Science and Islam in Conflict

It's all the fault of the Americans and British.

Do you think that trade laws were any better for the Japanese? Haaaaa! Hardly! Way WAY worse than they are now. And for Koreans and Singaporeans?!?! Come on.
Also, you missed my question regarding Europe, the Dark Ages and Christendom.

As far as I am concerned Europe and the US are still in the dark ages. Only now they've figured out how to cloak it with respectability.
It's all the fault of the Americans and British.

Do you think that trade laws were any better for the Japanese? Haaaaa! Hardly! Way WAY worse than they are now. And for Koreans and Singaporeans?!?! Come on.

Look it up, maybe you can figure out why.
As far as I am concerned Europe and the US are still in the dark ages. Only now they've figured out how to cloak it with respectability.

Compared to science in Allah's name? Come on.
Compared to science in Allah's name? Come on.

Beats multinational corporations with protectionist governments behind them easing out sustainable societies, and chucking them into chronic hunger any day.
SAM, "I have looked it up" I am not asking you to provide me the details of the Dark Ages in Europe. I accept you assessment of the USA and Europe.

What I did ask for was your opinion.

What role do you think Christendom played regarding the European Dark Ages? Again, I am simply asking for your opinion. Do you think that Christianity was an enlightening force and encouraged a transition to Renaissance or do you think Christianity promulgated, perhaps even led to, the Dark Ages?

Just your opinion SAM,

If you want to start a thread on trade and poverty, I'd be happy to read it. I'd like to learn more. But this thread is supposed to be about the state of Science in the Middle East
In comparison to what? The 300 years of barbaric wars before? The two world wars and holocaust after? The current situation where they are still exploiting the Third World.?

I don't see any difference in attitude. So in what way did Christianity make a difference?
Think of science and art of the classic period of the Greeks and Romans.
Compare this with the science and art for period of approximately 450 -1000s AD
Finally compare this with the science and art in Europe during the 1400 - 1700.

You don't think that the rule of Christianity made any sort of difference in regards to science and art in Europe?
Beats multinational corporations with protectionist governments behind them easing out sustainable societies, and chucking them into chronic hunger any day.
Well, you're right about Islamic societies being ahead of Christian societies. Islamic societies already have widespread chronic hunger, while we're still working on it.
"Science and Islam in Conflict"

My first thought was, "Why should science be any different?"
Beats multinational corporations with protectionist governments behind them easing out sustainable societies, and chucking them into chronic hunger any day.

Hey, if you want to talk about Saudi Arabia, then let's start a new thread. ;) Not a unique phenomenon; and yet, not my chosen form of government either.

I hear they are still there.

:confused: No. All gone. Tiny remnant remaining. Extirpated culture. Iraq, Persia, the lot. I think it started back in the 700s when the Christians were invaded by muslims from Saudi Arabia. It sort of kept on for a while, which is what the Crusades were about - reconquest.
Just like an alcoholic one must first recognize there is a problem - that's the point.
That's going to be a hard one. There doesn't seem to have been any recognition whatsoever of the point that the evolutionist in the article above refused any conception of evolution that actually involved descent with modification. Personally, I'd have no trouble criticizing a "Christian scientist". Why is this leap so hard for those in islam? Surrender of the will means surrender of the mind?
Which is why, if it were not for oil, it'd be great to get financially out. Buying all that oil and giving free handouts is like supporting a drunk by giving them a beer. Sometimes you have to let people hit rock bottom.

Let them have a theocracy and when its failure makes Communism look like a glowing success then people will be in the frame of mind to maybe think about separating church and State.
Think of science and art of the classic period of the Greeks and Romans.
Compare this with the science and art for period of approximately 450 -1000s AD
Finally compare this with the science and art in Europe during the 1400 - 1700.

You don't think that the rule of Christianity made any sort of difference in regards to science and art in Europe?

Huh? What about it? The most profound architecture in Europe today is from the churches, the best art and music in the West is all related to or offset from Christianity. Before Christianity, Europe had no culture beyond what you'd find in a warring community dedicated to plunder. As for science, it was Christianity that focused attention on our relationship to the universe, in an intimate way, it was the monks who began the movements that propelled biological science to what it is today.

However, Westerns are still intolerant xenophobes to all cultures except their own. The only way they are willing to accept any is if they can somehow rename and claim them.

So nothing different.
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