Science in Parapsychology

Depends on how you measure "results". Getting people to accept your bunkum would be a result, but it wouldn't actually matter to the scientific community which, I might remind you, is not a democracy.
quote earlier post:

However I am prevented from presenting an appropriate explanation/theory due to the immediate dismissal and flaming such an attempt would generate from the "pseudo" sceptics whom offer more "woo" for their money than I would. [Also presenting the theory by necessity is an extremely large undertaking and requires major shifts in many understandings currently believed to be true when indeed they are quite false.]
In other words to present a comprehensive explanation would require the over turning of a huge amount of currently accepted beliefs and this is not practical given the standard human life span....[chuckle]
I rest my case
ha..the funny thing about this is:
I claim the Higgs doesn't exist and have the theory to support it's non-existance and you guys are spending 7.5 billion Euros to prove me right....
Except that it's NOT "proving" you right. :rolleyes:
Except that it's NOT "proving" you right. :rolleyes: that "right" because the LHC test have failed to reveal a Higgs or is it right because they are proving it doesn't exist [which is my contention]
The point I was trying to make abeit with humour is that to prove my theory correct I would probably have to invest 7.8 billion Euros to prove you wrong...and man why would I do that when you are doing it already?
you prepared to bet $50 USD that they won't find the Higgs Boson?
well I am....not a problemo...better bet than 7.8 + billion Euro for sure...
have a look at this link about a Sheep predicting the ALL Blacks to win the New Zealand Flag. dated today 2011-09-10


Is this evidence of a human preoccupation and sometimes obsession with psychic phenonema or what?
Through out history and even today I would hazzad a guess and say approx 90% of the world population have some belief system regarding psychic phenonema whether that be kneeling in church trying to telepathically talk to their God, lying prone on the ground in humility or chasing "rainbows" in Tibet.
Can you deny this evidence of entrenched human behaviour?
Can you explain why this is so when there is no evidence to support such beliefs that the various pseudo sceptics would accept?

Can you explain why the most ardent sceptic still pray to the universe for "goodluck" "prosperity" and love etc when they cry publically that such superstitious behaviour is a self fraud?
so who is frauding who? The pseudo sceptic who prays or the person who admits he is?
eh? what?
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Can you explain why the most ardent sceptic still pray to the universe for "goodluck" "prosperity" and love etc when they cry publically that such superstitious behaviour is a self fraud?

I don't pray, and I'm a pretty ardent skeptic. I used to pray when I was a christian, but that all stopped when I figured out that two hands at work are worth a trillion clasped in prayer.
I don't pray, and I'm a pretty ardent skeptic. I used to pray when I was a christian, but that all stopped when I figured out that two hands at work are worth a trillion clasped in prayer. don't wish for anything, don't project your desires upon something other than youself...?
Have no ambition nor goals beyond the present moment that are contingent upon other peoples behaviour. Don't have hopes and aspirations for a future after climate change, for example...and so on...?

as Yoda would say: "Pray you do"
If you were a true sceptic and not a pseudo sceptic you would have already realised that prayer is not the sole province of religion.. But your pseudo scepticism dis-allows you to see past your narrow outlook. [ no offense intended]
Sheesh! Even Rand himself prays..when he tries to solicit monthly subscriptions to his organisation.
You see, this is why agreed upon definitions are a good thing and why it's important to not switch definitions on a whim as you just did. In your previous post you were clearly using the religious definition of prayer to a higher being or power, in this last post you switched to the secular definition of "hoping for". So I suggest that you try for some consistency before you seek to admonish me on...well...anything.
You see, this is why agreed upon definitions are a good thing and why it's important to not switch definitions on a whim as you just did. In your previous post you were clearly using the religious definition of prayer to a higher being or power, in this last post you switched to the secular definition of "hoping for". So I suggest that you try for some consistency before you seek to admonish me on...well...anything.
I think you post is quite reasonable and surely I could have indicated more directly the extention of the context that I KNEW you were using. But I Guess I was being impatient and I apologise for not realising the need to be so pedantic.

In the quote below I mention pray to the universe and was implying neither religious nor secular focus but merely the universe at large and leaving it for you to take context as you needed to. Your a smart guy I thought you would work it out

Can you explain why the most ardent sceptic still pray to the universe for "goodluck" "prosperity" and love etc when they cry publically that such superstitious behaviour is a self fraud?
so who is frauding who? The pseudo sceptic who prays or the person who admits he is?
eh? what?
possibly you miss interpreted or I was being to vague?
However the point that all humans pray in some form still stands I feel and I look forward to your erudite response as to why a pseudo sceptic like your self is attempting to be telepathic every minute of every day and yet denounce such behaviour as hoax and fraud?
Ask youself as you read this : "What am I trying to tell QQ? What feelngs be it animosity or anger or what ever, am I projecting at him?" and then ask why the hell am I doing that when I, would and have been, ridiculing anyone else for attempting to do so.
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@QQ --

Praying to "the universe" is still beseeching a "higher power" to intercede on your behalf, and thus would fall under the religious definition of prayer, not the secular version. I do not do that. I might think "it might be nice if I found twenty bucks" but I never ask for it to happen, nor do I think that the thought alters the likelihood of it happening. So, what you were defining as "prayer" does not include my activities. Under the definition you were using in your post, I do not pray at all.

Your intended meaning is irrelevant if you fail to bring that across due to sloppy language and poor writing skills. Perhaps you should work on your own failings before projecting them into others so you can attack them

Ask youself as you read this : "What am I trying to tell QQ? What feelngs be it animosity or anger or what ever, am I projecting at him?" and then ask why the hell am I doing that when I, would and have been, ridiculing anyone else for attempting to do so.

That's so rich coming from you.
@QQ --

Praying to "the universe" is still beseeching a "higher power" to intercede on your behalf, and thus would fall under the religious definition of prayer, not the secular version. I do not do that. I might think "it might be nice if I found twenty bucks" but I never ask for it to happen, nor do I think that the thought alters the likelihood of it happening. So, what you were defining as "prayer" does not include my activities. Under the definition you were using in your post, I do not pray at all.

Your intended meaning is irrelevant if you fail to bring that across due to sloppy language and poor writing skills. Perhaps you should work on your own failings before projecting them into others so you can attack them

That's so rich coming from you.
as an example: I have chosen not to answer your post with the response you are "praying" for.

@QQ --

as an example: I have chosen not to answer your post with the response you are "praying" for.


Again, this usage of the word "pray" is definitionally different from the usage in your first post regarding the matter. I might be "hoping" for a certain response, but I am not beseeching you for a certain response. QED.