Scientific Approach to the Jesus question

IAC said:
But of course, a born again Christian can never leave God, he may think he can, but the Bible says God never lets such happen.

Ahhhhh, here we are.

Please back up this claim with scripture. You know, like maybe posting the verse or verses which give you this idea.

IAC, I don't think you have really defined what it means to be born again.
The Bible is vague on this issue, as it is on, well, pretty much every issue!!!

Which is why of course every Christian sect has a different idea of what it means to be A) Saved B) Baptized with water C) Baptised with the Holy Ghost.

So please define for me the following:

1. To be saved -

2. To be born again -

3. To be baptized with the Holy Ghost -

We cannot continue a discussion when we don't know the definition of the terms we are using to discuss. Please, define these three things so we can continue to discuss this issue with terms which have a specified meaning.
1. To be saved - To accept Jesus as your personal savior

2. To be born again - To have some kind of divine experience such as a vision or an extreme feeling of God's presence, sometimes accompanied by speaking in tongues

3. To be baptized with the Holy Ghost - To have some kind of divine experience such as a vision or an extreme feeling of God's presence, sometimes accompanied by speaking in tongues

IAC, do you agree with the terms presented above? If not please correct them for me. We have to agree on specific definitions for each term if we are going to keep using them. And they are vital terms to this discussion of Jesus and of Belief.
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How is my Christianity different from your friends' Christianity?
They follow the teachings of Jesus.
You're a hypocrite.
It's fairly simple.
I would quote chapter and verse at you (as I have been known to go on and on) but it is a waste of time, because any point that I make will be completely ignored by you, and you will reply with a simpl five-word response or question that has nothing to do with what I spent my time replying to you with.
I never called anybody delusional, stupid, or evil, you did though.
Did I?
Please show me.
Where did I say Christianity is nonsense?
Are you going to back up what you said about Islam being so large and growing because they are threatened with personal harm if they do so?

I'm re-quoting these because it looks like IAC may have missed them.

Why is it that you constantly ignore the questions and comments directed toward you?
Rather than address what is being said and asked, you pick one small piece of what someone said, and try and throw a quip back at them.
As someone else asked you recently, do you know how to have a conversation?
It consists of back and forth observations, comments, questions and answers regarding a subject (or sometimes multiple subjects) in which people express themselves and attept to help the other person understand thier point of view. Sometimes, one person will attempt to sway the opinion of the other. Regardless a conversation is two people exchanging ideas in a logical, somewhat sequential, manner.
Just a tip.

Or maybe he didn't.
IAC, you have about the time it takes me to refill my coffee to explain what you're implying by the post above. Since it in no way relates to any of One_Raven's questions or points, I'm going to assume that it's trolling or, at the very least, spamming. At worst, you're making a physical threat. With such little to go on in your one-liner posts, its difficult to tell.

Either way, without an explanation, you're about to receive another infraction. Perhaps lucky for you, its that time of the week to wash out my cup. Back in a few and hope to read your answer.
Part of the Muslim "honor killing" system is to do that to people who leave Islam, nothing to do with Christian practices, so Skin, please read the posts for comprehension, but not to find any baseless excuse to attack my posts.