Science and Islam in Conflict

Reading Incomprehension 102

Stratified system of current university education: graduate, post graduate education, teaching science separately from medicine, scholarships for merited students, etc.

Medical specialty, licensing, emergency room, hospices, separation of wards, medical oath, etc
Well well why not include stem cell treatment and we'll say the first hospitals were in last decade huh?
Meow, aren't we catty as of late?

I tend towards precision in language and expression and its tedious explaining myself to people who can't even take the trouble to read and when they ascribe to me opinions I have not declared or even suggested. So I resort to sarcasm, that way they might be inclined to pay attention. Though, I confess, I have about given up on you.
Reading Incomprehension 101.

Hsuan Tsang was a famous Chinese scholar who studied at the Nalanda University.
Oh when you reach 102 you'll find Xuanzang, Xuán Zàng, or the Wade-Giles Romanization system which produces Hsüan-tsang to be much better English translations. :p
I did Indian history throughout school; and I paid attention in class. I also read it for fun. Very few things about Indian history that you can surprise me with.

Sit back and keep making exscusses for Islam - in your lifetime you can watch the Middle East continue to digress. Not progress. Digress. I have no problem criticizing Europe or European History. I do it all the time. I have no problem criticizing my government and it's crappy leaders as well as our History. While I think Julius Caesar was perhaps one of the greatest leaders in history I have no problem stating he was outmaneuvered by the Senate. The Age of Discovery - yes, I can criticize this.

Most of the time we agree, but on Islam you believe in fairy magic flyi9ng horses and moon splitting into two and I don't. Just give up on me because I pretty much am done make the same arguments. You don't care if the entire theme of the human figure, by far the most prominent aspect of all art, was lost. Fine. I will discuss it with people who, like me, maybe give two craps. Maybe you think the lack of scientific progress is because of Americans and British? Maybe you think evolution is a bunch of crap and a magic sky-daddy planted us here - fine.

I call the European Golden Age the European Golden Age, not the Christian Golden Age even though some people were German, some English some even Russian, many Italian and all Christian. You call the Middle Eastern Golden Age the "Islamic" Golden Age. If you can not see how this taints your view of History then I really don;t think anything I can say will matter so lets agree not to discuss it again.

The problem with the ME is not too much Islam, it is too little. What the ME needs is to focus its education on what Islam is and teach it to the people there.

And you're still ascribing to me opinions I have never expressed.
OH, and lastly, this post is about why Science is being lost in the Middle East. Science is something we both care about. It's pretty obvious from History that monotheisms are antagonistic towards science.

That's a simple fact,
Science is being lost in the Middle East? :confused:

Do you just make it up as you go along?
Did you read the article?

Are you being cute? No science isn't be "lost" as in literally "lost".

This is a serious issue.

"The problem with the ME is not too much Islam, it is too little." This is like saying the problem with China is people are not communist enough. It's the peoples fault. We all know down which road that leads.

Again, what happens when the Qur'an, which like the Bible states we were created, bumps up against science - which shows for a fact we evolved? What happens when scientists in the Middle East say that the moon splitting into two is completely impossible and never happened? I'll tell you what happens, they get fired. That is what I mean when I say science is lost. If you don't' think so then take a look at the HUGE brain drain in the ME. Scientist are running to the secular West and East. There they have the freedom to do the work they love and there they make their careers. There is no argument here. It's a simple fact.

And that idiot "Professor" in Egypt. He says We know for a "fact" and his "scientific" resource was "its in the Qur'an". Come on SAM - try that on the next article you submit to Nature. You wouldn't even dream of it. Yet, here we have this dimwit leading the next generation of students saying such garbage. What year does this guy live in the year 700?!?
It's appalling at best.
You do agree with me on THIS?!?!? Surely you think that his answer is asinine?
Of course, if one professor from Egypt says so, the entire pool in the ME is contaminated. Since only people in the West are capable of independent thought.
Look at Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan etc.. all ex colonies of various peoples, all have been through huge wars in the last 50 years, Korea was even divided into two, all are extremely successful now.
Look at Japan - nuked twice and bombed flat - a scientific powerhouse today.
Did they need to become Islamic? No.
Did they need to become more religous? No.
What they did is became secular.
They focus on industry and science and education. It's paying dividends now.
Look at Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan etc.. all ex colonies of various peoples, all have been through huge wars in the last 50 years, Korea was even divided into two, all are extremely successful now.
Look at Japan - nuked twice and bombed flat - a scientific powerhouse today.
Did they need to become Islamic? No.
Did they need to become more religous? No.
What they did is became secular.
They focus on industry and science and education. It's paying dividends now.

Of course, if they are rich and have a car and television, they have a successful society. Since that is the criteria of success.

Whats the suicide rate? Divorce rate? Whats family life like? Interpersonal relations? Individual stress? Social equality? Perceived state of happiness or contentment?
Of course, if one professor from Egypt says so, the entire pool in the ME is contaminated. Since only people in the West are capable of independent thought.
Did you read the article? I beleive there were more than one person interviewed.
Saudi Arabia doesn't even allow for the teaching of evolution!
It's rampant SAM.
Not to mention the person who stated academics that differ with the Qur'an either leave or find a new area of research - one that won't get too close to religous dogma.

Why is it that the Middle East is lagging way behind even the East?
Of course, if they are rich and have a car and television, they have a successful society. Since that is the criteria of success.

Whats the suicide rate? Divorce rate? Whats family life like?
Come on SAM, Korea had the EXACT same GDP as Afghanistan a generation ago. They were dirt poor. They made that wealth themselves. Hard work, sacrifice and good investment in their education system. Not sitting around in a madras memorizing some poems - math, medicine, engineering, etc..

You think someone handed Taiwan their wealth? :bugeye:
I personally know people from Korea, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Also from Taiwan, now that I think of it.

Success is a subjective phenomenon..

Maybe not everyone wants a Western lifestyle.
Again, I just simply feel you are looking for any excuse when the answer is staring you in the face.

Think about the state of Europe under the control of the Church. One could say it was all the fault of the minor ice age, and I admit that that didn't help at all - but if one were to take an objective view of things they'd soon realize that the main, MAIN, hindrance was Christian dogma.

Do you agree with me on this at least?
And now its all better, because they only used first colonisation and later two world wars and a holocaust to teach everyone how peace loving and secular they are. Of course, as long as they are making their own society rich, who cares what they are doing in other parts of the world. The current structural adjustment through "fair" trade laws have surpassed all past atrocities.

But, lets look at how ejjucated and suxxessful they are. :rolleyes: