School bans 'slovenly' mothers from wearing pyjamas when they drop their children off

nope, its illegal on most beaches
I think the societal objection to nudity is more about a juvenile reaction to sex in general rather than an issue of dress codes. I find it more amusing than annoying but I suppose that's because I'm not an exhibitionist at heart. It's strange to see entire social groups with the same psychological dysfunction though, isn't it? I think it would be interesting to study just how those arise and propagate though a society.

I could have sworn 18-23 year olds were considered adults, but okay whatever. And what lessons did they learn? They kept coming back to school dressed like that everyday. They only stopped when the fashion trend died, I was only a young teen at the time and even I thought the style was beyond tacky. It still is tacky, whether 7 year olds, 15 year olds, 30 year olds, or 50 year olds dress like that.
I find it's best not to make the determination based on age. There are plenty of 50 year-olds that act like children and I've met some 16 yo that could easily outmatch them in social intelligence and emotional maturity.

The superficial lesson that some of them hopefully learned is that when you attend an interview in your PJs you tend not to get the job.

The deeper lesson is that their appearance makes an impact on other people. One's appearance communicates a tremendous amount of information. Attire is an aspect of appearance that can be controlled and therefore one should consider what message they are sending. The part I find amusing is when people object to others taking note of the message they themselves are sending.

First, everyone doing what they want is not necessarily the end of society, so long as what they want is peaceable and not likely to lead to a splintering of society.
I'm always curious about this assertion. What should we call it, functional social anarchy? I tend to think it's due to a misunderstanding of social ethics and their function. Perhaps you can explain how this would work?

Society will, somehow, survive the scourge of pajamas. Soldier on, buddy, as frightening as you may find pajama clad women, anarchy will not result. Trust me.
The truly frightening fragmentation will come when the stick up your ass shatters, given how rigid it is. It has to be like glass, given that you see this as a sign of the end times, and "shattered glass ass" isn't pretty.
Sorry to disappoint, but the assumptions you've made about me are woefully inaccurate. I do think society is become more factionalized and partisan though which I find problematic. Of course, this may be a function of population growth too.

As to the personal insults, I'll let them slide for the time being and assume you can muster the maturity for a reply that isn't ad hominem.

I am sitting here in a shirt, slippers and Pj pants right now. I don't think I could get the nerve to head out like this grocery shopping. It would have to involve money and a dare.
what a pac of snobs. Basically get over it, i have driven PB to work in a dressing gown and nothing else, i have also driven her in a suit because i have had an interview.
I certainly would NOT feel insulted or disrespected to see others go about their lives in public in pyjamas.

I would shake my head and think 'That's an odd fashion', sure, but I would not assume to make rules for them about what they can and can't wear.
... i have driven PB to work in a dressing gown and nothing else...

oh man! really? Didn't your balls stick to the seat? <shudder> And doing it one time is not what the man's complaint is about. Its considering pajamas to be a style that is acceptable to go shopping in. To drop your kids off it. Its laziness.
Welcome to the age of bedhead. It's not pessimism, though, it's a sense of "I don't care what you think" self-confidence...
You mean the same population who are swallowing anti-depressants in record numbers?

I imagine the ultimate in self-confidence would be to show up for work naked!

Nah, when you've got people paying good money to look like they just got out of bed...they obviously CARE deeply about appearances.
oh man! really? Didn't your balls stick to the seat? <shudder> And doing it one time is not what the man's complaint is about. Its considering pajamas to be a style that is acceptable to go shopping in. To drop your kids off it. Its laziness.
Are we going to have bans on laziness now?

Maybe people who grow beards are lazy.
What about people who have butlers and maids to help them dress?

hell, if we are concerned about laziness, most of these people should be walking or biking their kids to school instead of driving them.
So what if it's laziness. I'm lazy in that I sometimes leave gel in my hair and simply run wet fingers through it and put a new load on the day after instead of properly washing it out. Are you going to make a rule against that? Try it. Suck my 3 day old Shockwaves, motherfucker.

