School bans 'slovenly' mothers from wearing pyjamas when they drop their children off

And i LOVE the judgements about what these women do or dont DO. How many of you have worked a night shift in your life? Some of them could well have just come off a 14 hour night shift, laid down for a few hours then had to get up again to drive the kids to school. Or as someone else said they could work from home,

I used to work shifts. I also now work from home. I NEVER used such as an excuse to go about my business inappropriately dressed.

FFS, how long does it take to pull on a pair of trousers and a sweater? Less than a minute! These people are so lazy that cannot be bothered to spend a single MINUTE pulling on street clothes!

On your hypothesis of a 14 hour shift, please, look at the picture I linked of the Chav that got evicted from Tesco.
Sure, and the wear clothes, not nightwear.

Well the women (who were quite wealthy) who dropped their kids off at my elementary school my mother included drove up in pajama pants and sweatshirts. I know my mother went back home and worked around the house for a few more hours before leaving to run errands and other mothers I assume went home for a while before leaving for work. When they came back to pick their kids up, they were often dressed in high heeled shoes and business suits or slacks and blouses. Hardly lazy welfare queens. But maybe things are different where this school is :shrug:. My school had the a similar rule about parents on the campus having to be the same dress code that the students had. But most parents thought that rule stupid so they often ignored it. The school never did anything about it.
When I started writing my reply I was going to make the same point about rules. But then I realized that he didn't really make any rules, he just sent out a notice calling them "slovenly and rude" which I applaud wholeheartedly.
Oh, well that's ok then. I mean, I disagree with him. In the sense that I would have so many other issues on my plate it would never come up. But I think expression is a option people use too little. He felt that way and he said it. That's fine.
I think so, Google the word 'chav' and you'll soon see what the issue is.

Chav (pronounced /ˈtʃæv/ (CHAV)) is a term applied to certain young people in the United Kingdom. The stereotypical "chav"—known also as a charver in Yorkshire and North East England[1]—is an aggressive teenager, typically unemployed or of working class background,[2] who repeatedly engages in anti-social behaviour,[2] such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdiness, or other forms of juvenile delinquency.

I can't say for sure but it still seems like hallucinations and class based stereotypes. Not addressed in the article and not dealt with by telling people they are slovenly or banning them from Tesco.

They are making sure their kids get to school. Period. We can't even protect children from bullying and sexual abuse...I really can't see how this got on anybody's priority list.
What a pile of shit. They've got no right to tell adults what to do.

I think most social conventions are bullshit anyway. If you are productive and treat other people with respect, it doesn't matter if someone is wearing a pressed shirt or a fucking exoskeleton suit.

I would love to start a society where no rules existed other than those necessary for moral reasons, such as 'don't assault anyone' or 'don't take what isn't yours'.
What a pile of shit. They've got no right to tell adults what to do.

I think most social conventions are bullshit anyway. If you are productive and treat other people with respect, it doesn't matter if someone is wearing a pressed shirt or a fucking exoskeleton suit.

I would love to start a society where no rules existed other than those necessary for moral reasons, such as 'don't assault anyone' or 'don't take what isn't yours'.
What a pile of shit. They've got no right to tell adults what to do.

I think most social conventions are bullshit anyway. If you are productive and treat other people with respect, it doesn't matter if someone is wearing a pressed shirt or a fucking exoskeleton suit.

I would love to start a society where no rules existed other than those necessary for moral reasons, such as 'don't assault anyone' or 'don't take what isn't yours'.

personally i love the hypocrasy. "Oh burkas are bad because they opress women" "but we have indecency laws on our books too" "oh who wants to see a pair of sweaty balls walking down the street". What stupidity
I would love to start a society where no rules existed other than those necessary for moral reasons, such as 'don't assault anyone' or 'don't take what isn't yours'.

And what do you think would happen? People would just moan at you about your rules, while your society slowly became the same as we have now, because what we have now, is due to human nature, and you, by yourself, cannot change that.
And what do you think would happen? People would just moan at you about your rules, while your society slowly became the same as we have now, because what we have now, is due to human nature, and you, by yourself, cannot change that.
Wouldn't this post function as a rebuttal to any proposal at all about how society should be?
Pandaemoni said:
I think you mean "Kudos for his making his personal pet peeve a rule that the school should enforce against the people who pay for the school to operate." The narcissism is Joe's, in that he thinks a pet peeve is a rule that all society should follow. There's no other word for that.
Well, as I pointed out to Doreen he didn't really make any rules, he just called people names... singling them out for public embarrassment. It's a useful social tool that seems to be anathema to today's PC culture where meaningless displays of individuality are vastly overvalued. Joe, in this case, is merely a reflection of more traditional societal values, providing the conservative pressure that helps balance out the progressive social forces. Both sides are necessary for a society to develop in a healthy manner.

