Science in Parapsychology

By the way, FBI, NSA, DHS do not like very smart people. A friend of mine had amazing technology solutions and he could not pass through the gatekeepers. Now he is doing private business work. So semi-intelligent people in the government definitely will be afraid of these people with abilities.

Potential bosses hate the notion of hiring someone that might either overtake their position or take their position. It's purely an egocentric position.

I'm pretty sure any government placed job requires people to be schmoozer's, capable of buttering the toast of those that like to feel empowered by having hierarchy over them. Of course this sort of mentality leads to a lot of corruption through "empowerment". So you could imply the corrupt would worry about those with intelligence enough to weigh up their moral obligations that are supposed to be incorporated with their position.
and thats the way it should open to the evidence with out prejudice.


Some things remain unexplainable, at this time, but there is no need to be rude or abusive, even if one remains unconvinced until such time as we better understand these matters. :)

The 'coincidences' in life contribute to some interesting outcomes, in my experience and in those of others that I have encountered.
Wow, so I come back after a day and I see that this thread has exploded. I see psi woo, energy woo, Tesla woo, and conspiracy woo(yes, I tend to consider conspiracies woo). That's quite a load of woo, I'm surprised that the brains of the regulars haven't melted and oozed out their ears yet.

Some things remain unexplainable, at this time, but there is no need to be rude or abusive, even if one remains unconvinced until such time as we better understand these matters. :)

The 'coincidences' in life contribute to some interesting outcomes, in my experience and in those of others that I have encountered.
Interestingly I was applying certain understandings when considering the "Mass Hysteria" phenonema demonstrated at large gatherings of people such as football matches or concerts by contempory music groups [>80,000 persons] and came to a very satisfactory parapsychological understanding of how these "normal" & "abberations" in "mass" human behaviour could occur. Certainly a much more conclusive understanding/explanation than science currently entertains.

However I am prevented from presenting an appropriate explanation/theory due to the immediate dismissal and flaming such an attempt would generate from the "pseudo" sceptics whom offer more "woo" for their money than I would. [Also presenting the theory by necessity is an extremely large undertaking and requires major shifts in many understandings currently believed to be true when indeed they are quite false.]
In other words to present a comprehensive explanation would require the over turning of a huge amount of currently accepted beliefs and this is not practical given the standard human life span....[chuckle]

So IMO essentially the human race is doomed to swim in it's own pseudo sceptical mud unless dare I say...........a miracle occurs:D
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However I am prevented from presenting an appropriate explanation/theory due to the immediate dismissal and flaming such an attempt would generate from the "pseudo" sceptics whom offer more "woo" for their money than I would.
Oh, fail.
It doesn't prevent you presenting it.
Immediate dismissal? Wrong. It would be judged on its merits and validity.

[Also presenting the theory by necessity is an extremely large undertaking and requires major shifts in many understandings currently believed to be true when indeed they are quite false.]
In other words YOU have decided that current understanding is false and prefer to simply make the claim rather than substantiate it.

In other words to present a comprehensive explanation would require the over turning of a huge amount of currently accepted beliefs and this is not practical given the standard human life span....
Oh right. So, presumably, for you to come to this understanding you've lived considerably longer than human beings do? (Or you're lying/ mistaken about the required time. OR you're lying about YOU understanding it also, in which case why claim you can make a comprehensive explanation?)

So IMO essentially the human race is doomed to swim in it's own pseudo scepticism unless dare I say..a miracle occurs:D
Hmm, "pseudo scepticism"...
You made specious excuses for not presenting your "data". You make claims you're not prepared to support and then you make a claim that is blatantly false.
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The example of Quantum Entanglement and how a solution has been handed on a plate yet not taken up and woo wooed into the let's put our head in the sand basket.

Most physicists today believe that quantum mechanics is correct, and that the EPR paradox is a "paradox" only because classical intuitions do not correspond to physical reality. How EPR is interpreted regarding locality depends on the interpretation of quantum mechanics one uses. In the Copenhagen interpretation, it is usually understood that instantaneous wavefunction collapse does occur. However, the view that there is no causal instantaneous effect has also been proposed within the Copenhagen interpretation: in this alternate view, measurement affects our ability to define (and measure) quantities in the physical system, not the system itself. In the many-worlds interpretation, a kind of locality is preserved, since the effects of irreversible operations such as measurement arise from the relativization of a global state to a subsystem such as that of an observer.
Simply put you have real and credible evidence and theory that debunks Einsteins "nothing travels faster than light" space time paradigm with evidence to the contrary and no one prepared to say...oops! we may have a problem Houston!
You also have a situation that in order to cover up and hide major errors in current theory science has to Invent stuff such as Dark Matter and Dark energy...but yet again no one is prepared to say that there may be a problem with the logic that generates the error in the first lets just make stuff up as we go...hey?

as I said more woo woo for the money than I could ever come up with...

like for example :
7.5 billion Euros worth of woo woo with the Hadron Colider looking for a "God" Particle [Higgs] and proof of supersymmetry both declared failures in local news a few days ago.
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Oh right. So, presumably, for you to come to this understanding you've lived considerably longer than human beings do? (Or you're lying/ mistaken about the required time. OR you're lying about YOU understanding it also, in which case why claim you can make a comprehensive explanation?)
nah! the understanding took about 6 years, but to change the world would take considerably longer.
In other words YOU have decided that current understanding is false and prefer to simply make the claim rather than substantiate it.
left with no other choice than to do just that...due to the issue rased above.

You made specious excuses for not presenting your "data". You make claims you're not prepared to support and then you make a claim that is blatantly false.
nope...just waiting for the "miracle" to avoid about 200 years of trying to change the worlds belief systems.
'tis called economy, conservation of effort and simply I prefer a sun rise and enjoying time down the beach to trying to change any ones beliefs...
But I do note your response is typical of why no one would bother taking on such a task....and no doubt you will demonstrate with more examples in future posts.
nah! the understanding took about 6 years, but to change the world would take considerably longer.
In other words you're bullshitting.
All you have to do is present the evidence. Nobody changes the world in a single step. That's how it always works. If you're right you show someone else that you are. The word spreads...

left with no other choice than to do just that...due to the issue rased above.
Again, an avoidance.

nope...just waiting for the "miracle" to avoid about 200 years of trying to change the worlds belief systems.
And again.

'tis called economy, conservation of effort and simply I prefer a sun rise and enjoying time down the beach to trying to change any ones beliefs...
And another.

But I do note your response is typical of why no one would bother tking on such a task....and no doubt you will demonstrate with more examples in future posts.
And again.

Well done.
Just think...your attitude and those like yours just cost the worlds scientific community 7.5 billion Euros...sort of puts a smile on my face that I predicted this about 4 years ago...remember the discussions I had with Alphanumeric about the higgs and the Photon Challenge and a few other intriguing tales of wonder and adventure...
btw there is still that aggravating $500 USD reward for any one that can provide evidence of the existance of a Photon under the terms originally stated... 4 years I have been challenging people to provide proof and not once has any one done so...I could offer 4 million usd and the result would be the same.
so it beggars the question: Who's woowoo is costing the most?
Yours or mine?
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@Quantum Quack --

It's attitudes like his that also flew us to the moon, created the birth control pill, and put electricity in every modern home. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss an attitude like that just because it disagrees with me, that's called stupidity.
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss an attitude like that just because it disagrees with me, that's called stupidity.

That's pretty much what QQ is all about.
well put up or shut up.... show me the photon!
explain and predict the universal constant of gravity with 100 % certainty
explain mass hysteria at public events and genuine cases of "reflexive " paranormal events using the same science.
sorry but I prefer my woowoo to yours...much cheaper
Use quantum entanglement phenonema as your starting point and away you go..."Spooky action at a distance" someone once said...guess who?
btw the ancient Greeks used to believe this with out question and it has taken 2000 odd years since Platos start of science to go full circle
Just think...your attitude and those like yours just cost the worlds scientific community 7.5 billion Euros.
And your point would be, what?
Still waiting for this link showing that LHC has been declared a "failure".

btw there is still that aggravating $500 USD reward for any one that can provide evidence of the existance of a Photon under the terms originally stated... 4 years I have been challenging people to provide proof and not once has any one done so...I could offer 4 million usd and the result would be the same.
Oh yes. The thread where you are the sole arbiter of what you will, or will not, accept as evidence. Strange how no-one's won it. :rolleyes:

so it beggars the question: Who's woowoo is costing the most?
Yours or mine?
Oh, wrong again: it's not a question of what it costs, but what the results are.

well put up or shut up.... show me the photon!
But you fail to take your own advice: still nothing to back up your claims above.
@QQ --

Mine is more expensive because it actually works and produces things like computers and cars and clean, safe water and the like. Your's produces stuff like this. Yeah I think I'll stick with the stuff that works, you know, like relativity.
And your point would be, what?
Still waiting for this link showing that LHC has been declared a "failure".
ha..the funny thing about this is:
I claim the Higgs doesn't exist and have the theory to support it's non-existance and you guys are spending 7.5 billion Euros to prove me right....[chuckle]
so why am I complaining...sheesh!:shrug:
your saving me a whole heap of money!
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Ah, the old "I'm too lazy to do the work myself" gambit. That can be profitable if played right.
Depends on how you measure "results". Getting people to accept your bunkum would be a result, but it wouldn't actually matter to the scientific community which, I might remind you, is not a democracy.