Cris said:
The story of a personal supernatural savior, which in turn is a repeated re-hash of numerous mythologies that pre-date Christianity.
What is a true gospel? What you have come to believe was crafted by the politicians of those early years that created the church.
Yes, the same story with different names is in almost every culture and pre-dates Christianity.True.
But that proves my point.
The world was destroyed.
Noah's three sons repopulated the Earth sending with their descendants a belief in one God, that would send someday a Saviour....a belief that had been symbolized in sacrifices since the days of Abel.
That pre-dates Christianity.
After the flood, the whole world for a time believed in Jove.....
China, India, the Middle East...they all have the remains of similar stories, some still to this day.
The belief in one God lasted until the days of Nimrod of Babylon, and then he split the world into warring fractions and taught war to the children of men, using false religions fabricated many times from portions of the original that was true mixed with lies.
No mystery how it happened, you can still see the results today.
Thats why the Bible called the apostate church in this day...seen in visions back then before it happened, Babylon.
It is a type and manifestation of the same spirit of error at work.
The truth has been said to be so simple a child could not err therein.
It may be more a mater of the heart then.
Jesus Christ hides Himself in simplicity, and reveals Himself in the same.
That said.......
He could be walking right among you and no one would know.
"Many have entertained angels unaware"
He said "unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground it abideth alone"
This is the harvest time.
The bride and bridegroom become one.
His many-membered body.
They didn't know Him then.
And you don't know who that is setting right next to you right now.
God sending His Spirit to an individual and that individual is a mouthpiece, when you receive that individual, you don't receive Him, but you receive Him that sent Him.
Jesus said, "When you receive Me, you receive not Me, but you receive My Father that sent Me." You get it?
"Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these little ones that believe in Me, you have done it unto Me."
The Scripture said, "You've entertained Angels, not knowing what you were doing, unaware of it."
Same as Abraham entertained Angels, and immediately after the Angel left and had performed miracle before him, he called the Man, God, Elohim, the Almighty God setting there eating steak sandwiches, drinking milk from the cow, eating cakes. And He was Almighty God. in point.
He has done such a good job of it, you all sit here now debating whether He even exists.
Thats amazing to me.