As to this being his personal pet peeve, perhaps, but he also absolutely correct in his perception that improper attire demonstrates disrespect for social propriety. And in case you think this is something only stodgy older people care about try wearing preppy or cowboy clothing to a goth rock concert.

visceral_instinct said:
I would love to start a society where no rules existed other than those necessary for moral reasons, such as 'don't assault anyone' or 'don't take what isn't yours'.
Impossible. Even if you could start a society in the absence of such structures they would be created almost immediately. They always do. You can observe it in children who develop their own social rules, strata, myths, stories, even terminology and speech patterns that differ from their parents. Youth are the progressive social force of society as they strive to establish an identity separate from their parents.

Wouldn't this post function as a rebuttal to any proposal at all about how society should be?

Visceral proposed some society based upon her utopian ideal, I merely pointed out that human nature would drag that society towards what we have now, where society finds a level by itself. I was not proposing how society should be, I was just agreeing with the way it is, btw.
Are there no housewives where you live?

Are you saying that it is normal or the norm for a housewife to run around doing errands in Pjs? :bugeye:

Just because you are a stay home mom, doesn't mean that you don't get dressed. You probably aren't going to get dressed up like the women who do go to a job, but certainly you can throw on some jeans, yoga pants, t-shirt, flip flops, running shoes etc. Heading out to school or the grocery store in fuzzy slippers and your pj's, really shows you really don't give a shit about yourself at all. I don't think it is a good example for your kids either.

I wonder for those that do have husbands, what they think. I am sure they don't like seeing their women dressed as slobs all the time. It's one thing lounging around the house, but going out in public is another story.

Would you take your partner out dressed like that? If the answer is no, then I don't think your kids should have to been seen with them dressed like that either.

What next? Walmart insisting on shirt and shoes?

You have to wear shirts and shoes in ALL stores, restaurants, banks, businesses..... here.
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Are you saying that it is normal or the norm for a housewife to run around doing errands in Pjs? :bugeye:

Just because you are a stay home mom, doesn't mean that you don't get dressed. You probably aren't going to get dressed up like the women who do go to a job, but certainly you can throw on some jeans, yoga pants, t-shirt, flip flops, running shoes etc. Heading out to school or the grocery store in fuzzy slippers and your pj's, really shows you really don't give a shit about yourself at all. I don't think it is a good example for your kids either.

I wonder for those that do have husbands, what they think. I am sure they don't like seeing their women dressed as slobs all the time. It's one thing lounging around the house, but going out in public is another story.

Would you take your partner out dressed like that? If the answer is no, then I don't think your kids should have to been seen with them dressed like that either.

You have to wear shirts and shoes in ALL stores, restaurants, banks, businesses..... here.

I also have to say, that I have seen those Wal Mart Customer's pictures. I have NEVER seen anyone remotely close
to dressing like any of those characters. In fact most of the ppl that shop there are dressed pretty nice.

HA, PB's PJs cost ALOT more than her clothes. clothes are cheep, sleepwear ISNT
HA, PB's PJs cost ALOT more than her clothes. clothes are cheep, sleepwear ISNT

I am not talking about expensive lingerie (pj's) That isn't what these women are wearing out. :rolleyes:

I am talking about those PJ pants, you can pick up anywhere for $10.00
and old ratty pair of fuzzy slippers for $3.99 thrown on with a worn out T-shirt.
I am talking about those PJ pants, you can pick up anywhere for $10.00
and old ratty pair of fuzzy slippers for $3.99 thrown on with a worn out T-shirt.

You describe the woman in this picture perfectly;


Note how her PJ pants are just long enough to drag in puddles, so they get all nice and wet and muddy, so she can then sleep in a nice gritty, dirty bed that night.
Note how her PJ pants are just long enough to drag in puddles, so they get all nice and wet and muddy, so she can then sleep in a nice gritty, dirty bed that night.

Or the dirt and germs she is carrying into the house on those slippers. Does she think she is glamming up the outfit by putting on those huge earrings? :rolleyes:
Or the dirt and germs she is carrying into the house on those slippers. Does she think she is glamming up the outfit by putting on those huge earrings? :rolleyes:

whats with this aversion to dirt everyone seems to have? people WAKE UP, this sterile sociaty is KILLING PEOPLE. Allergies and Ashma rates are higher in the cities than in country areas inspite of the fact that there are more allergins in country areas. People in the cities who have a pet (dog or a cat or some other animal they can play with, not just a fish) have comparitable rates of allergies as those from country areas. Why? because without exposure to pathogens the immune system goes haywire and starts attacking everything. Further more if people arnt exposed to pathogens when a really dangerious one comes along (say a new flu variant) the body has no defence because defence is built up as a catalog of antibodies are created in the body which alows it to actack similar (if not exactly the same) pathogens. Its one of the reasons breast feeding is so important because it gives the baby a head start as the baby absorbs the mothers antibodies.