My point being? You don't have the right to ban something simply because you personally disagree with it, or because you ascribe a lack of a semi-moralistic virtue to it. Can I ban those pastel pink sports pants half the girls in my town wear, because I think it denotes laziness of mind and lack of individuality? Can I ban nosiness and sticking your beak where it doesn't belong?
You mean the same population who are swallowing anti-depressants in record numbers?

I imagine the ultimate in self-confidence would be to show up for work naked!

Nah, when you've got people paying good money to look like they just got out of bed...they obviously CARE deeply about appearances.

As I said, "often as not faked," but I am pretty sure the Pajama Mammas are not faking. They just don't care what you think.
Are we going to have bans on laziness now?

Maybe people who grow beards are lazy.
What about people who have butlers and maids to help them dress?

hell, if we are concerned about laziness, most of these people should be walking or biking their kids to school instead of driving them.

no no no no, I don't think they should be banned for what they wear. That's ridiculous.
I just think a parent's laziness sets a bad example for kids.
no no no no, I don't think they should be banned for what they wear. That's ridiculous.
I just think a parent's laziness sets a bad example for kids.
Oh, sure. I am not saying that dressing any which way is a good thing in all cases and contexts. Just the idea of making rules about it and also that some people in the thread seem to think it is rather important. Hell, these kids are at least being escorted to the school. Some parents don't care enough to do that. Others are abusing their kids sexually.

I mean, priorities, people.
Oh, sure. I am not saying that dressing any which way is a good thing in all cases and contexts. Just the idea of making rules about it and also that some people in the thread seem to think it is rather important. Hell, these kids are at least being escorted to the school. Some parents don't care enough to do that. Others are abusing their kids sexually.

I mean, priorities, people.

I'm with you.

When we've solved all the evils of the world and there is no rape, no poverty, no crime or hurt of any kind, then maybe, I can understand people whining about pyjamas.

Until then, shut the fuck up and focus on more important problems.
I'm with you.

When we've solved all the evils of the world and there is no rape, no poverty, no crime or hurt of any kind, then maybe, I can understand people whining about pyjamas.

Until then, shut the fuck up and focus on more important problems.

As a side issue, I resent the way people relax when everyone acts like they are in the right boxes.

Like if everyone has a fit and make up rules and send letters and then people are shamed into not wearing pjs when they drop off their kids, it will somehow be taken as an improvement. When it might be no change at all or it might even makes things worse, but behind the scenes.

These women might be, for example, depressed to some degree or irritated with their options and this is a side effect. So we shame them into living how we think they should live. Has their depression gone away. Nah. They are probably still depressed and now irritated and shamed. Great, that should make them better parents.

I am not saying this is why the women are doing this. I just see this as a kind of I don't want to see the way things are so you change kind of approach to community.
As a side issue, I resent the way people relax when everyone acts like they are in the right boxes.

Like if everyone has a fit and make up rules and send letters and then people are shamed into not wearing pjs when they drop off their kids, it will somehow be taken as an improvement. When it might be no change at all or it might even makes things worse, but behind the scenes.

These women might be, for example, depressed to some degree or irritated with their options and this is a side effect. So we shame them into living how we think they should live. Has their depression gone away. Nah. They are probably still depressed and now irritated and shamed. Great, that should make them better parents.

I am not saying this is why the women are doing this. I just see this as a kind of I don't want to see the way things are so you change kind of approach to community.

Oh I agree.

If it's out of depression, people should show sympathy instead of demanding they dress better as if telling a naughty kid what to do.

And even if they are happy with their lives, it is still no one's business to tell them what they can and can't wear.

I disagree with such stupid social rules. So what if someone is wearing clothes you disagree with? When you develop internal bleeding from looking at my clothes, I will change them. Until then, piss off, avert your eyes, and lay off on the self righteous narcissism. I happily go about wearing black PVC or leather, and I don't remotely care what people think.
You know the end is nigh when its cool to care less.
Oh, I think it's great when we care less about some things. I definitely think we should give less shit about how people dress.

Take ties for example. No one should have to have a rope around their neck to be dressed appropriately for their job.

Take all the material and financial waste that goes into keeping one's professional clothes in fashion. Let alone in one's private life.

