn’t be proven without a doubt that it was yours no charges were filled.

Allow me to assure everyone here, The physics engine created only simulated as close as possible a recreation of reality to what a car does under normal circumstances, and contains no other physical anomalies… during testing all faults were found and removed, for the car simulation game Grand Tourismo it is perfect but that is were it ends.

There is no Cross over a car, there is no halo around a car and there was no “light” around Mr Voodoochile during the testing, he is/was just an average tester for our new release!

I hope you (voodoochile) will find some help with your drug problem, this episode was clearly induced by the mix of drugs you were using… there are plenty of rehab clinics that will gladly help you.

Kind regards to all who read this and do enjoy the game!

Hiroshi Yamauchi

I get a sense that is voodochilli ... my way with words almost confirms it but does not sound like him at same time.
no offence but science is boring.
Because you don't know any.
So why try to use science to make your point?

I was the tester, i did all the physical work and a lot of theories (including the 5 dimension theory). The science people involved did the science part.
5 dimension theory?
More specious crap.
I think you're lying.

I'm not lying. How do I benefit from this lie? If I really had a problem with an old little japanese man wouldnt I just go to japan and take care of it nice and quickly. Why go telling the whole world about this proof of God's existence. It seems a bit much for a lie or revenge.
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You flatter yourself it you think anything you say could offend us.

Now, on a related matter, what was the name of the project you were working on. If we are to write to Sony we need to know that. If we are to join Hamtastic on the end of a paraglider we need to know that. If we are to continue laughing behind your back we need to know that. (Did I say that last bit out loud?)

There is only one physics engine. One company. One owner.
Polyphony digital make gran turismo, owned by kazonori yamauchi.
Not hard to find at all.

Laugh yourselves sick. Nobody who I've told in person has laughed in my face.
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I was informed by a member of staff about this forum and how it not only makes a mockery of me but also of Sony and Polyphony Digital and I thought I should read this and reply in kind to Mr Voodoochile....

:roflmao: OMFG! Now THAT makes sense. Why was he banned?
Some support ...

I would like to hear some of what you say from a good honest perspective.
If you may please tell me why you believe you are so excited for this.
If you may please tell me if you have an ego regarding this matter.
If you may please tell me if you think you are very right and we are wrong.

As the thread title is misleading regarding these matters at the moment [for myself- and many others I feel]

You are getting the truth from an honest perspective. I'm just not sugar coating it. I couldnt be bothered as I have no patience left. 6 months and by objective observation i have found that the majority of people are chickens and/or monkeys. The next time you spend more than half an hour watching tv, think that you could be looking at the light.

I found the majority of the proof that God exists. I met God and was introduced to someone who was later confirmed to be Jesus Christ. I had to break through the fabric of space time for this, and I did it with my bare hands. Something a hadron collider can't do. etc.

I have the greatest mind on the planet. Ask any of the people considered to have the greatest minds.

Its not that I'm right and your wrong. It's that I'm right and you don't have a fucking clue whats really going on. Nobody really did until this happened.

The title should be, the unified theory of the universe, Great, and then kazonori yamuchi happened.

*he's stealing from you, you just can't believe the circumstances that allowed it to happen.
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