Then the being buff, having the right hairstyle, that things should be certain brands or designers. I wish the whole mass of people should just chill out, not that I plan to try to ban all this crap.

So I disagree with you. We definitely need to care less about some things.

And notice, we are trained to care in part because it makes certain people money. But it's more than that. We are trained that our masks are vastly more important than who we are.

We should all be allowed to wear comfortable clothes, too hell with norms and fashion.
Oh I agree.

If it's out of depression, people should show sympathy instead of demanding they dress better as if telling a naughty kid what to do.

And even if they are happy with their lives, it is still no one's business to tell them what they can and can't wear.

I disagree with such stupid social rules. So what if someone is wearing clothes you disagree with? When you develop internal bleeding from looking at my clothes, I will change them. Until then, piss off, avert your eyes, and lay off on the self righteous narcissism. I happily go about wearing black PVC or leather, and I don't remotely care what people think.
yes, I thought you did. Yes, sympathy would be nice. Certainly they should be asked about why they do it before they are attacked, if the issue has to come up at all. Laziness doesn't really exist, I believe. I think there is always something else going on: hopelessness, bad experiences, unsureness about what one wants to do, home situations that do not allow one to have things to look forward to, stuff like that. Before shaming, at least investigate. What is going on? Maybe the women will say they like it, it's comfy, fuck off. And for me that's enough. But maybe others will relay facts about the lives of working class mothers, if that is who these women are, that we actually need to know. Maybe society could find itself with some real problems and issues to sink its teeth into rather than this shallow petty one.

I agree about the danger issue. If it were dangerous for others, OK.

Part of the absurdity of this for me is having grown up in NYC. I mean, please. People need to get on the subway and different times a day. Class, ethnic background, context, social group affect ideas of appropriate clothing so radically that I cannot even imagine people think there is a norm. I used to stare at other ethnic groups - sometimes two different ones sitting next to each other - and marvel at the different ideas of beauty and appropriate garb. Me I haven't given a shit, mostly, but many people obviously do, put in careful effort, were obviously following someone's ideas of right clothes - since whole groups would have similar aesthetics - but these ideas were not only different but contradicted each other. And some Indian men were wearing pajamas - if I had to class the clothes in my circles. So what? And many of the white people had jogging outfits - hell, what are those pajamas with racing stripes and uncomfortable materials.

What the hell are pajamas? Soft pants and shirt. Is it belts that are important? The material should be thicker? You bad person, that material is a couple of millimeters too thin. Think of your child.

People are nuts.
I don't think they should be banned, but prepared to be pointed at or looked down on. If you have no problem with that, go for it.
You aren't going to be taken seriously by other parents or the school though.
What if there was no dress code for the kids at school. Do you think it would be okay for kids to head out to school in Pj's and slippers?
I don't think they should be banned, but prepared to be pointed at or looked down on.
As far as I can tell there is no avoiding being looked down upon by some % of the population and pointed at on occasion either. And part of what I am saying is that the attitude is wrong. I am not just saying the ban is wrong, I am saying the attitude is wrong. If more people say this, perhaps less people will care. I mean people look down and point for interracial relationships - in some places even today. I mean, people need to get lives of their own or deal with real problems.

You aren't going to be taken seriously by other parents or the school though.
There are people who don't take other people seriously if they aren't wearing designer clothes. Or if their taste shows they are from a 'lower' class. Honestly I have trouble taking people who put a lot of effort in getting the latest fashions seriously and if you have a band I hate on your t-shirt uncontrollable urges to look down on you sometimes arise in me. Cowboy boots set me off too, not that I am proud of this.

What if there was no dress code for the kids at school. Do you think it would be okay for kids to head out to school in Pj's and slippers?
jUltimately, yes. But in society the way it is, I'd want parents to keep their kids from being targets more than this. Once they are adults, however, they should be free to walk around in pajamas.

Kids, by the way, will be spending the whole day in those clothes in close quarters with other children. Though this wouldn't matter to me either if the pjs were fresh, iow not slept in straight through.

It is not the same issue. I don't know what these mothers do after they've dropped the kid off and it's none of my business. If they go somewhere in close quarters with other people, then those other adults can deal with like adults do.
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